Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 06, 1903, Image 6

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Monmoutji Correspondents,
! 15 rant Nixon was la Nueua VUt
Measle are quite prevalent.
A. L. Chute in having hi house j
repainted, j
Rev. Siewert and wife went to
Salem Monday.
15. F. Mulkey ami family, of Ash
land, were in town over Sunday.
A. I. Butler ami wife, of Napa,
California, are visiting at I. F. M.
S. P. Coats and son Carl and
Lociu Bed well returned from South
ern Oregon Friday.
Walter Grillin. wife and daugh
ter, of Dallas, were visiting friends
in town Sunday;
Mr. lliatt ha rented the houe
formerly occupied by Mr. Pettitand
has moved into the same.
The family of W. P. Fwher is
having an outing at the Sulphur
Springs, on the head waters of Soap
Creek. . 1
Mrs. Edleman ami daughter, of
Moro, Sherman county, are visiting
with her uncle, D. Hampton, and
Mrs. Robert Percival is here vis
iting her sister, Mrs. II. Gutherie.
Miss Est'ella Melrnth, of Port-,
land, is visiting at Mr. John Mur
phy's, Miss Alice Grant, of Dallas, is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Mr. Monroe Mulkey is looking
after the tearing down of the old
Mulkey house.
Mr. Lewis and sister left Tues
day for their claims, expecting to
be goue two weeks.
Mr. John Howell returned home
from Nevada, where he has heeD
for the last two months.
Mr. V. 0. Boots has bought the
old store building of Mr. Hembree
and is having it torn down.
Mr. S. D. Coats and bod, Carl,
returned from their mines in
Southern Oregon last Friday.
Loring Bedwell and Lloyd Wal
ler are at home again, after a few
weeks' outing in Southern Oregon.
E. E. Yarnell and wife were
Monmouth visitors laet week. He
is improving fast and hopee soon
to be able to walk without the use
of a crutch.
Mrn. Hattie Ball, of Hillsboro,
was here this week, making prepa
rations for a new house to be built
on the corner where the old one
now standi. '
Mr-. Adna Hastings in down
from IWburg on a visit with rein
tires. V V.. Williams is having his
house treated with a new coat of
W. .1. Tnrnidne. of Crab Tree,
whs a business visitor here this
Miss Edna Tom, of Alsea. is the
guest of her aunt. Mrs. Thomas
J. M. Staats was an Albany vis
itor last week.
S. M. Daniel, of Monmouth, was
on our streets Monday.
fi. R, nebrbas, D.D-S-
Over P. O. Monmouth.
Mr. Walter Acock is working
for B. II. rillar this week.
Mr. Fuqua was a business vis
itor at Independence Saturday.
Mrs. Helmick visited at the
home of M. ScratVovd last Fri
day. Mr. P. J. Dickinson and fam
ily spent Sunday with friends at
Kalph L. Davidson was ft bus
iness visitor at Independence
Misses Maggie Kerr and Em
ma Mogf'ord were guests at lar-
ker Thursday.
Mr. Clunkers and family, of
Scio, Ore., were guests of friends
at Parker Saturday.
Amy Kelly has returned to
Independence, aft,er ft pleasant
visit with friends here. .
Clav Bush is spraying his
hops this week. Mr. Cockle is
helping him with his work.
Forest-ranger A. B. Lacey
c.nne home from Detroit, Ore,
on Tuesday's south bound train.
The haying season has closed.
The crops were a good average,
and damage by rain was slight.
Mrs. E. V. Dalton and two
children, of Dallas, are spending
the week with Mr. Jas. Ilelrnick.
Mrs. A. B. Lacey, Mrs. Mary
Kerr and C. R. Parker enjoyed
Rev. Poling's sermon at Suver
Miss Genevieve Tillery has
returned to her home in Inde
pendence, after a pleasant visit
at E. Evans .
Mr. Peterson is cutting his
wheat. The erain is m line
condition, and the yield is far
above the average.
