Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 5

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    County Correspondence.
p, 1h cutting grain for
L Gentry "J f,nU' ,,,onl
I,, in Independents.
. . ot Albany,
liu. alive at Calvary.
L rL tuy. of Albany. I.
t tt tbt bum 01 Jam
t n i)itviJuii has aome
Lit Just cut that U about
t tall.
H. McElmu" and wif nJ
W. Ale"Jr w"1 10 1
' .. ..!,. Kundav.
I on U lu,"u" '
.tMi' Vetit'0.
Imirn. !ent few day
L Mir Gertie Dick-
. hmily of J'1" Helmkk,
CUy lluh, Charley Smith
friet Uay "petit Buajr at
Lm Shafrr ia staying In In-
f 5 ... til
al-nre "ith brother win,
rt Luc McEImurry, Of Linn
. U uuile eick and hr
h'ter. Mr. Bud Alexander,
inpWt week to be with tr.
Bramberg, of Nebraska, was
llh III! OKI IIIBIlun,
.. .....I miU last week. He
ukine fr a location and tx
lo move hie family out soon
HruUlly Tortured.
Proof of Mm
la Hht that forr
Li ind unmerciful torture na
lu never been, equaled. Joe
I wok. t,f Colusa. Calif., write;
r - - - ... . .
e.t.i.lltllB.1 talllt ml nothing:
ml ma mound I tried everything
d. I came aort-aa F.leclrlo lmteni
IT the greate-l medicine on earth
iht trouble. A few bottle of It
bWiely relieved and cured me."
nod f..r liver and kidney
bUft and guueral dobllity. Only
Btlfciiu guaranteed by A. o
irdtrCofik drove to Salem Tucb
ffrank Gibson improves very
Wra.Thicloon came in Sunday,
rtn Monday.
Mr. McArthur. of Portland, is
kiting her brother here.
Mre. Juuii'H Clark, of Springfield,
nming relatives nere.
Mm. B, F. Lucas went to Turner
Jy, returning home Sunday.
Homer Whito and wife went to
f coa last week for a short itay.
Tom McArthur came up from
Ftiind Sundav for a short stay.
J IT V I, !. -..Mir, a wnntl
N to hin nrooertv which will be
i .
inn convenience.
. M. A. Unroll wm a pHKi ii)cr to
Nwirt Haturday, returning home
Wm. Clark and wife, ol Portland,
re vixiting relative Ihth fur a
abort time.
Mr. 8. Orr and ion, Glenn, were
panNeiigera to Newport Monday for
The ice cream eodul held here
for the purpote of raining lund for
repairing the church a a grand
Chat Dick, wife and daughu-r.
of Haletn, arid Mr. Kukin, of Hope,
were visiting at the home of I'eter
Cook Hunday.
Mr. Fanriio Owen, who ha Ikh'I)
viniting her iter, Mr, J. J.Hurch,
rflfcrhomo Monday morning ac
companied by her father.
Mr. Uibiton, of Vet Salem, who
!i bwn vitting her on, Frank
(iibaon, ami wif, hat been quite
II but la lomewhat Improved
Very Itninrkable Cure of IHiir-
"AU.ut ls year aim for the nmt
lima In inj life I bad a iinldni ami e-
vnitai'k of diarrhoea," nay Mr
Allea Miller, of Morgan. Tex. i
got tewporyry relief, but ll cama bark
again and agaio, ami for an long
vear I have autre red more uiiery auu
agony tbau I can tell. It waa won
),., l.'.(li Mv buitbaucl ulieni uuo-
drelof dollar for )hyletn' pre-
,.rlittoim aud treatment wunoui
u-ii viimllv we moved to Ikmoue
county, our reeut borne, and one day
l,ai.ned to nee an auvermwiiwu
IbamU-rlaln'a Colic, Cbolera anu
ii.rri... UeiiHjilv with a teattiuouiai
of a man who had been cored by It.
The caao wa ao atmllar to my own
n.atl mclude4 to try tbe reimmy.
The reault wa wonderful. I could
i ti that I waa well aguio,
or believe It could 1 o after having
autTere-t ao long, but that one ooiue o.
medicine, oo-llng but a few cent.,
cured me," For ale by Klrklaud
Drug Co.
Proprietor of
Wp made dally. Leave Indcpen
t :00 A. M. and returning leave
'natl;00 p. M. Freight handled
' A number of binder are run
ning in thi vicinity this week.
William and Ina Fiehback spent
Sunday with friends at rails uiy
Hops in this vicinity are looking
better than for a number oi ye..-.
' a PUhlmck and D. M. Cal
breath are through hauling thelat
tor' hay.
v.i..r.l ndwell. of Monmouth,
iiU n - -
i9 listing II. wlth Wr8
Ohms' woll.
