JNDErKKDHNCK KNlKW'PiSE, INDKrENDKKCE, OKKtiON '5 On Um -4 1 la of July wo are $$o Parry Buggy p ; m now vr:ifl no rr 1 1 1 s. m A hundred numbers are sold, riiiiifiK from No. Ml to No. Lit) JJ 5 q( ,, .th uf July ono number I drawn out, tint lucky one " Uking I'"' buggy. Isn't a pri,o worth workirg for? Palo 2 of numbers t'lUOllliMK'fw Juno loth. n s GLENN GOODMAN, i " WltK H. M. Wle i Co., 5 ....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiin W"".'.. u if y w v iT v w iT j iTii v iff .,- County Correspondence. i KICK IC J,,lm Vaughn expect to move to hi new residence thU week. Mrs A. Longneeker ia ablo to he at once more, everybody is rl to hear. Frank (iiUon. who went to il.y PpmK "("8 lw0 eek BC. 1 improving from run rheumatism. V. W. Smith, of Oak Grove. M a car here Tueada with household gold and will move to fWYdituckna, Wash. K. Hell, of near McCoy, met with luita an accident while on route to hi claim above Palhu oik day :.nt week. Ilia horses ran away, hrowing him out and breaking Jhr'-e rilm. lit if report-! a get- ling along as well as could be ex acted. muveic. Claude Toone. of l'arkor, passed through Stiver Sunday. Albert Iliu'f is hauling hay for B. M. Larson this week. Mrs. If. Maxfield made a busi- ess trip to Albany Monday. George Buef has Bold hia farm on mp Creek to Mr. I.oy, of Buena I'ista. rTTndton7of Suvcr, i assist- k Mr. W'ithrow with his farm pork, Alda ami Roy Frum havo gone Linn county to viit with rela- Even fur a few days. GiiBtiio Dudley and, Vema Wil iumann, of Wells, passed through liU vicinity Sunday, . Mr. Moehinke and family return- Home Thursday aftor two weeks' mint Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swink, of arkr, attended the ice cream "rial hero Saturday evening. 0. IT. l)n rnlr.iwl ia liliil 1111 with pieumatism and it Htaving with i sister, Mrs. 0. K. Mci.ono. J. A. BYERS I Proprietor of Honmoutb-lndcpcndcncc-Salcm STAGE Trips niiule daily. leaves Indopen- i umuo uuuy. juuui." r em at 1:00 n , M.I,t handled r'"-:oo a. M. anil rntnrninir iev' m'. going t giw away a linn 2 . Independence, Ore. 1 J. Steele paowd through here with hia engine and will Haw wood in thia vicinity fjr a few days. Klla Allen, of Suver, has return ed horn) from Albany, wher'e hIic has la-en attending uchool for sev eral months. ('. W. Stewart relumed homo Sunday and is much Iwtter than he bus been for some time as hu needs no cane now. John JIoMtetter and Jake Giger havo gone to Needy to Ik) ai the barn raising of Mr. Giger, behav ing bought property there and im proving the same. II. Frum attended the I. 0. 0. F. lodge at Independence Thursday evening. He and S. Bradley, of Corvallis, attended lodge at Buena Vista Saturday night also. Strawberries seem to be the fruit of tho season, as neighbors and every one far and near g"t up aB early as two o'clock so as to be at the Vanderpool berry patch in time to get berries. It ssetus ul most like a picnic to bo there. The ice cream and strawberry social given by the It. N. A. of . nil s!nu,.r una a BTftlld BUCieSS. 1110 llliefrlTTroTaelTi alter noon and decorated their hall and tables. A program of music, reci tations, etc., was rendered and was enjoyed by the largo crowd present. Tho neut sum of $18 was realized from the aH'uir. Thnt Th robbing Headache Would quickly leavo you If you used I)r. King's New Life Tills. Thousands of sullereis havo proved their match loss merit for sick and nervous head aches They make pure blood and buildup your health. Only fflceiito, mom.y hack if not cured, bold by A. H. Incite. 1HJKNA VISTA. Miss Ethel Knighton was a Wells visitor Sunday. V. II. Murphy is engaged in re pairing his bam this week. Harry Squires returned last week from a business trip to Portland. Miss Alice Knighton was a visi ter in Wells station, over Sunday. A. Anderson and family attend ed campuieetingatLewisvilleSun- day. T-...:acnn returned Mri. OldfiO" layi""" - -, nn oavuiuoi v;w lr.om. u to Corvsllin ftuml y, lifter a visit w ith 1 relative. Jim Nash and Lester Murphy attended caiupineeling (at Turner Hundey. ('lenient and Itav Wilson, of l'enton county, were Huena visitors this v'i'k. 1 II. L. and W. K. Hall went to Corvallis Mondav, to attend to busiiii-Na matters, Grandimi Wells left this week fir Woodburn. to be ut the bedside of a sister-in-law. S. 11. Baldwin and wife, of Inde pendence, wen? the guests Sunday of liuena relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pagenkopf at tended the Artisan lodge in Wells, Saturday evening. Mrs. K. N. Hull and children re turned last week from a visit to Woodburn relatives. . W. N. McLaughlin was in Leb- ariou this week. Ilis wife is very low with consumption at that ,laca. lames Prather is soon to begin the erection of a largo stock barn on liis ranch south of Bucns. It is to be 40x00. Mrs. Bodene, of Oregon City, nee Nellie Bevens, of Buena Vista, and Mrs. Kate Bevens, of the same city, are visiting relatives in this vicin ity. Miss Lena Buck, of Salem, is the guest of Buena friends, Mrs. II. L. Hall left Thurs day for a visit to Corvallis rela tives. Mrs. Ed Prather attended a social at Suvcr Sulurday eve- urn The easiest thing yet getting subscriptions for tho Entkii phisk. ' Miss Lulu Young, of Corval lis, visited friends in Buena Wednesday. Tho Shives property in Buena Vista has been purchased by J. II. Knighton, who will take im mediate possession, with his family.. TTuuT Mrs. Hugh BaWw of Winlock, Wash., are the hap py parents of a