Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 10, 1903, Image 4

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rrUl.lxllKD KVfcRY THl'WDAY.
Kolepril mi ImlrpviHlmc, tf iHwIoHlfv
roouil-vlwui mailer.
$b$cripticn Price, $uo pcrVr.
' bub-hcrhtion katks.
(Strictly In anc)
Pr Tru ....... W
&lx month
UlntflA n 16
Loral notlcr arSciiU pt lln straight
baoluieljr do reduction for ny rwuion
Rout on display sdvertlatng nimU known
on application.
An article appear! in last week'a
Enterprise. "Pictures by toe Way
eid" from the in of our gifted
Buena Vista correspondent, that
every reader should read and reread.
W'e consider it one of the best
articles that ever fouud its way in
mint in our columns. Lead it and
you will be the better for hav
On the 15th dav of September
the immigration rates will go into
effect, and hundreds of home
seeksrs will wend their way to
O'egon. Some, no doubt, will come
to Independent"", attracted to this
point bv our literature and the kind
words of friends who have already
located here. But the vast majority
. what? How can Independence
care for more? All the dwellings
are oroiinied. and what will we do
with our new anivals? The desir
able citizen is generally he who
locates after deliberation, and where
will he "deliberate" in this town?
It is a condition to be deplored, but
it will be tolerable if w- all will
do all that is in our might to make
pleasant the visit of our Eastern
friends while here. A committee
should be appointed to meet
strangers at the depot, secure their
names, if they have friends here
look them up, and do various other
courtesies nscessary on their first
arrival here. It will pay. The
first impression, be it favorable or
opposite, is one which future events
will not completely efface no mat
ter how much it is desired.
A Delnnso of Christian Kclrmo
Glenn Hiltibrand is confined to
his bed with the mumps.
M, Scrafford made a business
trip to Siletz the first of the week.
Mr. acd Mrs. Clarence Hamil
ton, of Salem, spent Sunday with
Fred Stump.
Miss Maude Graham, of Falls
City, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
E. Hiltibrand.
Miss Ona Baker, of Portland,
ncnt thft fimt of the wesk with
relatives in this vicinity.
Rev. J. II. Burns, of Troatdale,
is spending a few days on his farm,
putting in Borne new wire fence.'
Hon. I. M. Simpson had the
misfortune last Wednesday to lose
a valuable horse by its being run
over by the outh bound freight.
Tbos. Hart and Smith & Tethe
row are finishing up threshing our
nrintr prain. Thev each have
o o ' m
about eight davs more threshing to
M. Scrafford commenced pick
ing bis twelve acres of hops Mon
day. Most of the yards are lighter
than common but the quality is
better than eer before.
Myron and Martin Allen, ot Clin
ton county, Michigan, wore visiting
relativea in this locality Friday,
They were well pU-asod with what
they saw of Oregon.
James Hiltibrand can lxast ol
having one of the finest patches of
corn in the county. He has corn
eight feet high and five fare on a
nlock, and yet they mill ay that
we can't raise corn in Oregon.
Fearful Otitis Against II I in.
IWdridden, alone ami (Institute.
Such, lu brief wa the oonitltlou of u
o!il soldier by name of J. J. Havens,
VrsIle, O. For year he wi troubled
wl:h KMney dlneasa ami neither tloo-
ton nor medicine Kv him relief. At
l..n.ih ha trlml Kleetrlo Hitter. It
nut bliu ou tils feel In short order and
now be tent I ties. "I'm on the road to
complete recovery." Best on earth for ami Kldnev troubles aild all
forma of Stomach and Ilowel Com
plaint. Onl$60o. (Juarautecd by A
S. Locke, DriiftKlxt.
1 1 educed Kates to Oregon State
The Oregon State Fair will be
held at Fair Grounds Septembt
14th to 19th.
Th Southern Pacific. Co. will
sell tickets to Fair Grounds and ro
turn at one and one-third fare
from all points on its Oregon Lines
Snpcial exhibits of fine cattle
and horses and agricultural pro
ducts have been prepared, and rv
ery effort will be put forth to make
this the greatest fair in the history
of Oregon.
