Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 20, 1903, Image 7

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A. S. Locke,
al,,li,i ton of j.nintu, oil, vuriiiflu , lime
cl.,.-nt, and t,,,, amoutit lm i nllin i a
nisrai'1'' that hi yt'wv urn th lowest. Also
j fall f 1tuh1o. Call nnl m-o him.
- 0REQ2N.
i tbc Pccpk Say.
lwill Ma M..''''. "
w WrlUr
.f 1 ulrprii-; al.xa
f( i. .hanging hands,
tarn, ami inalaria m.l tjjilioM
fvrr almuM not l inviud Inl-mur
liilll Thrra im um t pa" or
Inmiii r t i alal tiuiiBMfa whn
aryhuly know tliry anl and
won't U Ur.. Tl-r mily
u iupILimI of firming un a city,
iu) thai i g"l:.g IhiUohi of
tlia trmltrr and removing tltctuM.
What B-Ha litils diu-h run cr.
' man's land li rarry oir diia
tr!r? AI!y'U . I U tl.i.
iU location. An-1 than brn you
ojwti a nrwrr rt ticallv at th aide
of Main atrwt, can you Miwct to
' " m . r. "u'limnroMlh. I,llhful cond.liona
IV,rta ara thai T U only method of pro-
- h.,t nut f"W momri ... . .
. ,rtw,,.rlll of' off whr-r. it will I, io Uw
U ui .ro vrmr It of.
a a v. " e o
to improve tlia healthful conditions
ofCatrcetor of Mooutb alrwt
at tha City Hall corner if you
dui.'l jut in a ayatem that will
carry away the rcluw and filth?
Home say that th fipriiae to the
city will Krp1' If il
put to a vols tinlay three fourth
uf the ctiuoua woulJ favor a wHl
ponatructe.l arwerage ayalein m
cauaa thrr know that the end iH
juitify the coal.
l thf ar a i.umler of nice
rtlhtl are ha lly Mi teel of
L paint, ":'! il oulJ rl
iof il.e hunra prteriy.
ir nt pioperl carrJ
itry yard ahoulJ green,
anJ ornamental treea
iap!iirj. Hueh home a
:t J. l. Irftna'a. W. II.
W Mr. M. 8. Oofl'a A. H.
:4 Mr. Hri.ka' ar an or
s to our city, hut I can
i ftuinlr of houaea that
4 Ofiumftit to maka their
k inviiing.
4, wa nhouhl grl aoutfl in
ktrtaith a jay roll, aome-
Ail would 8' lb laliorer
Th InniiKfua men can hard-
I'! M to promota aoinething
iitu, fr it ineana to them
to clothe ami ft. It
tittady imoine. With tha
: poer e will now t ahle
ih. we can clallih and
m t fuanufiicturiui; Indua
per than it enn le don in
'otbtoftha luadinfc citiea n
its ilmul.t are to th ao
ixliliona of our city. It
orally reported on the
a few uiontha ago thai
fwuncil wan considering or
kn coviNidor, a ewer(je
for the tow n. Tho Mayar.
wm in favor of It. Hut
Allium it haa leon forgot-
Hm a good idea, why w
W The health of our cut-
'oittln he of prime impor
mm, Bags
yoornw tlmm? We al
'? hva tl.ein. Order by
, mail, itnne, aula
"a We nrn roit)t.
wrything In paper."
f F-Rodgers&Co-
"noleiale Taper Dealara
lit KI.KV.
Ilou-o for Itrnt l Moumouth.
One gKI '' r"'1 dwelling for
tent. Four room u vu
hle for aiudenta uie. Tenna rea-
wnahle. AddrM W. L. uriaww,
Airlia, Oregon.
Th ieaH I'enaHy.
iinu ii.lnir aomettiiH rulu Id
dalb. a mere crrct., Iijalgnl
Bmot ruta or puny M Lava p.U th
Utalll pe"y- 11 to wto ,7
IJuokleu'a Arnica r.w" --'
,,!. l-rt Mlva on earth and will
....... wlioii tiiirna, too.
uHvraaiulpih- threalen. Oulyt-H
A.H. Uicke'edrug aiore.
tcr, of Monmouth, left Saturday
for their new homo m i-orreai
J. It. Cooper returneiU from
Newport Monday.
r (1 Wicmoro, of Kt-
Reno, powcJ through on the
North bound triun aionuuj .
The Starr property on C
....i farmer home of J. A.
Birvvi-i . t.
..u. ..... aohl vesterdu). "
Alius, " . f
now puia intotho hands of
Mrs. Minnio Hiiuorauu.
Mis, Minnie Parker roturne
Monday to Eugono,
with relatives.
ami Miss liowdon will follow.
(Irupca at Wagoner's.
Freah fruit arrived today at
TrcD. Ueaalcr, of Monmouth,
wa a Portland viHitor during
the wrok.
