Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, November 19, 1903, Image 8

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-s. t f Ml TJ1
une quarter Minion usea.
Were There a Cup-
Defender tor
:5 You May Be 'Sure The
i Smith Premier
Would keep it hero permanently. There's but a
t single standard in her construction perfection.
On Approval for a Postal.
Durphy & Dickerman,
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00.
H HIRSHBERG, President.
ABRAM NELSON, Vice Presiden
C. W. IRVINE, Cashier.
llirschberg, D. W. ears, B. F.
A. Nelson.
Smith, M. V. Stewart and
a ffonpral hankino- and exchange business transacted. Loans made. Bill
discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposit received on current account
ubject to check.
Last Week's Items. '
H. M. Nash was an Independence
visitor Monday.
E. N. Hall is
where he lives.
the house
Clarence Kays is building a new
shed on his barn. '
Charley Moore was in Independence
on business Monday.
Mr. Adams was a business visitor to
" Independence Monday.
Sam Baldwin anii wifewere visiting
relatives in Buena Friday.
H Squires has sold his store and their
property in this place to Arthur Porter.
Mrs. Hughey, ef Wells, was visiting
with Mrs. Nash Saturday and Sunday.
Prof. Goiris was a passenger on the
boat to Independence Wednesday
H. Squires and wife left Bueua Vista
Tuesday with all their persona! goods
for parts unknown. -
The Altoua was loading wheat and
hops at our dock Sunday. She is the
first boat of the season up this far.
The storm Tuesday night did a
great deal of damage in our vicinity.
It blew down fences, and uprooted
Arthur Porter has sold the store and
property he purchased of H. Squires to
Robert Steele, who will take possess
ion at once.
Rev. Woods, of Coryallis will preach
in the Evangelical church, of this
place, next Sunday at eleven o'clock.
Everybody invited
The young people all gathered at the
borne of Mr. Becker Friday evening,
where they had a most pleasant time
playing games. At the crose of the
evening they were treated to caudy
and nuts by Mi. Becker.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessnrss is responsible for many
a railway wreck and the same onuses
are making human wrecks of sufferers
from Throat and Lung troubles. But
since the advent of Dr. King's New
DNeovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. even the worst cases can be
cured, and hopeless resignation is no
longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of
Dorchester, Mass., is one of many
whose life was saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery. This great remedy is
guaranteed for all Throat and Lung
disease by A. S. Locke, Druggist
Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles tree
The Co ni pa n ion h.s
a Christmas
daughter, Mrs. Molton, Friday, return
lug boitto Sunday.
Mr. L. Nelson is visiting her daugb
Vr, Mr. B. F. Lucas.
I.. O. Koser went to Portland Sun
day, returning Monday.
Thus. Canfiold, of Salem, was a pleas
ant caller one day last week.
Tim raruontert will finish F. A. Ki'
er' fine residence this week.
Forest Finch is working with L. C
Kosoron the cliurch at Dallas,
Miss Oreen. from above Dallas, I
working for Mrs. N. S. Burch,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook drove to In
dependence Monday on busbies.
Mrs. Forest Finch was visiting here
last week, returning home Friday.
Pauline Nesinith went to ltidcpen
deuce Saturday to visit a few days.
The wind storm of last week blew
down Cass Gibson's water tower, doinol
ishing it.
Mrs. Cal Patton, ol Saloni, wa visit
ing her father, M. F. White, and family
last week.
Mr. Dick, of Portland, father ot C. I
Dick, will assist in the store for a con pi
of mouths.
Mr. aud Mrs. II. E. Goodell went to
Dallas Saturday to attend teachers
meeting and visit relatives.
Jacob II. Rempel and sister, Lena
left last week for Minnesota to spend
couple of months with relatives.
The Basket Ball team, of this place
has a challenge from tho Independence
team and witt piny in the near future.
Chamberlain's Stoniuch unrt Llv
cr Tablets.
When you feel dull after eating.
Ute in the
When you have no appetite
Wheu you have a
When your liver is torpid.
When your bowels are constipated
When you" have a headache-.
When you feel bilious.
They will improve your appetite.
cleanse aud invigorate your stomach
and regulate your liver and bowels
Price 'St cents per box. For sale by
Kirkland Drug Co.
