I NPKPKNnENCE KNTWUMtlSK, INPtrK-NDKSCK, OliKHOX DOI YOUNG Mil BYERS RECOVERED HEARING (Salem Journal, Juue 2.', UHli Mr. A. J. Byers, of Independent, accoinpauled by his eon, A. O. ltyer, called at the Journal office this after ueon aud made a etatemeut relative to the conditlou of the younger tuan. He IinJ been deaf from hie Infancy, and Inter the dlfiloulty gradually increased to sueu au extent that he was almost totally dtaf. Two mouths aijo the young man came to Dr. Darrln for treaitneut and today called at the Jour nal bffloe to state that he could hear aa well as anybody. The reporter talked to him in a low tone of voice and. was eonyluoed that his hearing was of the beet. This remarkable cure of ueueea. ity makes the young niau feel happy, and his father is more than pieced. Their purpose m coming to the Jour nal olnee was to make a statement to the public concerning the wouder ful cure. I, A. O. Hyers, being duly sworn depose and say that the above state. meat written by the Journal reporter relative to ruy beiug healed of deafuess by Dr. Darrin Is absolutely true. A. (1. Byers. Subscribed and sworn to before me E. Hofer. a notary nublio, in Salem, Oregon, this 10th day or June, 1902. (Seal) E. Hoter, Notary public for Oregon Mr. Byers Condition One Year Later. "Dr. Darrln: My hearing Is all right yet, and has been ever since being cur ed by you last year. There Is no sign of deafness now, and can be referred to by anyone at Independence, Ore." A. Q. Byers. Dr. Darrin's Place of Business. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at the Hotel Revere Albany, unt.il Aug. 1, from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 3. County Court News. the and Observer. commissioners' court. In the matter of repairing Thielson, Trunk, Williams Rhodes bridges bids were received as follows: C F Royal & Son $1390 R M Gilbert & Son 1420 LE Braley 1499 Ira Mehrling 1398 The contract was awarded to C F. Royal & Son. In the matter of the application of T. C. Hill and others to change boundaries of school districts 10, 41 and 58 ordered that prayer of petitioners be granted. claims' allowed. J G VanOrsdel, tax rebate. $ 10 40 John Hughes, bridge acct. 1 53 A Robertson, pauper acct. . 10 00 Mrs M A Tetherow, same. . 7 00 D G Meador, same 8 00 F Freunduner, same 7 00 C E Huntley, same 8 u0 IIJ Osfield, same.. 5 45 Western Clay Mfg Co, sup plies .. . 180 83 L N Woods, ex insane. ... 5 00 Glass & Prudhomma, sup plies 109 80 John Simons, gravel 3 18 Kirkpatrick & Fenton, tax error. 11 31 W S Cary, coroner's fees. . 32 15 Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies 44 50 T J Fryer, stock inspector. 12 50 W E Martin, road acct 13 10 Lynch & Ro well, same 11 50 L Ground, same 10 20 John Schaller, same 6 20 Rowell Bros, dame. 41 05 L Williams, same 18 05 M D Ellis, electric lights. v 17 40 H B Cosper, election acct . 7 50 E H Hosner, same 2 00 A Wolf, same 2 00 JT Ford, salary, expense.'. 142 f8 U S Loughary, same lS'J 01 V V Nichols, salary 65 00 W U Daggett, 10 6") 00 F K Myer, same 78 00 A J I union, same 65 00 E V Daltou, same OS 30 Milo Woods, same 40 50 C L Starr, same So 88 J W Butler, saum 95 IK) J E Sibley, same 00 65 E Hay tor, same 05 00 J B Teal, same 18 20 Seth Riggs, same 12 35 J J Williams, courthouse acct " 1 50 Observer, printing . . 42 30 W M Welch, supplies 15 00 Jack it Tiiuberlake, same . . 02 02 Joe Flannery, same C 85 j T B Huntley, same 480 50 August Fleischmau, same. 137 U0 J B Teal, same 2 60 W A Wash, printing 14 00 Election judges and clerks. S95 40 Jury for May term 402 00 I'UOHATE. Estate of Marion Brower, deceas edordered that growing crop wrongfully inventoried in said es tate be stricken from inventory, Estate of J. Jay Brown, deceased final account heard and estate closed. Estate of Sarah E. Fisher, deceas ed certain real property ordered sold at private sale. Guardianship of Theodore Dod son, an incompetent person peti tioa for sale of real property set for hearine Julv 6. at 10 o'clock a. m. Estate of A. D. Babcock, doceas ed final receipts filed and estate closed. "Estate of Henry Coad, deceased report filed and approved. Guardianship of Wrn. Beall, minor semi-annual report approv ed. Guardianship of J. II. Townsend insane Alice E. Townsend to be appointed guardian upon filing a bond in sum of $2000. .NOTARY PUBLIC Ed F Coad, of Dallas. