Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 3

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f iri'XJ A L x i
Pioneer White Lead "Strictly Pure."
IJix.'iil l'aiiit i innl'if puro whitu lead, puro uxhle of zinc, doublo ro
f.H.l lin'''l il nii'l I"iro cnlurs. It hit piatT'iin capacity than other
Vint. h im ' th CHi;.ri:T an.! tin- I! EST, A .writU-ii uuantcc on
very van. lnm- th hup t ami U-t iumm kl tork of paint, varnishes,
um ttil fiiiuy fil..rn in I Ik- county.
We cannot be undersold,
R. M. WADE & GO.
A snecial from Dallas to the
Telegram liift evening (-ayi: ,
Kcott Leavltt, a popular young
man of Fulls City, wa ccrioiicy in
jured liut evening wniia panning
a limine. Tho scaffold collapsed,
i l,,... l.,w,.,tl, tlio debris.
One leg was badly crushed.
A crrorirv dn.arti.ient will be
added to the Douty stock, and will
he fjK'n for business by Augum
r.ih It will ooctiiiv the north aide
of the brick more building, and
. - r
will he under the managemeM oi
Chun. Irvine. The dry goods stock
will continue under the iiiannge-
meiitof T. F. Fisher, and will
rive about the hittt of August.
Tliat Kdltorlu!.
I A. J: GOODMAN, Manager. Q
the death I I HP A l C
L. fM-rlhiir Ktirn From
firm of hifrliii ltr.
Hi. w-k Charlo J,. Sperling
,& of hi interest in the
..lint meal market he', Id in-
t being taken up by hi broth-
A I... snd Gustavus. Mr.
Liling'i intention are to devote
,jlf to other lHr ami in
,u, which have drawn on hi
,i Irmly in recent year.
A Criterion.
:krt ficlal.
Among the? newly married
pie who have recently tart-
I out to provide n home lot
rostlveu Mr. and Mr. Uoyl
linger dvwrve special nu n
n Itv their eticrirv, indim
v and economy they aro rapid
iccumtihiting goodly posses
We remember LluVU w '
thoolbov when ho excelled in
. . .
treevcrunce. assiduity ana ni-
i liwnen. Iliii mirents at horn
ugla him by precept and ex
iajle the value of frugality,
,nwty and integrity. These
tan thiia tkrlv learned are
lejafeguurd to his future wel
ire and happiness. And tho
ippy little home that nestles in
l.s ghndn of the tree vllre
tingles tho childish roice of a
richteved. curl v-headed baby
I o J --i V
m eentlv reminds u of those
- -
hll known words:
Ttw home i where the heart i
I-" umuniiu ivnv vi puibh f
nd there'i umuy a royal palace
ium i never a home ai an.
inrument Heard In the Cae
Li ! iniw iM'cntiviiii' the death
icelltit the rx-iiitcnliary under en
... . .
t-Mice of death lor the uiuruer oi
Alexander Krr( at Parker Station,
on May 1, from that of death to
one of lite umrioumerit
0car llayler, an attorney oi
)llii. aiiared fr the con-
detuned cripple, while Diitrict At-totrit-y
J. N. Hrl aparwl for the
lati. At the request of tho gov-
emn-, I)r. J. F. Oal breath, uier-
. iir rr)
intendent or the aeyium; .
Williamnon and L. F. Griniih. tiret
and eond niiHtant phyniciftn;
nrrv Lane, of Portland; J, !
Show, the prrxcut prieon jdiyoiciun.
ml W. A. CaeicK. Iwrmer prison
. Uvu i.-Win. all inatie exaniiiin"
..M.. ...i.xni.r mill everv one of
III IIIV JJII""... - f
them pronounced htm a paranoric
and hopelrfitly innne.
There wa aluo the peuuon iur
n,. Kftinmulaiiun of aenHiee, num
erously finned by residents of Ind
ependence, Monmouth, Dallas, ana
remonstrance eigned by number of
people of Parker Station, where the
prisoner and his victim lived, and
ik rrime was commited.
The Governor heard both sides of
the cae, but decided not to aci
...... , mutter until he was more
fullv satinfied of the condition of
the prisoner. r
.uu m and had a talk with Pea
cock Tuesday afternoon, but he
Btill has the matter unaer uy.od-
....... i!r,Ws a temporary re-
Ujouv. w ...
i. wanted, the uovemor will
MI"V B-' ' .
f pnnnlliaion in
nave VO amy. -
the matter on or before August
as that is the date set lor
Teleeram: At 10 o'clock Tues
a - -
. , ...... vw""'-
lln Kac1 tka atnmant. In tb(J
ruwa lot the commutation oi win
Jentsnce of William P. reacocK,
Ernest Johnson had a runaway
Wedneaday evening, but no serious
injury was done.
f- Rnhneidinc. of Arizona,
1UIO. .'V... c- .
i3 visiting her brother, W. A.
Messuer, of this city
t t Mflssner. of Mc-
Mrs. .
MinnviUo. mother of our fellow
. w. A. Messner, is
the guest of her son, as . also
iater. MISS ri'"-
ner, of the same place.
Mr. V. H. Chambers, of tuuene,
is viniting relatives in tho city.
MifH Klva Tavlor returned from
a viBit in Centralia Wednesday.
Anv one havinir irood body fir or
ah wood for sale, please call at
this office.
W. G. Sharman and family left
today for the coast, ihey win oe
absent throughout August.
Miss Goldie Irvme, the night
telephone operator, is to go to New
port next week for an outing.
