Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, November 19, 1903, Image 7

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Monmouth Correspondents,
John llottler wa In Huyer Hiinday,
C J IeArmond vlaltod In Buver Hun
J irtXll l IIIOV.HI 111 ll)ll.oJuHfc 1 l R,ii Hy ot)r nf()r.
.1 rr.lrlo It. j mniloii relating to their work.
Z,iV Ik uMl'ieiilly liiiprove.1 loi
I'm .iiiihii-iii. iii i.urill.
m Wumalvy, ( Illndgelt Valley,
n loan Huiiday.
r tu.w ineiuliera united with tlie
(tllil ehutoll HUtlday.
nJ IIiiImT i making koiiio Improve'
tluiil til I'rniiilwK.
,S, ()' Kelly I making oonalderahlu
oriuuenta on I'laco,
i lHoinv went to l'ortland laat
la mtv on tli V. H. Jury.
g. Kliek, of IIuiiiIhiIiIi county,
iifinitiiig hi ller, Mr. V. I.
J . wv the motor brought Kr"l up
;Jr, it mut mean our atrwta are to
wedding card are out of Orvllle
l., ut Half Way, Oregon, formarly
mlrew MofMt, of Newport, liairent
il litwiw formerly occupied by
ij Kuotliby.
t c by tin Oregonlan oii of our
nil liM Ueu arrested In 1'orlland
ftttibliiitr. They who dance inoat
th fiddler.
lonuiuutli need a boot axil ihoo
grocery atora, dry gootl itora,
lieat market, a tailor nop, good,
Irelml trvta, good, ubtantil walk
a Kooa water ayitam, tlien we
Id be llttmi up In pretty good hp,
Mt wrt'k'a item.
Mr. Jot lUmm la quite alck.
In. J. W. Howell la m the alck Hat.
V are aorry to learn of the aorloua
btn of Prof. French.
)rrlu Ilyor commenced teaching
kkiI in Alrlle Monday.
111 Luelllo Hurt left laat Thursday
Vourulla, for a vlalt with relative.
Ira. Karah Pavla cow baru blew
d lu the wind atorm Tuoaday
WO. Meador waa fleeted niandial
lli rent of the year. Mr. Duuny
IIm Maggie Owen and brother, Al-
I, left Wednesday for Corvalll to
ml nrhool.
in. Martha Itobert returned to her
w In Portland, after a week's vlalt
) her mother, Mra. DoU'ltt,
Jlenry I). Ituldwin, Hupl. t'liy Wat.
er Wtuka, KiiulUburtf, Win., wrltea:
"I have tried many kind of liniment,
hut I have never received iiiuuh 1 no
fll until I uimd llallurd'a Know Lini
ment for rheuinutlam and pain. I
think It the beat lliilineut oil earth.'
2io, fine, 11.00. For ulu by A. H.
I'Al.lJi CITY.
Iluaton Mcflierry In putting; up
a house on Terrace St. Mr. Jjhope
U building near N, A. Dorton's.
Mr. Wheeler Las bought lota north
of the m hool houae and tluiH the
town grown.
A movement has been started
here to have a wagon road opened
from the present Hock Creek coun
ly road to tke Spaulding logging
camp tn the west part of Ip. I
outh 7 weat. It would draw con
tiderable trade here.
liana Schneider nave, "Ven '.
sees ron young alien tlemenssphend
a quarter hour for curl In mucta
che I thinks be no haf mooch pralna
to gare for, and ven I sees ron
fraulein co tnit a peer tnnker I
tinka alio gare nodinga for her own
coot. liana la more level headed
on this aubject than many of hia
o to Mr. II. Moorea fo frenh
lemiulw candiea, if you want to
Homethini' good unpoHite the
npto:i holed, Monmouth.
