Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 20, 1903, Image 8

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II Was IMr, and III llnirhiir
Was ltstorott by lr Itar.
rlti'n Mod of Triat
iiirii t.
$'.0111 Journal.
The truly wonderful cur? Ir.
Par rin has accomplished are Winn
testified to ty a host of atllicted
tuH'Tcrt who can be consulted
on tin miraculous cures on thir
behalf. It i safe to nay that no
spemlist ha attained the prom
inence of Vr. Darrin in this country,
and he cannot help but meet with
grand siuvesa.
Those ho are disposed to doubt
Pr. Damn's cures will have their
doubt shaken on reading the fol
lowing card from Judge O, P. Mas
on, of Portland, a man well and
favorably known to all our readers.
His case will go far to establish
the skill of Dr. Iarrin, who cured
him ten years ago :
Dr.. Darrin Dar Sir: Your
electrical treafcuent is ruot un
doubtedly a wonderful success.
I bave been for a number of year
gradually becoming dtf particular
ly in my left ear. For the last few
years I have feared I would be
compelled to give up my law prac
tice entirely, as at . times I could
not bear well eough to hear the
witnesses testified to unless they
spoke in a louder tone of voice. A
short time ago I commenced treat
ing with you and now can hear as
I could 20 years ago. In fact, I
have no difficulty at all in hearing
anyone epeak in in ordinary tone
of voice. I am frank to say that
in my case your treatment has Wen
a success. I aoi sorry I did not ap
ply sooner, refer anyone to me.
O. P. Mason.
A better pleased young lady
could pot be found in Albany yester
day than Miss Ethel Cochrane, of
Mt. Tabor, Oregon, and whose par
ents live in Brownsville, Oregon.
Miss Cochrane had Wen alllicted
with deafness for many years and
lost all hope of cures until her
neighbor, J. L. Oxford, of Browns
ville, who was cured of deafness, ad
vised her to consult Dr. Darrin at
Hotel Revere. With a faint heart
and skeptic to the last degree, she
called on Dr. Darrin and to great
joy was made to hear nearly as well
as ever. Her aunt, Mrs. C. W.
Yater, of Albany, saw the treat
ment and can vouch tor the above
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
at the Hotel Revere Albany, from
1U to 5 o'cjock daily; evening 7 to 8,
Snnday. 10 to 3.
The doctor makes a speciality
of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose
and throat, catarrh, deafness bron
chitis, la grippe, heart, liver, blad
der and kidney diseases or those
who suffer from apathy and indifl
erence: also consumption genitouri
nary and skin diseases in either sex
guch as blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, vraicocele and
stricture. All curable chronic dis
eases treated at $3 a week or in
that propotion of time as the case
may require. The poor treated free,
except medicines, from 10 to 11
daily. No case published except
by the permission of the patient.
All business relations with Dr. Dar
rin strictly con fjdeniial. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is
desirable, though many cases can
be treated by home treatment by
ini)kim:nii:nct. i
I Mr, Krvaand Mr. T. iVIr
,.n visited Wednesday nl .Mrs. ru
tpia's. Mis Vida TorWl. f Albany.
viniilnit friend at IVker lt
week. J
Walter Kerr has ..-cured employ, j
!,ncnt with the Kvain llirr.i.inii ;
Miss Ine Murphy, ol M"-
uiou'h. veiled U-t week with I ' ,
linn Cox.
Mis Ida WriVt. of Corvalli-.l
is visiting at tli hmie of Mr. J. j
Mrs. Mary Kerr and Mrs. iVlrr-1
son transacted busine. at Indepftt-J
d'iic Saturday. j
Mr. and Mr. Win. KiiU am! j
Miss Velena were over-Sunday '
cursionists at Newport. I
I,. l bald win, of Albion. Wah
wa an lucomitiR passenger on Sat
urday's north iKiund train
Oddishah id
vSv Non-Magnetic f
2A ruiiv Cimiiiittf l H
I fi i'nl r it br m
711 1 FANCY ?!
i In J 1 Tlie Net England!
r 0 Witch Ca. 1
V fi I V.wartarr.tMft. B
v i VI y t- . cut.
