INDEPENDENCE KNTERl'IUSE, INDEPENDENCE, Oltk'GON j Package of Prevention Is worth a bnrrol of euro. Ti) a packno of Security Stock Food and ho convinced. A full I'110 f "wurity ftock Rembodiou for pale by A. S. Locke, The Prescription Druggist. I'AKKKU. Claud Bonne wan a Sunday visit or at Stiver. Chester Warren in working for Mr. K. Evans. 31 T yl Chas, Allen wai a Sunduy caller at Independence Ml Frank Berrv in lielnintr Mr. Pe Mr terson build the new barn i'lil ll-A U. W. Swink loft Molidny on a W I - 4 . 1 "ubi iichb irip to i.inn county Mian Eraoces Helmick in sufier US tnu lroin an attack or inciL ii. wuen tne womanly W " " I i lt. 1..-L u . I . I I we., utwiikuc, iMiitue, wrruuinn W Mr. LongaTO, of Huena Vista I and sleeplessness are consequences whicb Tbe distracting headaches from which so many women suffer make life a daily purgatory. II men suffered with head ache aa women do, busincM would be almost at a stanstill. Does not tbe fact that men do not suffer from theae aevere headaches suggest that there must be a womanly cause for them t Wuen tbe womanly organism is dis- . . --mm il. v5vvvv - EV. DR. DOANE. Jf, Dosiiu, I). IK, I.'iu of the f titolugliat Kcliwd of the I'nrtlaud luiversily, Celebrated Ills (iuhleii Wedding I.twt Hri)ttiiiUr. . . , , , ka, visited at Mr. Peterson's last tapw. healthy women. Thousi ,ewia Hltner Is building an ad- u- I I testified to its marvelous merits, ...... MfcUlieBUay. M took two bottles nf your 'Psvorit ii:iiki:. II. A. Hastings it liuildiug largo harn I dition to hit barn Cliarlf Wrightaon, of Champo 'eg. is visiting Pedes relative". 0. A. Conn and family, of Airlie, were Ped-e visitor last Sunday. . r .. j i (t . i ... ... i l suw iuic mj iuiiuwi n us a nunuay Visitor at ranter. Dr. pierce'. Favorite Prescription cures r L. , ... i ... ... headaches and other aches and pains by Jesse r resh visited with relatives curitlt their cause. It establishes reBU. and friends in Marion county last !"rity. dri" unhealthy drains, heals in. ki bssii unmuu iivs unii as ii w if auu vui tai I iVmalti WMkliMi. It inntfiM natti and K. it Mat -i tk. a,a T t . a Vka Mr. Horry, lately from Nebras- weak, sickly, nervous invalids into Thousands have rainfall. In this part of Arizona, cactus of many varieties, abounds. There is the tree cactus, 8 or 10 inches in diameter; and the coil cactus, whicb resembles a ten gallon beer keg and grows apparently on rocks; it al ways has about a pint of water in the center, and has been the meant ot saving many a man's life by giving him drink. ' These cactuses present a ver itable flower garden when in bloom, the coil cactus having the blooms in rows around the outside of the "keg." Notice to the Public. C. H. Parker and Chas. Allen attended camp meeting at fndepen. donee Monday. if your Favorite Prnwrlo- Hon 1 and two of the ' Golden Medical Discovery and am feeling; well," writes Mn. IMn Mo- tKenfie. of Norway Mlfiea. cape Hreton lo Nova Scotia. Nl had uterine trouble. Dain in the aide and headache. After taking your niedi tines 1 got well. You may publish this or use It in any way you tmu Dest, aa i cannot apeas too highly of Dr. Pierce and his medicines.1 MUas Maggie ana Carrie .vans "Favorite Prescription" hus the test. lft Mnnilnv fur a vi-ir iviiK friaiwl-I monv of thouBands of women to iU coin h. II. ItUHh, of Wendling. is vis- at Independence. , accept an unknown and unproved aub- Iting at the home of N. F. Freer. ,.,. ,h. Mnill. . , '' "P': .m.ivh, tHuuiai ""J'VUwii I rKHH. i-T. I lCrCC VOIIIIIJUU OCII5C Hex Womer has been appointed at Uuena Vista, was a business Medical Adviser is sent won receipt , 1 ' . ,, I of stamfls to pay expense of mailing only. ana intact in the I'edee poHl oilice. caller at Parker Tuesday f bii worthy man has bfen at the Juftliv MftliiHlml cliuri;n in llio tnljst over W years. Jls had a ule reason to be oongratulalad oil orvasluu aa lie was totally taf for j lit, aud In spue of his advaueed age, j Squire Price, of Kings Valley, Mins Julia James, of Suver, visit- bearing wsareatored by lr. Our-j wft WT9 on j,.gai buKiness lut ed lamt week with her aunt, Mrs uuw l.ot.le.1 a. lie jieveio u-.e,, , Wm Qf U)ig . limy. 0 one win aneiuii to ourn-i .i i i lr i : . ..!... .. I r- . i r :.: i-i .. .i In the rvveruuu uriiurmuu ituiu, iinrir .uuriiBUii is ushiaiHiti I'll- i inuri, an ui uur ciwiciib