Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 20, 1903, Image 4

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Knlrrrtl at ntiiilnn, Or onHW
vcuiutt'lau mallvr.
5BD$crlptlcn Price, $1.50 per Vr.
TFI VrilO.NK l.
WHmimtios katks.
?tirlctly In aUvii"o
fw yww
Hti month" '
ttluKti. copy '
Loral notice ar 4 wt Pr ! rltil
b.lully no rwluetu.u for any rwwuu
Rutea on ailcrtlln ma.l known
on applloatlou.
Begins at vilc-
In another column in a list of our prm r
: our next eont. Ah in the roiHoni jim .
- . .. . 1 .' ll... IX 1 1' t'lM t II II ktft1 U I
5 .. i .....l ... 1 . tint i'.. milt of tlii'ir H"
:2 Wo i.huo tluMml of tho content n lutlu btoi ,
: wo profomnl, for thwroarmn: ovoral of mr n.nv
: iHMulonts mv they will he in harve-t UvlU an-l In
There is no justice in the appor
tionment of salaries of l'olk coun
ty's treasurer and the dqmly coun
ty clerk. The salary received by
the deputy is greater than that re
ceived by the treasurer. It is cer
tainly not right to elevate a dep
utyship over an otlice of such im
j.ortance as the treasurer of Polk
A lctr ou Klectf lotty.
Albany Democrat.
Electricity commenced its career
at the breaking morn of creation,
with few passengers on board and
has continued its u urse with in
creasing speed and growing glory
down to the present moment. It
travels with the brilliancy and ra
pidity of the lightning's blaze, and
even cmipels the; very lightnings
to speak in a familiar voice to man.
The chariot of science is destined
tt continue its roagestic course, in
duration coevel with our globe.
Genius is supremely higher than
talents, and no man of genius had
ever opposed electricity in its won
derful workings. This shows that
if it was considered .unworthy of
doing all that is claimed for it that
it would be discarded the same as
all worthless things that are cast
aside. Dr. Darrin at Hotel Revere
is an advanced thinker on the ap
plications of electricity for the cure
of disease and to prove his skill we
enumerate many cures performed
by him, and would suggest to the
thinking minds that today cures
are being performed by this subtle
agency, that seemed impossible ten
years ago.
Among the many successfully
treated may be mentioned ex-Senator
George Chandler's son, of Ba
ker City, who had trouble and gen
eral debility; cured and gained .'JO
F. II. Hohn. 247 Commercial
street, Salem, catarrh, cured.
J. V. Pate, Jefferson, Ore., rheu
matism and diabetis, cured.
Reuben Lee and wife, Turner,
Ore., sciatic rheumatism and cough,
Mrs. C. Pfend, Salem, varicose
ulcers on both limbs, cured.
13. Baxter. Ferry street, Salem,
tumor, cured.
Miss Irene Ashford. Albany,
Ore., discharging ear, cured.
J. S. Hesten. Salem, liver com
plaint and dyspepsia, cured.
Mrs. Benlah Ross, of Salem, was
in Albany last week visiting
friends. She formerly lived near
lere. MrB. Ross is yery enthu
siastic over her recovered health.
8he wsi cured by Dr. Darrin last
iummer, in Salem, her afflictions
beinjj chronic dyspepsia, liver and
kidney troubles, thought to be incurable.
m r . i ; r r iii
H. H. Jasperson
and Funeral
i Ortflt'
:5 yard. lKv lUiro 'l(htlo,l!l Jumu uhuh ,
rS Jvorron.o this .nituHeap. Wo yiehl to tuotr tomes .
.... .i . i l .io.. un'umi id i.vor 't Will
deavor to a.Ul features to this tlepar Limit wl.ith
IS will add mMitional interest to the work.
vv K. Csu.plll U iH.)irj
ik at hi hniiirl.,
T II I'atlll.brtl i. 1..' ve .
for hi old ht.iuit t .tn. "''"jtmi t t.tuity UrititiMtiii tUitt.i
h not l""n f"l Vviyear. of a IhreahinK n,,lM j,
I n ill Sprlid rrtfU titlllnit fr- 0vn.
V. U htPtcaii, o mm" "t
rr !.im.l.i-i '..U-.tuny.l-'"
tmi n ihafi-riioon Imiii yvter.Uv
Dr. Darrin is located at the Re
vera Hotel until Vt, 1st, and will
give free examination to all troni
10 to 5 or 7 to 8 daily. The poor
free except medicine, 10 to 11
daily, and those able to pay at the
rate of $3 a week or in that propor
tion of time the case may require.
