Independence Enterprise. ANDiWESTiSICE. ITMJSHEH EVKHY THlltsllAY. at IniU-pi-mlt-inK, Or,, iwUllU- a M'lMlllltl'lttl'H llllllU'1'. Subscription Price, $uo pcrYr, TKI.Kl'HO.NK 5t. SV IWI'lll rno.v H AT K. (strictly In Hilvmux1) Per yr " 50 Six uiontli i 75 stuKi u'y 05 l.wi nolliva lire A vuU per line utrulRlit auolutely uo rvUuoiion for any rwoii whatsoever. Rule on display aitTerttnliig niiute known oil Bi'i'lieutkm. Remember the Fourth. Our Fourth will be a hummer, and we want your presence. He good and come. The Fourth will be celehrated a never before in the history of our town. A cordial welcome is ex tended to everybody to be with us on the occasion. The cause of education or relij; ion is evidently to be the recipient of another large donation. John D. Rockefeller has raised the price on gasoline and reduced its test If robbing with one hand and pour ing it out to charity, religion or ed ucation will pave a way to heaven Mr. Rockefeller will evidently have a reserved seat near the great white throne. It is a source of pride to view the promptness with which the appeal to aid the Heppner suflerers was responded to by the good people of Independence. Nearly everywhere the parties having the subscription paper in charge would meet with the assertion that the donors would be glad to do more if in their power to alleyiate the suffering of our Eastern Oregon friends. The spirit is certainly a commendable oae, and the cause a deserving one. We have read many profound treatises on the race question, but never have we seen it so thoroughly handled, nor so briefly and simply, as by our president, standing by the tomb of the immortal Lincoln and uttering these words of wis dom: "Let me say one word: It seems to me eminently fitting that the guard around the tomb of Lin coln should be composed of colored soldiers. It was my own good for tune at Santiago to serve beside colored troops. A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled to; any less than that no man shall have." The last two sentences sum the entire question in a mas terly manner. The justice of such a, declaration is unimpeachable even by the bitterest class arrayed against the Negro. The soil of the "Pearl of the An tilles" drank up Cuban blood under the rei'n of a Spanish dictatorship until it was a crimson hue and America would stand it no longer. The Ottoman empire, the curse of Christendom, unsheathed its sword and smote countless thousands to earth because of religious differ ences. Again America protested, The Russian, with barbarian cruel ty, replied to the supplications for bread by his Jewish subjects, with tortures" unspeakable. Again our IHPKrKNPKHCtC 1KT W sensibilitifH were so shocked as t cause a universal cry to rise from tlte Atlantic to the Tucifio, and from Uulf to Cunada in protest to such inhumanity to a follow crea ture. The wave had hardly sub sided when a deed of equal atrocity wiped, put of existence an entire dynasty in Servia. and a now king proclaimed under the sacrilegious .,., l,v th inut nt Cod." Our eyes have become Accustomed to l..,L-;,,,r fi.r ii I rod tier lieroS- til ""'"'(i seus to the lloxers, Macedonians etc, and to a degree are blind to our own shortcomings W hat na tion canals us in mob rule, and wlmt more deplorable sight than to gee a state paralyzed by an exter initiating warfare as Kentucky is hmiil swent toduv? All honor to -0 that noble prosecuting attorney, who, in the performance of duty, prefaced his address to the jury with the statement thai, though he was surrounded by the militia both night and day he expected to full prey to the assassin's bullet for the part he was to take in the enlorce uient of justice in the trial of a murderer, who in cold blood shot down his predecessor in office. A eountv so awed bv a cut-throat gang that the men sent by the newspapers to report the case must bo in disguise and be changed eyery two or three days to keep thpir i.lentitv unknown. Wit nesses, after giving their testimony, flee to other communities and states. Armed troops guarding a jury while investigating a cold blooded assassination. For shame! The