Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 08, 1903, Image 7

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1A Illtttlt. v
Jirk Emmeit cmo Hp from Mo
Minnrill Thursday.
Kmiiiitt Oarr m business v
torl I'rker ThureiUy.
Win. Kuju ws n passenger to
Dl.K'nil'iic Thuraday.
yr, t. II. I'ilUr wss a business
visitor ai l'rker Tuea.lay.
C. K. Parker transacted buelntss
,1 Independence tfa'nrday.
)Ir. and Mr. W. N. Alciander
rid family sj.ent Bunday at R. W.
Mr. ami Mra. p, R. Alexander
visited at Mr. Bolter's Bumlar.
Mr. East has returned lo Parktr
and ii working at Mr. FuuaV
Mar Kerr vieitnd at Mr. Green
lee's, In Independence, Saturday.
W. J. TurnlJcn, of Craltree.
Mnn ounty, vUltni at Parker Pun
day. Mia Julia James, of Suver, vis
ited at Mr. Kujua'a Hunday.
Mr and Mri. P. R. Alexander
visited with friends at Parker Sun
day. .
A. D. Grlgaby la the possessor of
a fine, new gun. Look out for
Win. Fuiua It making a tour of
Kings Valley and vicinity, looking
for cattle.
Mrs. Culver, of Buena Vista, was
an incoming passenger on Tues
day's train.
P. T. Peterson and family and
Mrs. Helen Fre visited Sunday at
(J. C. IMler's.
Misses Golda Rhodes and Mabel
Porterfield called on friends in
Parker Saturday.
School began here this week,
with Mil's Mabel Wbeelock, of
Monmouth, as teacher.
The Parker chess club has callod
a meeting for Saturday, October
10th, at Mt. Hood view.
Mrs. B. II. Pillar and grandson,
little Lowell Simpson, came down
from Albany Tuesday.
Misi Lillian Cox left last Mon
day to spend the winter at Eugene,
where she will attend school.
F. Williams, who haB been work
ing at Mr. Fuqua's. was a passen
ger to Independence Tuesday.
Miss Lena Pagenkopf was a
passenger to Carlton Thursday.
She is employed in the school at
that place.
. Employees of S. P. carpenter
crew No. 10 were unloading steel
for a new span at the Luckiamute
bridge last week.
W. M. Powell, cousin to cashier
Ira C. Powell, of ..Monmouth, came
over from Linn county Saturday,
returning Sunday.
SUV Kit.
Farmers are glad to see the rain.
J. V. Steele sawed wood in Su
ver Saturday.
Miss Minnie Maxfield is in Port
Jand for a few days.
Mrs. Brown, of Airlie, was a call
er in Suver Saturday.
There was a small crowd at M.
Suver's sale last Thursday.
Bert Allen waa a Salem and
Portland visitor last week.
Carl Larsen has gone to Port
land to have his eyes treated.
Geo. Steele, of Portland, was
hunting in this vicinity last week.
Mrs. Dick Gains, ot Indepen
dence, helped her folks move last
E. Chamberlain lost a fine horse
a while ago, with some kind of dis
temper. Miss Lena Ridders has gone to
Mt. Angel to attend school this
Mrs. Ruef is still at Salem with
her husband who is getting better
right along.
Mrs. Dalton, of Burns, has re
turned home after a month's visit
with rlatiyes.
Mrs. John James is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Harper, in Spring
field this weak.
Ona McLane has returned trom
Tulo, where he haa been running
an engine this summer, putting in
a dam.
Pauline Nesmith is suffering
with poisoa oak
Mrs. Bam Goff was visiting J. B.
Nesmith'a last week,
Mrs. II. C. Fox and children
went to Salem Friday.
J. W. Fetzer and wife visited B,
F. Whiteaker Sunday.
Peter Cook has made several
sales on disk plows this tall.
Mrs. Win. Thielson visited her
sister,' Mrs. Frank Gibson, last
Mrs L. Nelson is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. B. F. Lucas, this
A: Longneuker has moved into!
Peter Cook's little house for the
Helen South wick has been quite
sick, but is some better at this
Mr. and Mrs. S. Orr went to Sa
lem Sunday to attend the M. E.
Our school commences here this
Monday. Carl "Groves has the
school in charge.
Mrs. Wm. Whiteaker and Mrs.
Clifford Kantner visited Mrs. J. W.
Fetzer one day last week.
C. D. Pur vine had a large crowd
to his sale and everything went at
good figures. He has moved to Sa
Mrs. Peter Cook and Orval Price
went to Needy Wednesday to visit
her daughter, returning home Fri
day. Several from' here .attended the
funeral of W. W. Smith's sons,
Ezra and Winifred, at Oak Grove
Mrs. Eakin moved to Salem
Thursday so her girls could attend
schcol. Mr. Eakin will cook for
himself this wiater.
Mrs. N. S. Burch and Master
Linn Nesmith returned home from
Portland Thursday, where they
had been visiting the past two
Mrs. J. Southwick had the mis
fortune to fall and break her collar
bone. Dr. McCallum. of Dallas,
was called and reduced the frac
ture, and she is getting along nice-ly.
