Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 7

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    A. S. Locke,
, imiM of naintH.oili), vaniinheH, limo
, . tlit amount ho U nelling D a
Kuurantoo that his pries aro tho h.wuct. Alao
i I ft.niinoofbrubhcM. Call ami boo him. '
ew Treatment
0. K. Edwards, manager of
tho Tressed Hrick Co. nt New-
W berg, was looking after Ms in-
W tcrests lore tho first of tlio wcik
y. PhnrloH Allen eniovod ft Bun
day's outing at Newport. Tho
yy motor uccommnniiuuns i u
y) from Corvullis were groauy p
V predated by our excursionists
Mr. MnvcH and son. who have
uiuiliitir nt Mr. IW-mlCKB.
'. havo returned to their homo in
vr bavin tu' l 1
Uhlft "" ur",,',,, l?kr,.im brush this week
L;,if.uHttuUIrry(rrii.jr. r.r-.. . .. A. L. Barnhouse is to I.
Mu.t l,iKuVr,5 lkl""(k ,md f,Umly shortly for Buck!.. trash., to
- -, .. cure l prn.aueul ai4
Lin. A rr'' uV a I Ul (!. It. Parker's this week.
uWKi.y i"f '..7:.. :t - .
. .,ku ... tl flirt IMV Ur, . V
r" at . H ::,,. Pnrker. sum IWldwin and wife, of In
itjlr,1..,M(.'.rl..n.1. lt,d..Lw: dependence, were Sunday guest in
T.ttlum. It Mywc.m ; Miss Anna lorgeso.i jjuenii Vieta.
Without MUU I v un..r y on Moluiay S SOUU. umn.u d
ti ... i.v..r or Jr. . jir-i uuuo....-
'" Tuesday from a pleasant outing
Mm Helen Frve visited last vflWmrt.
,N,r" .., i,- .ttiiirrhtcr'tt home , :a,i
. , . ..I .l : Wl'l'N 'l ' Mry I lrl'lBr801 lino nm"
,sf . I trUa t'r. I' ii i r . ,u. ..,, with her moth
,itiw'rumii'iiiy vuH-H, ,.. biciiu
. i .... innililM. I m'wtti" , ..... iir,l I.MJflin. U. M.a Millir.
aori'iurnui . i i . .mil mts. ioi..
i,t,.tul!y rr.,H.n.l I SIV,.P. M( Sunday at SA,rtmml Bnds left Saturday
,llifu,1),iyi.u1uua.,. K ' r.; "n l, to... to reside for an in-
For Varicocele.
(Albany Itinwrt.)
u. ot.l ml young, r
; "u)e.. urfUln.1-..
i . if... A..ii Tloulf oi'.
ivrnsas. iirn. iit1"-"
JIJ comianicd them for a visit with
1J rtdatives there.
L. Davidson, a former
Polk county resident, who now muilin nl Vn listoca. Lalitornia,
Win. Dp Verelison the sick is employed in a hardware store
... ... ..!..,. .mil in coinmanu-
ing a lucrative salary.
Tnhn f.f HlHikdnft. Wash..
risitcd at the James McClain home
Sunday and Monday. It was the
first time the fnenUa had mei in
25 ypars.
('leva Parker, of Parker station,
was in Uuena one day last week,
ecuriiiif signatures to a remon
strance ogainat the petition which
has neon in circtmuon, praying
that thedeath sentencs in th case
ot Win. P Peacock be comtuited to
life imprisonment. Mr. 1'arker
Btatcd.that he had met with but few
refusals in asking tor signers, to
i ....A tl.ut lli DPOIlle
Ills ynyi, uvj - i r
arounl Parker were all in favor of
th" ex ecution ol me conueuuncu
man. , ,
f,r Guena
lino in ""J -
Vista girls to get rid of the fellow
list this week.
A. D (Jrigsby was a business
visitor at Suver i nday
Miss FrieU(!uy, of Albany, is
visiting at Mr. llelnuck s.
