Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 4

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Entered at lmli-prmlonc, Or ptwtofflro
, - . -i
a H rl WnOPOAn
1 '" . . ......iMitu JLfiAJJLnAJtoWV wi' -
5Kb$ciiptlcti Price, $1.50 pcrYr.
TElEi'l!ON K 6t
fKUielly to advane) '
Prt year
tux uonvhi
Loral notk are 6 wuU fr tin tmlli
abKlutly bo rwluctiou for aov
Rt on dlply adverlUtug md known
a appllmtlou.
ine more copies every week than at any other tin.o J
-5 ' ... i i.., Till. ".
in it history. Our list ia composou i - ;
subscriber, ami wo are glad to nee it pushing np 2
g the up-grade. The paper should enter every homo j.
in the county, ami as iU influence broaden it can 2
... i .' I. .film
bo made still better to supply tno ucmn -
If, public. , s
r, 1 "'I i''
I enterprise Recipes
if Prepared by J. George Btoll,
: the Baker.
Oatmeal with Cream
1. nun? Rabbit. Valencia 8tyl
2. Ham Omelet Baked Potatoes
S.' Annie Canpot
r.n KfuffiflB Cofl'ee
Stewed Veal, with Dumpling
A ITamlmr? Steak
6. Potato Croquets
6. Baked Macaroni
7. Kloatlnir Island
ru Tea
A a ui
R Vnrmlcelli Buup
9. Escolloped Oysters
10. Tenderloin of Beef, Milauiee Htyle
11. Fricassee of Chicken
Mfihl Pntatoea Greeo Peas
12. Salad, Jardiniere Style
ii rhrwvlHt Creaui Pie
14. Sicilian Pudding
Raisins Nuts Cottr
1. Cut one rabbit in small pieces,
rtrt niMMiuarter lb xork chopped nue
also 2 01 bacou and one email onion;
1.1 imlt. Denoer. cloves, bay leaf and 1
to&snoon viueear; put on tire in frying
an. leave cook until onious have a
hmwn color: sprinkle over 1 tablespoon
flour, stir in well, add enough water to
make a Btew, take off the fire and
2. Put on fire In pan half pound
fine chopped or minced bain, Jtaye
cook so it la ready for tne onieiei; ueai
add salt, pepper and one small
cup of milk; have ready on fire a hot
frying pan well larded, put in your
eggs, shake pan well, add your ham as
you close over, leave brown and serve
An hot nlatter.
3. Make a rich apple sauce and add
some raisins, currants, citron, few
cherries, little jelly of any kind and
lnmnn I nine.
4. Use some choice beef, chopped
fine, add 1 small onion, 2 eggs, pinch
thyme, salt and pepper, serve well,
make some round balls, lay In flour,
frv in nan. serve hot.
6. Use cold mashed potatoes, about
1 qt., add 1 egg, 1 teaspoon Hour, mue
tintmeir. mix well, roll out in any
shape, bread and lry in plenty of hot
6. Boil 1 phg of macaroni until
done, take off fire and steam, cut up
h name lcscth as your pan will be,
fill with layer macaroni, layer bread
rumba (very little) keep until your
pan Is full, sprinkle over top grated
American cheese and melted butter,
nut In hot oven to brown, serve hot;
you may add milk oi cream to make
it luiftv.
JJ. Make, a soft custard as follows:
1 qt mUK, smaii cup sugar, p"" "
liave readv 1 teaspoon corn starch, 4
egg yolks, pinch salt, stir In milk and
noon as boiling, leave all cook
together, leave cool, add vanilla, put
In glasses about three-rourins iuii, nu
. with whinoed cream ; you may
add half spoonful corn starch, so as
Trill stand to put on saucers, add tne
Whipped cream so as It appears noat
ing. '
8, Any good soup stock may be
used, but is the best. Add
to 1 gL stock one-half pound all lean
line chopped beef, 2 whole eggs with
v -
A Veil-Known Polk County Doctor.
shell, whole spice to your tate (tuace,
i..hv- all snlce) stir well, put on
a tire, leave boil gradually for one
hour, strain through clotu, auu vermi-
cilll ; leave boll and serve.
a. gtraiu oysters a nil season, ue
an. felnd ofdeeo Dan. layer oysters,
layer bread crumbs (only Inside ot
bread) aud so on, Jaot layer ueiug
bread. nDrinkle with melitrd butter,
tmke In hot oven ; you can ue cracker
meal instead of bread crumbs.