' ' "
Norliiul Not"H.
inn AHa .S hneiJr was a chap-
Hitor Thurnday morning;.
lie Training Department wim
linHod Wednesday on account
i damage done to the chimney
the wind-tortn of Tuesday
ie practiao teachera vinitpd the
poudonco school Monday
noon to observe the niothoda
"ltni Th1f.r1'i BlK-k-Drasirht
J a (noil mediolna Inr lhr 1
It lleuiwt my oq ftr b hlViH nl
lnolihlnrtor. ltUlllliii1
lrln I tk."-MHA. CAKOtlNB
MARTIN, 'rkl.r.burf , W. Va.
If jrour liver doe not act reg
ularly go to your driurtfirt and
aeeure a pavkag of Tliedford'
iilat k-IirauL'lit and take a doe
tonight. Tbi great family
medicine free the coiutipated
bowel, rtir up the torpid liver
and caiine a healUiy aecrction
of bile.
Thmlford'a Blatk Draught
will cli'anae the bowel of im
puritie and atrtuigthen the kid
ney. A torpid liver invite
colds, bilioomiCKi, chill and
lover and all manner at sick
mm and contagion. Weak kid
ney remiit in Uright' dineaie
which claim a many victim
a conauniption. A 2.Vcent
ackgn of Thedford' Uluck
l)raiight ihould always he kept
in the house.
"I nund Thedford' Blark
Drauvht (or liter ul kidnry oom
plfuttt mid found nothing to xcl
It." WU. 1,1 AM COJreMAN, War
blebead, III.
A Allen killed the firm wild gooae
of the aeaton,
Tbo Mime A rllnaon, of Iluena Viata
were In Huver Kundiiy.
It I. Collin made a biminen trip to
Indepunditnce Kuturday.
Mra J M Larvou vlniled lat weuk her
parent In liidcpetnluiife,
Preparation are being made to have
a ChrlHtiiia tree here Chrintuiaa,
The K N A will liave acyerul new
meinour to Initiate at their next incut
Andy Perry made a btntlnesa trip to
Independence Friday and returned Sat'
There will be church hero Sunday af
ternoon at two o'clock uiHtead of in the
Mr and Mra C K McLane have gone
to Portland, where he la having her
eye treated.
W E William, of Airlie, waa in 6uy
er Friday and met hi eon, Floyd, who
came down from Corvallia.
We had Bchool only two daya last
week a our teacher, It W Swink, wished
to attend the teacher' institute.
The Mlaei Wtcklina and V C Blast,
of the O A C, ot Corvallis, got off the
train Friday and returned Sunday.
Mr. 8. J, Spark and wife, of Shedds,
formerly of this place, visited with her
mother, at Well, aeveral day last week.
James Dalton, of Burns, and E, V.
Dalton, of Dallas, were vialtiog at the
home of II. Maxfield from Thursday un
til Saturday.
Hollie Brown has returned from
Southern Oregon, where he has been
for several months. He is now break
ing a colt tor Mr Williamson, of Wells.
There will be a shooting match the
2-1 th of thi month at the old hall, one
mile eaHt of WelVs. and a dunce and bas
ket hoc ial the 25th at the hall in Wells.
Everybody invited.
Chas. McLane is loading several
Cars with grain for shipment.
Mr. Witzel, of Turner, is aioying
on the Haef farm on Soap Creek. -
Olaf Johnston has returned home
from Texas, where he has been for
seyeral weeks.
Miss Eureka Ilidders, tf Mt. An
1, was at home on a visit Thurs
day and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gaines and
laughter visited with ber Bister,
Mrs. E. Chamberlain.
Miss Minnie Maxfield visited
with her aunt, Mrs. Anhie Brown,
Wednesday and Thursday.
J. M. Watson has returned to his
home at Needy and Uus Cederholm
is working for E B. Gobat.
108 n
Tho past season we made several hundred photo
graphs for Art Calendars, and now any person who wishes
a duplicato photograph from any of tho old plates can se
cure them at a greatly reduced figure. This offer ia only
open for tho next Bixty days, and it will pay you to come at
onco before the Christmas rush. -y
PicKels negatives
Remember, I have in stock all of the negatives taken
by E. 1'icKel at his gallery in this city, if you wish photo
graphs from any of the old plates it will be to your interest
to call at once, as I shall probably not keep them in stock
any great length of time.