line'', baby girl, born the 10th. Their Buena friends extend congratulations'. I'EDEE. Hon. I. M. Simpson, of Airlie, was a caller this week. Mrs. J. W. Morrison was a Mon mouth visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bicker are visiting Lewisville relatives. A. R. Lewis, ot Airlie, bought a lot ol beef cattle here last Monday. Lewis Ritner is putting a lot of logs into the Luckiamute reauy ior high water, when they will be sent to Oregon City. Dizzy? s Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer s Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Stanaara ramny Smalldosecure AH drugg't. bard a buiuuXuX Mint Olive Adams returned yJSSSSSSk Th.no.. rUCKINGHgSJfESSfc T "- ""j-j .m i" II " Frank Wrightson has returned from h visit to his old homo in North Dakota. Two gentlemen from Minnesota are looking for homes in this part of tho country. A real estate deal involving n ar 10'M) acjea of I'edee valley land is well under way. Mrs. Troy Turner, of Lewisville. is vbiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Womer. Claud Lewis, of Lewnville, was buying stock in this part of the country this week. A larg" number of sheep was bought in this neighborhood, for the Alaska Market. Jesso Simpson, of Monmouth, is rusticating in the mountains on the upper Luckiamute. Hons are making a very natisfac- tory growth, and, while the cool, cloudy weather checks a season able growth of other crops, there is nothing in general conditions, to indicate any material shortage. Fruit is doing well, and pastures are very good. No definite action was taken at the creamery meeting last Satur day, but all present expressed a readiness to patronize a creamery if one should be located here. An other meeting will be held, when itiaexnected sonie plan will be adopted to get the enterprise under way. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity Is constantly comiug in, declaring Dr. Kine'aNew Discovery for Consump tion. Couebs aod Colds to bo un equalled. A recent expression from T. J.I McFarland, Uentorvilie, va., Kervrs as example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doc tored all the time without being Dene fitted. Then I beiran taking Dr. Klug'a New Discovery, and a few bot tles wholly cured me." ii-quany ei fontlvo In nnrincr all Iudgt and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia and grip. Guaranteed by A. S. Locke. Trial bottles free, regular sizes, 50o and $1.00. SUVEK. Mrs. Larson'a Bister from the East is visiting with her for a few days. Minnie and Elmer Maxfield were inrreorvallis visitors during commence ment. Ben Harris and family were vis iting relatives and friends in Suver the latter part of the week. II. Flickinger visited his daugh ter, Mrs. Maxfield, at Corvaliis, and attended the carnival last week. The rain the fore part of the week was welcomed by all in this vicinity as the spring grain' needed rain very badly. Wayne McCann returned home last week improved in health, but . , . . J -.V. ia etui unable to gei arouuu wivu- out the aid of his crutches. Mr. Quivey and daughter, Mary, were here Sunday after another load of household goods, which are moving to Independence. they Several from here attended the carnival at Corvallis, among them being Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Collins, Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Collins and Mr and Mrs. E. E- DeArmond. E. Davidson and Chris Peterson V,avA finished Duttine ud another etring of American wire fencing. Mis Ella Shafer is at home en a visit. Dave Haley waa here last week visiting friends. Everett Gentry has returned from Oregon City. J. Moore's crop of strawberries ift not so large aa laet year. Bayard Merrill and bride attend ed our Sunday school Sunday. Mit-s Itosa OIerson spent Sunday herewith the family of P. Shafer. Sam McEImurry was in Linn county laid, week visiting his father. Ouite a number from here are goirg up to the Dave Vanderpool place for" strawberries. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leyens and two boys, of Vancouver, Wash., are visiting Mrs. Levens' sister, Mrs. E. Davidson. E. W. Cooper was in Salem on Tuesday. Excursion Kates to Yaquma Kay. On June 1st the Southern Pacific Pn will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. This resort is becoming more tmnnlar every vear and hotel ac commodations are better than ever hpforfi. and at reasonable - rates. Season tickets from Independence, to Newport, $4.20; to Yaquina, $3.70. Saturday-tb-Monday tickets to Newport, $2.55; to Yaquina, $2.65. E. T. HENKLE, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, Independence, Oregon. J. 8. MOORE, i Tonsorial Artist Only first-class workmen em ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop situated on North side of C Street. G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite jaonmnenis-araQ-i-reacF stones Cemetery work etc. Ask the Agent for Tickets VIA TO SPOKANE ST. PAUL, DULUTO, MLNXEAPOLLCEICAGe AND ALL POINTS EAST. 2 IllAiyS DAILY 2 Tast Time NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT Day Coaches Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Bnfiet Smoking Library Cars, DAYLIGHT TRIP THROUGH CAS CADE AND ROCKY MT8. For rates, folders and full informa tion reeardinit tickets, routes, etc., call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent. J. W. PHALOW, Trav. Pass. Agt., Portland. A. B. C. DESNIST0N, G. W. P. A. 612 First Ave., Seatl,;WaBh. ning'a boat. Nonably. T.