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Walling et ux to Lincoln Tent, K. O. T. M., tract in Lincoln, II. I M Simpson et ux to Isabella Hil tebrand, 82.03 acres, t 9 s, r 5 w $2050. Portia E Mulkey and hd to llV A. R. I.IM'ltH. , t i- l i n , r r J ftaran .1 urouna, so-mu tcaajimuH mouth, $100. E W Hogue et ux to Eugene Maulding, 70 acres, t 6 s, r 0 w; T A Yost et ux to F W Kau, 160 acres, t 9 s, r 6 w, $1200. F A Patterson et ux to Indepen dence National Bank, tract in t 8 s, r 4 w, correction deed, $1. M V Prather et ux to P W Pra- ther, 30 acres, t 10 s, r 4 w, $180' H II McSheery et ux to A F Courter, lots 14 and 15, block II, 1st add to Falls City, $50. Polk County Bank, INCORPORATED. Monmouth, Obcoon. J. H. Hawlet, P. L. Campbbll, President. Vice Pres. Isa C. Powsix, Cashier. Paid Capital, sao.ooo. Dirbctobs: J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V. Butler, John B. Stump, i. X. Withrow, F. 8. Powell. Transact General Baafciaf aad Exchange Basiaess Fall into line and order your new spring suit from the grest Oak-Eue! of Strauss Brothers Good Tailors for 2b Yr. CHICAGO. From start to finish good qual ity is the predominating (est ors of all clothes nude to order by this well known tailoring house. No detail Is too mull to be given careful attention; your perfect comfort is their sole v aim. Call at our store and look over the splen did assortment of 500 latest and nobbiest patterns. We will ft quote you prices that will inter. est you. Your satisfaction, as B always, absolutely guaranteed. P. M. Kirklund II C H&nnon et ux to George Jones, 1G2 by 200 feet, Hill's Inde pendence,' $225. United States to John Uhnades. 100 acres, t 9 , r 8 w, patent. C A Miller et ux to Cass Gibson, 40 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w; 20 acres, 1 7 8, r G w. $1500. T P Grant et ux to Theodore Dodson, 20 acres, t G s, r 0 w, f G50. J B Trullinger et ux to T Hodges, 320.6S acres, t 6 s, r 7 w. $.")000. Worst of All Ksperlences. Cun anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H. Newsou, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured Insuf ferable past) from Indigestion, stomach aud bowel trouble. Death seemed In evitable when doctors and nil remedies failed. At length I wus induced to try Electric Hitters ami the result was miraculous. I improved at once ami now I'm completely recovered," h'or liver, kidney, stomach and bo well troubles Electric Hitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed PAUKEK. Frank Berry is yisiting at P. T. Peterson's. Mr Nelson is furnishing dressed beef this week. Miss Julia James was a visitor in Parker Sunday. Claude Boone attended church at Monmouth Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Davidson was a pas senger to Portland Monday. W. W. Percival called this week looking for fat stock for the market. Mr. Evans was a passenger to Portland Friday, returning Sun day. Miss Maggie Critchlow, of Airlie, was a caller in Parker Wednesday evening. Mrs. George DeBord and daugh ter, Lola, made a visit to Parker friends on Thursday. Miss Lura Critchlow went to her home Wednesday to join her father, brothers and sisters and all make a visit to L. Critchlow at Cottage Grove. H', Fimua UiUgbt a fin Spat.lding t.uuuy U-t Ttuljr from the agent, H. A. N'ly. Mrs. I.. D. llrtblwin, of Wlnlook, Wash., passed through thU place on her way to Buena Vista. Mr. Ku.jua wat out buying KU on Friday, bringing lwn H'1'1 head from J. M Trailer's n'r Buena Vista. P. T. IVt.'rson has a nupply of large titular on the ground for building a barn. He U hauling lumber at present. George Weeks, of Salem, called this week in the Interest of the Portland creamery and is also acll ing milk separators. Deputy Sheriff llsytsr culled on several parties here last Thursday, serving subpoenas in the IWwk case which was tried June j Mr. Fti'iua ctme near losing one of his K'ats. As they were cross ing a slough one got into dwp water and almost drowned, but was rescued. Their Kind Deed. Seelnl from llueua Vista. Life is made up of small thing, not great. The world twins nitlj the little thoughts, words and deed of the masses, rather than with the brilliant achievements of an oc casional genius, or the during deed of its