.f Corvallla, Ill the guwt of her IU, r 1 1 Monmouth Correspondents. 1 I X. S. Smith, of Minnesota, pects to locate ii Oregon. Work on Mr. Pctitl's house is progressing nicely and the carpen ter work will soon bo done. C. O. Fortwood. of Gilliam coun- t, was visiting in town last week. Mr. Portwood ia clerk of Gilliam county. Mr. Ilensen is building a new house on his place on the corner north of the college, known as the Higgins property. The Normal School will he closed for this year and things will be quiet iu town by the time this reaches our readers. Childrens' Day was duly ob served at the Evangelical church and th exercises were good, the children all sustaining their parts well. David Hampton, our hotel man, received the sad news Saturday of the death of his mother. He left immediately for Eastern Oregon to attend the funeral. ' John Rickerts and A. J. Gort maker, of South Dakota, were in town last week.. They are looking at the country with a view of lo cating. They are well pleased so far. Last Saturday as the motor was coming from Airlie the water gave out and the extra motor had to be sent for to haul them out. Mr. Cressy made the trip all right if he was a little late. " J. C. Rose's horses seem to be having things their own way re--pntlv as they strike out on their own accord. He baa- had two run awavs lately, one fine mare being nnorlv mined and two others I1VM1 I J pretty badly injured. Wa nr under obligations to W V. Yates, formerly of the Normal, ' fnr his kindness in showing us around over the Corvallis college buildings and the campus while we Corvallis last week. Every thing about the premises is in fine shape. Mii Clennlo Keynol.U hut moved to North Yamhill. Mis Kdua Savage, of Salem, U vot ing lier sisteri her. The mail from Salem to Uwlwl wan ilropH'd June l.rth. I n. Kainrhman. of the Ashland school, ii visilin ! lllt m,re- M r Plllett. a former atudont of the school, ia'attendiim eonniienienient. The Mr. Howard ami family ',)8t llepjmer ia a brother of Mr. i,. Hall. Mr. ami Mr. V. H. Urimnley, of L- mooae.Cal., is visiting her parents, .nr, ana Mr. LeMastars. monctnl running i Monmouth to Sft.em Uiib . . k morning. He will his old friends again. thoso attending commence ment here we notice.! Arthur Mattlaon, of Gaston; Mis Alma Jelliaon, 01 Am I VHiiWinkle, of Salem i A G. Thompson, of Stanford university, Walter Smith, principal ot one 01 mo Salem schools. Of the class of '02 who ......nnt WA SAW are litre lor coium.-"........, Ora OverholUer, Belle keency, hosa i..it r,nma liailev. Amelia Foshay, Gertrude Imus, Bessie Jennings. Elva Whealdon, T. C. Allen, A. V. llampion, W. W. Wiley and P. H. Wyman, Hugh i r..,, nill wore here as f'PSon mm graduates of theclaPS of "01. Deafiies Cm not be Cured Hall. Monnioutn Bev. air. . .l.lreae.i a iis- - riil ,.ee Wu.iday nmrninR a Kvangellcai church m -"- 1 .. .i..wte to the "lale Mra vikiii'" , . .,, ;udaAeh,.. cmventmi, N. MJ the local eliureliea, aim - - - her re' from l eonvr.,.,. ... . dav. 'Hie addrva waa tif a ..w.ii .vmit that la lWed forwaru towilMuterwl, In this pla. la u- aloa! recital to tai given Hie iaV" 1 hr Bev. Kelly u.Hh f tnin !...., MIh Anna PaKOikof, of Allmny. ... .....i i.... i.r.,iiir. Una. Ill liuena, liiHt week. m a I itiMmrdMill returned Hat- urday from a week'a vlalt In I'ortla.ul. MIrm Tiara I'urvlne, of Independence, laited JJuena frlen.la lxt w. rr- vv. V. M.'I,uiihlin left Satur- dav for Ubanon, for an extend.'.! a. lourii with lier nioiiier. A hirito nuiiitwr of Bueua lata peo .... U.I ihu iinveilinit of "U 'r" , . , ,..- K.irre nioniiiiient near uni.-"'""" ...I .,...!. Tim iiiiimimenl was rrcci-i by the Women of Woodcraft. ttrm-at Cole returned the latter part of laat week from a visit to his parents in DoiikUs county. T. Haley will place alwiit 100 cor.la of fir wood on the market this auiumer which he has cut on his place alwve lluena Vista. Mian Ona Kminons returned Tuea day evening from Salem, where alie Ims been attendinir the business coiieg.