Eyes treated!
writing symptoms.
and classes tilted
This is the first yisit of the he.d
of the Portland firm of Dr. lUrrin
to this city. The Dr. will remain
until OotoWr lt and those wishing
treatment will do well to call u
a many requlro aecoml treatment.
Kml of ltitter l"ljlit.
'Two pbyleiau a l"ii a'l
stubborn DKlit wl" " atni" on my
rlht lunu," write J. V. MuKbes.ol
OuPont, tia., "aiot kavi? me up.
KverytHxIy tlioUKbt my time bail
eoui. A a laitl reirt 1 trlet Dr.
King's New DiiM-overy for (Vmump-
tlon. Tlie benellt I rHrlvetl was tIK.
iut; and I hu ii my feet In a few
ilays. Now I've eutlrwly rvKaliunl my
bealtb " It eoiHitiers all coiiti
my ami throat Bud Itinir trmibb
iiiMrwdiitsI rv A. H. I,i-k' ilriijj
store. Prli-e aiol 1 Trinl
ties frt-.
Notice of Final SettU-nient.
Lost Hair
Mv hair Citin hsnJ
ful. J tt' ' '"
trrrptn. I ItlcJ Ajrr's llir r.
iij ii tnrf cl His l',m
ln out siti rtiiJ il l''."-
,Mr. M. I). tiro . N. . M.
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prcpara
lion as Aycr's Hair lRor.
!i Rives to all v. ho use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you fee! so
secure in uslnij such an
old and reliable prepara
tion. IINthMllt. n
If y..uf iO(ll lWS "
KJ u . ." 4 "
).. 4 I..IIM. l Hit wd Ox Ma
ill f ,.fl..
' j l.illUOI.l.ttll.MM.
j Irll'Md.u-M'r.ntj
! ioK sod prrpraHoa ffi '
' lliattii. I'U.lne.. f,rrt,J(
! Wb.M J". I,,,., ,w
and b o'I', I.. Uk.t
ait. alati iiw I I. ...i ..
; m li ou.l ,vrr 1.Mr
KmKUi l Inn. t
td e't id". or t'orvald ami wel
Polk Couniy b
. ii. iiit, r,ucltu
I'li-.l.tri,!, y ,
!'' i'-M,r.-t
CnuipUl!. J. M, fimi J j
Itiillei, J..,i II. Mof, j
Witbro. K. l'..f.
,,...Triit- (imf(W h
iai.l.l nl .ittfltlll lf" I tit tskfl-'f. I
m.s- . . .n lta risked tlir-'Uh I i Ne,.ft,
home, after a pleasant v.s.l .1 ' ,...,, X-Wl.,i vrar
Nutlce is hereby Riven, that I. the
uiiiler-4ian. il exeeutrix, have IlleJ ny
final account ad'l lina) report In the
matter of the estate of rjanmel H. CoX,
leeeased, Willi th county clerk, of
Polk county, Orem, and the county
court of said county has fixed th Sltth
day of August, 1MI, at the county
i rt tioiiKS in Dallas. OrK"U, t the
hour of 10 o'cbH-k A. M. of said day as
the time for lieariuit said account.
All iH-rsou Interested In said estate
are refiuired t' almenr and tlie ohjec
tious If any there Iw, wny ttnio nnar
account should not b allowed, ami
the executrix be discharged. Dateil
this L'Tlh day of July, Vm.
Makoakkt Cox Kkamkr.
Kxecutrix of the estate of Hainuet H.
Cox, deceased.
Administrator's Apitidritiuent.
Notliie is berety kIv" that I, J. H.
Mli'iiell. have Isfn il uly apistinted ad
min ifttrator of the entate of Ailena
Miehell, deceawfd. by the county court
of I'olk county, Oregon. All tier"!
having claims aKalrml the onme aie re
, mired to nresent the same duly made
out and sworn to at the law olllee of
Butler & Coad, in Uallas, Polk county,
Oregon, within six months from dale
hereof UateU Julv -iirn.