If vou are interested in the de
velonment of the State (and of
course you are) you cannot afford
to miss the Fair this year.
ws a Salem visitor
Dr. Allin
1 crayon Acorn syrup. 45 cents
at Doutv'e.
Mattison. of Astoria, is
visiting relatives here. ,
Vern Birtlett returned to Port
land the first of the week.
MiB3 Dorothy Cooper returned
from California Wednesday.
Miss Bessie Burkhart, of Albany,
is visiting Miss Bessie Butler.
Mrs. Allin, of Salem, yisited her
son. Dr. V. II. Allin, during tne
Mrs. A. F. Campbell, of Portland,
came up from Portland Wednesday
J. L. Stockton, a former mer
chant of Independence, has pur
chased the Holverson store at Sa
lem, in addition to the one he is
now operating.
Services at the Presbyterian
church next Sabbath. Sabbath
school at 10 A. M. Preaching at
11 A. M. and 8 P. M. A kind in
vitation and a cordial welcome to
Itoy Irvine came up last even
ing from Portland. He is going
to Corvallis, where lie has a po
sition in the Gazette printing
W. G. Sharman returned from
a several weekg' trip by wagon
to Lake and Harney counties.
He went to the southeastern
part of the state to report on
school land recently purchased
by Independence people.
The following is from lte Issue
of Midland DruKKit,aH knoWU
medical journal:
" 'A wit onco remarked,' ay
Medical Talk, 'that the acience ol
medicino consists in pourina com
uum.liof whiuh we know little in
to bodies of which e know still
l.a It la iniorestinir in thi
unction to note that although the
Christian Scientists dispense with
medicines and drugs altogether.
the mortality amongst them Is no
greater than among the drug tait
i.... ........i..i;.v, Ti.U causes one
to wonder just what has Wen gaiiv
ed bv our modern science of thera
. r
.,.,t;... Tli t the science is oi
yv u .1 . . ....
some use, we cannot deny. Any
formulated and organiied system
of facts is valuable and can be put
to some practical use.
"The answer to the paradox is
that the cures effected by drugs
anionic the run of people are ooun
terbalanced by diseases brought
about by the excess in which these
iwonltt indulei. It is a recognue.l
fact that the Jews are less subject
to diseaso than are other persons,
and the fact has been explained by
the frugality of their habits. Ins
same reason infcht be urged in the
case ot the Christian Scientists.
This sect is eminently temperate
their morals are on the whole good
they take a hopeful attitude toward
life and thus escape the nervous
troubles that are caused by worry,
and their systems are not debilua
ted by the use of drugs which they
lamorantly or wilfully misuse.
This is quite interesting in its
nilmiHMinn that ''although the
Christian Scientists dUpense with
medicine and drugs altogether, the
mortality among them is no great
er than among the drug taking
population," but this admission
does not go far enough to do jus
tice to the fact.
Figures recently Riven out in
the annual report of the clerk of
the Kirst Church of Christ. Scien.
tint, in Boston, Mass, Indicate a
much lower death rate among
Christian Scientists than that .ol
the "drug-taking population," yet
H. H. Jaspew
Undertaker. Enbal
and Funeral Direct
independence, ,., or(
this is not the point which.
shall refer particularly.
II the majority of lh Christian
Scientists had entered Upon their
experience as Christian Scientists
in a normal or even average con
dition of health, they would have
much reason fr thankfulness In
having so maintained their stan
dard as to win tin tribute from
our medical contemporary; but the
fact is tiiat a very Urge proportion,
almost the entire number, did not
start under llie favorable circum
stances; furthermore, a great many
had reached a condition of hope
less invalidism, and iu iiu-misider-a,blo
number hail la-en pv'" UP t"
To say that their g-d health is
the prodtiei of their good morals
and temperance u no inure correct
than it would be bJ say that their
good morals and temperance i lh"
result of their got-d health. Neith
er their good health Upon the one
hand nor their temperance and
good morals upt-u the other hand
are causes. Both are elleets, it ml
both are effects of the same. The
peration of the healing power of
Christian Science is tin ilustrui-lion
of both sin and si-kne-s, and in
this its name, Chi istiau Science, is
jusliliud, and it is proved to m the
healing and saving pathology and
theology of Jesus Christ.
