- . m. ...... s. its w Afl.At to n 1T I fir M 1 1 M I llf 1 1 f'l IIII HI I ril UN I . I It Hurli'a lnnrn n Unit liOlifH. I r I i I ii ' u v v ik" " " j ar I I'li. C. Koser ItHM the contract. I County Correspondence. ANTIOC'H. . A nvi " wif tr,, lt Momii.'"th KrlUy. ; c, Uynr U l'Win 1,10014 ' . e. ..;i!'i ranch. h00 IT! ' . . I I . Ienry Puvi. and wifo, of near ';(rr in thi. f Wnlly re- Whing her. next Hun.Uy i cluck P.M. ly He. 1 Cirren. ?'" fffj Hulr and Win. nerroii hmling the farmer l.y i ... fcninouui. chamberlain, of Kalli I', ..I in our ne ighborhood Sat- r. Yti inJ Sunday . I barley Kb-wall, of Oregon City, ii thin viciimy Mrs. Nellie Smith. L- II Muck, wife and daughter, spent Sunday wiin u. w. Falrvlew. ,nu ,,,u R. Stump has recently pur. UJ a new Osborne Columbia Ler of J. II. Moran,thv agent. Hm.U. Willi and Clcrumens llibsck attended services in the Uti.n church tent at CorvaUis w - - dy conducted by Revtt Heon. Working NigriJ n Vk. and lulnbtwM nine ii WW WW-.- - Ioi uist ever wa made JJ K,nK Uf Nils. Theae pill change VrineM into etrengtb, IIUmii In U.nrv l,rlu-fair lulo mental power U're wonderful In building up the Itlib. Ouly 'M per box. rwiu oy j Lock. HIGHLAND. Mi Fannio Helmick has the ktulet. Mr. Palmer has built and paiut- i new barn. Katie Peterson Is assisting Mrs krenceTedrow with her work. J. E. Rhmlo and family have ken over to the coast for ao out George Reuf hia bought tbe kldwio place eouth of Indepen knee. Mrs', lluehoi. of Dallaa, viaited Lday with the family of J. W. borne. Joe Bowler has been having a srious time with toneilitlB, but ia nproving. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Cor- illiB, were guest at the home of Evnin Mundny. The continued rain and cloudy wher is iniurinir tbe clover hay, phich is already Cut. Clarence Ted row and wife and --.U..W ITlAliaillD fl " - i fe Fourth at Sulphur Springs CattapilUra are quite numerous almiif the anli iwalos and have aliuont slripH-d some of the trees of leave. Claude William and wife, of Mi'Minn vill. emu up lant Thurs day to viitit Mrs. W i 1 liaiiit sister, Mm. Ad Ted row. Clnudn Kurre ha not eotie to South Hend, bu' hu moved to In- (leiiiwleiice. He has taken a con tract fur hauling 1ks lor F. A. iKio'.y. lUiph Pavidnnn has thi tele- graph In giHd slmi i;iiiii and is practicing tulegrsphy. With free mail delivery, telegraph and tele phone system we fanners are not Ik-Ii'iikI, but are able to get the latest news daily. . A. BYERS .. ''PrhnriMotr t of :J O ; Ui f lottmoutb-Indepctidetice-Salem STAG-E , Tripi muln Uliv. Tmtn Indepen h st 9:00 A. M. and returning leaves Kuatl:00 P. M. Freiaht bandied Very Iteuiurkable Cure of llur rboea "About als years ago fr tbe flint time lu my life I bal a nuuueu ana e- vere attack of diarrhoea.," says Mm. Alice Millar, of Morgan. Ieas. rot lemrxirvrv relief, but II came naca Uln and again, and for six i long rs I have sutu-rcd more uiiaery sua limn I caa tell. It vore j than death. My hubaud apent nun- lriUof dollar for phyalclans pre- wrlntloua and ireatineut without avail. Finally we moved to Iiou,ue M.i.ntv. our uresent borne, aud one oay I banpeued to nee an adertleuienl of l liaoiberlaiU s UollO, wnoier uu Diarrhoea lteinedy with a tentimouiai ..rman who bad been cored by It. Tb oae was so similar to my own tbat I concluded to try the remeoy. ti. rutt wu wonderful, i couia i,.p.i rMilze that I waa well agaiu, or believe It could le so after having .uir.nrlna loii it. but tliat one wuie oi n.Hiln. ooallmr but a few cents, a ...