Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 10, 1903, Image 1

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88988SS9S 8888888 8888880
m 7f7f TTvnAr;iA TV
Lm T. Thorp.
I ll .lt. n.illlllV llloilWf
,.y in th" death "r 1
lira . i-uir.Tfr of Hrlghfi.
( bul ,1-mt Kri.Uy lt
ifrt were tl:0)l
,,Y UIkI'T the Upii'e 'f
I. O. O.K. of
Thorp t'orn in May
Ui,.uri. March t, 1CJ,
it-tarly K"'f ! yciftrf. or
wcto-M-.! the plains to Or-
j wtt married Ilwnuber
i,i Xli Harah C. Hedg-n,
:b i duu!t-r, Mr. (joikI
ffoiugo f'rove. survives
inirriving in l'olk county
up l donation In ixl ,lii,
pr.-0'iil M "f Fall" City i
on lii h"iu.'t' l. 1I
! i 'king
Tf a ttx-Ul, seeking but ... . . ... . . . . ,
' , ... i K M'tiiia or not ng indtnVrent to 'bet you that Utere s
in hut i l ibrnia tnl . . " . ....
Columbia. I.atrr lis en
il,,. ll.niriiiir tin 1 buMiifM
City mul Kickreall. Unti
t . i t M I I. . . -
gumce In nH'iiirn was quite
1J w a g'l mart
-th U a !" to the com
a which he lived so long
All wo uhIc in a comparison a perusal of our columns and those of
other county .criodicals. If then you deem it worthy of your patronage,
hftll bo pleased to hamlle it. Remember, our policy is strictly cash-in-ad-vantr,
and discontinuance on expiration of subscription. The cash plan is
the only satisfactory one. No publisher has a right to run a man in debt
against his own will, and on the other hand lie is entitled to his pay. The
each plan has been eminently successful with us, and our list has grown
from the day f its installation as a part of ottr business methods. Now
adays a man doesn't want a paper about hint which will run along for years
and then semis bills for several dollars back subscriptions in other words
for a paper you can't stop.
tt T r- ir
k rieawuit Amur.
s'.ty afternoon, Augut 27
4iful hwiuo of Mr. Jobt
-a bud bwtt lufulIy doc
t the rert ption of u tiunt
h frii tid to 'l o'clui k ten
til liml aiott'inbltnl. trt
utt pruvxlf.1 with uttmll
i (xm1 hiiiI rwjuired to
wk fr a preltv littl jug
jpy the ct'DK-r of the par
(it Urn ludifU whtltlcH:
ivt each hfx.1 taken, de
uiutlo and conio j'lfuing
ere rnuKru.
amittpo of young ladies
'in dettiffn ami tUtie8 of the
crks stid awarded ftrt
' Mrs. 0. I). Butler and ft
itetoMr. V. II. Walklr.
diet were utthered into the
Jilting room whom an de
"t awaited tha merry oom
Mr. DickitiHon and her
'Mrs dtiliahtlul hoHteniu8
c -----
1 fortunate enough to be
e: Mchdames Ixcke,
chrd. Owon, Btark, Hut-
ColltiiH. Patteraot).
IT. Fryur, Chas. Ilifl',
k.CrPHny, Mollt CrsHsy,
ison, Mott. I. Dick in-
Trundle, of VancouTcr.
i Misses Putternon, Vena
Ooff, and Ollis Will-
tlwiit That Vhc.
Tlrrd Mntliom?
ngg 'Pted in last week's
It is no nassine
i it a temporary
'7 lr witnesses our
aing in from the coun- d
1 children come also.
