4 -." 3 INOHrUNPKXCK HNTEIilT.ISIi. IXDKrKNUKNCK, OliJiCON THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE , . i i n l For underwear just cull and ,lrt us show you our line. We. hare nitiiiK very lino, all wool mid lloece lined underwear, nil sue?, and our price are as lo.v an any one. V A. MeSStier. We are. "informed that Mr. O. A. Kramer ha had made to order ft k - t f ami fork with 1(5 iUt. of sif vor instead of 12 dt., the stand ard. The cost in only a little more while the we.tring quality in one thin! mote Hon. Geo. I., H.iwkin, of Dallas, was in town S.h t ii r Jav . He in n uiemher of the legislature, aiul during the last session was opposed j to the new tax law. to correct an ! error in which the legislature will noon convene in extra session. The Knights of Pythias gave a liHiiijuet an.l reception to their member ami ladies lust cveiiing ' Don't forget to ask for your ticket with each purchase at our store. Just Half Price We nre tryimj to close nut out line of toothpick. They regularly cll fur . cent per Ihi. They now i;o hi I' Knot for ft mil. 3 t. :. . i. ..... 1....... .. ...... i )! At IS II HN lu K'l lltvc? r-i-l i im'r, " j p'easant affair in fact that goes Whisk Brooms We have a doton nr no line whisk hrmiMiH tlml r (,'iilnrly retail for '.Vi cent. Tliey are now i!"'"t! lit 10 41'lllH Olllll, : Our Stock of Holiday Goods Will It tin' iinit chii,.'i to tliiil lin ever been in llin cllv Hmno uf utii K'"l" me now turn iim fr.H.i tin' rant iin.l nil may ! ot ported short Iv, ;25 Cickcis Gel One Pound of Candy Willi each 5. rent iirrlii of tlKnl lit ii r ioro i ill wive you it - m Mm . ono lo!Ur purchase yd :'i tnkcls, and l the ticket et Villi II lllli of our Kn-nrli MimiI Candy fnn o flmr '. E. C. Merrill is moving to Carl ton. E. Owen was in Portland last week. J. D. Beven,' of Airlie, was in town Tuesday. Pres. P. L. Campbell visited in Monmouth during the week. Pres. E. D. Ilessler was an in coming passenger Friday morning. Some of the new 2-ient postage stamps have appeared in the local mail. Pres. P. L. Campbell, of Eugene, was a MonnKuth visitor over Sat urday. J. S. Bohannon left Saturday for a few days stay in Astoria and Portland.' Gordon Baker and George Day, McMinnville boys, were in town this week. Call and see our line of men's and boys' clothing and ever coats. V. A. Messner. Floyd A. Villiam9. the star play er of the Corvallis team, visited his brother, M. C, Friday. Wallace Huntley, wife and moth er, Mrs. T. B. Huntley, visited in Portland over Sunday. A. J. Shipley, teacher of the Sunny Side school, was a passenger to Junction City last Thursday. Mrs. Messner returned to her home in North Yamhill Monday, after a visit with her son, W. A. Messner. without saying anythim: the Kuighu do is a pleasant affair. Lyman Damon has put in a new phone at the dock, and ha con tracted fo a light at the corner of the gravel walk. The walk is to he regraveled. and then it will lie in first-class shape, rain or shine, day or night. Wo ii n dorstand ('has. Mnttison has purelinneii the IXinty brick. A non of K. A. l.iuk, of LowUville, ij lu-re from I'ittsburir, on a vi-it to his father. Car loa.l of American wire fence to arrive in n fi;w days. Sold tiy K. M. AVaJe A Co. A girl wen born to Mr. ami Mrs. 1V11 Mmiuous, of north Iinleprmlenif , on Novembur 'M. Tlie Mao-abeo loilge is arranging for a ew Year's bull at the Auditorium. Everybody invited. A considerable amount of new had to be omitted from this week's iiwue, owing to a chapter of unfortunate in cidents. It will ajear next week. Preaching Hunday, Decemlier Uth. both morning and evening at the United Evangelic! church. 