) I N D EPEN PKNVE ENTERPRISE, XNPETI5KDENCE, ORKGON Independence . Enterprise. IAND WEST SICE. ITlU.lSIIKO KVUHY TIU'ltHOAY. Bnlvred at Iiutrnrndi'iiee, Or xtorrto M Mrutil-litM mailer. $ufc$crfpticn Price, $1.50 per Yr. TKl.KI'HONK itU. Hl'lt-XORUTION It AT KM. (strloUy In advance) Per year I MX months TS HIucIa cony Local notices arvnls rlln slrnlKtit absolutely no rvdiictiou tut any reason whaixorver. Rate on display advertising- maile known M applleatlou. Normul Teachers Work. Heady for Tlie Normal will open ncxi Tuesday with a larjje attendance. All the instructors are now here, and located ready for the duties of the opening terra. Mr Bice, Principal of the Training school, arrived a week ago from Normal, Illinois, and is prepar inc for the directing; of the "young idea" in Monmouth As Mr. Rice has had much ex perience in this work, the pub lie can feel confidence in the continued successof the depart ment. Mr. Mahony, who will have charge of the natural sciences, arrived on Tuesday. lie has spent the summer nt Harvard, and returns with a bride. Mon mouth welcomes Mr. and Mrs Mahouv with good wishes for their prosperity and happiness. Miss Nash, the new instructor in music and drawing also ar rived on Tuesday. She has u reputation as a teacher in Ore gon, and her extended prepara- tou abroad adds strength to her departmeat. The old members of the faculty have recuperated during the summer and are ready for fresh efforts in their departments. t The school opens next Tues day, the 22nd, and already th&l students are coming in rapidly Several houses are filled to their caDacitv with roomers. Never before has the prospect for a large attendance been better. The improvements in the school building add to the ap pearance and will give an in spiration for school work. The new front doors and new floor matting will improve the ap pearance very much. Four on the rooms have been repapered and painted, and an addition has been built to the gymna sium. On Tuesday evening the an nual reunion, under the au spices of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., will be held in the chapel. The object is to welcome the new students. The friends of the normal are invited to attend and join the students in making the acquaintance of the new members of the school. 0 o'clock. Most of the contents wero saved. It caught froniv a spark on the roof, and as n strong wind was blowing at the time little could be done to ttavo the house, so the neighbors turned their attention to the, household goods. Mr. Mc Lu lie's loss w ill bo about' $1000. There were f -ISO in money, $100 in green backs being burned. The remaining ISO, in gold and silver, is not a total loss. They Protest. Referring to a recent state ment in the Monmouth items of the R.vr ekf-kisr, which has been repeated several times in the last few months, to the effect that the side walks in this X'ity are in a deplorable condition and unless speedily repaired other damage suits will follow, we, tho undersigned citizens of Monmouth, beg to say these statements are not true and the insinuations contained therein do an injustice to the reputation of this town and city authorities who exerciso good care to keep the walks in good condition. While we do not claim that our streets are laid with pave ment or walks always in per fect condition, yet wo do believe and say the' are fn as good con dition, 'and always have been, as neighboring towns, our capita city not excepted, and that no one. with proper use of his phys ical powers need have fear of injury. W. E. Bridwell, E. 11. Craven L. S. Perkins, E. H. lfosner, P. M. Hampton, J. E. Simpson, O T. roothby, Ira C. IWell, Dr. I. R. Nehrbas, S. M. Daniel, II S. Portwood, J. C. Rose, C. E. Force, C. D. Simpson, R. M. Smith, A. L. Chute, V. Smith, S. C. L. Moore, V. O. Boots, J. II. Hawley, Frank