10. Frv or braise your beef medium
do.e, bread well with plenty of egg
put in hot oveu to brown, serve with
11. Stew your chicken, when done
strain, save your broth, put ou fire; 1
iru Huoon butter to same of flour,
stir well, addiug your broth gradually
until it is like a heavy sauce, aua your
cbickeu, season and serve; parsley
chopiied flue adds to good flavor.
12. Boll different vegetables, your
h.t choice, when done set to cool, cut
all flue and seattou, add 1 glass cream,
half glass vinegar, hair glass olive on,
mix well and serve cold.
13. rH Kocutre cake about 1 Inch
thick, cut In the middle through and
All as follows : 1 qt milk, 1 cup sugar,
2 oz chocolate, stick clnamon, put on
fln; have readv 1 tablespoouiul corn
starch, 6 egg yolks, mixed well, add to
above when boiling, leave all come to a
boll again, take off,' add vanilla, add
small piece butter, leave cool and fill
tliA ahnvg.
14. The same as rice pudding, less
rice being required, add raisins, cur
rants, citron, , orange jmjcI, angelica,
cherries aud almond uuts; bake aud
serve hot with cream or any thin
If vou boll sausage ten minutes be
fore frying them not one will break In
frying aud it otherwise greatly Im
proves them.
When cooking onions place a pail of
cold watsr at the klUibeu door, which
will prevent the smell from ancending
Hut the work must t-e do"
Tho farmer must Uku '" i
I.U cron: iho merchant mus
look to his intoresla; the cook
must enter thb kitch-n ami lre
tlio meals, uml even thonjjli
tho land ntul neoplo are imbued
'with this summer spirit- uui-
MS thev daro not iehl.
Wo all know now uiueum
. a 1
are the seasons and tl't cacii
its own peculiar moou am
casta its epell over the children
of men
Autumn with its cool invigor
atiue breezes in contrast to the
heat of summer incites one to
work. There is a pleasure in
.,!,.,;,, iiitr. iinw tasks under
tho stimulus of Autumn weaiii
cr. Even tho children wouk
not prolong the summer vaca
tion indefinitely.
Winter favors a mood sti
mnr strenuous. Tho barroness
of the desolate landscape an
tho cold nipping air combine to
turn one's mind to a serious
contemplation of life. Winter,
it is true, is a natural season for
gaiety, but it is also particularly
favorable to tho serious mood
concerned with the deeper roali
ties of life.
The sweet spring time is al
fflehrated in Bone am
story. The very breezes of May
Undertaker. Enbalme'
and Funeral Director,
IsdtptKilcncf, ft orr
fall like u carix on the H,
well HH.vounn lovers.
Tho tendency ! moou pi
tho good old summer timet- de
cidedly neuiiiHt . " wvf" WK"'
tal iwt well as pliysieal cifort. If
one tm.Ht .t.idy it must i on
subject not ! txin on the
miii.t: if one mint work n
Kenorally something that must
necessarily be done. " neu
meacury i about vo uiut, v
foci that to indulge the summer
mooil enfi-rred by nature is only
"Hut why d. you ootm ioJ
U she Inclined t shirk .J
' v,;
duties? IK yon wlslt ui to tfJ
"Advls tiolhiiig!' rtttortn)
woniAt). "HWVi so n,lf4 jp
advice tlut I thought yoa tt J;,
give !ir a job. Heotnt to n,
every wotnsn who j;rU In44,
jwn or a typewriter g"U IU ii,
that nhe's a regular min of it
iloui and U sHialljr orJ,iusj (
tell other wotiinu hu to ji..
I (iUr that in atioltur irq n,
half the women In tin couutri i'
. . . . . i m iniini mj vuivi iixii man u i
to put more I.f. JJW',""0,"'-W1( huW u, da It, s, '
s. I
.Jeuiile Wtts lloiiml to Hucvrod l
Newspaper With.
ki. .tl a citwky girl with her
when sho spiared In th .editorial
rooms of a woman ioKt,n"-
"My daughter Jennie, be
uuunced by wsy of introduction.