8. H. at 10:00 A. M. K. L. C. E. at (MO P. M. All are Invited. A line lino of (.'l;rltuim goHliH now on display at Wagoner's. Pretty mid u'ful articlin will Ihi ou Male at the Pefthyterlan tmunr. Jack Wllxon ntarted to Illuiolii Wod iie.ntny, for vlnlt with relatlveM. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. (Nmper wint to Portland Tuemhiy to m-o "lieu Hur." ('. (1. Kiitherlaud and J. It. Parrott, of Portland, eeiit iSuuday lit I r. Ilutler's. The Auditoriuiu im bilng artistically dtcorated for tho Lewis Jn Clark dance Friday evening. A boy wan born to Mr. and Mr. Clarence Mark, of Lticklumute, the ;iilth of November. Mra. C. I.. Pilchard and little daugh ter, Dorotha, left for their home lu Utica, N. YJ, Wediiecdtty, to remain. lturKiiin prieeK on guns ut It. M. Wade and Co's. A gun and hunting coat won Nl muku a uneiul Xiiius pres ent. Call in nod hi'o the tine line of Clirlot miiH good nt Wagoner'n. The orcheNtra aiiiioiliicrit 11 pri'pur kIIiiii for Cliriihn.n ud ulo a New Year's ball. Future HiiiioiiiieeiiieutM Inter. Nil in- Mattlxou In lying at di'iitlm door at hi hiinie In Went Indepen dent. Much anxiety U etitertallieil u to hlx condition. The tmiit rim in the bun It Monday evening itn.l pent the entire night getting Moated again. The fog ' deliK that It wn luipiMnlbln to (heir whereaboutii. No dauger wan done. rxpliillioil Hie HM'IIiihI of till" feoelit dlxi'iivery of the Wllele teligrapby mid lllu.lriilrd hl mibject by the Hp plication "f the great plmclpiil llivuly ed to religious life. Jl !l IhvH to- ijllfill'il to rrH llt Ilia riliull, W llil'll llO may do after the holiday. A gin or two of water taken half an hour Ix-tortt brrakfiit will usually keep the IhiyvcI rfgulnr. IUili ra thartlc iilioiilil le avoldetl. When purKatlvo I ntHnlei!, lake Chainlwr liiiu's htomuch mid I.Ivor Tablet. They are mild and gentle In their ac tion. For nle by Klrklutid Drug Co. t'rl of ThHiik. We niiwt cliiien-ly thank our Irlend am! lielKhhol for the kindlier. tiny kImiui'iI to ti during the lllni-mi and Mrs. Wilson, of Nevada, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. II. Stumberg and Mrs. S. B. Irvine, four sisters, went to Portland Saturday to visit relatives. Blankets, blankets. Yes, we have a" large stock ot wool and cot ton blankets, and a nice line of comforters as well. W. A. Mess ner. The boys football team here de feated a team made up of local young men by the score of 10 to 0 Saturday. No team has scored against the boys this year. The reception given by Mrs. M. S. Goffand Mrs. John Dickinson iu honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson Thursday afternoon was a very pleasant affair. About 100 attended. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, a resolution wus passed changing the rem ling of the city election notice from "three coun cilmeu for a period of two years and one councilman for u period of one year" to read "three couucilmcn for a period of two years" The council bus passed that when a vacancy is created it has the power to fill that vacaucy over the next general election. Y ith all due respect to the ability of the geutlenieu who compose the noun- j cil, nevertheless we must differ. The election of couucilmcn Is a prerogative vested iu the people, lc Inn power to supply a vacaucy, but when the time comes when the people have legul right to elect once a year the oflico again becomes vacant. We cite as a precedent the following: A equator of the United titates is elected for a period of six years, he may serve a mouth, a year, or a day, he renigu8, removal or death causes a vacancy, the governor j tills that vacancy for how long? Only until such time as the proper body meets to elect to again fill that