Enlarging Piptures
I am prepared to enlarge any photograph and fur
nish frame for same at a very reasonable figure. I stand
back of the guarantee that no pictures will be lost and that
satisfaction is guaranteed in each and every instance. Call
and inspect my work.
X M. McCaleb,
Independence, -:- Oregon
Each week we will announce in this column your Huts. No article is
ted until after it appear In the paper, although subscriptions and points
din other way will be announced as they come in. We want to keep
thing fair and straight and If yon think an error has occurred iu your points
us within the week following and wo will mane uiorougu "iv'S"-"
r ,
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outh, -It...
J. Wetzel visited Portland Sat
urday. Donald Bolter was a Parker visit
or Monday.
Claud Boone made a trip to Air-
lie (Sunday.
Jesse Fresh was a Sunday visit
or at Parker,
W. A. Snyder returned from Sher
idan Saturday.
G. C. Bolter was seen on our
streets Sunday.
W. N. Alexander was a visitor at
Parker Thursday.
C. K.Parker made a trip to Inde
pendence Friday.
Miss Clara Loy was an incoming
passenger on Friday's train.
P. T. Peterson was a business
visitor at Independence Friday.
Mrs. .T. O. Davidson shipped 13
dressed hoga to Portland last week.
Miss Winnoeene Osborne was a
passenger to Independence Wednes
day . .
Mr. Swink expresses himseu
well pleased with his school report
at Suver.
Mr. and;. Mrs. Richardson, of
Buena Vis.ta,returned from Portland j
Miss Lois Osborne, of Highland,;
visited with friends at Parker
A. D. GrigBby is running the en-
b ne at the IlelmicK warehouse
this week.
Will Steele, of Suver, was saw
ing wood for the residents of our
burg last week.
G. C. BoHer and family were
transacting business at Indepen
dence Thursday.
C. Max Bradley, of Corvallis, was
shaking hands with friends at Par
kef Wednesday.
Rev. Witrmore, of Eugene, was
shaking hands with old friends at
Parker MoDday.
I. C. Rowe, one of Buena Vista's
popular residents, was a Parker
visitor Saturday.
C. R. Parker. Claud Boone, and
Charles Allen attended the lodge
at Suyer Saturday.
Mrs. J. O. Davidson hds recently
added the rural telephone to her
residence near here.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of
Buena Vista, visited with friends
at Parker Saturday.
M. L. Baldwin aud family were
incoming passengers on Thursday's
traiB from Portland.
Fred Hooper, ot Independence,
was looking after his interests in
this vicinity last week. -
Mrs. Lida Davidson and daught
er, Mies Nellie, were business visit
ors at Parker Monday.
Mrs. Alexander and daughter,
Edith, of Highland, visited with
friends at Parker Wednesday.
Mrs. Thompson, of Buena Vista,
was a passenger to Amity last week.
She is visiting her mother who is
sick there
Miss Bertha Rowe. who is teach
ing in the Training Department at
Monmouth, was visiting at Buena
Vista last week.
Wm. Kuqua shot a fine wild
goose luesaay: Aiiuougu uo io
not as young as ine ooys, ne is equ
ally as good a Bhot as the best of
Little Mabel Swink celebrated
her birthday Sunday. She was 'National Bank.
four years old. Her little friend
Velena Fuqua spent the day with
her, and brought ber some nice
Dresents. and Mabel Bays, "Yoa
must put that in the Enterprise."
Joseph Wnn, who carries the
mail between Parker and Buena
Vista, was taken suddenly ill here
Monday and was unable to make
the home trip. C. R. Parlcer de
livered the mail to Bueno Vista
and Mr. Winn's daughter-in-law
came and took him home. . He is
some better a the present writing.
Rev. Thorn peon, of Buena Vista,
has kindly offered to hold religious
meetings at the school house here.
Rev. Thompson is an enthusiastic
worker especially for the advance
ment of the youth. Aud we will
be elad to avail ourselves of the
opportunity of securing this able
Society dime
wira purchases of
y VC05SCC.
Star Grocery.
First corner north of the Independence
3ity ....