J. K, MfCHKM.,
Adin'r. estate Adella M Icbell, dee d.
Claud Doone viiitwl with friends
at Suver Sunday.
John Fresh is working for Mr.
Martin at Highland.
Chester Warren was a business
visitor at Parker Hunday.
Amel Anderson is working for
Mr. G. C. Bolter this weok..
Miss Julia James, of Suver, spent
Sunday with friends at Parker.
Miss Anna Torgeson was a busi
ness visitor at Parker Monday.
Mr. P. J. Dickinson is binding
grain at the J. O. Davidson farm.
P. T. Peterson and family spent
Sunday at J. C. Peterson's at Highland.
M. Calbreath's near M.ituuouth.
Mi l'Mna Scott, of Dallas, re
turned hoin Monday, after a t. !
nut visit with friends in this vicin
ity. Mr. J. 1. Cryd-rtnan. who ha
been stopiintf at Mr. Pillar's, left
Thursday lor Kdmonlou, N. A!
Messrs. Charles Allen ami C. H.
Parker, who are workim! with
llirt's threshing crew, spent Holi
day with friends at Parker.
Miis Iiertha Howe, of Uucna
Victa, was sn itiC'iuiinu passenger
on Monday's train, having been in
attendance at tho teachers' exami
nation at Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. I). K. JUme, t,
Kantas City, Mo., are the proud
parents of a girl baby, born July
2."ih Mrs. Iloono was formerly Mi
Mnggis Dennis, of Parker.
The Kvans threshing outlil ie
making rapid progress in tho grain
fields in this vicinity, averaging
about '2'.W) bushels daily. The av-
eragu yield is about U2J bushels
per acre.
Tho first field of wheat threshed
in our immediate .iieighlsHhood,
tlds season, yielded an average of
50 bushels per acre. This field
containing (JO nores of red chair, is
located on the J. O. Davidson farm.
KediK-ed IJxciirslon ICntes to the
Seuhide mid .Mountain Ite
Horls f or the .Hiiiiimer.
Tho Southern Pacific ('ompany
has placed on sale at very low rates
round-trip tickets to the various re
sorts along its lines, and a I ho hi
connection with the iorvallis iV
Eastern Railroad to Detroit and the
seaside at Yaquina Hav, latter
tickets good for return until Oc
tober 10th.
Three-day tickets to Yaquina
Day, good going Saturdays, return
ing Mondays, nre on salo at greatly
reduced rates from all points liu
gene and north on both cast and
west side linas, enabling people to
rpend Sunday at the seaside. Very
low round trip rates are also made
between Portland and samejpoints
on the Southern pacific, good go
ing Saturdays, returning Sunday
or Monday, allowing Portland jmo-
pie to spend Sunday fn the coun
try and the out-of-town people to
have the day in Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Boy good for return via Albany
will l. nn u;t l dais' Kiodr'gart'M
Hi charge of aii r re -i.o-d Chn ago j
teacher. i
A Ix'tlilUfuily tlhltl ttrd iHK.K'etj
dem ribl tg the w i,le on
Vdiliiia Jbiv bw ! o piitiUhnl,
bv the S-ouhern Pfl.-ifi.' and C"f- ;
val'iS V Kiteru l;.iilr ! and mil i
I ni'tlr'-d frctnanv of !i.-sr agfi.ts. j
or bv addre-ning W, I", Coman, j
C. I', A.. S. P. Co.. of Portland, or i
Kdnin Slone, insiiftg'-r V. i K. J
K U.. Albany, r''i 1
Impressing It' on Him
With Emphasis
l lMk,l w w v- v 3iS.
K .til. WAY tU
ft JM v I..
.4 Ati
It m m
11 !
