Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 6

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    riser, KNTKuriusK, ixpmkm"1 .
I I Monmouth Correspondents j
i J
" -T ii" lntW npm.t i.Uyiiitf vr.ri.m g'c
Mrs. iMmo is.p-titc ill. ,uf imbuing In ice cream and
Sam Haldwin midwife xpent j Clik.
Sunday with Mrs. Kmmett.
Several hop growers have
been hero recently looking for
Miss Doris Smock, of Sher
wood, is visitiug at the home of
T. II. Hurt.
Miss r.ertha Allen went to Su
lem Vedtn-sday and will remain
until hop-picking.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Sa
lem, were visiting t the home
of J. T. Stump Sunday.
Dr. Thomas Osboru, of San
Franciso, is visiting his nephew,
John Zeigler, and' family.
Mrs. Laure Adkins and daugh
ter, Helen, wero passengers by
stage to Salem Wednesday.
Hon. B. F. Mulkey, wife, and
children, of Ashland, are visit
ing relatives and friends here.
Rev. Siewert's father and
mother and two sisters, of near
Salem, spent the first of the
week yisiting him.
Mr. Owen and daughters, Miss
Yirgie, and Mrs. C. C. Yeater,
left Monday morning for a sev
eral weeks"' visit at Blodgetts
No man or woman in the state will
hesitate to speak well ot Clmmbt-rlulu'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets after once
trying them. They always produce a
pleasant movement of the bowels, 1m
prove the appetite aitd strengthen the
digestion. For sale by Kirk laud Drug
Co. '
. Mrs. Hadly. of Portland, is visit
ing her son, Percy, of this place.
Miss Lena Tartar, of Corvallis,
is visiting relatives in these parte.
Parties from Monmouth are
stringing the wire for the farmers'
telephone line.
Mrs. Laura Wiseman and eon,
of Walla Walla, are risiting her
meter, Mrs. 0. E. Staats.
Wilma, of Monmouth, have come
up to spend the summer at the
home of Mrs. 0. M. Staats.
There was a social gathering at
the home of Miss Eva Staats last
Saturday evening, in honor of her
friend, Miss Mable Keady, of Cor
vallis. About twenty-five were
present and the evening was pleas-
There is to be an ice cream so
cial at Montgomery school house
ftatnrdav evening. August 1st.
. ...
Mabel brown, of Airhe, is at her
aunt's nunm.
O. II. IK'Armond h lo
th Foley spring.
V. X. Stump ha ' purchased a
new rubber tired bucy.
Mrs. t'.eorge Steel and family, of
Portland, have returned home.
Mr. and Mr. A. lTickoimor vis
ited Sun-lay at the home of Mr. K.
V, Srt ink.
Mr. Je.sie Wilson, of Moscow,
Idaho, is visit-in relives d
friends here.
C. W. Steward. has gone to the
Foley springs where be has charge
of the pst ellice.
Minnie Maxfi Id and Akia Frum
Mr. Maxfield. of
Corvallis, Sunday.
Misses Moliie and Katie Meir
ing, of Salem, were visiting Miss
Pet Hecker, of Soap Creek.
Dr. Ketch um and 'wife were in
Sliver Sunday, where the doctor
was called to see Mrs. Larson.
Rev. C. C. Poling will hold meit
intf at Stiver Saturday eyening at
8 P. M. and Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Mrs. J. M. Larson has been quite
Bick the last week. Her cousin
and her sister Nellie, of Indepen
dence, are with her.
Mrs. Than), of Independence, re
turned Monday from Corvallis,
after a week's visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Stone.
diet Warren, who is working for
Mr. Tedrow, passed through this
vicinity on bis way to his folks'
where he spent Saturday and Sun
day. Andy Perry has gone to his sis
ter's, Mrs. Harper, of Springfield,
to help Mr. Harper build a new
nouse on property which they have
bought there.
Mr. H. Flickenger and daughter,
Mrs. Maxfield, are at Salem. They
were called there by Mra. Brown
on account of her husband, who is
in the hospital, taking worse.
Glen Hilterbrand and Eddie
Bagler came to Suver to meet Fred
Stump, when their horse became
ou,. landscp.. it "" ""7
turned by phenomenal i. n-i Nature arrayed m Iht
comliest garb r. acl.r out h-r
erou. arms and scatter plenty oer
our smilin land, wh'ue -Id Oro-
I,. rid..f the Vst, promn..'
tosurpas Iuim IHh the himd..tce
of hot normal fi' '" w"vl"
lU.KUot Krail. .Never H
tory of our country lut "
prophesied a io" exuberant hf
Oursi land of plenty for 0o
Industrious, frugal and cn. rg.tie.
and in the pres. nt . ""t""'
otl'ors every enuournen.ent t llie
tiiler of the soil.
