IXPErKNPKNCK KNTKUr.UWE. IN'PKH.MU. ., - Independence Enterprise. IANO WEST SICC. l l'Hl IsllKIl KVI'.KY TllflWOAY, Knlvrvd at Indfixn.tpiuM-. Or., wlo(n' 1 aMSUHt-vuwa luallwr. SnDscrlptlca Price, $1.50 per Yr. of geography, (flXTH (1KAKK, MICH H'HM. I'yr's fourth rondo r, grudod lessons in Knglish, vam-t'tl arithinotie, inentul nritlimotio, advanced geography, A Healthy Hody, speller, elementary his tory, writing look No. VI, 1 raw ing hook No. VI, composition book, large io tablet, pens. CKYKNTl! OK AlK, M K. MMi'aoX. Advanced arithmetic, writing book No. VII, drawing book No, VII, advanced geography, fifth reader, mental arithmetic, pl ler, graded lessons in F.nglish, The American Citizen, advanc ed history, large size tablet pa per, pens. EIOI1T1I ((RAPE, MR. SIUrso.N. Fifth reader, advanced arith- School opens o.i next Mon- luetic, speller, Kccd's graded les- day, September 2Sth. It is very ,80n9 jn Knglish, The American important that pupils entering Citizen, advanced history, men school for the first time and Uai arithmetic, writing and draw- others should ente- on the first jng books No. VIII, large size day of the term. Parents cau tablet, pens readily see importance of this as those who enter late in the TIXKI'IIOXK i. HCBsciurrios hatkh. rsirtrtljr to Jnc rw rt M 40 Mx month...., T4 inla rout... U Loral nolle r i prnt wr Una lrala.ht absolutely rvduciiua ftr any rrawn lutUiwm. Rata on dupta? advrlUln mad known oo application. SCHOOL IU)OKS USED. Official LUt Furnlahed by l'rtn cipl wbill. iug book No. v. composition t had scrofula, ctnd I . 1. - ...I. .1 I... .. ..I .! . .. l i. lvOa, pell lioiiiri i vii3, " """"!0-0irin ,1q 0r 01KV een yoars, until I term will not be able to over take the others. Tupils in grades below the ninth should bring their report or promotion, cards, as the card assigns the pupil to bis grade at once. Those entering the ninth NINTH QHAI'K, FKOr. NEWMU.. Higher lessons in English, essentials of algebra, physical geography. The rest of the work assigned 28th. TENTH GRADE, I'KOF. NEW MIL. Essentials of algebra, rhetoric and composition. Colton's ad vanced physiology. Uest of hoard Ot Ir. IVrr,r.t.Wn Mnlioal ','r' . .... i. ii,Ih Kta.ina.uf Ouwiia, V Va. MVton I twnm-ml t Ihi'. mtici... I w" "", ami thirty ,x,,..,.l. , 'V.' . Mh .1 Vmwry an.l U" UU of hi 11 r"V V.m,"r T V...- ih om turn lit WW wmi. ivfc... t i. oi th. ulum .'.i.i l ... Im-IihuiS' lit, t train U tu twat wicmich i . .... Pr. ricrce's Golden Medical Pi the bloM and otv tircly eradicate the tx.ia.HH that i 1 -..! fMl ,ti!iuw. It cures UIWI " ' . , .nd'nli H-trmi. ClVaiWlaa. OollS, pimples' and other eruption, that tu.ir and -r the akin. Purt blood 1. mi.iUI li L-ml llralth. 1 lie weak, mn-Vjwn, debilitate! co Ai,t. u,i.i.-h an tuanv people e rwrience i owiiihwW the eflect ot impure bl.xl. lr- l'icrtVi tVtlden Medical Dix)vcry not only clmu the blooil of impuritic, but it m- rrr.fi. th activity ot tue mo. making tftwuLs, and it enrkhea the Uxly with an alminuni myyuy pure, rich blood. Fukk. Dr. Iierce'a Conttw Setwc Metlical Adviser 11 sent Jm on receipt of .stamjn to pay expense of maihinr onh. Send at one-crtit r ,,,,-v. fnr th Uiok in wiper cover or it .Hiatmw fi the cUh-Umnd volume. Address Ir. R. V. Pierea, TtntTalo Mf V Observer. NOTARIAL COM MISSION. Oscar Hayter, of Dallas, Oregon. F Showerman et ux to W O bw- man, liu acres, t s, ro w, twuu .I.Anl1 l.ritllT t)OTP Kill grade diplomas the first day if work ass.gned 28. ,.:i.i.. Court Hoiiho Xoten. School supplies may be pur chased durinc the week before C7 the opening of school. Those wishing to see in re .. .. r :i gard to tne grading 01 any pupu real estate transfers, or pupils may call at the school Timothy Goodrich et ux to Opal building Friday Afternoon or iuh, i0t8 3 and 4, block 1, Wolver Saturday morning. ton's subdivtson of out-lot G, Mon The following list of books