All curable chronic diseases of men
and women a specialty. Kye tl
ed and glasses fitted at reasonable
Ttita an l'-d t
The Siglcr Milling Co., of
I'ortluiid, is running the ware
house nt Derry, only tnVing i:
owls itud bailed hay for storage.
Nulchlc lrenuet.
A icrlevou wail oftiniea cotiien
mull of tiutwaral'le aln from over
taxini rKn, dl.ltir, tmtkartie.
tlvt-r ctmi.lnlnt and coou-Ulnl. ju
thank to IT. KIuk's Nw Life lilla
thev imt an end t It all. 1 hi-y are
gnh'.e but tht.rouKti. Try lueiii. Only
L'J!. (iuaratitei by A. H. IM'Ke
ilrtig store.
TbeatartUiiK miiiouiiowiiirnt that a
revttitlvt. auli lilo I0tl ru itltov
rrwl will hit-rn.t many. A run lon
draunuilfucy Invariably
preccdi) auiclile ami uirltilli ! ator.
found thai will prrveui o' f' whlcli make stiiol.le likely. At
thtt nmt ttioti(!il of rlf drtlu-tSoii
lak Kleetrio IUIIcr. ll Iflutf
Kreat totiloand net vino w ill lrvutttrii
the lierviw and tnilld H U )t ul
It'a l a grrat atotna. li. liver and
kidney regulator. tHily .'sv. HalUfne
lion KUaranlrt-tl by A. t., dnitf
Hop-pickinR will commence
about the first of September.
L. C Kost r went to Portlanl
Friday, rc turning Imtnu Sunday,
Mrs. M. K. tiih-soii went to her
home in West Suleni last week.
lh Vaugliii.after a nionth'
visit in Portland, has returned
Ck'iui Orr 1ms been quite sick
the. past few days, but is im
proving. The Uickreall mill in kf:.t
busy from early morn until late
at night taking in wheat.
C. X. McArthur intends to
farm the place that J. .1. P.urcli
has had the past few years.
Col Ilutton has been quite in- of U)
-i I I
MUj Ina Murphy, of Monmouth,
spent a few day of last week with
Lillian Cox.
Mrs. Sliafor and lhrf children,
ami Mrs. llnsk ami son, Paul, are
rusticating at Ocean Park.
The Kvmu and Hart thresher
are lxtn in this vicinity threshing.
tiraiu is better than it bus been fr
Mrs. Claud" Kurre is atnyiug
with her sister, Mrs. Kya Alexan
der, while tlie urn are with the
Mr. II Ci. Simon, who 1ms beei,
in Minnesota hr the hi-t three
months, visiting relatives, returned
home Inst Friday.
C. P, Wells started up to hi
c'liim Monday.
panid him ah .ve Falls City, to
spend a lew days in the mountains.
Cirorge Il'.iit whs around ill" fust
i. week, looking for hop nu k-
disposed the past few (lays, he-jPrH, Nearly everyone intends pick
ing incapacitated for work. j'mg. Mr. Iteuf expects to pny otic
Mrs. Kukin, of Dalian, wn j
over one (lav last week, visiting! Have yon seen our
her aunt, Mrs. W. K. (Joodt ll. j and ladies' shoes?
Mrs. J. South wick is up at,Sl,)ro-
men i
Tli'i Panlirupl
I'opcorn, staving with a family
through the threshing season.
J. U'. Fetzer and wife drove
over Sunday to nee his sister,
who wns reported to be quite ill.
The grain in this locality is
turning out better than for
years, and the farmers ore happy.
A. J. McDauiel was up from
Portland a few days Inst week,
looking after the warehouse ut
Mrs. T. D. McDowell and
children and her sister, Helen
South wick, returned from ew-
port Friday.
MrB. Harriet McArthur is up
from Portland this week, visit
ing the family of N. S. Burch,
at her old home.
anvea. Statramaii.
t'nderwear ,1. Tl.a lUnkiupl
Mr. Sarah Ifviua and Mr.
Conk'-y, senior, left Friday for t'ai'
ctU l b abeiit anvrral
Th-y wirt taken P ilii by
Clare Irvine, who returned home
ihe flrl of tb
.! for lOcrntsal our il-re, only.
Cr... W. CblUU Warfot.rl's
Coor A llurtry ban (K.A
the building uth oi tlt
I Uilt n flic, ami wt!l ihcujit ii
tr the flral ol lh tmuitb f f f
;anit-ry t Hrrt WllMl u.
Aid of M Pihrtor.
"I am u( up from a
tl.o rlu" (dywtiirryi ) Mr. t i
j Pllilief, a wvll klioan tm-lrUi.1 4
i , Itruitititoud, 'I run. " ud ikm n.
