INDKPENDKNCK KNTEM'RISK, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON i Tooth Brushes ! A H oV imported tooth-brnnlM-H. Durum thin hiiU. tiki Hruli will V " oe " " aw " " j' " " Suo " " A. B. LOCKE, Prescription Druggist, Independence. Cuiirl lliMim Nolr.. AHTK I K Or INi uKI-ollATIoN, MT)'"" rooery Company; .,f budiiiM. KalU City, One- fS;f.iul $1000. divided J. K.Ford. 1$. M. Ford. Oil- trtTywn. RCA I. l'rUE TMAVUfKII. i SI. Mitb-r l) School lit. No. iwulli one-half lot X. Woe It M Uft'i UVtmU H-l add to Del- . I'M. rV.l Ciif .1 Western Hy itoll (i Campbell, tract i t 8 Lr5w.ll. JV While el ax Ui Mary A !! Mum, UK) acres, I U s, r 5 w, CVO. Hry J Tvh-r ct l t W K J wo, trm-t in t 7 e, r H w, $1. JLZifgl'T ft ux lo Alfred Kirk ... i .1. )-. ill Ml 111 .MOIIIIIOUUI, Ti.n.rv. hWr Hill to Martha A Hill. A one half int HO acres, t U , r 4 hll. I J B Thompson, admr, to Almona Thompson, uml on-fourth Int ib nine-truths interest in lot 5, xfclQ. Iulla. iiih;j.w). ft'P Fisher el ux to J 0 Van lel, uiul one-third int n e J sec 19. r(S w.NOO. LG Kemtonor to John I Keasnn- k 25 8,1 ftc ri, t 8 s, r 5 w, $100. SU Owin, guardian, to Mary L i'in, tract in t 8 s, r 5 w. 75. OA C II U Co to W 0 McClure, v23 acre, 1 1) 1, r 8 , $749. II Coi.tu it ux to J v 1'olley. j in IJuiMM Vieu, .'175. fertha I) Oilman ami hd to At JlTeal, l'.'i) acres, t 8 i) r 6 w, MOO. IllMulkey etux to W 1 Fish- '(Net in Monmouth, $50. CLAIMS At.l.OWKIl. 'I Fault, tinlse FrifHi'ti, mud acct. 'IMnmn, coroner's fees . 'k & Buchanan, experts pOdtUgf) ........ nVilliauiH, bridge acct. . Wm'hisk, printing. . . , . 3.75 i.W 30.85 150.00 11.00 5.50 2.10 7.00 150.31 10.50 71.00 ji a iiunerow, pauper sect 3 Umglmry, nnlury and CXIM'IIMC. jn-HoilHim Co., suppIit'B -"urn tiny Co., mippiii'H. w A I'rudhomme, i-ta ....Paper.... JrappinjjvBatjs Do you use them? Wo al ayo have tliem. Onlor by I'Iioiib, mail, etage, man We nre prompt. "Evi'rytliina in paiwr." '60. F- RodgerS& Co Wholesale Paper Dealers 40o .aro .S0O .250 .aio .100 V! tlonery 25.10 - 0 I Starr, salary ami txp. . 87. Mrs V II Morriniiii, teach 3 ers ex J-W C C I'o'inB. same... 15.00 K V Ualton. nalary C2.W) W F Nichols, same C5 00 M 1) Kllis. electrio lights.. 15.00 Dr 11 II McCalloo, pauper ' arct 10.00 F K Myer. salary Mrs F R Mjer, ssum 07.50 A Huston, same 05.00 U llrunk, roal acct 57.78 I) G Meador, pauper acct. . 8.00 K H H'kr. rocd acct 35.20 C K Huntley, pauper cct. 14.50 K Hayter, salary 65.00 M V Woods, salary 40.00 W A Wash, printing. 50 Obrer, same 20.75 Hull A Cherrington, mdso. C 05 C W Hlack, livery hire. ... 2.50 J It Teal, road acct 41.30 1.. ll.hrllnff. name 104.00 111 w W K Mrtin. same 12 5 T H HuntUy, sain 500 91 ft) uA Kllia & Ket. pauper acci . 00. J T Ford, salary 153.33 Florence Wolfe, county,ex- Libit I"0;00 J E Sibley, salary 6.C5 C II Morris, courthouse acct 10.00 A J Goodman, road acct . . . 1-40 PBOBATE. K8tate of Henry Groase, deceaned -udministrator's bond fild and approved. Kstate ol James Wheeler, tie-cett(cd-C!ork ordered to pay to M. Clyde I'hillips the sum of $714.80, held for James Harlu Whecl-r, minor son of deceased, Estate 'of W K Thompson, do co,lwl8ftle of real roperiy ap proved. . , 1 Estate of Davia J "'"' -r,.llml-certain real property or- dered sold at privaw sale. v (huirdiimfhip ol iv . ,er, a minor-petition to Kill real property granted. Estate ol C O Fislier, deceaned ptiun to sell real property set for Lring October 3. at 10 o clock a. 1,1 Estate of Samu-l Cox, deceased -llnal account heard and approv- " Estate of R L Skinner, deceased -final account beard and approved, except as to claim of Caleb Hughes on which action has been brough , the Circuit Court; it is ordered ih.t all other claima preBented and allowed be p.W. real property be rned over to the devisees nude the will, and that the remainder of t money on hand U J.ld PjJ- mttde- COMMIS9.0NKKS1 COURT greets nd "")" filed and la the matter of approving ware houis bonds heretofore filed or dered that the follow'ng Iwnda be approved, and that license iccue: Balem Flouring Mills Company, L A brains, Goo. K. Berry, C. F. Heine A Co., J. K. Sears, James Helmick, J. B. IUddr, D. L Keyl and Oregon Milling Co. In the matter of bids for the c m struction of the Hooker bridge- bids presented as follows: C. F. Hoyal & Son, UC9; h. K. Braley. 