- tor aale by Kirk laud Drug C. ItlCKICEALI M. A. r-urch returned Sunday from Portland. v A. Koaer lost a valuable milk cow last week. J F. Vautfbn has moved into his new residence on Main street. C. N. McArthur, of Portland, spent a few days here last week Tn-b McDanlel has received bis nonsion as an Indian war veteran ferry McDowell spent a few days with his ' uncle week. ti v T.ncas is repainting his residence, which adds much to its ai)tearance. William Burgard, oi W'oodlawn, came in' Monday to visit relatives. U-..I Vauehn went to Portland to spend a few days with her cousin, Ethel Alexander. Conrad Smith, of Monmouth, was visiting with his brother, G. n. Smith, this week. Win. Thielsen was a pleasant caller Monday in the interest of tbe Osborne Machine uo. . t Tn and sister, Mrs Hickereoji, visited .their parents in in Portland last Mix 11 fie n While enme up from ortlund to visit relatives and friends a few days this week. Frank (loodell cume in Friday from Washinttoii to see hi par ents, returning the same day. Huttie Ilibbard, who is staying at F. A. Koser's, went to Dallas Friday to virit her parent over .Sunday. Mrs. T. 8. florch . and ron, John, and Mrs. B. F. Lucaa and children went to Portland Friday to visit friends a few days, returning Mon day. if. .r.,1 Mr. I..fr Ciwilf ami 41 I --- daughter, Mrs. . W. FeUger, at tended the (j. A. H. encampment at Portland and report a pleasant time. T. E. CanHeld and wife and Hale Backensto anil wife went to Port- and Tuesday to attend the wed ding of their niece, Miss Springer, which took place Wednesday. Peter Cook and grandson, Orval Price, went with several others to Salem Sunday to attend the ball irame. They came dome well soak ed with rain and report only four innings played 'o rity Shown. .Padishah "For years fate was after me on- tinuouely," write F. A. Oulleage Verbena. Ala. "I bad a terrible caee of pile causing 24 tumors, wnen an rn..H Hii.-kleti i Arnica eaive cureu roe. Equally good for burns and all aches aod paius. Ouly Locke's drug store. nUF.NA VISTA. Mrs. Norman Tyler was an Al bany visitor Thursday. Mias Stella Nichols, of Oregon City, was in Buena Sunday. Mosa Milner. of Corvallis, waa a visitor in Bueria Vista Sunday. Willard McLain celebrated in Portland. He went down on Fri day. m;.b Eva Baldwin, of Winlock, Wash., arrived Saturday for a visit with relatives. Up nd Mrs. R. P. Hall, of Ore gon City, visited relatives here the fora part of this ween. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pagenkbof spent the Fourth and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Prdee. Arthur Logan came down from the Dornbecker logging camp, near Corvallis, to spend the Fourth with his family. r,. TIrron. of Heppner, is vis- ..iuio" , iting at the home of her nephew, E. N. Hall. She lelt Heppner me day before the flood came. xr,a Mike Criderman, of Win- lock, Wash., nee Dora Prather,; of Buena Vi.ta, was the guest, ox re. i;.... here, from Saturaay Monday, when Bhe home. ; K IV I fit Wileh Mti Non-Magnetic nickel Silrir Cue Fully Gutranteed Forulebr ALL JEWELERS trtuaifratMl Booklet OA roquMt, ftbowloc COLORED FANCY DIALS The New England Watcb Co. Let us be hauov and appreciate our many blessings and hope for sunny days with their bountiful fiarvests, in which Oregon has nev er wiled. Kn man or woman lo the state will hMllatato eueak well ol Cbainlrlaln'e Btmiincband Liver Tablet alter once trying them. They always produce a pleuaot movement of the bowela, Im prove tbe appetite and strongmen mo digestion. For sale by Klrklaod urug Co. In Mcinorlani. he Voft, Cklctn Miss Grace Hall, of Oregon City, a former popular young iauy, oi this place, and her brother, Uupert, were Sunday visitors here. A meat wagon, run by Mr. Nel- is son, makes semi-weekiy vibiw through this neighborhood, at pres ent, which is a great convenience to local residents. Nearly the entire population of Buena 'celebrated in Independence, and all pronounced the occasion highly satisfactory. But lor the rain, nothing more could have been reauired. and every one seemed well pleased with the entertainment