MerpiciJ are lit world K,rlr" i at4 liat..a andawaiW
walu cleanaer and Imir iuvigu. j,,ul ,aiiid a I
r . ( .fLi'... . ..... ... .
tor. Itoth lor l avrf. c.H um Ural rnowia n.witriM uss.
t . . i .,.. Call and wofid. Tlirw la lot UwtJ of .;,.,
.liKirr a obi.-i . I. . . . .. , .
have Mr Moore Kve an applna- ' " ' ""JJ
of riib-r d y'i 1 '"r ' "" " jfitiW
.It - 1. uilh.oil nil HP ll.r utetJlcll. fof b"ol r.Mliu'ail Uu
will nrvrr w ........ I. . . .... .. .
. f..rn eiUmr rlilklrrauf at)!ln U
Hrrf lal.a ai'U la leaait ulu.i
I Kf aata ly KlrkUnd Iim C
i-.t. iir.NKi.i
Barber Shop.
Ml Ht KM r.
On lfr tout It of l'.-t OS
Fin ith in cotom lion wulitk-,
Hiki ;m-m Ohm
Miss IJrv M. Snyder,
HrMhl;M 11 ! Arttl.ih.
M If wtwncn would fy man tinntwn to
tKof Klth t.Milj hw tnwt Kity
wlvtt, nwlhtri wi diuhtcrt, tmt W Ovy
would ohwrv rvuilli thry totU I)mI
that h d.Hofi' tl t4
xH.xm lh rrwiAy curti tlvy art glvn
crtM (of.
la tomultmn kith my druiit K ad.
Vint) Ml ttrc't VaiiM ul cVdui nd thi.
If t) i Black lnht, trul to I tm it and
I.jh tvtry mum to think him f imw
lilt opciwd up to m ith mtoMj h? UK,
and ll only luuk lhrc monlht tuu' ma."
Winn uf ('arilui r.-H"il!nr of tli"
itnnilnial fan. -tim nn i t a i.unl a
toiiinluntf; for ,n. n, it turn
scanty. ait.r-i-d, t,,f ( ii.T,t, irreg
iiliirrtnd I'timdil t .n,tt i.i-., i:. fullini;
of tlie ..inl. lull' and !l.jin(,'. ft
i )n'lfll when, l.uirf "l!iiU-
I.'hI. iliirinj tir'i,'ii:iiii-y, a(',.T doM
lurtli ami in iiianin. ( I I... t (r.
i(in nlly l.riny a li.str I al v t.. li.aiii' liav l-.'n lrr. ti (',r AH
ilru(,,'i.l hnvit 1.0llM,iti. of WliM!
She ti ?pead2,
"itfitfH, lS.tftt'".Tol
m ittttl (.'oni"c!io!nrv.
Fmsr Ct as Sn Ko! mi:
t'oSM Tlo.
KliiKllou' UniM. Kxrtirshiiin,
Spi-ciiil cxruinioii mtfH on all lim
travel liavo beioi arranttetl for by I lie
matHiifKiiieiit of Hii'K'inK Urnihcrs'
Woild'a Oreateft Shows, and tlnwo who
winli to w,( to fulfill where tliia Brent
circus exhil.itH Wtulnusday, Auicust
can dc so at very Mule exrt.-imu. Tliia
will he tlie only point in thi vicinity
wt....i, .1. .l.,.uf will il.ilt!r tfiilt Mf.i.Hritt
wo.' I.- .no b . i . , " . . v ' - , i
and no one should miss the opportunity W )
. . . I m .
to witncas It. liliilii circus
lia been the lradinir arenic exhibition
of Aumrieo for years, but the show ha
never leeii permitted to rest upon It
reputation. Although long go It passed
the point of com petition, every season
sues a greater and grander show. This
year's performance is entirely new, and
entails the combinen eflorts of 276 won
derful artists in the equestrian, gytunas
tic, equilibrlslic, acrobatie and aerial
line, together with forty famous clowns
and hundreds of leaner lights. Circus
day opens wltn a brilliant street parade
three miles in length, Don't fail to see
it. v
monmouib DundflJ
II. I. WIU I .M AN.rrep.
Should have your Work.f
Wnabliid ealled f'-r il f
livero.l. f
NVaahiitK ealh 'l T ,
. .. ....
lay niKl niivtfi'i " -"
UJcrK Guaranteed.
Monmouth. Oregon. A
i i
s Our II
w Cocation
New huilding m-xt (lor t JUH Meyera 4 Sons.
Call and get fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not miuH Het'iii" our miperior lino of Cm
petiiifTH, Mattings ami Linoleums.
S The House Furnishing Co,
w i ;upn mrytn oc ions, iAUcavi,
Z -tr.f C.l I All
... . , .