"A fins looking girl," coiumentwl
thn rditor. ,
"Ves, and 1 wnt to tell you
about her," said the woman. "Hhe
knows more lut how to do thing
thao sny olher girl living."
"Sha does?"
"Well, she thinks she does. Hhe
can sit in tho parlor and give me
advic better than sny one I ever
"Capable, is she?"
"With Imr tongue, she
don't .Mtn to ever do anything Jul
right my"lf, so sho tells me. Hhs
advises me about cooking."
"And I've been cooking since he
fore sh wan horn, shile she never
has made anything but fudges.
She tells me how to make pretty
things out of barrel heads and old
boxes, too."
"Mod important."
"But I don't see that she's able
to make any of the thing herself.
And, say! you ought to hsar the
ad yice she giva mo on how to be
beautiful. Why, the rules sho lays
down wouldn't leave a woman time
for even sleep!"
"It's a woman's duty to make
herself attractive."
"But I don'l notice that she's
worked herself over Into any Ve
nus. And then there s eliUtte
years there won't b anybody
to d i anything ncrpt girt tj,4
That being the cae, I iu)m
tils might as well start is m
All you've got to do is to gi j,
a pen and a bottle of ink
page on which to spread b:
and she'll ho in the front mi
mighty soon. She's gt tb
feminine Idea." Brooklro Ity
Ni I'Hy Mhuwa.
"For years fate was after s
Huuoudy," wrlim Y. A. (m
Verbena, Ala. "I had alMrtt-k-i
ofpllss eulng 24 tumor. wht
faiUni Hueklon's A rnlrs Mnnt
ins. i'ually good fur buttaUi
s-Iim and pains. Ouly S'ctill
lAM ks s urug ir.
biuouanese aim a cornea vonijuu
I atWffia11ntinvJ I New building next door to Jos. Meyers ft Sons.
Bpecial from Parker.
Yes, the good old summer
time ia with us again with all
its sunshine and shadows, lus
cious fruits and golden grain.
It has also brought along with
it the summer mood that feel
ing of languor which is so easily
contracted if we yield in the
least to it. How tempting to
look around for a cool comfort
able place to rest and just rest.
aa r,mi tiwm inrlifnf lAnl ft livpr
and kidney diseases. Stomach and
bowel troubles, severe as they are,
give immediate warning by pain,
ut liver and kidney troubles,
UioiiRn left painiui at umiuiri,
much harder to cure. Thedford's
Llack-Draught never fails to bene
fit diseased liver ana weaKened Sid
neys. It stirs op the torpid liver
to throw off the Bcrms of fever and
tcbolnra and Brioht's disease of
ia kidnevs. witn Kianevs re
Inforced by Thedford's black
She y?pcade
Davidson 6 Hdgt, Ptcfi
Oiiru t't, C n t t en, ToUtf
com aud Conlix'tionerj.
Ft Birr Class Hon Forma I
monmouib Ean3n
Should have your Wort
... Washing called for and
Ilverrxl. i
Washing cll-d for on T
day and delivered on W
Ulork 6uaranil
Monmouth, Oregon-
Our new Cocation
JaI msna in fVtsi ntiflut vaU
, low fever. Many families live in
I perfect heaitb ana nave no ouier
Draught. It Is always on band for
use la an emergency sou saves
.. - --H - - j .
many expensive auim a uwwii
ii., nu. c r Mrk in iom
I kw mmiI TluHfArH'. HlArk.rifAUtfhft
In. IKm. u.m Mil I h.v mat h.d Ia a
to m doctor tine I htv bssnUklng It
It IM pes I imokiiw lor im inn m
M Ut nurast lor Hvtr ana aianty
troaMM and dysDCpsla and other
. . . n a m ibuii
comoiaJtits. mv a u. ixwo.
Call and get fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not miss seeing our superior lino of Car-
petings, flattings and Linoleums. I
The House Furnishing Co
Next door to Joseph Meyers & Sons, SA13l ORB-
itorea at Salem and Albany.