Thanksgiving next Thursday
Mr. Norton butchered his porkers
last week.
to have a Xmas tree
Impressing It on Him
With Emphasis
Is what our fine laundry work does
to the man who is loosing for some
thing exquisite in color and finish on
his linen. We aim to make our laun
dry work peerless in beauty and in the
perfect condition In which we send it
home. Send us a sample bundle and
we will surprise you. jpv'aw process
and new prices.
Orders left at Hutch's barber shop or
he Salem stage will receive prompt
Salem Steam Eaundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous
D Olmsted. Mgr. Phone 11. 320
Liberty Street.
The Youth's Companion is one of
the few gilts that are always appropl
ate aud yet within reach of the small
est purse. It brings to every member
of the family something of interest
something of value a story that
cheers, an article that carries the read
er into far-olF countries or among men
who govern, a sketch that amuses, a
.poem Unit puts a bit or trum in a new
and convincing way, a page or pictures
that holds the children spellbound. It
is America's home paper a piper re
ceived in more than a half million
households in the United Slates.
If you desire to make a Christmas
present of The Youth's Companion
send the publishers the name aud ad
dress of the persoo to whom you wish
to give Tub Companion, with $1.75, the
annual subscription price. Tney will
send to the address named Tub Com
panion's Christmas Packet, all ready
for Christmas morning, containing the
Christmas number. The Companion
Calendar for 190. lithographed in
twelve colors and gold, and subscrip
tion certificate for the fifty-two issues
of 1004.
The new subscription for 1901 will
receive all issusa ot The Companion
for the remaining weeks of 1903 f ee
from the time ot subscription, also The
Companion Calendar for v.Wi, titno
graphed in twelve colors aud gold.
Annual Announcement Number
describing the principal features of
The Companion's new volume for
1904 will be sent to any address free.
The Youth's Companion,
144 Berkley Street. Boston. Mass.
Cal Ilutton is in Independence for a
short stay.
Mrs. T. D. Lucas has been quite sick
the past week. '
M. A. Burch is In Portland for a few
days this week.
C. L. Dick and father came np from
Salem Sunday.
Peter Cook went to Needy to see his
Are we going
this winter?
Rev. T. P. IJaynea went to Albany
last Saturday..
Roy. Lindsay and family are visiting
in Portland this week.
A. G. Adkins. of Monmouth, is work
ing for W. W. Smith. '
Miss Stella Bagley visited with Miss
Bertha Staats last week
J, Bagley spent Sunday visiting Mr.
and Mrs. McCan, of Stiver.
Troy Turner has moyed on the Will
iams place to be handy to tho Patteys
saw mill.
Will and iilnlord Jiusli, ol renin;
were in town last week, laying in their
winter's supply.
Ilex Wonier was seen passing through
our town last Sunday. His visits are
often and lengthy. -
B. L. Hastings, of Pedee, called to
day. He said his son, at Cottage Grove,
was sick with pneumonia.
The. stave mill of Mr Pattras will
soon bo ready for actual work. It is
now located on the Buolah place
'Two jreara a.o mf hslf waa
falling out badly. I purchstati a
bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and
oon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss Minnie Hoover, Parli, III.
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you mus.t
go through life with half
starved hair. If yea want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Aycr's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and heavy.
U N Mil.
IC jour tlruk-KiX cmiot'l "fl'ly '.
MuU u on u.ilWr ud m
li tur aim t" wiw"
umi. AuilrxM,
II, Maw.
vou a butt I
r.xMMitor'a Notice.
Rev. Wood, of Dallas, was to have
filled tho pulpit hero last Sunday for
ltov. Llndsav. but for some reason lis
did not artivo.
Geo. Leadford and wife, of Hillsboro,
spent last week visiting Mrs. Leadford'ej Rj ritnnititf thence south
111 the County Court of Polk coun
slaU of Oregon.
In the matter of tho estate of X,
M, iVnliiitfer, deceased.
lo whom It may concern t tirseiid
Notice In hereby given that llJ
Hill, administrator 61 the estate of
Iv M. Iiciilitigcr. deceased, lias II let
final account as administrator in
I court and Ihst the alsive hieiiiloJ
court has Used Tliursditv, lkxvinln.r
IIHKI Ht the hour ol Vi M. a the til
and the court room ol the said court,
the I oiiniy I unrl House In said mini
a 1 1 io place for tlin hearing of the
Dual account asu ol any on (-ti.
thereto and for the settlement ol
ssme. HowjcM lln.i..
