INPl'TKNPENOIS KNTHKTRISK, INJW.'KNPKtfCK, OHKCJON Qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo 05 OIL 0D 0-5 0D THE COLUMBIA Disc Qrapbopbone QD QD QD QD OD Q5) QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD QD THE TALKING MACHINE A few year ago an awe-inspiring scientific mystery with which the public-occasionally came, in contact in exhibition hails, is now. in it 11 for,", the l.raj h -phone, a familar object iu ol homes, ac tionably, the Gramophone is the richest button science has made to the entertainment iiid austruetion of the world. The Graphophone is so free from mechanic al intricacies that a moment's study sulliees to master it. When the Granhoidione'e matchless powers of entertain ment are considered, it value cannot be measured in money. There is no other machine or instrument that can be purchased at any price that will afford so varied and so delightful an entertainment. , Ifvou are interested and want to know just how they will'sonnd in your home let us know and we will give you a nice free entertainment at home. ID CO 10 10 40 10 CO 10 10 10 10 CO 10 CO CO 10 CO CO 0 O. A. KRAMER Sr CO., INDEPENDENCE, ORE. ; I'ABKKK. E. Emmons was a Parker visitor Thursday. Donald Bolter was a Sunday visitor at Parker. Ed. Steele, of Suver, was seen on our streets Sunday. Frank Berry is visiting at Mr. Peterson's this week. Mrs. Luella Winn officiated as mail carrier last week. Miss Velena Fuqua visited Sun day with Mabel Swink. Jake Torgeson was a business visitor to Parker Tuesday. Mrs. E. Evans was a business visitor at Parker Monday. Miss Lucy Bolter was an over Sunday visitor at Farter. A. J. Knighton made a trip to Parker Thursday on business. A. J. Hall, of Buena Vista, was a passenger to Corvallis luesaay Roone. and Chas. Allen attended lodge at Suver Saturday. Master Dorrian and Miss Ulla Dickinson are on the sick list this week. G. C. Bolter attended the "Ben II ur" performances at Portland Saturday. r. orwl Mm Jan. Alexander, ef Independence, visited Thursday at Mrs. Lacey's. Miss Marie Helmick, of Mon mouth, spent Sunday with her parents here. Miss Judith Steele was an incom ing passenger on MondayB train from Albany. Mr. Torgeson h as 6nished his contract of delivering baled hay to Portland firms. Mrs. Richardson, of Buena Vista, was a passenger to Corvallis Mon day, returning Tuesday. Mra Graves and son. George, of Independence, visited from Satur' hontimr match to l held here Saturday, Dwembor H A. S. Whiteman, of near Jell'or on, was haulinn jih farming implements from the depot last week. Mra. Davidson ami sisters, Mrs. Wilson, of Sumpter, and Mrs. Kichardson, of Buena Vista, left Monday by boat, lor a visit with relatives at Salem. Kv. Thompson, of Buena N ista, delivered an interesting sarmon at the school house Sunday afternoon. Ilia enthusiastic ellorti along the line of hi chosen profession certain ly received the approbation oi w.e people of our community We are very urateful to Mrs. Goo. n;.'k inmm for the lovelv cake pre- nented to us at the party Saturday evening, and we also wish to thank the kink friend who reixiereu us the pleasant surprise, tor ineir kindness in this, and in many other instance, and to assure then) that our heart are saddened by thought of the parting near at hand. OAK POINT. day but it is not known what game I hey Pl ur ny. John Oabtirn went to Dallas Mon day to attend court. Chas. Tressler. from Idaho, has been visiting John Unburn. Alhan and Georeo Becker and Freddie Young went shooting Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Manley Martin tt a tiirilau 11 ami cnuurcu spem Salem. George Simons walked out from Independence to Bpond Sunday at his homn. Miss Mamie Kellogg, of Inde nendence. spent Sunday with Miss Janie Young. iKr, Ynnnu has returned Irom Portland, where he went to have his eyes treated. Mrs jas. T.' Huntley is very ill at her home, but it is thonght she will soon recover. Tk. r,.uaa flora ml Iva Mar tin and Ida Moore epent Sunday at Mrs. Mary Marrow'a. The Greenwood school is prepar ing for an entertainment and Christmas tree on Christmas eve. Last Thursdav evening. Dec. 3rd., a crowd of young people from here went up to Oak G-ove, to a literary society, in th Oak Grove school house. Meeting was called to order aid a good entertainment . ior, The crowd who went from here consisted of: Mrs. Jas. T. Hnntlev. and the Misses Witzei, Clara Barley, Clara and Iva Mar tin, Loona Becker, Ida Moore and Bertha Holmes, Messrs JJei uaney. Ralph Martin, Allen Becker, Wal ... ;ma T fi. Barlev. Leon Barley, and Vernon. n . , . ., , ... day till Monday at Mr. Fuqa's. XT.. T n Tloirirlann visiter! With J relatives at Buena Vista Sunday. Claud Boone is making arrange Our Hew Location 269 LIBERTY ST. (I I , r Now building next dour to Jo. Meyer 4 Num. ('I i The IIousc -Furnishing Co., Next door to Jotf ph Mcytri & Sons, SALEM, OKE. ' Stores at Salem and Albany. Call and get fine Furniture Polish free. IV) not misa Booing our HUj'crior lino of Car IK'tings, Mattings and Litioloums. 