. p.1 n.l T. A. Halleck.
of Monmouth, have finished M. &
Wbeelock's new barn.
... svier. a fomer young mau
VIUJ . - . .
f thinnlace. was rccenuy Uu...-
flume near Jails wty
t nn Chamberlain, of
Falls City, are vn-iting iae.rB.
Mr. Marlemlln.
Moeford,of Monmouth
Rd Maggie Kerr, of Parker
theguestaofD. W.. who"
if last Friday.
i has . moved his
which was ocM.- -v
Chamberlain ior j
from Port
Itev. F. A. Hurry, of New York.
That Adam wa not the (1 mt man la
evidenced by aeieuee, bUlory and
acrltiire. On Cain' ekiniUloii from
Kdeu hla great tVar wa that be nliould
I put tti death for the murdur of hi
brother. If there were no men on earth,
who could ly him? Tbeconntry Nod,
whither be migrated, waa Inhabited.
Ja Cain' exile we read he wa aoooiu
iimilml lv a wlfe.Khe could not he III
Uler, for Adum had no daughter till
after the birth of Heth. or could alie
l Hetli'a daughter, for Cain wa mar
ried tfre Neth wa liorn. IJefore the
birth of IiU flt born, F.noch.Caln be
gun to build a city. Who he!ied him to
build If there were no other man on
Hut there were aeveral racea of men
exiKllug at that partleutar time on the
earth. In (Jen. xxl., 1-4, we have five
nifutloned. The Nenhilim were
one of the. They were remarkable for
U.Bir r..t atature "ulant". They
exUled before and after tbe (1khI, a proof
that the dwtige wa or limited extern,.
A branch of thl race waathe Ilephalm
Og, king of Itaahan, and Oath were N
phllltea. A peculiarity of the Ilephalm
waa that lliey had lx llngera on eacn
Iimo.1 end aix toe on eaeh foot. The
rill.tM.rlin are alao mentioned In Gen.vl.,
4. We also read or llie rmi r.ionira
"aoiia of Klolilm." The Klo
lilmitlfN are aubneouenlly mention
ed In aeveral i,antt(t-.Tue, were in the
ffurdt-n of Kden before Adam wa
There they had charge of "the tree of
knnwledue" and. Judging from uo
.M.ii.nt uea of tbe word, they exerciaed
IiimI.-IhI fuuction. "And the Lord God
....... in
formed Adam of tuedunlol uiegrounu
(Geo, II. ,7.) The word, translated
Mo. i" l nnber. Anher cannot poanlbly
.., m.iiiiiiiunlcated imrticlea of earth,
iu.i-i.iiiu. Ailnm wan not made or audi par
tlclea. The primary meaulng of apher
U the metal lead. S'atural object and
.l..f.liavfieeu used In all age as ae-
Iguallnu of men. We ouraelve eak
,.nh rainiwr colored race. 8imilary
rl..t v of HiifRiea of men w aeeiguaieu
atbe"luiien colored race," or Apher
,),... hcinnired. "God eaid: Let
unmake Adam lutnour Image," a proof
of hla moditleatlen or evolution.
u" find in different order oranimai
nr- niBiiiioued bvMoaeaan aseondlug
aerlea which culminate In Adam' for-
n.iir.n Thla In thorough barmouy, iMirl.l and biological facta. The
aaceQdirjg aerie of Genesis i. arranged d atinct appenaiioua iucjt
are:l Bherlta; 2 Opnj iammm;
6 Itemes: 6 Keyetn;
, , -
7 Adam. Tbe Engllah translation, mi-
i...ui,,.. nn.ileui run counter to sci-
1 to Moaea bv rendering Kay-
eth by "beanta." Two instances win
...m. how the absurumy oi buuu b
translation. "Adam called hi wife's
name Eve." The Hebrew ior .ve ia
Kavvah, which Is but another form of
Kayyah. Thus, to follow the English
translation, we should redder it, "And
Adam called hla wife's name beast!"
anulied. to God to
express hlseontinued or eternal exist
ence. How wrong, ineu, u irun..
theword by ''beaat." Kayeth , were
men of an iuferior race to Aaam. iu
k r .u,nit.d with the Adam
ites of flood in the rule and moral gov
erumeut ot the world.
od 6r.
I -
rncaa aursr uue
Fully Guarantecl
JltutTM Bonklrt
ea loquMt, shawug
The Hew England
Watch Co.
V,itrtrr, Cm.
hew Vrrt. ClUf.