Mrs. Grace Hall and daugh Mildred, and Miss Alice
Knighton, of Buena Vista, call
ed on friends at Parker Satur
V. J. Turnidge, of Crab Tree,
Ore., visited with friends at Par
ker Monday. Mr. Turnidge
was formerly a Polk county mer
Prof, and Mrs. A. P. Herons
and daughter Inez, of Shelburn,
visited with friends in Parker
Sunday. Mrs. Herons is a sis
ter to Mrs. R. W. Swink.
Choic watermelon! t Wagoner's.
one day last week.
Ed Pratber and family woro In
dependence visitors Friday.
I.eivie Moore was a Sulphur
Springs visitor two days last week.
Roy Woodcock of (rvaUin wa a
buisnena visitor in Buena, Wednes
day. Rupert Hull i'A' from Oregon
City hist week, tor a visit with rel
atives. Clarence Kays is ojwrating th
ferry, during tha absence of the
owner, William Steele.
N-wton R. Adams, of Corvallis,
was the guest a part of the week at
the home of his sister. Mrs. H. L.
Hinders are n-field this week, in
this locality, the g ain i first class,
and the growers are well pleased
with the outlook.
William Steele and family left
the middle of last week for Newport,
for a two weeks' outing. The trip
was made by rail. E. Brown returned a few
davs ago from a trip to Lebanon.
Soio and other points, where he
was in search ef hop pickers.
.1. L. Coutuwas ft Falem vis
itor Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry Squires was a Sun
day visitor in Snlem.
A. J. Richardson was a Port
land visitor last week.
Henry Winn is recovering
from an attack of mumps.
Carter Lee, of Albany was ft
Sunday guest of Buena relatives.
Harry Squires returned Mon
day from a business visit to tne
capital city.
Mrs. Tvler, Mao Picket, Mr.
Picket and Harvey Nash were
Corvallis visitors Sunday.
Mrs. J. L. Coutu and Miss
Grace Thompson went to Gervuis
Wednesday, for a bnet visit.
Artie Starr and N. It. Adams
returned to Corvallis Sunday
evening, awheel, after a brief
visit in Buena.
don't ffll cln-ap
Marked jn
plain figure h
at tho
lowest possible
gp - Huy your W)
Watches JtZX
vv Co. lh'.vc$
Price range on
ladies Watches:
$8.25, V.W,
10.00, II 25, 12.00
1 1.00, 15.00, H.,00
18.00, -0.00 and
up to -10.00.
A - ' '
Price on d'onts:
G.OO,' 8.00, y.5(,
10.00, 12.00, 15.00
17.00, 10.00 ami
up, according to
grado. ,
capital'stock, $50,000.00.
IIIKSllitKKU. iae..?." A lilt AM N KI.KON, VI.elW.ler.
0. W. 1KVINK, Cunhier.
DlRKC?; Vv. thwart
A. Neln.
a ,,,. r,.l l.atiVliuf Mh.l exehanuo himtiu-M trunnctel. l.omii m .I. Hill
dlmffi credits KrnUl. I j mi t m re,.-!,,,! on current a.-onnl
ulijKi't to cheek. '
MVb Morris returned to her
homo at Astoria Tuesday, after a
visit with her sister, Robert
Emmons, in Buena.
local warehouse thi week, pre-!
jmratory to the usual wheat haul
ing season which is near at hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and ft
uieco of tho former, all from Al
bany, visited at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. 15. H. Pillar, west of
town Sunday. Mrs. Simpson
was formerly Miss Altha Pillar.
J. II. Knighton was a businoss
visitor in Independence, Tues
day. Mrs. J. H. Kniuhton and dau
ghter, Ethel, were Wells visitors
The work of tearing down the
old school house, to make room
for tho now, is in progress this
week. Thus another familiar
land mark vanishes and one in
nj:nin reminded that even so
must tho most faithful eventu
ally disappear from life's field of
l',ids for Buena's new school
bouse were opened at tho cash
storo Saturday. The contract
went to F. II. Morrison, pf Pnllna
tho architect. His bid wa
I17-13. Next was tho bid of N. It.
Adams, of Corvallis, nt $1S2'.I,
while ft Monmouth constructor
figured the probable cost of con
struction at something over
George Kreutz is repairing the
Farmers and Stockmen protect your cows
and horses by using "So-Boss-So.
' Iof e milk-JVIor e money.
Sold By