Thill "Jesus h-tiled the sick and
destroyed sin by one ami the same
metaphysical process" (Si-tt-nee and
Health, P. '2101 is nu estahli-hed
fict, ai-1 this is so well known to
Christian Scientists that they ex
pect moral regeneration to smitn
puny the cure of physical ilisi-a.e,
for they heal their patients and
keep themselves well ihruUKh the
right understanding of Cod, and of
mans relation to Him. "M in
Christian Science Seminel.
Mrs. J layc and two j
tors Imve joined Prof. HHy,
i. : i .. .... .1 . i . . i
hub vuy mm iney Imvo q
up tlicir n-sidi-iico
Fifth strt't-t. Their
nro bright ittlu girls ned
t niitl l yt-itrs. Albutiy Ji
The Filipinos are u, U U
into the Intricacies of th a
can currency system, for a :
liver certificates are to U til
to Manila after tlm silrer
that have been coined for ci
lion in the islands. Kvcry A
can knows that tlm silvrr t
cates are issued for thecoiivrJ
of those people whn object W
inK their pockets down with :
coin. It remains ti U
long It will take the Kilipii,
learn that the certificates r
money tn the strict meaning
term, but simply a guarantM
the silver is in tha Irrtsurj
had on demand.
Wsntrd. Ksllliful fnon to
ad nTrvite lortu of .il(i.o
make C'-lle. lion for tn an ulm f
hoiliHi.l Htraliilit ,iUry i
and crliw. Halary paiil t I
exsn money ailvsiirwf. Prt-ti
(rrlenre unneevmarr. Iaic1 i
Utltlnl'Mt Slieecimful. l'iitloli ;
unit. Klieluw wlf s.lurmml Ho
Hiiietiitteloleiit, Denrljoro :
I have hd occAsion to utm vm,
Rlick.Driuaht Stock and Poultry Medl.
Ina and am nluscd to lav thai I nu
uied nythipl; (oritock that gave half a
good aatitfaction. I heartily rtconv
mend It to all owners of itock.
J. B. BELSHER. St Loul., Mo.
Bick stock or poultry ghould not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to be
cared by food. When your stock
aid poultry are sick give them med
icine. Don 't Stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
mnA mtir nn thfl tnmiti liver nnrt ta
animal Will be cured, if it be possi
ble to cars it. Dlack-Uraufrht Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stir up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Stouxe a 25-cent can
ot Diaoa-uraiipnc etoca aaa Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
times over. Horses work better. Cows
,va mANl Tnila Ham n
V i T J
k tin hmi lav mtr mtram. It. mn vm tha
problem of making as muoh blood,
flesh and energy as posaible out of
the smallest amount of food con
tained. , Buy a can from your dealer.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
Is had- 'vnnr liver k nut nf
order. Aycr's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All
WMt your mou.r-lt r itritrtl bvauulul
WO tut, or OaHKVwaTa rv W Hut 4 rn sittM
She ts Jrcac
Dovidaor? & Hedges, Pre
(JiKai'H. Ciu'ari-ttcrf.Tv
ftH ami CJonlivtiouoij
Km st Class Soia KofSTA
IJIonmouib Dund
11. i. wiirr.M vs.ivop
Should have your Wor
Washing called f-r and
Wanbinir calU-tl for 011 T'
Ml, ft jllltlVf rt-il mi HalJ
Work Guaranteed
Monmouth, Orego
, v,, w w
Our Hew location
New building next door to Jos. Mcyors ft Sons.
Call and get fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not miss seeing our superior lino of Car
pctinga, Mattings and Linoleums.
ti The House Furnishing Co,,
.. Next door to Joph Meyers & Son SALEM, ORE-U
Ai , . Stores at Salem and Albany.