1 V. II. Mack lot a viilunlilo horo M.iiiiluy. C K, Wli.wlovk lout a row lut wcnk, Valtit'U st )75. i stariiitf hero wllli her Kriinlinotliir, Mr. Allt'ii luwii. Kiiifi'im ll.mkins l ilowu on a vlit (roiu KttKlt'rn Urrijou. H. I. Curt'iiei al . Harvpy, at iKiidftt inttalnit at Moninouth Stimtny. I'Ura Mi-Cli't sod ii'-o- Hulhvan bulclicre.1 lw lot John Sevier Mon.Uy. r ,!.. tin in ImM UlircllAMtt IUIDMIIV w Itititfleiand will rvroof the Moran rest-dance. Mark In tnklnir luimlr le- iis uniler Mrs. Ittitta I'owull, at Mun- mouth. AuKiistDlirnssnd his lter, Kuimi and iwtha, drove at the county et Huturduy. Henry l'nlsu and wife, ol Indepen dence, HM-d through huro Bunday en route to I'edeo. Minn Orra Towns it awdstinK . Mrs. l!otn with her house work at the Uiik aw mill on the Uilson ranch. William Herren, Tom SuuipPT and Hons l'ettit rattind two coons while out tiuutintr too oinur eveniuif. ti.,i.,Ik Strain. Die iovlal and nietMnit road suervnor ol the south Monmouth, precinci, was out on our roads Wednes day. Georue Hheldan has Wn chosen pres ident ol our literary and debating f ciuty. The question lor next Saturday evening is: Resolved ttial more know ledge is received by observation than tluoilKh Dooas." tne luauers uro 4. o. Mark and U. W. Hill. Ittiskct Hoalul. ANTIOCII. Grandma Herren lias returned Airlio. from 10 10 10 to m See Our fioliday Specialties, Roller Bearing Carpet Sweepers, Rochester Silver Nickel ed Coffee Pots, Tea Rots, etc., Nickel Plated Wash ' Boilers, Specialty Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Scissors and Shears, Table Cutlery. . make your wife a present of a monarch malleable Range. R. M VADE 5i GO. IDSTDEPElSTDElsrCE, OREGON. A. J. GOODMAN, Mgr. at CO 0 to CO m Special Irom Parker. A liket social will he hekl tne Parker school houoe on Friday nicht. December 18th. An inter- ..Htiiitr Droeraru is heina preparod hv tlin teacher and the pupil of HiH Hfihoo!. after which the baskcta will be Hold at auction, the jro ceedB to be applied toward pur- .lin-inif an orcan for the school. No admission charged. Everybody noma and brtncr a basket The following program will be rendered: Greeting Song School Welcome Address . . . (uy Peterson Recitation, "O'er the lelephone '. . if i . j . v eiena r u(iua Solo Mrs. K. Davidson. t!..i itdt inn. "Christmas Storv1 Mabel Wheelock. Song. ."Women's Uights". .School. Hecitation, "JIow Miss fcilith Help .l Thinos Alontr" , Carrie Eyans. Song. ."Christmas Jubilee". School. Duet. ."Mnsic-on the Waves . . Maecio and Carrie Evans .. ... ..I.... tr? il.-:t.Mno KeCUailOn,. JKKX. rure vlllinuuno Ivor Davidson. Instrumental solo. . Maggie Evans. Song.. ."Star in the Sky". .School. To Improve the appetite aud strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of (,'hamberluiirs Htomach and I.lver Tablets. Mr. J. H. HeltJ!, of De troit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when Imputed, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleas ant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." There are people In this community who need Just such a med icine. For sale by Klrkland Drug Co. Every box warranted. Carpet and Km Weaving. rnrtiis wishing work done in this line will please rail at mv resident on block wt and ball blork north ol Palace Hotel. Mrs. II . II. navnrv, ini)Kpknii:nck. ouiu;on i:. t. hi:ski.i: Barber Shop. MAIN STIlKKT, One innr south of Post OHioe. Fine Hath in connection with shop I.N'PKl'KNUKNl'E, OllEflON. fi. R. nebrbas, D. D. $ Monmouth Dentist Over P. O. Monmouth. Co Bop Growers Allow me to quote you prices ou hop wire. Hest quality guaranteed, Cor- reHudenoe solicited. WALTER MORLEY, Hitlern Fence Work J. 8. MOO UK. . Tonsorlal Artist Only hrst-class workmen em ploynl in the "Wigwam." Shop situated on North side of C Street. Ask He Agent for Tickets VIA TO aPOKANC SI. PAUL, DHXTII, MINNEArOLLS CHICAGO ANO ALL POINTS CAST. 2 TJtAIXS DAILY 2 Font Time NIW COUIPMENT THROUOHCUT Iny ;oin'he Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Ballet Smoking Llbrsry Can. DAYLIGHT TUIP THHOUGil CAB CADE AND ROCKY MTN8. For rates, folders and toll informa tion regarding tickets, routes, Hie., eatl on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent J. W. FHiXON, Tmt. Pass. Agt., Portland. A. B.C.DKINISTOO, W. P. A. 011 Flsv At, SMr, Watk.