ceieumieu bis uublfinlslitHi record U U gineer, at the Pedee Lumber Co'a. the Fourth at Independence, and u. He tells His story oeiow iu ... ,. - v,r. nlnnnim Send twenty-one one-cent stanr i for the the book in paper covers, or thirty-one stamps for the cloth -bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. known as Chloride camp. There are about 500 pople there. There is no timber near, and very little water; the water necessary for the Sam O'Brien and family are Forent ranger, A. B. Lacey, came work is generally supplied in the camped near Kik City for an out- down from Detroit to celebrate the shaft, though it is sometimes car ing vacation. Fourth with his family, here. Hush Smith has boueht a fine Miss Olive Cockel hss returned rled from a spring. Mr. De Verel spent four years at one time without seeing any I hereby give due notice that I will be in no wise responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Emma L. Miller, after this 8th day of July, 1U03, it having been mu tually agreed that we shall live separate and apart from and after this 8th day of July, 1903. Lewis E. Millek. The Charter Oak Mill Co., which has been near Airlie. will move to the Mrs. Cottel tract of timber, which they have purchased, about August 1st. This company will be sawing almost exclusively for the Southern Pacific, they having a contract with that company cover ing several years. Gus A. Hurley is ill at his borne in this city. R. J. Taylor had a finger badly mashed at the sawmill this week. Miss Lela Herren leaves the first of the week for Seaside to spend the summer. TENTH gorre$pon(lenl$, Contest i own words: , i h uirersity l'ark, 1'ortlaud, Oregon, 1 krll 20, lsirt). To wtuiin It may cub- ii slid enoouraKO, to friends who I lutfvred like myself, the lo of ktu(. On April Slili, i called on I Durrln. whom I believed to be a farm nenr Dallas, and will move from a visit with her sister. Mrs. ml aun.t and physician, to restore , th(,rJ thjH f4 Clarence Allen, of Oregon City. iieiruitf. JIh soil ed tils remedies ! ... .... n I rr. l l .ri. Ii alrcirioity hi on ear slid cured J. A iUriiiurn and fclmer Uur- J. a. ocrauoru ana soc, iiarsnai, JeafuoM In fw uiluiiioa. Then j roughs have returned from a trip I of Walla Walla, Wash., visited urorduls atieiiiMJu to tn other UraHg a)ou,ltttjni with friends at Parker Monday. sliictiil il n it .ciMii to VIkM so - - . .. .... I . imr T-.l ci-.r.i. rl Illy. For this ar the UoeUir bhv ! Most of our citizens attended tne iur. ana Mrs. juuson omiin, oi ihhIIcIiim tn u at Iuiiiih. u h Icli 1 i n..l..l,r u t ut nnd I Corvullis. visited Sundav with Mrs. ' . .... I ' I .,... j m .1. rs A 0tal- aA nn nuw uaitig. I think lithduiyor;ttllrpiwrtimviu-ae(Wjtimt)i Smith's sister, Mrs. E. Evans, of u" AP"1 18t- we commB our " -i uoarullli-tml UilrnvslholrlieitV- " " .,... Friday, July SI, 1903, at 8 :0O V. M. we will close n. e oner, as preiuiums tuo ... - - a wt I rurKrr. I . . . ...... . .i i iiwlored if DOfMible. wvadlkuuwof: Joseph Dyer and John farrier, following articles, selected Dy tne Lorresponaenis- inemseivea. f ( I ... a a I mi whiini 1 Oil k more skilled who are emoloved in Taylor s log- Miss Louise Wohlers came up vtrst prte .. A handsome, well-uoholstered, velvet Couch ffinir ciniD above Eucene. came from Portland Tuesday, for a visit SECOND PRIZE A lovely Fictare home to spend the 4th. with her cousin, Mrs. Win. Fuqua, THIRD PRIZE ..'....A fine students' Lamp I r M,, .iT n. irwuxvttix i n . i. " - o o- Beginnieg on July 20th, our mail FIFTH PRIZE A Copyrighted Book will leave here at 6:00 a. m. and Little Guy Peterson had the SIXTH PRIZE " Ladles Home Journal t 7 an P ltf.. ; which will mislortune to siep on a sharn nail, SEVENTH PRIZE Isdkpkndbnc Emtbkpbisb to any address for one year than we have which nenetrawd his loot. AN - . under present arrangoment. though causing him much pain, no Will Yost and a party of friends danger is apprehended. spent the night of the 4th on the At the school meeting, Monday, July 7th, P. T. Peterson was elect- e director, E. Davidson re-elected an Dr. Dnrrln N'KIIKMIAU DOANK. flut Further Treatment Old for Itev. Ir. Douue. dtiik Kin roii: Some time ao I piiirthlii of regaitilug my hear- uuJer the treatment of Or. Darriu, which I had u Herod for sevetal . On the II rt application the sfiiFss uf one ear wits lerntdled. I