few splendid warriors. It is not the overwhelming dig nity and courtesy displayed on state occasions, by the rich or titled, that weaves the threads of true friendship into a fabric that time and eternity can not destroy; hut it is the simple act of kindnexs, the, little gift ol love, the little word of sympathy, that stands the lest of years and brings 'ho deepest peace to the individual. An occasion that was rich in the neighborly aflVetion came to the re porter's attention a few days ago. It happened Friday. The ladies of the Buena Vista Aid Societies pro ceeded to the home ol Mr. and Sirs. V. N. McLaughin. north of town, ana volunteered itioir united labor for the day, to their hostess. Mrs, McLaughlin is in very poor health, and this assistance was a very ac ceptable gift. Sewing was brought forth and all hands get forth to work with good will. The party accomplished a large amount of work em depniluig fur home. OlllH.lt TO K0W In the County Cmm-i.. In the matu.'i.f un , 'I Oregon 1 OUIItJ0f if II.. - ilwirip L. Owl,,, in May 2t h, A.D.Ifci It aiiltearliiu tlou of 8. tJ. t lie property and mu(, J Uwlu, an Insane person, 1 iary ami will l r u 1 of the said iii.iU )wrM1 J whole of the luterratuf tbl li. (Iwln, an linue pei, ,,) real estate In which liihM'J by Inheritance, or oihw,..1 real eottte tteloiiglug (a id, James L, Owlu, Uwrunj t sold. It Is Iherelorsordi-M thu ;i til Kin oi said ward, Umtpi to-wlt: Anna (iwlu Vuu (Iwln, (leorue U. (;!, ku (Iwln, llvruiaii V, (ii, 3 Owln, Mary K, (iln i.i llltereote.l In ssld elti, w 1 spx-nr iM'lure una ot.uri at n, , court how lu DmIIm, in Orgii, on tb jtiu d i I WW, at 10 o'clock A. U i J to nbow caumt, If any tlnjij such ! should not U J dex-rltloii of the laiidiujj of said ward are fully imJ set forth in the nld VfntdJ on file In tns oi!io or tbftuj-, of snIJ l'o!k county, ()r.t, further ordersol tint tbb onfc J llhluMl not ea ttmn tlim fJ wtks In the lMKi K'bK.vt!i I'IUmk, a weekly ii-ipi-r dJ elrculation In rolk eouutjr.lk umiiner provided by law. Dated this May atb. n. J. K. eiBU' Cwiiiii :J At noon, lunch was spread by the visitors under the trees, and thoir hOHtess invited to dine with her guests, they having thoughtfully brought lunch with them to spare her all trouble. This is one of the events that shine forever in one's memory. Those present were: Mesdatuet Margaret McLain, Anna Rowc. Sarah Prather, A. A nderson, B. L murphy, Audio Davisson. Marv Bevens. James Coutu and W. N. McLaughlin. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Ijauvau Indi'rx!)' iIbikw for Mon moulli and Alrlle 7:l . m. .m p. m. Iuvea Indrppii" (Ihiioa for Mon mou to mill Hit 1 1 an ri:od a. m. rrl5 p. lit. L'Tes Monmouth for Alrlle. a. m. S.'jU p. in. ttftm Monmoutb for liulliM, II ) a. m. fcft) p. BU Irf-iivim Alrlln for Moiniiouih und Iiili.niiiliiiuiB. !:( s. in, : p. HI. I.puvi. Imlifu, fr Mou mom li nmi Iri.l.'ixiililrniw. ':" P. m. 7:30 " lven Monmouth for liidriii(ntMH ai. 1:30 p, oi. t w " :4fi S:H0 dsniM tor Horn, J6 p. a Impressing It on With Emphasis r what our Hue Uumlrr ' la the man who Is luoainf thlnir extiulslte lu color aodS his linoi,. We aim to ruakttf dry work peerless in twauty asdi, lrrect Hiuiiitioii in wnitu " lit ime. Send us a ssmpl we will auriirlse you. t and new price. J Ordors left at KUten s wpi tlio Haltfiii staKO will reif" attention. ! Salem Steam ar.: tVdonel J. Olmsted. Prop. D. Olmsted. Mgr. l'hou 1H LUxfrty Street. via.r DR. JORDAN'S MUSEUM OF atlATO- lOftl MARKET IT., SaNFMWU"1 (UMMSIill tat"-! Tm lnr"t AmWoI"1 W ntuWurlU. limit tl mtmtHH v w xm.lrul WW Comu jcuiiiunrfar1 DR. JORDAM-PlVn . Y.f "!' 5 I,,.. II.. "l" "liTie yemn. Wrvo.n hi pn, - , rhcra, ,i.orrU,ria, ",Vi r I rlnallix. nr. r-niiNllm., ol r..t curll rm""' Iim no arrmitfiut liln Ir-ntnif only nlT'ircl Imnifillsl '"'".ZZuh onr. Tli DiM-tor .I.mj not J,Cii It .HI wiiinr HliynloUn und Ki'H'YJ.V In l,la.rMM.lullvvDlM . IPIIII.II lli.ro"n.7 immUf- Iim win 1 1 hnu t wi ; 01 " Wi rmrr (or Hlnr. A 1"iVVl.ul rt,rt for rilva. Vfmur Dr. Jorrlan'a nwUI I1"1-'iu KVKHT SSAM applylM""", U'm KM buartml a tOUi"" I our Aoir,I opinttm 101 i tvtry MM undrrf'JJN. Hat fmniilutlnn KHKK" ru lum-o WHV REAM"?". . ....... . up. oaoy I Treatment pmoaM Wrim f. I MA RSI Iwik. t.r mm.) Callnranw j 0H JORDAN ft CO., 1061 ""ri I