'hey got and hot or cold w
Thiy k..r k- in ar.v dnnK
tioll.J . .. . I 11 Till lt V
mm, ana in on strain
isbandx are finihhinir
a drink we
this luittlt-r. If it is taken up and jlmth thought 'much more of one
attended to ever enlarging propr-jupor. a time and it refreshed us
Ity will come to us. and mothers quicker. 1 Jtat the clear com
will not dresd the visit to town, j water wo used to get from the old
Sah'tii has a place conducted by! oaken bucket that hung in the
tbe W. C. T. U. The writer and j well, after returning from the field
family foil ud it very convenient, jon a sultry day.' This sent Wood-
and the children who need a wee ! worth home and he wrote:
sleep were provided for. It is a
great blenning t many who go in
and rest. This can le done for In
deendMice with very little effort
and at a small cost. Men can go
with their pips or cigars and sit
around in the store or at lite store
stove, but the mothers, wherehall
they go? No sir, merchants take
this up. do the justifiable thing,
provide this necessary accomoda
tion and win the sincere gratitude
of a boundless number of mothers.
ltv t)sn Who Has Intekest or
City at IIeaut.
Undo Orltrliial."
'Sav. uncle." said inquisitive lit
tle Freddy, who never tired of ask
flic ouestions and especially 'V un
cle "Original." as all the nieces and
nenhews tilavfully called bim, ' tell
tin about, well about the 'original'
of some things, do uncle, there,
now, do." This was said so plead
ingly uncle could not resist.
"Well, there you is egain, you
mtns'uns is the everlasting
young'uns I ever seed. Alus ask
ing questions ami there s no ga
ting away from you either. Well,
well, that's how it com-s, all I ever
I trot by asking questions.
This he said half aloud for he was
thinking. "See here, youngsters,
what was that you nil were singing
ust now out yonder m we or
"Why, uncle," answer! bisra.
that was 'The Old Oaken Bucket,'
,nd we like it uncle."
"Now'listen while I'll tell 'er all
K.i-it. ,nw it came to be wrote.
It was back East and one Pam
T)te moss covered bucket I hail
as a treasure,
For often at neon, when returned
from the field,
I fonnd it the source of an ex
quisite pleasure,
The purest and sweetest that na
ture can yield"
"Now run off and sing it again."
And ofi they ran knowing full well
that uncle would tell, them other
stories full of information and in
terest. W.W.E.
What Is Life?
WooXorth. a' printer in New The milk when allowed t0 remain
In tho last analysis nobody knows,
but we do know that It is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
pain rentilUt. Irregular living means
(Icrantremeiit of the organs, resulting
in Constipation, Headache or i.tver
trmiblu. Dr. Klnti'a New Life 1'Uis
quickly re-adiuBts this. It's gentle,
yt thorough. Only 25o at A. 8.
Locke's Drug Store.
Buttons Grow on Bushes.
The ivory buttons you wear do
not present the death of an elephant
in the wilds of Africa; your pearl
buttons were probably never nearer
than you took tbe m to the ehell of
a bivalve mollnsk, and the prob
abilities are that no rubber tree
was ever tapped to produce the
hard rubber buttoms that adorn
your overwat. Down in Central
America there is a :ruit producing
palm that has quite metamorphosed
the button business that formed
the nucleus for one of the most im
portant industries in the United
st-toa The seed of this fruit con
tains a milk that is sweet to the
taste and relished by the natives,
Thus the probabilities are that our
buttons are made of a vegetable
milk, and they grow on the bushes.
Ths ivory plant is one of the
marvels of the age and is reward
ing its growers with vast fortunes.
Tho nuts are brought to the United
States by the ship load and hauled
act og the continent to the big
button factories, from which they
issue forth in every conceivable
desig, cohy, grade and classifica
tion of buttons. ' s
The ivory plant has recently
been discovered in California, but
the nut it produces in its wild state
isofinferor quality and will not
make eood bu'tons. It is believed
though, that with the proper cul
tivation the fruit would be as valu
able as the Central America. If so
the growing of buttons in America
will become an industry of impor
tance ceround only to the growing ot
corn, wheat and cotton, for every
body wears buttons. Popular Me
chanics. "' . :
Dr. A. T. Roberts Has Return
ed to Salem. v
mysteriously disappeared much to
the chagirn of these young ladies.
Imagine the surprise in store for
them when the pictures were dis
covered pasted around on the cu
cumbers in the garden. We are
informed by one of the young
ladies tht the result was effec
tual. An Independence Boy.