mouth, tlOQO. anA film nliPs is for Dunils who F A Patterson et ux to W J Iliff, nnf,rP,l them vet. It 56-63 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, 3517.80, will be noticed that many of the books may be used' by the pu pils in different grades. FIRST GRADE, MRS. Tt'CK. Wheeler's oriraer. Cvr's first ' l m reader, small size tablet, slate, writing book No. 1, lead pencil. , SECOND GkADE, MISS BURKE. Cyr's second reader, small size tablet, lead pencil, drawing book No. II, spelling blank, writing book No. II, penholder, pens, elementary arithmetic. THIRD GRADE, MISS COCHRANE. Cvr's third readeV, elements of geography, drawing book No. Ill, spelling blank, elementary arithmetic, lead pencil, pen bolder, pens. FOt'RTH GRADE, MISS ILIFF. 1 Cyr's third reader, Reed's lan guage book, Heed's word les sons, spelling blank, primer of health, drawing book No. IV, writing book No. IV, penholder, pens, pencil, ink tablet, com position book, elementary geog raphy, elementary arithmetic. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL IJVF.R MEDICINE A tullnir mrfinlprinn. riizzinMa biiiousneta ana a coated tongue are common indication! of liver and kidney d ieais. Stomach and bowel trouble, aeYere ai tbey are, girt immediate warning by pain, but li ver and kidney trouble, though lex painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Tbedford'a black-Draught never fail to bene fitdioeaaed liver and weakened kid neyi. It (tin up the torpid liver to throw off the germi of fever and ague. It if a certain preventive of cholera and Iiright'i diaeaae of the kidneyi. With kidneyi re inforced by Thedford'a black Dratis ht thousand of peraoni have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Tbedford' Dlaek- Draught. It if alwayt on hand for nae jn an emergency ana tavet Man avrUHisi HA Aklli r9 a tWrY iff Mullln. S. C. March 10. 1901. fl have oud Thedford'a BUck-Drau jht for thrct year and I have not had to (o to a doctor line I have beta Uktn It If It b the teat lacdkln lor im that la J T Ford, aheritr, to Kftta It Frit ton, Ii.xjx.ioo fet, t 7 s, r .'. w, f 62. Sarah J Ground et al tot) butler eta!, ll.fiO acres, Monmoutb, J T Ford, rheritr, to W V Urottrn 1G acrr. t 7 s. r :i w, tax ded, t'l. 35; 1W acres. I U , r 3 w, 1.61; 1 acre, Dii, r4 w, tai dd. CO cant United iStatf to Merinut 1 Zwight, lf.0 acrf, t H . r 8 w pat ent. I'VOUATE. Estate of James L U win, deceamil final account approval and ad cniuistratix dincharged. Eatate of John Vernon, deceased petition for pntbate of will art for hearing on Monday, Octotter 5, 1903. at 10 o'clock a. m. Estate of E W Tompaon, deceaned final account approved and ad ministrator discharged. HOW'S THIS? FIFTH GRADE, MISS SCHNEIDER. Cyr's fourth reader, Reed's word lessons, advanced arith- metic, mental arithmetic, Reed's K VTX lancuflpe book, elementary his-1 111 compiainta. , kv. a. o. lewb. tory, writing book No. V, draw- We otter One Hundrwl Dollar Ho ward fur any cane of Catarrh that can not be cured by llall't Catarrh Cure, F. J Cheney A Co. Toledo, O. We, the undrmlKoed, have known F. J. Cheney for the laat 15 jfara, and believe bitu perfectly honorable in all buhlniwa tranaactlona and rluniiclally able to carry out any obllgulion niaile by tbelr firm. Went A Traux, Wbolfaalo ItrUKKl"!. Toledo, O. Waldlng Klnnan, A Marvin Wholnale DruKgliU, Toledo O. Hull'. Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and luucom Rurfnoca of the aywtern. TentitnonlnlH aen t free. Ilall'a Family I'llla nrc the Uet. Statnp-hckers' tongue in the name recently applied by an Eng lish physician to a form of hots mouth occuring in clerks who have many letters to stamp and seal, and who moisten the adheHive surface with the eyer-ready tongue. It if aid in an English medical journal that the gum on postage-stamps is simply the dried blood-serum of tbe horwo, and although that probab ly as clean a substtnee as can bo used, the thought of licking it is not pleasant. If one must use tbe tongu e as a moisure, it is hotter to lick the envelope and apply the stamp to wet surface but better far than that is to press the stamp against a moist sponge before at taching it to tbe envelope. Jaspea H. H. Undertaker. nba and Funeral Direr.) tJtnit i:tHlllll I1"1' ul rorlbtiKl. tit MilhlltiHlth li. I'. tL on Irar-t nt l7 Vl i. . ' 1 Tb. Mrn hitnt and Maotur- I .V : " "' "" er EU'tli"'i and t arnivat ta.t tln, b,,', jrWl( , " tn lii'M at it'rtiaim r-f'iTii..T j I' in in.).. !jin Fi.r Iht tn-taiiii the ri'iutlinrri Tacillis (. will U tbrl tt l'-tl land and leliirii. ii.cliidinK t "it of a.lmi.in ai rat" "t f :t fnuti Itidcprn.bli.r, Sal datra Sfptotu- ... ft . m - l her lSt i. h. ..'nd attl -Vlri TifkrU ld al tatiti i Fair (iron-id wtil a'luw at.i)rra at that point, riiabliiiit hohlrta li vifil ill Iipijo" Slat Fair. The rxpoaitii'it will l lirld on Mullnoinah Club tiroutid and ad jacent atrrrln, and la addition lo exhibits bv uirfchanl and tuanu fadurer, Jab.mra Ctrcu. witH it many atlracluuia ha ln awurt'd. A pH'il fraturtt will Iw tb Grand Spt taculef Italipl 'When Knighthinxl in Flower' by ly trained dancer In gofgniua v Mu.rc, prepared fr the H'aiilt. I IT.1TION. In th IViiinty Cimrl il tb" Mlo ol Urvfoti, (or 111 County m( I'o'k, In the tnattvr ul the r'lr t ('!, ic U. Flbr. dwae.l, ritallon T A. I.. r'i!wf , Miiima IhiklKy, Ktta Haloy, Kit Applrtfata. t en . Mieliell Jully, Ctiaa. F. ruber. (i, I", Hilmr. IU!ih II. i itUer, ai all A. t itnof grorl. Ing : In the name of the rui i. (iir.ti. you at. Sntt'l.y ritrd and joirtI ai-l-ar In Hi County Court of the hiatn of drrgun, lor ttin t'uiiuty ol I'n'k at tlm l"urt lii-uu Ilivrtxif, at l! tn tti Coiitily ( I'olk iti hturly, tl.u M day of lVtolr. I''I. at 10 o'cliirk In Ibo (or..i,ii of that day, thnn and llicro to how ran ma why the jrayr of tta t. wulcir'a (litl.ui pfayiig fur an ofdr to nil all the rl i-miwrty l;irtgitn In aid eatato tn,nl. not U grantoil, ai. proiwrly iiiiit!iiii of four Irart: Ou of HO ai rp in Uiiihip S K. It. $ Vt of the Wlllamrtte meridian in I'olk Coun ty, OfPKKtij aim tract of Id rr in town of Monmouth in id County ; on tract rty la to rd.ir th.t. I.I Ilia an .ii ,l,r.i . iM ' M J tbe lirlr and ia'rn! . wrdinn la lr,it of ,1 MIJ llcceit VVItn: TU lion. J. t , JtilKul the Couiity tVun 4 Ot Urri. ..r l (,ut. ,J k,, umj vi nnfilil At II, Jinn, A new linn f b!tit asit"f . Cdttcrtlim Itrtnntida Con.ldrUtWa There ar to alrtd-tt!a oritaiiirnla!. tl irrr u. by Vyoiie, tnatou iol lo tiw nuirk y, Ih lasia, , iratdo, l ot ..ru,rr , aMKciik, ftxirwr r arrait.1 with I, VI . .1 . .... i.i v .. , ri', tiBuiv m 4ji tlillig. In it livrul oat teal-; .....,t,iiff n iitvi ciaa immimmi tl Utln jiic. Iu. 14 k J 11 If 110, CA I'lTA I. Ill fit l:vt coLUf MAI.I:M, t)ltM.ON. IV. I Mial), I'rlociK I I5be ts finm DVidor & Hdg. Pt Citfj t I H, t 'iiit r'ttr.To! tMH mill OnilW'tioner Liver Pills That's what you need; some thing to cure your bilious ness and Rive you a good digestion. Avers Pills arc liver pills. I hey cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative, ah.w.. Vi aui jtjr mmtrit bmtii m bMiiUfui brown of frh tlr k I Thm BUCKINGHAM'S DYE.r. Fiuar Cl. Hon F'rtsrua CostKcrrioit. 4 4 4 ...THE- monmoutb Dittf It. I. WIIITMAS.rraa. Should hjve your WcrL .....SVaahlng called fr llvvrvxl. I Waahintf callwl frott T day and delivered oo W day Work Gnarauttti Monmouth, Oregon m A am A am am am am am am am am am am am m m a a wp aaavw mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm , Our new location 269 LIBERTY ST. New building next door to Job. Meyers 4 Sons: i t) The House Furnishing Co., J j Next door to Jotrph Mcyen & Son, SALEM, ORE. Store at Salem and Albany. Call and get tine Furniture Polish free. Do not miss Hcoing our HUjorior lino of aT' petinpH, Mattings anI Linoleums.