II. lVnlitiger. attorney for the miii.l
ICxi't'titor'a Nolico tifSnlo nf H.j
Notice Is hereby given, that by vlrl
Ol an order tn tne l ouniy court ol
county of Polk aud state of tri-gtn,
ly made anil entered of record In
etMin of Charles G. Fisher, tloivu-J
on the llltli day of Octoimr, ItXtf, il
authorising and uirwimg tne etiH-nf
of said estate to sell at private a, o I
locltotiie approval ol said court.
following dtwrlhed real protH'rty ImiIih
ing lo said estate lo wit : iWgiiuiinu
a point ft. 7.' clialns il and i'd.hft chit I
sosth of the aouth wet comer of
north east Quarter of section '.'4.
township K. south ol range ft, west of 1
Willamette meridian, in rulk cihii.I
sister, Mrs, trank Im. .Mr. J4-ad
ford Is an old Oregonlan, having lough!
in the Southern Oregon Indian war.
Stepped A gnlnsl it Hut Nto,
A child of Mrs. Geo. Itenson, w hen
getting bis usual Saturday night bath,
stepped back against a hot stove which
liurueil nun sevent y, ine cnim was
In great agony uud his mother could
do nothing tn pacify him. lUmemlxr
Ing that she bad a bottle of Chnmher-
laiu's Pain Itnlin in the h"ui, she
would try it. In lemthaii half an hour
aftfr applying It the child was quiet
and axitH-p, and in less than two weeks
was well. Mrs. iicnson is a wen
know resident of Kellar, a: Pain
Balm is an antiseptic, liuluient and es
uei'lally for burns, cuts, urutnt'S and
sprains, l-orsule by klrkluud Drug
Deputy Sheriff Staats attended cliurch
with his home people last Sunday,
Tracy is always the same in whatever
capacity he is called.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hastings, in an
swer to a telephone message, left Mon
day for Cottage Grove, to be at the bed
side of their son, Rice.
Master Harry Mattison, of Dallas,
who has been visiting his grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, returned
home last Sunday evening.
Our merchant is anticipating the peo
ple's wants by helping out Santa Claus
and getting in his Christmas goods for
the children and eyen the older ones.
unci ICottirn
Tho Soithern Pacific Co. l
selling round trip tickets to
and from Independence, tor
good going Saturday or '.Sunday,
returning MMuay aim aioniiuy,
iving all tiny Sunday and Monday
Portland. 1 lie same- arrange
neiit applies from I'ortl.'ind, giving
Portland pootde a chaticis to visit
-'alley points ut greatly reduced
Notice of Annual Mwtintf.
Notice la hereby given that the an
nul meeting of the Htoekhnldcrs of
le Independence S& Monmouth Hull-
ay Company will e held on Thurs-
ay, the aist iuy ci iiicfiiitx-r. usi.i, ut
Oo'clockA. M. ., at the fudt-pendemte
national Man a Duildlng, at indepen
dence, Oregon, ror llie purpose or elect
ing oltUtttrs and transacting such other
busMiesa as may proixrly come b;;fore
them. D, . HHAK8,
, Dated November 12th.
Notice of Annual Mectlntf.
Notice Is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the (Stockholders of
the Polk County Land Company for
the purpoee of electing ollic.ers and
traiisactlng such other business as may
prniMirly come belore thuui, will be
held ut Independence m Thursday,
December te Slut, 190.'!, at 10 o'clock
A. M., at tho Independence National
Bank building, Polk county, Oregon.
D.W. Hears,
Dated November 12th.
chains ; thence east 111. 'At chains; tlis-
north 0.00 chains; thence east 6J
ebains; thence north '.'.SO chaii
tlienw west is.ftz chains; tiisnno
1.15 chains; thence wet 1 l.ftO i-lmlna I
the place of egintiii.g conluiiiing
seres more or less; snd also the folli
ing tract, to wit: The south half of d)
south eaut quartpr ol sclion Ml,
townsiiip eight, soutu ol rsnge a, i
of the U'illametie meridian, in I'
county, llrrgon. cotitnlning SO scree;
so the following premises: itcgimii
at the south east corner of Mil Nuitrl
one. In block Numter nine, as the a
i rui in Ihti'iI and designated on the I I
of tne town ol Moiiinoiiili, Polk pouitj
Oregon, and running thence mirth
feet; thence west Mo Ufl ; thence eui
75 fwt; Ihenctt east IH5 feet lo plaee I
tx'iri lining ; and that bv virtue ol
Ml fin aforesaid. I, Charles K. Kinlil
hr executor of the estate of Charles
Fisher, deceased, will from and ii
the 2lstday of November 11MI3, oiler
ntle and proi-eed to sell the alsjvw
cribed tracts ol land at private ssle
the highest blilder for caxti III him
ninl that hkls for ouch of snld tracts hm
nrately wiiplio received by tne st M.