C. U. l'urkor is clearing and
J. II. Knighton was a Corvallis
visiror Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. 'Richardson
were Salem visitors last week.
a f Rurnhniiiie is to leave
C. C. Holler is delivering hV nnrv Ilidders. of Soap Creek,
was a Uuetvi Vista business yisuor
Dickinson and family Friday
. ... .... Wilt U il.tlV OHlfiT
IIIHU III uri - .
ifWT, i.i o Tlilrti imt, l"itln.t,
b? 1 lve ln fioi'l.-M-t fr y.'.m.
A. J. AUMniiw-""
di:ai'm:ss twi.nty yi:aiw.
How It Wus Cured by Wtrlc
Treat uifiit by Ir.
Mr. Swink'u. for Pendleton, to rm -
tlv definite period
r4 Hill OrUllW una j,
ivl, fur . . r.UU. Mi.- Ato K2"
ti :u ..;,.;;tv were uushicbb -
w A,.n k.vho is staying iu . ni. , .
' i.... i.l. Mrs. William dhm
Mr.Fuquas, spcni dftUKht,r, Miss Judith, were At
tnonus in . viHitors tnuay
" I tuve used Ayer'a Hlr Vigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting t the ends.
J. A. Gruenenf elder, Crantfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
SI.NlMII. All iroffUH.
.1 ! . . Mnnnt annnlv TOO
iou bottle. Be mire and give the name
of your nearm exnre olfice. Addrea,
J. C. A V Ett CO., LoweU, Maes.
ho nil! not take the hint and
leave at the proper time. W .
puote from an exchange: She
gives him a paper and pencil, with
. . . . .ml
one ot ner sweetens miues, un
says: "Now make a row of eleven
ciphers: now make a perpendicular
mark downward on ine ngov vi
the first cipher; upward on the
fourth; downward on the right of
the fifth; upward on the right of
the seventh and eighth; downward
on the right of the tenia, id
marks to be half an inch in length."
Ask him to read whit he has writ
ten. The effect U electrical.
Arthur Burs purchased a new
McCormick binder last Friday.
8. B. Tetherow and wife were
visiting at Falls City last week.
T. W Iucharv has just fin
ished building a new hog house.
Mr. and Mrs. Hershner, of Ohio,
father and mother of Rev. J. L.
Hershner, are visiting at L. v.
Mr. Oberer. manager of the
Charter Oak saw mill, is digging a
well and laying the iounuauou on
his new mill site on ii. narmon
Messrs. Reese and Russell have
the contract of putting up the
wire for the rural telephone. The
i . .irtirxr a (T(id iob and ex-
pect to have the line ready for use
in a short time. .
' Grandma Critchalow, mother of
D A and Wm. Critchalow, was
laid to rest in the Smith cemetary
last Saturday. A large crowd of
friends turned out to pay their last
earthlv respects to one who was a
friend ana lovea oy
tm i I. .1.11... IWtlUiltl
id tne ruuiiui j'.vw
erne to Dr. lrrlu lr tr.Mitmnlo
flfrmoiKlruiK'itiin my
jmm alamllnK. I a unb 10 , ,
altliout pwplo speaktl.K vfry
... if,... iiiinth'a treainit'lit I
UIV. turi ........ -
sild hr wll m ovef In wy lire;
mil f.l enlU'd lon to trll tn
of tuv Mi'i-rU-nee, that oilr uy
avail ili..m lve of Dr. Ilurrtn'i M.
lllvo at 43) Front trwt, rorttaml.
tod work In JohnnOu's ahlpyanl. The
t,. i.n .,f V.-8lii-rUr A. I.
Mwrp'a ilaiiRhtrr, 830 Front
malaria, rheuiuatlam vr C,"1U
pWut Im why I uiptU..l to Or. Irrln
Dr. imrrlu'H IMuc of lioslness.
Dr. Darrln ran he oonxiilh'd free
Irom 10 toft oVtocU dully 1 evenly '
JiHuii.Jny, 10 to 3, at Revere Hotfl un
til OctcWr 1.
A petition was circulated last
week by parties from Parker petit
ioning the governor to let the sen
tence of Peacock stand as it is-'
mrappings, Bags
Do yon uo tlitn? o '
ways have them. Order by
phono, mail, to. nk'h"
man - Wo are prompt.
' Everything in patx-r."