armed force of a state Bhould be or dered out to Wipe from existence the principals of both factions. As a moral, we may observe that other civilizations may perpetrate harrowing atrocities and our sensi bilities shocked by a rehearsal of the details, yet we should be mind ful of our own shameful crimes be fore giving too much publicity to our indignations concerning me wrong doings of our neighbors. The place for the bicycle is in the road, there -to have every privi lege of a vehicle. The reason a bi cycle should not have the side walk is because a few fools want to scorch down a walk, and as a re sult pedestrians aie hurt. Best way is to keep them in the street, and a city the size of Salem ought not to debate the question longer. Correct Material Miss Ida. M. Snydor, TrrnMiirrr Ihx llruoklyn . " Artifc wontta would JV mora attention to thir hr-alth we wrnilJ hav mor happy wIvm. nwlhtri and dautlhten, and y would obwrve roulti tlwy would NJ that th doctors' pnitrlptloni do not perform th many cures tlwy if given credit lor. . In cnniultM with mv drtiUt n a vlitd MtElrtea Wine ol Cardul and 1hd. lord'i Black-Draught, and so I look nd have every reaion to thank him for nW lile opened up to me with reitorrtl health, and It only took three months to cure mc." 'Wine of Canlni iaart'irulnhiruf tbii menatrnal functions au.l is n mont w tunUhintf tonic for women, It curt wauty.wpprMHfHl, toofrenciit, irri'K ulnraml painful lui'iistruatiim, falhnif of thoVomb, whites tknd llooiliiiir. It is helpful when npprouvhintf woman hood, during pretfiuincv, atUir child birth and in Chanel of life. It (re nueutly briiiKS a dear baby to homes that have lteu barren for years. All druetfists hve $1.00 bottles of Wine of Oardui. WINE"CARDUI Our Trip Over the Vnlly. Special from Parker. On Friday, June f, having se cured a competent official to repre sent our interests in our valuable naner. the K.vmii'KisE, we lay aside all business cares and respon sibilities and accepted a respite for a short visit with old friends and relatives in Linn county. After a short visit at the metrop olis we boarded the overland lor Albany, catching flying glimpses of Oregon City with its nulls and fac tories: of . Salem with its tall build ings of state and of Chemawa with its Indian schools. We also Had the pleasure of seeing an Indian bride and groom who were starting on their wedding tour and who boarded the train at Chemawa. Among our fellow passengors wo noticed a younr; man who carried a bottle ot some mysierious com position and when he had imbibed enough of this mixture to dull his mental abilities he leaned over to ward an open window, when a gust of wind lifted his hat and carried it over into an adjoining field much I i I', n flnlinVif n r A O rVi 11 Ult I i f n f f f For Eve Glasses tw liule uyfl wno "cupiej a rear . arm trt whn m TT1 Oil 1 fit f1 V WfllltPll IDlttV I. 1 . .... v - ' ... . . . to unpack their grip and tender The best material for spectacle lenses him one of their small caps. : V,n ITVirulul" hrutwl r,f fl-null crlllHU ' . .! ..n,l All,,, n,T at 191fl All of the first quality spectacles are 0win t0 tie late freight train we ,) made from this material. It fs im-1 ,,,,, )imo, Alb,. 2. . r, i .i )VD O Url I? VvVi OV'UJ W iiiiwtu "Will I H ported Iroiu Germany in the rough , J . r T, m 5 blocks and ground and finished in this Ml arnveu ai i.eoanon n o i . m . .... , .., Ti.n ,,.r r,ii tu ,,r o wpr miip i snrnriseo nn wen i;uuiiiij. Aito ,.""1", iu ...w i MSI y lenses is made from flit glass. It is nleased with the progressive ap-1,) Bofter and is not susceptible of so high p(;arance 0f t)10 town. During the A a polish or so nne a liuisb. itlsiue ,.,. i , .i,,,,,!!,, 1 . , . , . . , past year several new dwellings e same material that is used iu the , . , ..,MfW,f.,ru ,,f ,11,1111,11 w III uwir HUH. 1JU.VD liucil ucuou. uuiuci- ra n ,,,(,,., It, V.LU, v. V. ............. - - ' If you look across the edge it has a ou 8 stores, hotels, shops and other f,) uropniuli tint,. In tbe best leilHes von iMil.lir. Imilriirnra T.cliiinnn ImriRtu n M. i will never see this tint. They are