I X D K P IC N D K NO K ENTKKPWSE, JNDKPENDENCE, OREGON c t i 6 LKFKVKU ANDX,; C. SMITH SHOT mm W luiVH a new and completo liny of both llnniiin-r and I lammerlcHS Shot (inn ut price raiiKin from $0 to $10 and upward. A fresh lock Ammunition, Hunting Coats, Logins, etc. Wu can jlcaho you because; we liuvo an usHortiuont at tho best jiricoi. R. M. WADE & GO. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A. J: GOODMAN, Manager. 3 LOCALS. JlaroUI Jargon-ion iiciit Sunday here. Mr. Dunn, uf Dnlla, wa a pass enger to Newport Wdreday, J. H. fiurti'ii and daughter Florence were Salem visitor Toe. lny. Mr. Win. Harnett left Wedne. day fur a two week' visit with her parents near Eugone. Mrs. E. T. Hrikl and daughter, Einmu, left for Newport iVelnes day for three. wek' outing. Mrs W. L. Hico, Mrs. L. Josso and laulit r, Mr. Harris, were over-Sunday visitors nt Newport. Mrs. M. T. Creasy and Hon Cioul-I returned from South 15end and other Washington point Wednes day. Mrn. Zigler, of Monmouth, was a passenger to Portland and Hood Itiver Wednesday, for a several week' viit. J. K. P. Graved returned Wednes day from McMinnville, having gathered in that vicinity twenty tons of cascara hark. The building recently vacated by the feed store in beinK refitted for a atore. The nature of it or ltd pro prietors wo were unable to learn. Tho ordinance of baptism wan be Btowed upon a young lady at the river Sunday evening bv Rev. A. S. Allen, paHtor of the Baptist church. About forty member of the Christian church gathered at the home of 0. A. Kramer and gave Mrs. Ellen Robertson a farewell party Wednesday evening. J. R. Cooper wishoa to an nounce that ho lias for sale 250,000 of as fine brick as is made. Patronize this home in dustry; Says a dispatch to the .Tele gram from Dallas: "The Inde pendence motor caught fire whien near Dallas Tuesday and was badly damaged. Tho pass-ling tho present high standard Willi ll iv nun iiuiiiiuniiun, uwi I would like to encourage cor respondents from each little pee- i.inr.iw were f'liimielleil to jtimPiWh i - i oil' fur safely. They landed in a heap in a haystack mo none were injured." A liull game will be played Sunday between tho married men and tho single boys. Al ready one side is telling what it will do to tho other and 'vice versa. It will bo a hot game. An Kxpt-fHSlon nfTliank. I desire to express my grati tude to tho many kind friends to whoso generosity 1 am in debted for the beautiful pre mium I have secured in tho cor respondents' contest, which has just closed. The value of the premium lies not only in its in trinsic wort!:, but it is also ap preciated for tho many acts of kindness which it will ever re call to my memory; and. these littlo acts oi kindness associated with the memory of some kind and loving friend servo as tho tiny links which time shall weave into friendship's golden chain. I do not claim to owe my suc cess to any journalistic ability that I may possess, but rather do I accord the honor to the kindness of my friends who so generously sustained mo in my efforts. I am sorry that we could not nil attain first prize, and while I fully appreciate tlje kindness of all who have aided me, I would gladly suggest . that I do not wish to monopolize all the first prizes, and I will greatly appre ciate any kindly assistance that 4nay be accorded to others who may strive for success in future contests. 