Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, November 19, 1903, Image 5

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r-N -N -N - X-N X-N N "N v y-V X-V X-N -iO
a .1 i Cxi 1?mtto1 Ttlurk Iwine All v f
J ust received 100 pair of Selz Royal Blue Shoes. All
Wr nil IrilfiW Hint.
ijio laiest siyies in muu uiwa qiao. w -
4.1 .'A CaI til Imnu iiw!iTi Hint, t.linv nre iust LS 200(1
UlU UtllllU OUIj uu niiwv . ,j c
n;t iv . 7fi Shoes for bovs,
misses and children are giving universal satisfaction.
These shoes have style as well as quality. When in
i l. 11 ...,.,1 in I i r suit cinnlr r!u. ,
need oi snoes eun uuu uauhhuu "ui
. i i i
We can certainly please you in style, quai-
u y ami piiuut.
' .1 I !..
V 4 T
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots ana snoes.
Tndfinendence, -:- Oregon
4 M v ,
Normal Notes.
Maml.frs of the school and the
citizens of the town have learned
with d.u-p regret of the snrious iu
I U v nr niht I n of President French of Weston.
Fine Parlors m connection. J av oi mrm , ire rtill enlering
calls promptly attemkul to
T..iv r.hono 2T3 Nicht B93
Main St.,
Independence, Ore.
V. U HICK. i:mb". r and rmu-ntl Irc tor.
rM.M,mw'',"M"W,W''M,"'"'',' '1
County Correspondence.
hui:na vista.
Miss Bertha Ilowo- wia home on
a visit last1 week.- "
K. N. Hall was buineH8 visit
tir to Independence Saturday.
Jacob Nadk in making some im
provement on Keton Beyen'B houne
Mrs. Mary Davidnon, of High
land, wiit "a busineBR vinitor to
Buena Saturday.
f..i.,i Tial.lwin has returned
to' Biiena Vista from Winlock,
Wash., for the winter.
Mrs. V. B. Gqin was a passenger
to Salem on the Pomona Thursday,
returning Saturday night.
M.Cooper was a passenger to
Albany on the boat Saturday night,
Mturning Monday morning.
The rest of the new seats for the
school home arrived Tuesday and
were put down by the board on
Wednesday. Both rooms now
have entirely new seats.
atudenta are still entering
the Normal, and there will prob
ably bo several who will enroll at
the beginning of the next term, Nov
ember 23 rd.
and Clarence Kays
have taken the contract to catch
the logs which broke loose iro.n
Strong's mill at (Jorvauia.
Throe men came down the river
from Corvallia Thursday, on the
hunt of logs which broke loose
from Strong's mill during the raise.
On Saturday evening the young
people gave the Nh brothers a
surprise party. Qmte a number
. r wr nresent. At
arated to tneir tww"
Health is absolutely Impossible, If
conation be pre8ent. Many ser ous
r," of liver .nd kidney complain
sprung from neglected eonstlpa
t,on! Buch8. dep.orab.e eond.U.n .s
unnecessary. There Is a
m a Tinrimv P. M., Bronson, ia.,
C. A. Lindsay, r. , M
constipation." kw""""'
8. Look.
Misses .Hull. Brown, Cooper,
Marvel, Whealdon, Daniel, Baird,
Dalton, 1 Cox, Matthew's attended
r.iiivoi'ition of the Y. W. C. A.
held at Albany. They report a
most earnest meeting
This is the week of prayer for
!..:.,., nhoorved all over the
UilUBIUllD, v...-- .
world by Christian' aesociations.
The Y.-W. C. A. in the Normal is
holding daily meeUngs at noon,
in room four. A ;.,
The senior rhetorical, Thursday
morning was given by the Misses
Kruse, White, and Auten. The
subject of Miss KrusoV essay was
"Famous btreets ,
Auten's, "How United States Sen
ators are Elected". Mies White
.recited the beautiful "Legend of
n tt-jow ivfininir the Invinci-
JIX i'
c;w pnarted from the usual
OlO WWW; t
custom in its program. It had an
... T If.ll..- oil th
evening witn ijongienun,
numbers were taken from his works
or was written about mm. i
society has made its roonv more
Sn by some tasteful decor-
atlons. . s .'
The Normal foot ball men met
grounds. The score resulted in
five to ten in favor of McAlinnvnie.
The Young Ladies' Athletic Associa
tion gave a reception m tne evi-imiS
to the Young Men's Athletic
Association and the visitors.
iw-wnr Bnckham addressed
the students Tuesday morning,
Wm,mhfr tenth, taking for his sub
ject, "The Post Office." He con-
trusted the post ouice oi
with the one a hundred years ago
President Re-sler and Professor
Rice of the Training Department
spent Wednesday, Tnursuay. auu
Friday at the institute in Dallas
The former had charge of the music
and gave talks during eacn sessiuu
and a lecture on Thursday evening.
Asa number of the students
wished to attend the institute on
Friday, no school was held. A
special motor was procured, mak
ing it possible ' to goto Dallas in
the morning and returning in the
evening. Over Bixty attended, in
cluding instructors and students.
Many of the students toou iuncuea
and had a ' picnic dinner in the
that we can't supply from our stock
We are saving money for hundreds of
paper consumers io this valley and we
Vant you among them. The merchant
the printer, the fruit packer, the build
er, the hop buyer are legion among our
customers and they are satisfied.
Rogers Co.,
Wholesale Taper Dealers
Salem, Oregon.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Elections Promptly Made Titles
' Investigated.
i East Side Main Street, .
Independence, -:- Oregon.
The many friends of Mr. French
, crUd to learn that he is re
covering from his recent dangerous
nr.v Tean and Mr. Harry
Belt, of the Ballston Bchool, spent
Sunday in Monmoutn visiudB
at.ivea and friends. .
in. ir.nmnnili band cave a con-
cert Friday evening, November
thirteenth, after an enjoyable pro-
, nnthank ana
eramme oencueo - -t
: TT-
leaves Indepen
ience for Mon--mouth
and Airli.
7:80 a, ro.
8:30 p. m. ,.
1 teaves Indepen"
dencf for Mon
moutuand Dallas
11:00 a. m.
8:15 p. m.
, L'ves ilonmottth
., (for Alrtle. f
; .7:S0 .
8:60 p. m-
l.'res Momhouth
for Dallas.
11:20 . m.
&80 p. m.
leaves Alrlle for
AtoumoQiu -1
, Independence.
' 9KO a. m.'
:05 p. m.
Monmouth and
1K)0 p. m.
7:30 "
. . Unnmflllth
for Indepsndenoe
, y 9-.m a. mi.
- 1:80 p. m,
' Z40 '
Leares Indepeo
denoe lot Mon.