free mill an(1 the prospects are from bubbles and all imperfections. a .. . , ,. , . , . very uanuniiK iui hid ninn uuuun They are ground to an accurate focus ' . and are niatheumtically correct in of a starch factory in the near everyway. Iam carrying a constaut future. This factory will increase stock of tbe best quality lenses. livery t,ne value of the potato, which is i.. I.....,. iuIa,! . . . ..... one im.aieiunjr iuojiccu mm i (jgipg go extensively cultivated on before it leaves my ofllce. I will not sell an imperfect lens at any price. Dr. Darrin, Kevere House, Albany, Or. Two pair, of young draught horses for sale. Euquir of C. P. Ilembree, Monmouth. the bottom lands surrounding Leb- fjj) flnnn Although Linn county does not compare with Polk in the hop cul ture it may claim to be a little ahead in the cultivation of the gv- jtA.1. aiaii- H. H.VJasDer Undertaker. Enbj' and Funeral I Dift) IilJcrcnJcncf, ,., Htrawbrrv. AIh.uI three miles Inuii L.-lmion - visited nn old distillery wheto wveral ynrs ago apple brandv wa t.ianiifi. tured by tlu. harnl. The biiil-Hnu I doing wrvicr a" a baru.MHid mi- "f the great ma-li Itlun st rves as the farnitiV grnary. On our way t Shelhiirn we call.d on W. J. Turnldge, who f.-r neverul yars coinliicb'd nn'rchaii die ht..r at Airlie. lie is w idi-iitilied in the unTiant ih' biii-i-ui'sM at t'rai'tree o Mr.n.lav. June we return- ol homo tired hut well pleased , with our vai aliun, niid vry iil j ,,u, ,)ny m u( h iiidct'd to linto the progreM our , broimbt bliu one miui'I tttl:, Oeseeu, the Worj. trotter, will he in Sill,-,,,,! , state fair, 't nil nij, 1 1 In IihI .ii j(riU1( il'nilll lllu Ki'llllnrlju.n III llm llrt i' ei,i,.t el Hers III l-V.i, t M. -ill.,r ufi! M n iitiiiillK llie many liiiin u ho ninile tin. ut ilny III April, lniiiii ,, t iilnitit mill mtrrwanU hi , nil Ills i-liilm. Im i-imHin!w bml Miller, whli'h, n-Kr li'vrio i ii n i , (vn llliu t, illiirihiHH willed l( I bin to flunk midal,.. ropieentativo Imi umdo work as t-orrespoiideut. lit he I. ...1.. I. .'-.. II,. l'i. . . in-,, i, ii, i.iii., , iii.iri S1IJ Iteineily nn a liit liniw. DM ulveii tt I II) Willi, ),., ..i i. i i num.berialirs Wo.i.ael. and Uver "" "' K "'" W TaUlcUare JuhI w lmiyoii need w hull yim have no nppellte. f'l dull ftr cHtlnit and w.kke tip with In your mouth. They will Improve your appetite, eUu and itivl(iirt your Htomiieh ami Klveymi rellnh for your fowl. I'r salo by Klrklaml Iru Co. Moore's Hair In vibrator and Herpicide are tlie world's greatest sculp cleansers and hair invigor ators. Iioth are for sale atJ. H. Moore's barber shop. Tall and have Mr. Moore give an applica tion of either remedy and you will never be without one or the othi r. Gray ? "My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color." Mra. E. Z. benomme, Cohoel, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair I Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have allthc JarkrieiVcotor fy du tli . (1.00 a llllt. All OoiiUla. If your ilrmritlut cannot iiiipil)r jrnit, aeml im one tlollar nmt wo will i.r you a iKitlln. Ho utirn unit glvo ttii imiuo ot your iieiiroat BjiirciiK oHIih. A,lilr.., J. '. AVKIl CO., Lowell, Mmw. and III a few ininuiin Um 4. I nteil. Til K"d 'irrt ola, rltie wm MHtti iKithvi , lintir tl e pHtlelit Wiia Ukitj ; win tut Ufp fur a fortuljlit ? little Uitllo workisl taw and br eaiinot help but M I he rawi! tor Uil il ,(); t llHIiil (MlK'KeiU thli Ifi-o. i by Klrklaml Iru t'u. IU. 6. Shan Ih jirfjia it'll to ski you a complete li; r . 1 I 1 Ol 81VI1MI S811U for Hpring Huits.t't and look tlit'in ovtrl niul af certain jirb Bank Building, 4 . ...THE... Itlonmouib Dub: II. I. WIIITMAX,rf Should have your WaHhliig called for mM llverod. J vrTOtnrnrcTnte7rff day and tlollvered 00 ! day UJork Guaranteti Monmouth, Ottp -r f f tti ur Hew Cocalion 269 LIBERTY ST. ) New building next door to Jos. Meyer 4 Sons, il O 6) ij Call and get fine Furniture Polish free. Do not miss Beuing our superior lino of Car poungfi, fllattingH and Linoleums. i The House Furnishing Next door to Joseph Meyen & Sons, SALEM, 0R& a Store at Salem and Albany. ,