Edward Kosendorf leaves Cor
vallis tomorrow for th East by
way ot the Canadian PaciSc, to en
ter the medical departmnt of the
University of Pennsylvania. The
course in this college covers a
period of four years, after which
our young friend purposes to
spend two years in the hospitals of
Philadelphia, and one year in
Europe. lie graduated from the
O. A. C. in pharmacy, ia the class
of 1902. After a visit in Indepen
dence and Portland he will leave
the latter place on Wednesday next.
Corvallis Gazette.
Cigars At $4 Apiece.
Dr. A. T. Roberts, the eye spec
ialist, who was here two years ago
and through the perfection of his
work gained a reputation second to
none in Oregon, has returned to
Salem and has a fine suite of of
fices over Dalrymple's store, where
he would be pleaed to meet all his
old friends and patients, and others
who need his services. Over Dal
rymple's store. Examination free.
Protection From Pests.
fork, wrote it, Woodworm m,
rinkinir in a saloon kepi o7 -
man named Mallory. Wood worth
. . r.o o in nranuy-
as indulging -
' gei ana not or ooia was mumu'a ,
the weather. The ba- He lifted up a glass newly tinea
nA u d: "lhH oraunT
. -ir.'nk on earth .
?c.r,?,r J,, ,:;-',: nswer.d m.i-
wen, a 41 l" J , . . y,. ...
lory. II was interested he was
in the nut long enough becomes
indurated and turns into a sub
stance as brittle and bard as the
ivory from the elephant's tusk.
The plant that produces these nuts
in called ivory piani.
buttons used in America, whether
termed ivory, pearl, rubber, horn or
bone, come from this ivory plant.
Special from Parker. . ' , . '
We read of any number of reme
dies for the prevention of destruc
tion of plants, gardens, trees, etc.,
by the many different species of
hemipterous insects that infest our
mundane sphere, and while these
various remedies are not without
their merits, and while we are
willing to extol their virtues in
laudable eulogies, we would like to
offer for inspection, this original
remedy that has been duly tested
and approved by Mr. Critchlow, of
Airlie. A short time ago the Miss
es Maggie and Lura Critchlow had
some stamp photos finished in ac
cordance to the latest .model, and
were very proud of ' their possess
ions. But one day the pictures
Says the New York Tribune:
Those who have attended the big
banquets at Delmonico's, such, for
instance, as the one given to Cyrus
Field upon the completion of the
Atlantic Cable, atd which cost $50
a plate, had the privilege of smok
ing the choicest Havana cigars,
costing, perhaps, 50 cents each.
But what would the dinner cost
with cigars at 14 apiece? Yet there
are such cigars being made in
Havana today, and some, have ar
rived at New York. Francitco E.
Fonseca, a friend of President Pal
ma. arid who was born near where
he lived in Cuba" received oae of
these a few days ago. It was wrap
ped in an imported piece 'of Jap
anease nee paper and enclosed in a
handsomely decorated box. In
fact, only one comes in a box, and
each is 16 inches long and an incn
and a quarter in diameter at the
middle. It is said that the tobacco
can Only be grown on one plan
tation in Cuba, and the duty on
each is 68 cents.
Bought A Pine Rani.
C. II. Davidson, of Shedd, re
turned from Monmouth, Polk
county, where he purchased a
fine yearling registered Cots
wold raui from J. B. Stump, the
well known breeder. Mr. Da
vidson has a gjjod sized band of
sheep at his farm and finds
them a very profitable invest
ment. Albany Herald.
Mrs. I. Dickinson returned
from Vancouver
nesday evening.
Wash., Wed-
His Life Saved By Chamberlain's
C 0 lie, Cholera, and Diarrhoea
"B L. Bver. a well known cooper of
this town, savs lie believes Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy saved his life last summer.
He had been sick for a month with
what the doctors call bilious dysen
tery, and could get nothing to do him
any good uutil he tried th'.s remedy.
It gave him Immediate relief," says .
T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Aid.
For sale by Kirkland Drug Co.
It in nn nan n.
thinking, he was young,