inoiilh, Polk county, Oregon. 'criii I
hIo cash in hand, subject to approval
suid court. Cmahi.ks r. risiitcii
Fxcciitor ot tho estate of Charles
Fisher, deceased.
viaiT DR. JORDAN'S ocTl
Thr )nrqtt AotooilU MtMum
In uiu U unO.
flrrntM attrnrtirm ht th City. A
Wrttulrtul ltfh! ur VUM'rt,
Wrmh , or uyvntmrU
IIH Hl'l""t HlMt-lttllfit till tht I'taCtUO
it rt mifITlii
vuuihful lutiio-
ftt rlloiiM or i Xi--kiih lii timliirftr
fpttrtt NrjrvonmnK! pitvNM-ai lirlilllljr, lm
ptttmry t $nmi nmiiiwu4 In mII Ih(oiii)U
rutioHnj MHrmMwrrhiN, 9rflnitr
tut" I rfttatilittf, Iiy roinhliiHilon ut
Iihm w ut miiefiMl hlii trt'ettitieitf thill II will lint Jr
only ttftorl rtniri-(llntw relief, but t''rtiinnfit
cur. 110 Ihx tor tlon not clnun to (hm form
minu'liM), tint N Wfll known ttitwi fulr aiiti
iifir IMivlHitn hihI Hurii'iM, jrftutujut
ftVI'IIIMM Ihitrniiiihlv frmllcntd from
tlin Hyntiu Mlilinul tin iiinf .Vlvrrurr.
Traiwi rltu-.i by un Kxirt. Ratlikl
rurr for Muuflnr. A uulck Ati1 nuUrttt
euretnt I'll. t'ur nnl laluliw, by
Dr. JuMiwrii hihh'Ihi iinlnuwa nuHliol.
r.VKHV man npnlvltiirUMiNWiUraoetv
QHT fwnsit opinion ot h in ien i pliiln t. .
WryeitMt 1P0 unilrrfttla.
ronminnflori Kit r. K, una ninrtir pnTato,
TriMiimtent rMTPMitinllv nr hy loiti-r.
Writn for Hook. PIIII.OMPllT r
tfl4IIHl4i:. r a I I.K.l) Kit KM, VJUUUi
book. ttr men.) Crtiiur write
DR. I0RDAN ft CO.. 1051 Market 8t, S. F.
r la? T.mmr mrn and
H Ir nv't nrn wlm uru
ft U li .in lh .'ll.-.-t c.l
Notice of Final Sett If incut. '
Notice is hereby given, that I, Thom
as Pomeroy, administrator of the es
tate of P. 11. McCains, have filvd in the
office of the county clerk of Polk coun
ty, Oregon, my tiiinl account and nnal
report in said estate ; and the county
court of said county of Polk Iihs fixed
the time for hearing suiil report and II
nal account on the 12th day of Decem
ber, A. D., liHI.'l, at the. hour of 10
o'clock A. M. of said day, at the coun
ty court bouse at Dallas, J 'oik county,
Oregon. All persons Interested In said
matter are required to appear on or be
fore said tlnio and file any objections
they may have, if any, and show
cause, if any, why said final account
should not be Anally settled and said
administrator should not be discharg
ed. . Thomas Pomehov,
Administrator of the estate of P. II.
McCabe, deceased.
.-4k Trade MARKS
rrfV111 CoeveiioMT 4c.
Anrnn railliig kefh unrt dwcr1rtlnn mT
niilr-klf nBwrtnn our opinion rrue whollior n
llivonllnn I. pnihiiWjF nntntithla, Contniniilf
tli,ii,irlitlr"'"nliiilnl. lliuiiliMiolion I'nwnis
win Irmi. Olil. niimirr fur minim I1"""""-
I'mnou taken thmuirh Munn A Co. reols
tprruu nutlet, without chnrva, la tbs
Scientific .American.
A hni1otnelr Ulnrtmtoil wwklf.
nilmlon of inT w.lelillUn Journal. 1 nrnia, "
mr: fonr roontlu, L Bow bjrall swrtilBr.
MUNN & Co.38IBrd",- New York
Brucb Ofllos. 036 W St. Wutalnitua, P. C.
4 .