Lucas, A. F. Campbell, P. H. Johnson, ,.V. O. Meador, E. M. Smith, II. D. Whitman, J. N. Crowley,W. T. Hoffman, W. J. Mulkey, J. II. Moran, C. G. Griffa, II. J. But- ler, F. J. Mulkey, Mrs. A. M. Bed well, I F M Butler, Joseph, Craven, II A Newman,1 Mrs R Hall, Mrs A A Cattron, T O Waller, L Ground, 'J L Ziegler, C C Lewis, J B V Butler, E D Mason, Mary A Stine, O Nelson, U G Heffley, P II Burt, O A Wolverton, J W Howell, I II Fream, A J Haley, C V Leon ard, S C Donny, C LeMasters, T J Pettit, J D Conyera, R T Boothby, A F Huber, II M Eb- bert. . HOW'S THIS? Iloit picking Nolo. Special from l'arker. Hop-picking U'gati at Messrs. TeUrow'a Hud Kuefa yarda Monday, August 31, ami after a very uo eessful two weeks' picking untied" Tuesday, September 15tli The hops were in fine condition, pre neiiting nice heavy cluster and not many leuves. Mould in hardly Lin evidence and lice are searceljr perceptible. Several thouiiiml pound of Hie very finest hops will reward the effort of the indus trious growers of these yards. The pickera were paid by the pound, which method gave good satisfaction as the boxes wvighud from forty-eight to eighty pounds. ami the average in general was highly (satisfactory. The manager! of the yard were very kmd and courteous toward the pickers, who hi their turn expressed their ap preciation by their efforts to faith fully do their part. And we are of the opinion that there will he no nicer, cleaner hops offered for sale from I'o.lc county , than those grown in the yards belonging to Tedrow and Ruef. Hop-picking began at Mr. lleb miek'a Monday, September 7th, and they expect to finish some time this week. We have not vis ited this yard yet, but report say the hops are flue, much better tin year than usual. H.H. Jasperson, Undertaker, and Funeral Independence, Enbalmer, Director. Oregon. D. M. Calbroulh, will inarch in single battalion to tho buttle field at Parker, where the native forces, with castles strongly fortified, and knights mounted on spirited steed, will opiioso the coining onslaught. Much preparation will ho mads for this intellectual ngiigemeut. and it la to he hoped Unit tho able judges may render a satisfactory division to the participants of this mental encounter. A Hoy's Wild Kl.to for Lire. Willi family around exiH'clInK Mill to die, ami a sou riding lor life, IS iiillca, to get Dr. King's New Discovery fur CoiiHUinilioii, ('oiiKh. nud (Jidda, V, II llrown, of I.orxvlllu, Intl., endured death's Hoodie from HMliiuu; but till wonderful medicine given limtunt relief and soon cured lilui. He write: ''I now uleeu soundly every night." Iilke marvelous cure of Consumption, i'ueii lunula. Jlronchltis, (uikIih, Cold and Th.iinlaud Luiik trouble. I iusratiteed bolt tea Alio and 1,00, Trial tMittlea free at A. H. Lock a drtiir store. CITATION. While we are mentioning all these good people and their good deeds we must nut fail to mention our "good angel," for such an ap pellation surely applies itself Mrs. Fuqua, whoso kindly looked after the little folks while we were busy in the boo fields, and to whose gsnerosity we are also in debted for many delicacies of the culinary art. Clivsa Oume. Hpecial from Parker. & On Saturday, September 20th, at 2 o'clock P. M. the Mt. Hood Chess Club, under the able supervision of House Burned. Special from Surer. W. McLane's house burned to the ground Tuesday evening at1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh tbat can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J Cheney & Co, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding Kinnao, & Marvio Wholsale Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Hall's Family Fills are the best. cvsstte Club at SorUsern Ohio. 4 dreaded ths clung of life which was last approaching. I noticed Wine f Cardul, and decided to try a hot. tie. I experienced tome relief the first month, to I kept on taking M for three month and now I menstruate with no pain and I (hall take rt off and oa now until I have patied the climax." Female weakness, disordered mantes,' falling of the womb and orarian troubles do not wear off. They follow a woman to Uiechange of 12e. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when the was in dan gar. When you come to the change of life Mrs. Webb's letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the rafferinff she endured. Druggists sell fl bottles ot wine 01 uiraui. In the County Court of the Statu of Oregon, fur (lie Comity of I'olk. In the mutter of tlie entnle of diaries G. Fisher, deceased, ritnifon. To A. L. Fisher, Minnie Ilukley, Ktla Haley, Klla AppleKitta, Lena O. Mieliell Jolly, 1'has. F. Fisher, (ieo. O. FUlutr, Kalph H. Finder, Sural) A. Fisiier greet- iri: In tho name of the State of Oregon, y.u arc hereby piled mul required to ai' peiir in the County Court o( the fliiate of Irecm, lor the County of I'olk ut the Court Konin tliertSft'lit Dttllax In the County of IVIk on Saturday, the ltd day of (Jetobcr, at 10 o'cloek ill the forenoon of that dnv, then anil there to show eauwj why the prayer of tho ex editor's petition praying for an order to sell all the reu) property Iteioiigiug to said entitle rIkiuUI not ho granted, said property consisting of four tracts : One of KO acres in township 8 8. It, S West of the Willamette meriiliun in i'olk Coun ty, Oreiron; one tract of 10 acres in town of Monmouth in said County ; one tract !n.iiiM.,..i i.. 1.1....1, v.. u ... ..i.i of Monmouth In I'olk County, Oregon; one Irsct of D7.nl) acres In township tl H., It. 1 West of the Willamette meridian In Marlon County, Oregon, each of fmid tracts being fully described in said pe tition. The object of selling said prow erty la to reduce tlis extant to cash so as to make ihuiiI division In value lietween the heirs and legatee of said deivawxt, according to terms of the Inst will of said decedent. Wltnc-s: The Hon. J. K. Sibley, Judge ol Ihu County Court of the Htutt of Oregon, for the County of I'olk w II U the Seal of said Court alllxed, this 2!'lh day of August A. li. lmi;l. Attest : U. H. I.oiiliary, Clerk, Quite a number frmn hero and surrounding points attended a masquerade hall nl Hoist Pros.' hoi yard Wednesday eyeninf. Ieiiiuiids Consldetntloil There are two kinds practical and ornamental. The former should bo secured by everyone, Ivmu It may be put to use quickly. '1 he latter Is de- iral'ln, but the former ir rsaentiul. Our courses uie nrranged with a view to use fulness. We do not dabble In a little of everything, hut devote our energies lo conducting a rlrst-clasa business wliixil. Living exjienses low. Send (or catalogue. t'AI'JTAIi UCSINKMS COLl.KOi: hali:ji, iti:uov. V. I. 8tU-y, l'rincliul. She y?rcade, Dauidsop & Hedgas, Ptopa. Cifai-H, Ciari"t tir,TolJu- fos ami Conl'fK'tionory. Fikht Class Soim Fountain Connection. in K-ev ...THE... Dizzy? Then your liver Isn't acting well. Jfou suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. lee. All druggists. V nl jrmir mnu.uiciis or b.nnl a liuUlui Drown or nco discs t inmu u BUCKINGHAM'S DYE(?niVk mmw Omfmm, s Hn. a (W ,.; era . M. j moniiioutb Eaundry j ii. i. v in i-rop. , 4 Should have your Work. A. Washing called for and de- livered. ; WuHhing called for on Taes day and delivered on Butur- f dy Work 6arantccd. I Monmouth, Oregon. Our flew Cocatiott 269 LIBERTY ST. New building next door to Jos. Meyers ft Sons. Call and get tine Furniture Polish free. ?' JOINEofCARDUL f i tl m tl The House Furnishing Co., c t) M i J T t. HF C CATPTUT rPT7 C 5f Stores at Salem and Albany. Do not miss seeing our superior lino of Car petings, Mattings and Linoleums. 3 ft