Brina in samples of your grain
tn p,.,r X- Hnrlev to be sent to
the Bureau of Information at Port
Charles Oaklev. of Independence,
niinRorf through the city yesterday
on his way to Lebanon. Albany
Mr. and Mrs. Mott, of Monroe,
South' Dakota, are visiting the
iamily of John Dickinson. They
may locate here.
the firm of
n.n Jtr Sun. confectionery dealers
i v ' -
of Dallas, has sold his snare w a
Shaw, of that place.
v T ITnkle moved his barber
shop this morning, to one door
north of the fosiomce. i
ine bath tubs to his shop.
Miss Essi Bell returned to her
tm in Portland .weuuoou-j,
after a few days' visit with her sis
ter. Mrs. J. W. Richardson Jr.
r Mnmhr. of Monmouth, who
was quarterback on we.umvv
of Oregon footoau wam -
was in Albany yesterday.-Albany
T.r. logins on vour Bummer
vacation, go to Wagoner's and se-
n( those iob lota of mag-
curo buuj -
-t mrlnced prices. A nne
way to while moments ot leisure
while camping.
n., rinva'a team took a spin in
North Independence Wednesday
Kneclal from lluetia Vista.
In last week's Entkhi-iusk the
f.rlimr sets us to thinking about
that unruly member, tho tongue.
. . .... i
In a brief but noiuted cuitoriai
ho declares that "we all talk too
much." Impossible! Ho sure
lv meant that for the men; it
has long ago been proven that
it, a r.ntW sex: cannot taut
eunuch. '
' o . . ... i
However, taking tho euuoniu
iouslv as it is meant,
The Parrot i a superior
5-cent cigar. They might
have made other brands as
good, hot they didn't.
Craven lttocre
RftAr and Cigar Ueaier,
L .11 Beer and Cigars a
?lHUkenoutwholeaalellen.e, I can now sen
I wholesale rates.
Utroet. . - Independence, Oreoon.
i ha worse iwi
He will be around in a day or so
With the close of the month
ttii Ttnrnett severs a
Miss rioic"- -7--- - . ,
ihree years' association with the
I9rei!:;l w Wa take this
means for public expression of her
m.eT., L.frtrmftnea of duty, and
ward so menvcu j "" re
form their laoor wen.
1 t
The Willamette valley nas
we Uhnn anv country in the world.
quite agree with the sentiment. Jn gome instances our farmers
TI,Pr i too much talking none !irfi trvin to farm tne same as
along a certain line; discussing forefathers. Our land needs
1 tf T n.tinV 11 It. I . 1 I I nrrt T M M I.
other people a auairu, buiui. a change ana rest, xjuu-x
kind things and circulating nu has produced a crop every
ta l,Vrllv to be called - ,n VBar!l chould have rest,
talking. It is the vernacular of and some pans should be made
.. T.l ond lit RllC.h I . 1 1 V. Inn1
tne scanaai iuv5 ----- to enricu utu
. t
cannot be too bitterly aenounc
,l P.nt how rich is the person
who can talk and talk well; who
both the fund ot in
formation unon which to draw
for tho entertainment 01
guest, and who has also the rare
dft of conversational ability.
b . it. .
How infinitely precious is uie
uv allr nf the little one at its
mnthf.r' knee: how . soothing
and helpful the counsel given in
rMher'a frentlG VOlCei UOW pieao-
h .hntter of the school
UUU w 1
boy or girl, and how encourag
ing and instructive the general
conversation around the family
Let each one, then, cultivate
... . . 1 i.
the gift of conversation, dui
avoid as he would a dadly
viper the practice of repeating
tpiflirnr o-ossiD. It is, as the
editorial!declares, too mean a
. w
habit for any one but a Knave or
a fool to indulge iir and as long
fl9 nfionla oersist in it the world
I r" . , .
will verily be guilty 01 iaii"&
too much." Jbet eacn one re
member that in conversation it
ia quality rather than quantity
hot ia nnreciated bv the more
ir,fais(TAnt classes, anil -that cos!
sip is not tolerated by people of
Through Pullman standard ana wu -
ist sleeping a unj
cago, Spokane ; tourist sleeping-car daily
to Kansas City ; through Pullman tour
ist sleepina cars (persooallv conducted)
weekly to Chicago and Kansas City ,
reclining chair cars (seats free) to the.
itast aaiiy.
Chicago Salt Lake, Denver,
Fortlana ri nutiu, .
Special Kansas City, bU 4.d0pm
9 :20 a m via Louis, Chicago and
Hunting- fcasu
ton. ;
Crops at Little Lueklamute.
W a. of the opinion that
the grain harvest will be short
ftmr.flred with other years, ine
weather last fall did not permit
the farmers to sow mucu gram
ihA snrinff sown wheat wil
be short perhaps 8 or .12 bushels
tn thn acre. Oats are looking
better, with a prospect of 20 to
SO bushels to tne acre.
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express it wortn.umaua,
8 : 15 p in via Kansas City, St 1050 a m
Hunting- Louis, Chicago
ton. and East.
0. n.Hl Xrr.Ua Wall TAWlfH
Fast Mail ton.Spokane.Wal-
O am via ibuo, u -
Spokane. Minneapolis, St
rKui, iuju.ii,.uii
waukee, Chicago
and East.
70honra. Portland to Chicago. No
change of cars. Tickets East via all
UCJ!1A0 AK1 W ovuuv
All sailing dates
subject to change.
8pm For San Francisco 4 pm
Sail everv 5 days.
except Columbia arva t
Sunday .
8 pm To Astoria and way P
Saturday landings. :. Boo.
10 p m
ALHMtRW.Aft., ladapaadwca.