11250; II. A. Cronnen, 11193; F. C. Raymond. $1310. All bids reject ed as not satiHfactory. In the matter of 1800 and 1897 tax rolls ordered that Sheriff be credited with balance shown on Mid rolls, atfd that said rolls be fi nally closed. In the matter of the construc tion ol the Hooker bridge bid of C. F. Royal t Son to build same for $000 accepted. B F Mulkey, error tax sale. 10.G2 F J Coad, courthouso acct. . 3.30 J 11 Teal, salary 31.80 Seth Riggs, salary 17.00 - . HOW'S THIS? We oiler One lluuclre'l Dollar Re ward for any cam of CuUrrb that can not be cured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. F. J Clieney & Co, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cueuey fur the lunt 15 yearn, and believe hira perfectly honorable Id all buHlneMi trahoactioua and financially able to carry out any obligation wade by their firm. Wtmt A Traux. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldlng KlnuanA Marvin iviinhutle DruizirlBU. Toledo O. llaira Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upou the blood ana niucou nurfaoes of the ejtem. Teatlmonlala aent free. Hall's Family Pills are the Unt. Notice. State of Oregon, ) Couuty of Polk ) T r. II Jruiutt and V. I.. Bice, belu duly sworn on oath, say that we each are residents of Iudependeuce, Polk couuty, Oregon ; that we are the ideu- It. mill tuinxAtl llfMi' rlbed lu and who exe cuted the within instrument; that we . . lorn did, ou the 17in uay oi auBubi, enter into a partrersbip uuder the firm name of Jowc & Bice; that we each Hubcrlbed and own oue-half of the it-i of the Dartnerabip; that our bualiieHS is for the purpose of con-; ducting a general furniture, hardware, undertaking, seconouanu other business interests as may he properly incorporated, into said buM uess; that the duration of the partner thip'la to be perpetual. 8ubscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, on this, the 24th day of August. 1003. Notary Public for Oregon. tr n,l Mrs. A. J. Goodman left today on a trip to Seattle and Everett, Washington. Mr and Mrs. O. L. Hawkins, of Dallas, spent Wednesday here. Miss Opal Hall, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Hall, of Monmouth, reiurneu 10 Portland today. She will teach again this winter in the Portland schools. Stomach Trouble. .., . K-r troubled with toy 1 nave stomach for the past four years," says . r.i Mruib Farm. t) L lieacn, 01 Greenfield, Mass. "A few days ago I was T laln'a Stomach aud Liver lableU I have taken part of them and feel a . . Tf vrn liavn anv !...iivi 1 r nil v a v. ereat deal . "rouble with your stomach try a box of these Tablets. You are oertoln to be pleased with the result. Price J r K.. tTirVlanrl Drue Co. oenta. rorsaic-j - Oreat ICxposltlon and Carnival at Portland. The Merchants and Manufactur ers Exposition ami Carnival will be held at Portland September 14th to 20th inclusive. For this occasion the Southern Pacific Co. will sell tickets to Port land and return, including coupon of admission at rate ol $3.20 from Independence. Sale dates Septem ber 15th, 18th. 22nd and 25th. Tickets sold at stations south of Fair Grounds will allow Btopovers at that point, enabling holders to visit the Oregon State Fair. The exposition will be held on Multnomah Club Grounds and ad jacent streets, and in addition to exhibitH by merchants and manu facturers, Jabours Circus, with its many attractions has been secured. A special feature will be the Grand Spectacular Ballet 'When Knighthood was in Flower by six ty trained dancers in gorgeous cos tumes, prepared for the occasion. B. F. Mulkey, of Ashland, was in town Monday. Miss Mintie Taylor