afforded. Rev. B. J. Kelly was at Wood burn on a visit when a telepnone menace reached him Saturday, at 3:00 P. M., announcing the death of the little child of W. N. Wc Laushlin and desiring his return. Uev. Kelly drove the 32 miles, home at 8:00 P. M, He preached the funeral sermon m Buena at 11:00 a. m. bunaay. A Bocial event that promises to be very interesting, is a musica renital to be eiven here Friday eve ning, July 17th, by the pupils of Rv. R J. Ke lv's claBS. A prize is to be awarded the pupil whose number is decided upon as Deing the best executed. Watch for fur-1. ther announcements and for the programme. - A tender bud in a garden grew, a hliuwnm frail and white; Nourlabed awhile on Nature's breast, JJut dead at tbe fall of nlgnU go, like the flowers, a baby came. And lived It brief day tnrougn ; A tender bud of innocence- Example forme and you. The weary mother fell asleep; For ber tbe babe waa lone. Tbe All Wine Father aaw the grief Bo He called His bloeaom home. Weep not, oh heart of earthl For them the dawn la ciearj And In God's gardeu blooms Tbe flowers you mourn lor nere. Mrs. Grace E. Hali ... . I Q....arnl VManinnfi of CbaT . I A rental. nil ID eftCD State (one in this county required) to repre. Unt and advertise old eetablUbed wealthy bus ness house oi bohu u "" SSl standing. Salary 21.00 weekly wUh expecse. additional, all payabta i.u.. l A,tiou4a v from ,. Horse and carnage fur nished when necessary lieferenow. Encloee eeir-addreea eoveiopo. -nial Co., 334 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. E. T. UENKLE, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, Independence, Oreso.'. ' 3. 8. MOORE, Tonsorial Artist Only hrst-class workmen em ployed in the "WigwamV'- Shcp situated on North Bide of C btreev. Wast Salero iuesuay. , - ' f VllV Vnk A.' F. Stoner t Portland last Friday and .to1 river Sunday. , Mr. Fannie Owens, of Stockton, left until for her There Is more catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly falling to cure with local treat ..nt nmnnuaoed It incurable. Science Laaui has proven . catarrh to be a constitu tional disease aua tnereiore requires nnnatitutional treatment. Hall's - Ca tarrh Cure,1 manufactured by B. J. I'honAirA; Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is tne only constitutional oure on tbe market. It is taken internally in aoses irom iu rirntlM to a teasDoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of ho.vstsm. They offer On Hundrea Dollars for any case It fails to cure. Ad dress, F. j" CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. ' Bold by druggists, iov. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Summer Showers. ' ' ! Sick Headache? Food doesnt digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels coS?tipated?.Tongue coated? h's your liver! .Ayer's Pills e liver pills; they cure dys- biliousness. J-j Was ksSt'tS-'S?1 " T? I C i Parker Special... - , ' ' We hear, on all sides, the sighs fnr aummer weather, by the farm rn "We can't make hay without the sunskine". It is true, we? are bavinir freaueht ' showerB, but so mild and pleasant; thdugh we can .woba' hav we kre certainly fa- Wor wn look around US. voicu, " - . . J and think of the violent storms, floods and the many disasters oi other places. .'. GLHawkiBS Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite Monuments and Head stones Cemetery work etc. Ask the Agent for Tickets VI d l ,:., . ;!to apoRaNC ' ST. PAUL.DULCTH.MINMAPOUSBICAGO g TRAINS JAILY 2 s Fast lime NEW tOUIPMCMT TMOUMeUV . Day Coaches , ' ' Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Cinisg and BnHet Smoking Library Car. DAYLIGHT TRIP. THROUGH CAS CADE AND ROUK.X Mino. - For rates, folders and IbU Informa tion fVjto'VSSl Pasa. Agt., roruana. A. B.C. DENNISTOK, 6. W. T V A. 611 First Ave., 8MWewaB. fMonsbly.