Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 10, 1903, Image 5

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    mrr,l'KNI)v?(:K UNlKia-niHE, INI)RII)NDKKCIC, OMWON
County Correspondence.
JliM IcKiio ('ui came tip from
ForiUiiJ Tu'-mUy.
Well 'en(tr on Fri
train to Portland.
t'liiiint ir wm k tuiiiini-fti
,iiit(.Tt I'rkvt Sunday.
Krirt tlr. of AlUny, ii
picking ''!' ,l Mf ll'1l'"''-li'
Mf. M"rgii i viitlng with hid
ffn,in, J. Ilalinit k, of Prkr.
CliUll Boon a litlMD'e
iinlort ludcpirulmd HunJay.
SUil carrier Harr.v inn rd
.f If picking nd Mr.
Uinn'i fatlirr carrira liin innil.
r- M Ml M (
Mr. WeU,.l cam., ,, rm, W.
land Humlay, rBluri.ii.g Monday.
M'ictuiff Klllll ,(jH wlioli
Win Kujua U .hipping dn.HHo.I
to Kvrrdi.,K ,fc Fnrrt-ll, at Port-land.
Il"'-i kr r daily aHvi.,.,
i ..... ' r
ami vim u, yard ar in 0
Mn. MuMra ami children, Cm,,,
(Wralia, V (,.. ar vitutimj at!
nr. u-i.,1, it
Mr. Krr tk.-n suddenly
ill MtnitUy evening, r.qmriiiK umh
imiKtrtii. At irffnt elm m
not in unit itu proved.
"1 !.! M....,..- i.. t. i
- ! , ui una . nreii
1 viMtirix t Mr. 'Vters' nV, n-turo-il
to Portland Tumdiiy.
Minn I,ur Crifjbjow left Tues
day for h inonili' outing in tlio
hi-.-lii;Ma, M'ur Airlie.
Dr. K. L. Ketclium, of Indepcn
dnce, muile a professional vixit t
Parker Sunday veiling.
Mm. J. 'eu wif f f-,.1(u, 0f
H. T. Carpenter ere No 10. in
veiling in with friend at Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and Centralis. Wanb., ar veiling
at air. HeUnick'H. Mr. Stephens
in a winter of Mm Helmick.
Wlio Control The Weather?
ISy M. M. Mungiisarian, lecturer
independent religious society.
Without pretending to kn
definitely who or what it is that con
trols the weather, though there are
those who clain to posses full
knon ledge thereon, . we suaireHt
that if the management of the wea
ther could be turned over to a com
mittee composed of our most learn-
...i i .
en ami coosuienii'.'Ul citizens, a
great many of the periodically oc
curnug ummioni on lanI and sea
tniir it he prevented
The control of man over nature's
forces in various spheres is already
a fact. This has greatly improved
our relations with the elements
about us. And if such control
could be extended to the weather,
there is no reaon to doubt that a
similar improvement will take
place in the present anarchic con
ditions, which, at times at least, j
characterize the conduct of tfm
American weather.
The first thing, for instance, that
such a committee could do wou'd
be to bring the elements under re-
Q L Hawkins
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Monument and Head
ftonea Cemetery
work etc.
I It i iswC88!
) WjW. Dfy Goods, Clothing, Furnishing V. '.cWok ()
VC I Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and T "s' ()
) J J ' Shoes, Groceries and 1 M
x 1 Provisions. '
j : . - (D
i ne larger pan ot our ran stock has arrived and we are now pre- (fits
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Groceries and
The larger part of our Fall Stock has arrived and we are now pre
pared to sell all new and up-to-date goods at the lowest possible prices
We Inv'te you to call and examine our goods and get our prices.
We Can Save You vSome Money !