came in from Centralia, Wash., Monday. For a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Ktomach and Liver Tablets and a quick enre Is certain. For sale by Klrklana Drug KjO. Prof C. Rice, the new principal oftbe Moumouth training school, arrved from Illinois yesterday. Mrs. Opal Goodman, of Cottage Grove, came io Friday to be at the bedside of her father. T. C. Thorp. The Presbyterian church of this city is preparing to entertain the stated fall meeting at the Willam- ELEVENTH gorrespondeim' Contest On Thursday, August 20, 1903, we commenced our Eleventh uirresponoenis con test and will bring it to a close at 6 ;C0 ' . , i i i : our corresponoenia aenireu me ciubiur picking broke in for a couple of months at the start. we give a net ueiw u.u,. prizes, taken from a list furnished by the correspondents : FIRST PRIZE ....An elegant Dresser,, an ornament to any home RFCOND PRIZE A set or THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE FIFTH PRIZE c-ivtix PRI7K . SEVENTH PRIZE.. ....Indkpbndenck CONDITIONS. ii ti,ot. hunnnnsin Polk countv and we want the Entkb- rBi to visit everv familv in the county. We want to help you and we want you to help us. Our interests are mutual. We will give points as follows: 1 . t it. wnrthv of Dubllcation. 25 points for every Ulie poiiii. cci j article worthy of a seperate head. If an Hnir in the sight of the manager oi tms aepanmeii. r --. - Liven For every new yearly subscription 85 points. For every yearly renewal 75 nointB - For a subscription three months 25 points; six months and less than a year 3-5 points. For every dollar's worth new Advertisement or Job Work se cured, unon receipt of pay for same we will credit tie n Tth noin-, and we will gladly furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. Ae are Ling to make a campaign for some new correspondents, and we will announce L times the places in this column. Watch for them, as we wiU mak t to u interest to secure representatives in me features will be announced along. HOW YOU STAND. r.... u ... iil nnnnnne in credited until after it appears in the paper, although ascriptions ano joints ., onnnPPil as thfiv come in. We want to Keep 3,TSr4 If you . . , , , write us within the weeK ioi.owing uu Parker. Airlie, S Monmouth, H Pedee Antioch..... Monmouth, B... Monmouth A Rickreall, C Maple Grove Snver Highlands, D Little Luckiamute Mother "My mother wss troubled with consumption for many years. At last she wst given up to die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. 4f you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Vknt tiiM I ZSc, Mc. II. All Sranlili. Comnlt your dortor. If hi y tk It, than Ao m h lay. If b tell you not to tek It. thoo duu't Uk It, II kuow. Uttl It wltb lilra. Wa are wllllnar. J.C. AVEHCO.. I-owhII, M. ette Presbytery, which convenes Tuesday. October Gth. The church as well as oui city will give the Presbytery a hearty welcome. A program of the exercise will soon be published. Demands Considetation There are two kinds practical and ornamental. The former .should be secured by everyone, because it may be put to use quickly. The latter is de sirable, but the former ir essential. Our courses are arranged with a view to use fulness. We do not dabble in a little of evervthiug, but devote our energies to conducting a first-class business school. Living expenses low. Send for cata logue. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE SALEM, OREGON. W. 1. Staley, Principal. o'clock r. M. January do next. ai..y i j. -tn.Iarl honanoft Viarvwst.inff and hoo- umo , , Z. KOger vroa 10-t pu : . ...a nexioie, i.-u - One of the popular books any one ui n Enterprisb to any address for one year . . - . article be specially meritorious or b art- seouons we r this column your points. No article is think an .'nor has occurred in your points , ,u ti,r.rniitrh mveatieation. wo ... '" " 92 gj 0 1 48 . ...... 35 ...... 44 . I!!!!!".! 20 Y . . .. ...... ... : "" "" 24 54 345 102 Salem, Oregon.