Fro.l MoNcinuu returned to
Ttt' oms Friday, after spending
seven days here.
Mr. A. V. Campbell and
daughter, returned from New
port Wedueaday,
Little Mir Uctriey wna p.i
engor to McMinville Friday, to
vi;t uunt Mr. M. II. Ileiul
rick. Mis Lulu Wilcox returned to
Portland YliiiHduy nftor a
"horl viit with her father, (i. A.
John .Scrogg returned to
Olyinpi.t Waah., Wc-diieday,
after a few days' visit with his
parents here.
Mis (Jrace Iamon came
over from Salem Tuesday for a
two weeks' visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. L. Iamon.
Mi Madge Clcland, after vis
iting with friend in the city,
returned to her home in Port
land Tuesday afternoon.
Harry Wilkinson, who is
camping near Fall City, slash
ed his foot one day last week,
causing a very painful wound.
:. W. Cooper had a finger
well torn off while working
about some boxes in the Stark
store al Fulls City. It is im
It i reported pretty author-
atively that Win. Hill' purchased
yesterday the Ramp place, west
of town. It is considered ono of
.1.. !... r.irm in Polk couuty.
I I J W v - w . - . -
The place i valued in the
neighborhood of 115,000. We
trust the rumor is truth.
W U West, of the Spaulding
l,rrmuT cainn. was in the city
this week, receiving proper at
tention for blood poisoning. It
started on a finger, but it having
been properly treated no future
trouble is expeaeu.
rHOt tally (r tralnlug iMirhira Tor all
... . - ... tin. i.nrn.Ml
t.rmnclifa or iiib roif.u...
. i... mnAfA and unaraded wurk
lauglil lo aotual dlalrlit aebuol. The de
mand f.,r aradualM or UlU acliool a Ovarlirr
ir tuwdi Uia tupply. The Ti-alnlD 1
,,H.n. ol which eon.UU of a nine cde pub
llo arhnol of alwl VO puplla la well equl.ed
In all lu bramha. lucludlng rtloyd. Muilc.
Draalntaod Phynlral Training, i ne .or....
.. ..i .nd ottlrkaat way lo atata
lit. I V in-'
l certificate. Kail opeoi 8ptem-
ber a For ealaloaua iniorinawoo ""-
. .. . ni'Tt tn tbwlsrr.
E, O. Ra.HI.ER, rrea. or t. n. ,i"- '
w. r.alund. d. s.
'lnlP Kxtractloo
a rtHH.lulty.
CmiiH-r Rulldlng.
lml..pidtieei Ore
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collections Promptly Made-Titles
East Side Main Street,
,...,m,,,rvrK. :- Oregon.
l.MiHl r...
J. s. jiooitn,
Tonsorial Artist, (
i- ..asa workmen em
, "BJi".;; -Wtawm.- Shop
d on North side of C Street
Is going on now in full blast. . If you want
Hoiau largaitiH you will liavo to hurry ,a there
won't ho many left. IVor.lo are crowding our
Ktoro every day to get bargains, and they go
away with a pniilo on their face, an they pave
fiOcents on the dollar un every purchase they
make. We invite everybody to tome and
look at our bargains You will be Kurtried
to nee how goods can be oll so cheap. We
invite everybolV to attend our closing-out
Bankrupt Store,
Correspondents :-We would like a report of the yield of
,-r. ,.,,nr v rinitv and II YOU wm ia"i uo
pUIII ill -- .
port we will credit you with 50 points.
f ! . n,rl nrofr we will
If you send us a new suDscnrjer any um. -
double the points regularly allowed for securing a
The same holds good for renewals. This is chance for you
. f
to run points up m a nurry.
eorre$polt(lcnt$, Contest
nicking broke in (or a coupia oi niomu.i"
prises taken from a Hat furnished by the correapondenta.
..IMT ,,RIZK An elegant Drcr, an ornament to any home
I rnv 1 1UZE . A aet of RoRer Bros 1S47 ailver Knives and Forks
SECOND rmZb.. . K.,Unm Photoeranh Album
THIRD TRIZE ib, Ieather-baek Bible
tUl'Kiu iio ...One of the popular ooosa
l, Jtl .. .Any one of the dollar year magazines
S1XTU PRIZE . one r
w W v ' '
. , -r,l u tint th KNTKR"
We .an, all the newa that . ; we want yoa
'. 10 vi-tevery faniUy ,n t A . -.2JL follows:
to help us. uur iuven - Dllbilcation. 25 points for every
75 points. worth new Advertisement or Job Work se-
year 80 points. or wry aoiinr correspondent with oO
cured, uoon receipt of pay for same e will creuu m
points, and we will gladly furnish you price, on any kind of Ad or J
5S io make a campaign for some SS to your
at times the places in this; sc . "ud. Other
intereat to wo "l1"
..ture. will b .nimuowd lo"8-
Salem, Oregon.