.. Mi,
r.. ! a
ii . J
A JU I, Mt
I r
t. -
dl- PM S.
wlint our hue Lxio.lrr ..tli ili.
lo ln limit mIio I I for Mime,
lldilit rxUUtle lo color un on
bis Itio-rt. W nlin lo nmke our Uno
fry work ..-.-iIin. in u-mihv and in tlie
ln-lfi-i-t court! Hi. Il In Hlii. n' hi. .,,. t
home. M-nd u a Mtnple t.iui.l!,- and
we will nirrl you, ,'.iw .i.-ri..
and new )oov.
Orders left at Ktlteli' liarl-r lo(i lit
the Hiili'iu utitKW will reeelvr ) r I4 1 j -1
Sakm Steam Caundry,
Colonel J. (liilr., I'rnj,, i,,rnu
P. dimmed. Mijr, I'lunm II, :t;ii
Uiwrty Ktrii t.
f visit DR. JORDAN'S
t iusi wsRKir it., is rsAscuco. cu ntlm'H-m It tSt Hu J
...... ;,( .r , u, "
'. nr fcjiv-.nrvi,
lll ....,1 I .,(l, ,. .
""- '"! Mld4l.
lo in lli ril., , ,,l ,,.,,,., '.,'
rli.HH or ftmmxt l I,,.,.,,.; i.i,,...-., ..... 1 ''
. ...l..r. U Xii.1,,,,4 In 1.1111.,,,,,.,
MirMKlNVrhw. .
' bi.iv a.(a mii,i..,ii,i. ,HM ,,, i
nilrurli lint M w.ll kin. il, b, , Li, " , !
I ii, in.eriiiv. ii.w r Wi:
I . 1Tp,,i.l"l llMirntiKlilv i-0"ll.'lwl
I tli. ,l,l,, u... 01
Tmaa.a llllcl l,v Mtt v.... .. -V .
enr. I,.r Kapi.rr. A .iiil. k a i . . ,
II' li-lll fMvtMlr a itmt 1 1 f it rit. . m
r II I K atii .Irlfllv fiHvata. t
lr..inii,lp.nH,iiv i.rliv lm, A
Vt'rlta 1 r It.u .k a... . W
bo" lui I,,-.,., l-ailur oilla "Wua
forjososco..ioBiitrtWit. p. f
Uim i on Pacific
:t T I! A I N.H I- lit M l' KTLAXn t'i
I br..tili fulfills atstehol 1
.t .!,-r.ii, rr ilaiir In ("'.
mi?... Hl.kt ; foUfi.l aliTliier
in L'nti.n. I n ihioiiL-li I'niinxe '
ll i.w.nj eau jviaii!lr cii- '
,klV l I'M,'..'!! sal Kf
rr.'llllllitf climir rni I tuat'tW''' daily.
t.sesT TIMKffi'lirt'ftK H
vim o roKrt
CblrnKo Hnlt ltle. iVliver,
1,. ..1 I La tl' Ikiiiillia.
I k I'ilv Sit. '
it W a m via I t'lc-sirji
llonliiilt- Ksxt.
Ailamio rait Ijtke. Ienvr,
S: i. m via KnssCiiy.W I
ii .1 .. t ....I.. l-l.i..n,l
lliilitlllr- i.tiui"! "
bin. and Kst.
Kt fsol Walla Vslls.Ilf
... o. l . tl'al.
ram .nan ion,,ii". -
il a til via laee, fit 1 1 in a ft. ?
HiHiltnne, Mlniitatull. "
IVnl. Kulnth.MII
wioikeo. ClilfKlf1
and fXant.
70 hours. I' t- ('1'1';
,..1 1 a t all Til
eflSlilftf of enrn. llisei" ' i
rallorvlalKmtsnd rail vial
raoM ttiRTi.a".
All sailliiu dstet
a ... .1. .. .i.ul
sul.jeri io eioioa- .
8 p in For Han Kranrinea
hsll everv ft tlaya
eirept cof.l'XBtA tv
niiiiusy , ., il
Hpm To Astoria Slid Wr '
nillMllt T HII'"ar'
10 . iii
AL 1IKRUKN, Agt., In.lHw