Geo. F.Rodgerscfc Co
whoiesale Paper Dealers
Salem, Oregon.
Mrs. " Marguerite lUrned, of tie gUrri of Corvrilw.; TOSD PRIM
r,b.nondonce. was a business .. . ,Q this viilnge bun- FOURT1I PRIZE.
visitor nt rarker Friday. dliy He made the trip a-wheel.
Mrs bvdia Cox and daugh- David Baldwia, an old pioneer of
tor' Liilian, were busme,vis- thi8 burg M at Well. wj.
itors at Parker Thursday. assisting Jack Hall in the harvest
-iZ ML Charles Cihson and Mrs.
day excursionists to .Newport. of Ruena Vista
p r Teterson and Frank . .
Ilcrry made a trip to io llonco Hampton, Picket and
mills for lumber hist Tuesday. Nagh retnrned Saturday from a
Mrs A H. I-acey and child- Cftmping trip to toe
' ifrM Marv Kerr visited VJport.
ron and Mrs. iMarj , ....... M;nnTo Knichton
i- -i... ot Mrs J. u fivv0""'" Misses Alice - -
1- nday at Mrs. f theif brt)lher
mu, fieueviovo Tillery, ot v, and
,. visitin with uonnny, ... -
...iprrn vans. ' . ....:
Misses Maggioauuv " 0, McClain made a nyi-'g y'K
!a stiiv- L it; . nrA,iv evening.
f hosier Warren, w to u,,ena viw - -c
ti l, K. Evans. -pent Satur- Mr. McClain' is bookkeeper tor the
ingwiwii volntives 5.....iin0. Treeing Co.
Jay and Sumiay , ov -
la .AL'unf! V III t"-1 -
at Plainvicw. a ' . ' ,"" was in. Buena
v V TvltTis busy this week G.lberUpiano honse was i
iinmn!Te vuta last week. We heard oi
delivering - " beinK consummated
tn DuenaMstas ... , familv left
cimmcr visitors. r , theu idence
Mm Scott returned to her i - J M Logan ha8
Ml9 ,.i.!,rion after a vu't in a logging camp.
homo mv D?atr. fm"UJ .
; :t ..m i nci
pleasant Mf" " . ,
1 i. ..:..i- nf this P'ac
. .j oii.,,nhn stered. velvet Couch.
FIEST PRIZE... .....Anau, ;,.... A lovely Picture
; . ....Afine Students' Lamp
x nnl ant of Ping Pong.
FOURTH PRIZE. ...t... i rr,nvrmh ted' Book
FIFTH PRIZE "adie8 Home Journal
SIXTH PRIZE ;;"""'' VvVuKpitisE to any address for one year
SEVENTH PRIZE Ikdei'kndbnce Kmerpbise io j ,
".t. .l the news that happens in Polk county and we wanhe Estee-
. .;. ":.r.r;:"v family in the coanty. We want to help you ..u
VB18K iu , ,u :ve no nts as toiiows;
,o help us. Our interests are mutual We Wil g-pomt
One point for every umno. U'.ww meritorious or start-
.Hieieworthyofa.eperatehea ?' ".TfSS JT points will be
ling in the sight ottue - " . Q point8 For every yearly renewal
given, ror every - J noints- six months and less man.
75 points. For a lZor Job Work we give 50
points, and we will a y. and wa will announce
going to make a campaign .u. - - mabe lt t0 your
features will be announneu
Mnil Carrier njryW'V.
. ttf!11,oHfl .Irive of Iocs is
The mm1"";,- sniiam.
doa t5 the same point, and both
Sri will then be taken on to
other to their destination.
. .... i .. nnlnts. No article is
Each week we will announce m tins . ,nd point9
credited until after it appears in the p-pe r -- We nt to keep
8CCUred in otherwayswU b. announced t hey iQ yoQr poInM
everything fair and etnog, tboronSh investigation.
write us within tne iu.iv,n...R 4l30
Buena Vista. H 2o!!0
'. 634
: .-w-v325
V .... 414
' 159
Monmouth, II
Airlie, S
Monmouth, B.....
Riekreall, C....---
Highlands", D......
Monmouth, A .... .
Falls City.
Sunny Slope.