Innl Hie iihmIiu iiu lulllilully nnd t again to the doctor who sueoved. mlrvly in rmturitig the lost sense summit or Hald mountain, irom which altitude they saw the pyro- fairing, timt w lieu I went out technic display in a number of sur tin sttieta It, aeemed to be the rounding towns. iestpltv I urn. uuur l.i Mu l.Mur. ! - " -J ' ... .L.. I .o- t ne uamp weainer inv c,c vailed during the past two weeks, has seriously interrupted hay mak inz. and caused considerable dam ntr to the hav crop. Wheat and oats are in good condition, though wheat will not be quite up to the usual yield. Fruit prospects are very promising, and hops are in excellent condition. 'till KMimlua distinct, In both ears Mlyguod. N Kit KM I A It 1)0 A N K. Duriudl's Kxiiorlcnce Willi lr. Durrln. ' this Knrniu: For two years r to golnur untlur Dr. Darrln's eleo- l treatmont I was aftlloted with fttruuliln, sour atom aoh, tlyspepaia, k'ug stid pHlus. Dr. Darrin lias Num. Herer a n vot is to uieatmv ! Id Miulfunl, Oreuon, or by letter. "leariitmiy oomiufiid Or. Damn skilled phyalclan. J. K. Daknki.i.. y rapping ,...rapcr We carry fourteen vari eties and ten weights of wrapping paper. We always have what you t. Get our prices. p. F.Rodgers&Co- Wholesale Paper Dealers Salem, Oregon. Brutally Tortured.' A cuse came t light that for per sluteiit and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe (Juloblek, of Colusa, Calif., writes; "For 15 years I endured Insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing relieved me tnough I tried everything known. I came -across Electrio Bitters and It's the grealeM medicine ou earth ....i..t. trm.hle. A few bottles of It completely relieved and cured me Just as good for liver and Bidney trouble, and genera, debility. Only 50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by A. . Locke, drugget. CONDITIONS. We want all the news that happens in Potk county and we want tbe Ektbe- prisk to visit every family in the county. We want to help you and we want yon to help ua. Our interests are mutual. We will give points as follows: One point for every item of news worthy of publication, za points ior every director. E. Evans re-elected clerk, article worthy of a seoerate head. If an article be specially meritorious or start- and Miss Mabel Wheelock, our ling in the sight of the manager of this department an extra 15 points will be popular teacher, was employed for given. For every new yearly subscription w points. ,or eve y yer.y ui.yumi , f j TTnr anhsnrintinn three months 25 Doints: six months and less than a year 35 points. For every dollar's worth Advertisement or Job Work we give 50 points, and we will gladly furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are going to make a campaign for some new correspondents, and we will announce at times the places in this column. Watch for them, as we will make it to your iuterest to secure representatives in the sections we want represented. Other features will be announced along. the fall term of school. lie Isn't In Oregon. Parker Special. Mr. Wm. De Verel, a young man stopping at present in our com munity, takes pleasure in relating many interesting stories in regard to his experience in mining in Ari zona, having spent seven years there working in several different camps Lucky Boy, Ora Platta, Tennessee and Mernmac. These mines are situated in the edge of the Mojave desert and are within a radius of eight miles, each employing from 60 or 80 to 125 men, night and day, all good pay ing mines. The Lucky Boy mine has been . . i 1 TQ uAwa A.V. nl.T. woraeu ior xo or xo jraio, tmcu ing from 60 to 80 men, day and nioht. It is owned by. 1 nomas IS. Scott, a wealthy Chicago man, is operated by Fred Stull, and is . HOW YOU STAND. Each week we will announce in this column your points. No article is credited until after it appears in the paper, although subscriptions and points secured in other ways will be announced .as they come in. We want to keep everything fair and straight add If you think an error has occurred in your paints write us within the week following and we will make thorough investigation. Buena Vista, H ; 3410 Parker .....1943 Monmouth, H.... 1053 Airlie, S Suver " Antioch Monmouth. B - Rickreall, C 145 Lewisville . . - 136 Highlands, D Monmouth, A Falls City - Sunny Slope Ballston 995 54$ 288 23t 92 97 72 55 39