No ptshlence bus yet visited its
destruction on ngiiculturnl p.
ducts in this vicinity. Th" Ur
den ure nourishing unmolested by
the well-known squish l'g
ha not yet made in appearance.
Hay is being cared for and prom
ise a yield far above the arerage.
Some little hay may haya beon
damaged by the late shower, hut
the benelkial effect on late sown
grain will more than counterbal
ance thi loss. Price range from
14 to 5 pr ton j ii tho field. All
fall and late sown grain is lookinu
n...t friu.r r well nlen'd
with the outlook for a Unmtiful
harvest. Tho crop are well ad
yanced and prospects in general
are very flattering. Some eat are
already cut and in the shock. We
can make no estimate ss yet as to
probable price of grain, but it i
generally believed that this a ill
prove a most prosperous year to
Although it Ih still early for any
definite report of hops. The pros
ptts are very favorable. The vines
are in fine condition unmolested by
nesta of any kind.
There is an abundance of all
kinds of small fruit, cherries and
pears being very plentiful. The
apple crop chits not promise an
average yield, but the yield Is fully
adequate to supply the local de
Prof. Dee Simnson snent several
days in Portland this week, going
down Monday afternoon.
Y. It nebrbas, D. D S.
Over P. 0. Monmouth.
the harness all to pieces but doing
no damage to the cart or horse.
The horse went through the fence
by the railroad and ran to Mr.
Maxfield's and stopped.
The Year 1003.
Special from Parker.
The glorious year of 1903 has
dawned on a most prosperous coun
try. The springtime of its youth
has nassed like a wave into its
multitudinous seas and the buds
that grew with its birth have blos
somed into nature's fairest flowers,
or warmed by summer's gentle
breath have replenished the gar
ner's sheaves.
Our little province lies like a
babe cradled on its mother's breast
safe end secure in It parental pro
tection, or like a tiny speck on the
. a m . A. 1 1
broad bosom oi our country giori
The itroncrwt
' i-Hr could be re
Hj duced by iiege if the
I virriion could be starved
tTi out. The itrongert body
ha to give up Uic fight
wnen narvauoa wmkm
Thr mrm mnn clpfttha
from starvation than the world
dream of. When the atomach i dic
tated and the food eaten it not digested
and assimilated, then the strength of the
body begins to fail because of lack of
nutrition, and the weak body fall an
easy victim to the microbe of disease.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of th stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
restore physical strength in the only
possible way, by enabling the asdniila
on of the nutrition contained in food.
t was stck for orer thr years with a com
plication of atomach trouble," wrltr. Mr. John
K Ca.tona, realdlfiK at 1941 Arch St., Chicago.
Illinois. Had tried every food phyalcan I
knew of. aa well as many patent medtcinea, bat
received only temporary relief. One day a
friend recommended your ' Golden Medical 1)1
aa It as. Commenced! to gain the first week,
and after I bad taken only one bottle I could
mmt wU aa ane one without esDeriemciae III
affects. I took five bottles, and to-dir am happy
to announce tnat I am as wen ana arena? as
any one could be. I aw It all I Dr. Fierce'
Oolden Medical Discovery."
The sole motive for substitution is ta
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by th 1 of lea meritorious
medicine. He gains. You loa. There
fore accept no substitute for "Gold
Medical Discovery."
D ttO rw MMra1! riHnmAH Cmh
Medical Adviser la sent fret on receipt
tnly. Send twenty-one one-cent stamp
SOX in) uuoaw ui mym wwb, in luinjr
mmm atamp for the cloth-bound vol urn.
4diws Dr. B. V. Piwee, Bmftslo, N. Y.
.. I I mill'
P.. VtMll'WM Wl
bU,,s to n.ny ut 1 rd,rm.,l..
l,v th.- b...ud Hiii-l-t ,-i...i:.
0;, July l! r.-..s hold
in,, ,,, tiling of r
ia,,i ... .TT
only .-0 it k ""I"'"1, '
putvluiM, pri.T, mu-v 1,0 I "
or Wtoio lb-td.-r I.