Men's Clothing
Boys' Clothing:
Men's Shos
Boys' Shoes
Men's Hats
'Boys' Hats
Wool Underwear
Cotton Underwear
Sweaters Shirts
Gowns Neckwear
Wool Hose Cotton Hose
Suspenders Gloves
Overcoats Rain-coats
Rubber Goods
In Dress (loods wo have a
complete lino of tho latest novel
ties in plain Zihelines, fancy
Snowflako Zihelines, striped Zib
eliiu'jj, Cashmeres, Henriettas,
Alhertrosf, Venetians, Serges,
Melrose and various stvles and
colors of suitings.
In Waisting wo have the
plain French, Tricots ilannels,
Snowllakes, and a nice lino of col
ored Waiting and Kimona goods.
A large line i-f Outing Flannels,
Percales, Shirting, Calico etc.
Also a nice line of Tablo Linens,
Nankins, Towels, Towelings, in
fact ouf stock is complete in all
lines, and wo guarantee our prices
are right.
Ladies' Shoes
Misses' Shoes
Children's Shoes
Ladies' Woolen Underwear
Ladies' Cotton Underwear
Children's Underwear
ladies' Mackintoshes, Skirts,
Shirtwaists, Belts, Wool
Hose and Cotton Hose.
We have something; excep
tionally good in Boys' and Girls'
Hose for School wear. Ask to
see them.
Bring us your Produce
We will pay you the high
est marKet price for it.
Dcmpmber we carry a full
tine of Groceries and wilt furnish
you in this tine cheap as any one
in the city. Call and see us.
W. A. Messner.
See . our line of Warner's
Rust-Proof Corsets, the best wear
ing; and best fitting- Corset made.
straint and to check their unneces
sary riolence. The etormn cnuln
be dmiributed so as to relieve anv
one spot from suflering the full fury
of the ekments. Such a committee
could also, an far ag possible, pre
vent the bad rather, if we chould
i . .
imvoany. iroui commj all m a,
bunch. It could alo proportion
the downpour of rain in any one
locality t0 th needs of the soil and
the earrying capacity of the rivers,
so as to guard against the ruinous
floods, and insure the crops. Ali
excess of water could be directed
ocean ward, or it could be shifted
by the help of the winds to the
desert ofahara, thus giving to' the
elements a chance to express them
selves, freely .nd fully without,
however, doing any damage.
The committed could also, with
out disturbing the course of nature. '
make all Sundays and holy days
fair 8nd pleasant, confining, at the
same time, as far ss practicable.
all rainfalls and wind and dust
storms to the night hours say
from 12 o'clock midnight to 6 in"
the morning. This committee also
could eliminate all uncertainty
forms of the weathe-- that is to
say, when it looks like rain, let it
rain, evd when it looks fair let it
be fair. This would make the Wea
ther more reliable than it now is,
and thus do a'vay with 50 per cent
of our disappointments, as well as
save all wastage now due to the un
certainty) of the weather. An
other thing such as a committee
could do would be to make the
seasons , more seasonable. Let
March be like March, and May be
like May. By arranging against
the sudden changes of temperature,
the committee would shorten the
catalogue of the maladies of the
human race.
The day we succeed in moralizing
the weather, the golden age of the
world will be nigh. Ninety-nine
per cent ot the misery and criminal-
ty in society i traceable to the un
conscionable weather. Let the cli
mate be endowed with a conscience-
and our earth will be a paradise.
A Remarkable Record.
m D
tr . . (f)
: Ail " : f
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy lias a
remarkable record. It bas been in use
lor over thirty years, during which
time many million bottles have been
sold and used. It has long been the
standard and main reliance in tbe
treatment of croup in thousands of
homes, yet during all tnis time no case
has ever been reported to the manufac
turers In Which, it failed to effect a
cure. When given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse or even as soon
as tbe croupy cough appears, it will
prevent the attack. It is pleasant to
take, many children like it. It con
tains no opium or other harmful sub
stance and may be given as confident
ly to a baby as to an adult.' - For sale
by Kirkland Drug Co.
.Barber Shop.
OnA Unnr annth nf Pnst Office.
Fine Baths in connection with shop
Independence, - Oregon.
m f