There Is cms way to save your Piano
that la by
Expert Tuning
Drop me a potal and I'll call. All
work guaranteed. Uraduate of Bryant
Bcboolof I'lauo Tuning,
Chemeketa Ht., balew, Oregon.
Thos. Godfrey and mother, Mrs.
Weir, of Illinois, were visiting with
the latter's sister, Mrs. V. Dempsy,
and W. E. Guodell and wife last
Tbos. Canfield's sale passed off
Saturday with good sales, all but
one horse being sold. The weather
being oad the attendance was
Peter Cook has sold his stock of
goods to F. Eakin and Chas. L.
Dick, traveling salesman for Ma
son, Ehrman & Co., and they .have
taken possession.
Mr. Hunsaker came over from
Turner to take the train for New
berg to sea his mother who was
quite sick; but he received a mes
sage, while here, thatehe had died
that day.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Ilerpicide are the world's greatest
scalp cleansers and hair invigor
ators. Both are for sale at J. S.
Moore's barber shop. Call and
have Mr. Moore give an applica
tion of either remedy and yon
will never be without one or the
The Monarch Malleable Range
is something new in stove con
struction. R. M. Wade & Co. sell '
them. -'.'
6 Bop Grower:
Allow me to quote you prices or
wire. Best quality guaranteed. '
respoudenoe solicited.
Salem Fence Works
Geo. f. Rogers $ Co.,
Get our prices we can
save you moiley. . .
. Salem, Oregon.
f" 1 1 .rit i 1 1 i T T ,1 5
Wiiu bvi 4'i II ilUI 1 U3CU. "
1 jrh Were There a Cup- i
Typewriters s-
You May Be Sure The
Smith Premier I!
Would keep it hero permanently. There's but a l
single standard in her conBtruction perfection. 5.
On Approval for a Postal.
Durphy & Dickerman,
Correspondents' Contest
On Thurly, Angnl20. 1WW, we commenced our Eleventh Correspondent' Con
Ml. and mill bring It to a cle at 6 ;C0 o'clock 1 M. January 30 next. Many of
our eurrundriiU .io.ired the cl.-Ing dale ..tended because harvesting and hop
picking broke in for a couple of months at the start e give a list below of the
prists, taken from a list furnished bv the correondents :
FIUST WUZF An lnr, an ornHinent to any home
BECON D ru'lZE.'. '..'.'. .".......A act of Kwr Uros 147 .llyer Knives and Fork.
tiuim. vuvV A handaome Photograph Album
a? ::::::::::::::::.: A,,efVS:
lUTll VUVV One of the popular books
SIXTH rillZK ..Anyonsof the dollar year magaaine
8EYKSTII lVlZEV.V.V.Vomuc. Entsn.u.s. to any aJUrew for one year
fV. want all the new. that tappm. I. Polk county and
n to visit every family In the county. We want to he p you and we want you
to Mp u Our Interest, are mutual. We will give poln a. follow .
0n point for wry Ueu, of new. worthy of publication. 25 poinU for every
article worthy of a aeper.te head. If an article le specially n Jortous or J arU
lln In the sljht of the manager of this department an etra 5 potato wll be
liven. For every new yearly subscription 85 points hot eve y yearly r
76 points. For .ubaorlptlon three month. 25 po nU i ri on.h. and lea th
.ypo,U Koreverydo.l.ryorthnew
cured, nnon receipt of pay for same we will credit ine iw
Huts, and we will l Jlly furnUh you prio. on any kind of Ad or Job.
going U, make a campaign for acme new "'T win make it to your
at time, the pl.oe. in this column. Watch for " other
lntm tenure representative. In the Motion, we nt resontea.
Icature. will be announced along.
Each week we win announce In this JlfSni
creJito.1 until after It appear. In the poper, thOT'uJ"rlgH.Dt to keep
cure,! In other way. will be announced a. they - come in.
everything fair and .tr.Ight Vd If you think an error j JJJJjJ
rite us within the week following and we will make moron
Psrker " 425
Boena Vista 234
Sover ' 158
Rickreall, 0 ' 2
Monmouth, H 102
A'rlie, 8 ' 85
pjee ;; 4
Uttle Luckiamute 77
Monmouth, B 73
Antioci, ;;; "3
Monmouth A 82
Hiehlande,D 83
Maple Grove ' 16
Neat, up-to-date
Carries a recommendation
wit it. The receiver of a let.
ter written on such Stationery
as we handle reflects favorably
on the writer, while poor Sta
tionery carries with it an im
pression of untidiness and a
lackot system in one's work.
Recently we have added some of the very latest of the city
lines to our already very complete stock. We teel assured that the
most fastidious can be satisfied in a selection from our stock. At
any rate it will do you good to examine it, whether you purchase or
not. .
Harry E. Wagoner,
Stationer, Independence, Ore.
Sonny Hlopo...-. I