vacancy. The charter may say the council has the privilege to elect to fill a vacaucy, no matter if it does pass over a general election, but we hold that would be illegal. We would not be ho positive were it not for the fact that several week ago we took occuxiou to uscertafii the views of some of the state's leading jurists, among the mem- Tlie Prenbyterlaii ladles are arrang ing for their ba.aar to be given aUnit the middle of the monlh. A handker chief booth will lie a feature. H toll's Thanksgiving dinner was so generally appreciated t ti ut lie has de cided to serve another course dinner on Christmas. Future announce ment noon. Iiev. J. Itrown, paxtor of the Christ Ian church, at Monmouth, will preuch at the Christian church of tills city next Hunday afternoon ut 2;3U All are Invited to attend. Hunday school at 10:00 A.M. Y. P. H. C. E. at 0::i0 O. W. Irvine attended the" Hen Hur" production in Portland luat night He reports a splendid production and well worh the time of any iiidiy'dutil to see it, Many are going the lust of the week to see it put ou. The lad im of the Lewis and Clark club wlnli to call your attention to their ball at tho Auditorium Friday evening, Ioe?mlM-r I. (irand march tttl:0i!P. M. If yon don't dance, go .,f .,, ,i..P .....ih.r a a spectator. A corsT Ohms. , . , . , . , Emma Ohms. It Is mistake for our cltlrens to Hun ii Oh.mk. toko no more Interest than they do In j the coming ('.') city convention. Moll- j WANTI'.D Full h fill oron to trv dav I election iluv noil no ticket vol el for well established house til a few In til. Itel.l Wsrnnnt Ilia lrs.m. eoUlltl.', calll llg oil tiel of the ticket, hut w do think Muiicv for vxiioiimh ndvtiitct'd. Posi tion permanent. Mushies iioeesfu I and rushing. Hlandard Hon', XV) lVurboru (HI., Chicago, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. retail merchunt and iikcuIh. Local territory. Halnty JO.("l imT week with OKIK'lisen nihil- nomination should le mudo fur , iiunul. nil imvalde In cash each week. enough In advance for the people to have (linn to consider and ascertain the pellclo they moat desire in their city oMioein. Next Bui, bath at the Presbyterian church tfiere will be the following services: Hahhuth school at 10 A. M, Classen are arranged for all grades of scholar. Preaching by the pnslor lit 11:00 A. M. and 7:10 P. M. Tho top ic lu the morning will Im, "Itnal Life" In the evening, ''Healed Orders." Most excellent music, at both services. A cordial ""lcome I extended to st rangers, and all not worshipping else where are Invited to aliaro with us tho privileges cf our church. Lust Hah bath morning Dr. Thompson gave an Interesting and Instructive sermon on the topic "Wireless Mecsugim." He ...Dentist.. Painless Kxlraetlmi a Hhm hilly. l'nisir lllillilhin. nib'Hiii(UiiC0, Or OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAM I'll KI.L DALLAS, 1UTLDINC., OHKtiON. The Boy With a BROWNIE ? bers being a recognized authority in Prof. T. A. Hayes and family, of: tl'is stole and now holdiug a position Albany, visited II. 11. Knox's fami ly last week. Mr. Haves is a for mer principal of the echool here, bat is now euperintendent of schools in Albany. on the bench in the Multnomah county jurisdiction. The question is of Inter est only this far: An ordiuauce might be passed and its validity attacked ou this ground, and after a costy legal battle be declared null and void. ' -A' A - , ' : II i I I II ' im mm ii ill lias tho Jollicst Time 1'vver tried making pictures finish. It's fun with tho right us show you ! I'rownio Cameras, Brown io Developing Machines, from start to material. Let V $ and $2 $2 7 PRAZBR & FilOHl, b Hardware jWercbarpts, INDEPENDENCE, ORE.