Foralaxy liver try Chamberlaln'a
Htomch and Liver Tablet. They In. .
viuerate the liver, aid the digestion,
regulate the bowels and prevent bilious
attack. For ale by Kirkiana urug
Have you got dandruff on your
lieadT l your nair- imn ""
las Tour hair ceased to grow, or
have you any breaking out on your
head? If you are afflicted with
nv of tbe above, Halleck'a Peer
less Hair Vigor will give you re
lief. Sold by A. S. Locke, of lnde-
pendence, or A. N. Halleck, of
Monmouth, in 25c and 50c bottles.
Give it a trial and be convinced
that it is tbe best hair tonic made.
Cholera Infantum.
Young Men In the Law.
The Drofession of the law in ev
ery part of the country is more
crowded than any omer oi w;
learned callings. However, this
has always been the case and the
opportunities for the able lawyer
are today quite as good, if not bet
ter, than ever. Law has always
been the nearest gateway for politi
cal position, and, until recent years,
for social distinction, ho mucn
was that the caoe that De Tocqoe-
ville. writing nearly seventy-five
vears ago. and contending that an
liitivnra war necessarv to the
welfare of even popular govern
ment. aereed that the United btates
was no exception to the rule, for
ha aaid. the bar took the
place of that balanced, conservative
body which 'n other countries ex
isted by virtue of heredity. How
mneh of that situation remains
true todav is a matter for question,
but the seeker after a life calling
will ee every page of his country s
history studded with the names of
ereat lawyers. So, if ambition for
nuhlic influence and station be th
aenrcher's motnr. the law is the
Wst suited for him. He needs for
capital at the start only a month's
rent and a espy ot the statutes.
The euccesiful lawyer must have
as excess baggage ease of expres
ainn and an indefinable adaptabil
ity for throwing one's self wholly
into the concerns of another. But,
most of all, he must in these latter
dava nossess business ability. The
most successful lawyer is he who is
of srreatest assistance to the busi
ness man. The reign of eloquence
ia naBsine. it not altogether ;gone
Juries vawn before fiery oratory,
and the upper courts now reverse
cases because of it. Time was
when the boy at school who de
claimed loudest, "At midnight in
his guarded tent, etc.," was then
and there dedicated by his hearers,
because of that fact, to the service
of the blind goddess. In these
days he would better know double
entry bookkeeping. There is still
rnnm at the too. but it is a weary
climb, and the struggling crowd
about the base grows larger every
vear. There are ten years of wait
ing for a practice before the most
promising neopnyte.
This has long been regarded aa one
of tbe moat dangerous and fatal dis-
eases to which Infant are sunjeci. ji
can be cured, however, when properly
treated. All that is necessary 1 to
criv r-hamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera ana
Diarrhoea Kemedy and castor oil, a
directed with each bottle, and a cure ib
certain. For sale by Kirkiand Drug
Co. .
r ...., nprwing of char
acter and good reputation In each state
m in thiBCoautv required) to repre
sent and advertiae old established
wealthy bus noes nouse oi soim uuu
dal Salary $21.00 weekly
with expeceea additional, all payable
. K . i. uiulnuuliv from
In caHU direct eauu --
ffi.B. Horse and carnage fur
nished when necessary. Reference.
Eueloee self-add reat-ea enveioiw.
oial Co.. 334 Dearborn ot., tuicB".
J. 8. MOORE,
Tonsorial Artist
o.i hmt-flnss workmen
Winy , , .
..l j 4V.i "Wiorwam." bnop
situated on North side of C Street.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's.Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right,
fasy to take, easy to operate.
: v 25c AH drnrelrta.
mm "-"' ...... Um nr beard m bwotUul
,. ...
In t-.h ia aecion
X uric in ...... --
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until tbe last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced 11 W iOUUI UlBCtrac uu
:i 1 Innul MmAri(fA. Klld bV COD"
...i..r.nini.tAAiiiA with inoAl craat-
ment. pronouoced it incurable. Science
r . V. . ku. a btl.ll.
baa proven oamrru i w
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca-
i 'iii-a mnnuiHL'Luiuu uv j.-. tf.
... . r TnlaHn Ohio, in the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken miernaiiy iu uunw nuu.
. . ....nnnnfnl It Il HirP(tlV
on the blood and toucou surfaces of
the system, 'ineyonerun nuuureu
t.n. fr... mnv ihm ir TMi i a io cure.
iWliw. .v. "J --
J .1 .nil 1 .. pa an1 ' iMt mntllft fl.
Address, J). J. va-ii -v-i
Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by diugglsU, 750.
Hall' Family Pills are the best,
G L Havkins
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Monuments and Head
stones Cemetery
work etc
Ask the Agent for Tickets
Fast Time
Day Coaches
Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
DlntaB "4 Buffet Smoking Library Car.
For rates, folders and full informa
tion regarding tickets, routes, etc., U1
612 First Ave., BeakUewaan.