1 do not mean by this assertion that I -shall not con tinue with unremitting efforts to aid our county paper in sustain- I. L. SMITH, Wholesale Beer and Cigar Dealer. Having taken out wholwtle license, I can now tell all Beer and Cigars a wholesale rate. BEST BRANDS WINES AXD WHISKEYS. C Street, - Independence. Oregon. tion of our county to take up our work with a willing hand, ami to assure them that success will crown tho efforts of ull who earnestly and diligently strive. Upon the united efforts of the correspondents depend the suc cess of our paper. Let us re member, then, that we are striv ing not for individual success, but for the success of a mutual cause. We owe this as a debt of grat itude to our kind and generous editor for his strict impartiality, noble kindness and generous prizes. Wo should concentrate our efforts with bis in a noblo en deavor to perpetuate the banner county paper of the state. I hopo that I may fully ap preciate and amply reciprocate the manifold kindnesses that have been accorded me in this undertaking. To the editor, for1 his kindness aud considerate' encouragement, I would say Ij thank you. To the friends whoj have aided mo with a subscrip-j lion or a news item I would say! I thank, you. And once again, to all I would say 1 thank you. . , Mux. 11. V Swink. When you want a hynio that Im mild . aud gentle, euxy to take and certain to' net, alway uw Chamberlain' Worn- j ach ami Liver Tablet. For sale by I Kirklaud Drug Co. j Mr, iteu JoliiiHOU upeot Sunday at Newport. A.R. Look )Henger yenter- Jiiy to California on a few week's bul- iit'Mfi trip. . J. A, Mill hit typhoid fever and appendicitis Mid hi condition I ex tremely Krave. Mr. Illrmaii Onden and Mr. May j Ogden Ithyu, aud little daughter, of ' Lo Ana-elc California are vltiitiDR Mr. tlden brother ii. F. Whiteaker j nenr Monmouth Mr. Ogden' borne j wan the old Whiteaker farm and thi ia j the llrnt vlaitehe ha njad here bIucb ; 17 year ao. . j IlIOIir.AND. Miss Mao Kennedy visited j Wednesday with Mrs. P. Shafer. j 5 Mrs. Martin has a new six oct avo organ. Joe Laundree and P. Sliafer were at Falls City last week fishing-John "W. Alexander and L. Stapleton took a trip to the mo untains for lumber last Saturday. Jl'gT THY A PARROT cio a it n cknth. tbe Parrel Calks I'm neither too big nor too little I'm just riiht. My qual ity i admirable. I'm calm and u muffled even when burning up FOIl SALE AT CIGAK BTOBE OF Craven $ lHoorc Miss Lula Locke, of Buena Vista, a guest at the home of C. Tedrow last Suuday. Mrs. Jane Woods, of Eastern Oregon, como last week for a visit with her parents John Compton and wife. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. . v MONMOUTH. OREGON. Training Rollout for teacher. Courses r. ranged especially for train Inn teachers for all branches of the profession. Mint approved methods for graded and ungraded work taught In actual district school. The de mand for graduate of this nchool as teachers far exceed the npply. The Training De partment which consists ofa nine grade pub- ; lie chool of about 250 pupils ia well equipped in all iU brauehei. including rtloyd, Mulo, Drawing and Physical Trainlug. The Normal counte. the bet and quickest way to state late certificate. Fall terms opens Septem ber 22, For catalogue Information address K. D. RESSLKR, Pres. or j. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary. We, the undersigned Barbers of Independence, do agree to combine on the following prices on and after August 10, 1903. HAIR CUTTING : -- --25 SINGING v ----- -- ..............:...;..-.-25 SHAMPOOING.. - -- :25c BEARD TRIMMED, VANDYKE Ll. -- - -- .25c PLAIN - I- --lOc FACE MASSAGE. ,. - - - ----- - - --25c HEAD " .1.. - ------ 25c RAZOR HONING.. : - --- -: -25c SHAVING ;- - - ; -I5c ON HOLIDAYS L. : '. 25c TONICS r : -IOc SEA foam....: - - --. -IOc BAY RUM ON HEAD ..... - . 10c STEAM TOWELS:. - 10c NECK SHAVING.. : 1 . 5c MUSTACHE CURLED..: 1 '. --- 5c One ot the last two may be given when the bill reaches 25 cents and over, and both may be s given when the bill reaches 40 cents and over. J. S. MOORE, E.T. HENKLE, G.W. KUTCH.