This M..m. t.i bo "in. 01
.' . ... .. . .t fml.
tbo most fon.t.H'U 111 ;
rHi.ins taxaliou, a n
not tnxul.lo until a d.,'d for the
1,1 Us b.H i'i"1- ,5-v l,w-v
ingbuta IVw dollars -f the 'r
chase pt it -, th" h.-Ui rof n rtil.
of Halo tiuatio".
uii.l Mill paya "'1.V ,,,,,m,,nl
amount of iuUTt into th W
tri.asurv. Mr. Urown 1"
paro.l circulars i-oitainiiB tin
onliTH of thehoanl, au-l inatruc-.;..-
. tho I'trtiliiato l.oMor,
whii h he in maiUng t 'l f the
,lolii.(1uei.t.i. They niul ns M
( lltl t I.Alt I.KTTKIt.
It nt'i.iurini' from CVrlifieute
of Knlo No of which yon are
tho hol.Ur. that there I due on
tho t.urchase j.rieo tho 'im of
j.riiirii'ul ml mterel on
mich amount from .... at .... per
Pursuant to nn order of the
hoard made on July 11,
am authorized and instructed to
demand jmyinent from nil hold
rlificiitt of Hlll Oil
via V' . we.
which " or !. of tho pur
chane juice is now due, and to
request that the same l poul
on or he fore Oetoher 1, If 03.
Demand i.s therefore henh.y
made, that on or before Oetoher
1, 1!03, you imv tho purel.ase
price and intercut due on certill-
cute No l'aymeut must lo
accompanied by tho cerliticato
of sale.
For you information I enclose
a copy of tho order of tho board
in the matter.
0. CJ. lirown,
Cleric of Stato Land l5onl
In the matter of tho nnymon
ofpurchane prico now duo on
certificates of sale on which ?u0
or Ichs remains unpaid:
It appearing to tho board that
there are a number of ccrtifi
cates of sale on which there is
$50 or less of purchase price
due, and complaint being mndo
that a large amount of property
evidenced by said certificates,
which ought to ' be taxed, is
thereby escaping taxation, the
holders of said certificates nav-
ing only a small amount of in
terest thereon to the state an
nually, and it further appearin
that a large amount of unneces
sary clerical work is required to
endorse and receipt for these
small pnyiiMuit of ,
that tlm record of ,,
Laud (Hiiro Wuiihl L j.,,'
and the work mi rtnlU.j V 1
.nymeiit of the u,m;
tho I'tin hiiKo prim in.i. -J
stli-h ml. (leak , it j, ji 1
t . . '' i
Ordered that the fUj
to is hen by ttu t hort;t . ( )
driK'led to tlt'tuand f, nil lii.ldim i.f ... 1
tf miIo on nhiili $",o or f
tlm ptircha-io priru j,
and that same Je Imijw
f,ro October 1, UK);!,
ioiit-l for tho latuU i!f.
When i'.ilho IW!!,,iu
threti yam younger than h
t was called on miSiiaH,
(intiitliiti on llie dikk,
i what h haiol'd W the b
The duck is a lot U
bird, wiriMsed iii(tlrof-,
It nther. Ho is t uiiithtrtF,.
lrr, having a husrse t J
bv galling no tiisnr frp i
nwk. II hkcstlis m
riea a toy balloon hi hit m
which he fill with sir otic
swimming over hit bttn
from sinking. llcWDfjil
but can't sitic a liule
doctir are called tjuifti w
they are such chwp ascii
duck has only ta lif.u
ro set so fur lack on hit ni
trear by nature that !
urty near missing on w.
ouack doctor hs tck
they are fastened lot wit
UI! U not so broad Ml dfi
a heap longer t.4 hrd ii
Home ducks when twrrf
have curU in tni! im s
Jrakes' Drake don't tin
nor hatch, but just loaf.r
iiiing nt' eat. If 1 Mf ;
duck, ra rauier
A ririsnt Occsv
HjhksUI from Parkrr.
On Tuesday, July -
nleasant home of Mr, at
Wm. Fuqua was me w
merry gathering. Alll-
hivvo been fortunaw w-
have enjoyed the kind h
itv of Mr. and Mrs.Fuqo'
that manifold pleasure a
an invitation to dirt
home. At high noon tb I
crowd of guests repair
spacious dining room,'
most sumptuous ir-
i n i needlca I
that ample justice wu1
most appetuing pr
thardose of this MF
Aa tlfilicioUS 1C """l
cake were served andM
t nw1man iPDt
dayi in' Portland the fjj
a delegate to tue
U. W., returning w -morning.
H IIIR8HBERG, Preddent. ABBA.M ELS01''
0. W.IRVIKE, Caahlor. I
DIRECTORS. H. Htuchberg, D. W. Bear, B. F. Smith, M- j
A. Nelson. ' J
. TaBl H
A graerml banking and xchanira buiineea transactea. TL.eWi
Isoonntod. Comsaal crtxllta graattxi. Deposits reoel0""
bietobk. '