Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 20, 1903, Image 3

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shot eaNs
V have a new ami oompji-to line of both Hammer and JJammerlcHB
t't (iuiih at - raiiiti); from fll to $ to ami upward.
A fn-oli flock Ammunition, Hunting (oat, IKi", etc.
j.Ii'iim' ymi becatiM have an nuKnrtmcnl at the bct prices.
Wo can
R. M WADE & G0.
A. J: GOODMAN, Manager.
Independence, Oregon
Augu.t l, 1W.T
prr Hir.
In addition
lo lit
in legal work, which only an ttr
ney ran know, and which are viul
Ho the pifwl writing of the legal
real lt,
Uwtirss conducted I" ! Hi'' of
(V-p"' Hurley, I lav ad. 11 in
ontK, collection and lw. I
nude rrit,ntw wilh W.
H. Holmes, of Halrui, wbrreiu he
nil clat with m in the court
io s'l caws of lirUoc'.
You iH undoubtedly fipJ t,
Irgtl work, papers, notary ,work,
ttt, don by an attorney, admitted
la prsc-tice- in Ihe tate, and who
hu been educated am! eiamiiied to
io lr(tl work, will be mot ac
caul ill mi work don by a rm
st admitted lo practice. Further,
I bate a complete set of law book
louilmeln getting op pser;
I bsve statute of the state, re-
to tlate, ami can make the
formi conform lo lb law a laid
datn ia the hooka for thin slate.
Time ar many little technicalities
I inak a specialty of looking up
till., and I advise you to hav the
title looked up to every piece of
properly you intend to buy, before
you purchase it. It U an old max
iiti that "an oume of preventative
ii better tLan a pound of cure."
Pretty near every piece of property,'
which ha change! hand eevenal
lime, bee aorne flaw in iU record
paid them the year before, and you
will find that tbey are asseasing
you more and more each year.
The cause of that is that tbey are
reaching out and getting larger.
Ai they do that their policies have
to take in ranges, and their rates
are increasing. There ia but very
little difference in their rates and
the rates of the old line com
panies today and when you insure
iu an old line company you have
a policy that i good. The com-
j yniij IB L'asrl u U! m ovaaauv
which should he corrected before! with which they can pay you in
cane of fire, and do not have to levy
assessments. A big fire in one of
you buy It
I bare the old, reliable Hartford
Fire I nsurance Company, the old
est purely American fire insurance
company 1 America today
milifiea are A. No. One.
don't be led aaay by these no caII
ed firt associations that claim thiy
give you cheap insurance. Figure
uti what you paid them the at
year in comparison with what you
these aaismeut companies will
cause a big assessment, for you
. t ii. i Tl, - t. -
jtl) j nave to now mem up. i ey uvc-
I I . . I 1 f- iL.i
I make a specialty of collections
and am the representative here of
the R. G. Dun commercial agency,
and am in a position to handle out-
iile collections as well as city col
l?ctinns. Remember your account!
outlaw in G years and if you wish
to secure them don't let them get
old. Go over your old note and.
account and you may find aomej
that 1 can eaeily collect for you,
which you think are practically
I did the bookkeeping for a large
wholesale concern in Washington
fur a long period, and can keep
your book and do your monthly
collecting for you and put your
businetff on a monthly paying
If you bsve any business la my
line call and see die. My rate are
reasonable and I guarantee you
good service.
Rearctfully yeuri,
G. A. IltRI EV.
lOO Jteward, $100
The readera of thla paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science bas
been able to cure lo all It stages and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional di seise, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrh
Cure is taken Internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby dwtroylng the
foundation of tlie disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature
In doing Ita work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative pow
ers, that they offer one Hundred Dol
lara for auy case that It faila to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F. J. CliKNEY A Co, Tole
do, O.
Hold by Druggist, 75c.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
ci oa ii n ckntm.
A good many cigars are made
of leaves all n'gtit, but the Parrot
cigar is made ot selected leaf tobacco.
j ruti pdLL Al tiuar, Divsi
Craven Itloorc
Geo. V. Childs cigar, 3 for 10
cents at Wagoner'.
Preaching services at the M. E.
church Sunday morning. Subject:
"A Candid Master." In the even
ing Rev. T. B. Ford, presiding elder
of this didtrict, will preach. All
are welcome to these services.
Rev. E. J. Thompson was in
Corvalli Wednesday to officiate. in
the burial service of the late Mrs.
Dr. Atnsley. Rev. Thompson mar
ried this couple last March, and
hia journey there on this occasion
was necessarily a sad one. Dr.
and Mrs. Aineley bad but recently
returned from Europe from tr
wedding tour.
Miss Claretta Tomason, who I .
been yisiting ber sister Mrs. G.
Kutcb, returned to Broad Meade
farm Tuesday.
Remember Wagoner will take
your order for anything in the
candy line at the proper price.
- ySSv T 5N -N C F?S
Bop Pickers Slants
We are in a special favorable po
sition to furnish hop yard stores
with anything in the tobacco and
cigar lino. Such as Star Tobacco,
Exports, Arthurettes, Geo.W. Childs
we can make you a special price.
Harry E. Wagoner,