-. She will return to college next fall Ernest Younger, of Pendleton, is vis iting here. i.Kn Tvlor nnme in from Ashland UUUU J " " this week. .1 rifiiicviirnn I I I II II IV Ml It : BINDERS m7 mm i I a w -n"" T -71 IWriU forth McCormkl Booa, I A MODEL MACHINE." I V . EVERY FARK ri(uHn on buy lug Makf iKmiM Bj k buwltr th4 cm slwsyi b dcpaMai r Harvul flM. FHAZIOU IMCE no loeal aBolicatlona as they cannot reach the diseased portion ef the ear. There is ouly one way to cure Uearnesa, t,.t u hv constitutional remedies. Deafuesa is caused by au In flamed con- HIHnn nf the 1UUC0U8 1U1II) 01 Hie Eustachian tulie. Wheu tbls,tuueis infln,fid vou bavea rurubliug sound , ,. . orimperfec!, hearing, anil wnen am entirely closed deafuess la the result, and unless the Inflammation cuu be taken out and this tube restored to Its r,r,T,nl enndition. hearlue will oe e- stroyed forever j nine eases out often are caused by catarrh, wnieu ia uoui- nigbutau Inflamed conuiimn onue tun con a serfaces. We will give One Hunrtrea iiouare rf anv pimp of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for .circulars iree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, u. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. rUn.llv ,nntet to be held h. the l'ortlui.d mid one from 1 Ysi f Louisville. Ky., on throtmh thy fainoi!! K'"l V'SJ ------ . - i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kichardsoli wen w , , j ,,t AlljUBt 12, l'.HKS.' UvntlTH of the CoWl to Corvallis Wednesday to bo present at J i the marriaRe of Mrs. Uichardaon's -Louisv.llo limea ,. of nalnimi trip niece, Miss Mildred Linville, to W. I.. . T. . " . , u j uiul US ninny wiiite t;:; 111 IHItl.lVt"H ; . . 1 , .1 Patter?on, of Baker City. boats, Iuh.Ih the pis lhviico, where cIoimj kJ is iiindo for knch p triiinnof tlio llwaco . Nuvicnlion C'oiniw, Tf Tt lUcre not For the disagreeable things in life it would be entirely impossible for us to fully appreciate the good, and it it were not for the qual ity of fiazelwood Tee Cream It would not continue to be held as the leading ice cream of the state and one that can not be surpassed by ice cream made by any concern on the Pacific coast. Served by the dish . or sold in quantity at Simpson Bros., Leading Confectioners MONMOUTH, OREGON BUKNA VISTA. Misses Alice and Ethel JCnjghton JESiA4bay-viHors-toTfaTy7 C. C. Kays returned Sunday from near Corvallis, where he has been em ployed. t'hariua MTjain came over from Crabtree to spend Sunday with relativ es here. Prof. B. L. Murphv and lamily ex pect to attend the Turner camp meet iDg this week.' Mrs. Gideon Davisaon went to Ore gou City last week to visit her son, Walter, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Gibson, of Monmouth, were Sunday gueets of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hall. Mrs. L. 8. Baldwin, of Albion, Wash.. Is visitinc relatives la this burg. She arrived Sunday from Cor vallis. John Loy has given his residence a coat of white paint recently, and this week completed papering the interior, all of which adds greatly to the ap pearance of this cosy farm house. Miss Bertha Howe believes in the In fluence of good books, and intends to onrMimiilntH a library of her own. Her fondness in this respect Is well known to her friends, and one day last week she was delighted by receiving tblrteen c-ood books as a Kift to begin her libra ry. The donor was Misa Mattie Lee, a former teacher of Miss Howe's. whih the country west of the aoats for his etoik ranch near rarker. gcilleu is to oo s.-eii mi i.i t. i.,,!,,.. will of the cattlemen oi 1'aa.na "7.7. . .. .. . . i t.t - .... ir .f. l i w ...it t, i.u in TruiiHicr inrir ininiiivn learn wiiu piniuru mnt ........ . .i ...... j...-...... a . fievens. who recently underwent an Ln(i ,,t.jr herds bodily to Hmith i ,,,..., Mtntitl oil tli wharf. operation in Portland for a growth oi. ..,.,.; ,,,, The creat ranc.-s ortho,!,,, .1(,1I11(,r. The t-, one of his eyes, is rapidly recovering vr.l,,.t iru heimf cut tin into 1 . ;u ,m ,o - II f...,,,. ., I nr,. f.f lltl )IlO ! . . . , P T. Iw.nnn.lv and daughter, of " T " . 7 " . .' . , . ! !' W,UC " ' , ... j - nmi iu iiwuiiiiHiiiiiu ran uiv. . . . .. . Woodburn. and Mrs. Wells Parsons, of " . ... .I 0IK.I HO luiril linn carru Seattle, were guests over Sunday of l " cau.e.u -u .c ........ fc -. H,.(irclv onv0 mart. Mm v. P. Itnvuns ranitea ill Clllll, ura.u 8IIU Hie AT-s . - , .... ........ . . , ; a. 1 .... I lililIA I II f . ... .,,,1 if lh..v rnnnot f nd 11,1 l""v" HayiiiB has Ijeen in progress incise" " ' ; . , ...i,i; , w , . , ..... .1 r ,.1. ... Tl... Urira lllilirilkeil n.rea.4 oi If ril.HS Untl neigllUOrilOIK. IU. U Y1C,' IH ...v - n 111" ' clnvor crop is reported good. in those countries or are unablii to huthlllg 13 unHUrpa.. -intn fine cat fish were brouirbt inake satisfactory terms they in- iu from the liucklamute one oay Jan. tend to try Africa. ... ... r mi weeK, uy ira nowo. iuvy .:ni ties. luilim I II VHIITII lll.-ACII Mrs. Julia Douty left this week for Ponlaildtloja!Blde. -44-ifttirrod--MTir- Doutv was Julia Lee. of lluena Vista. and a multitude of warm friends here, oud elsewhere in Polk and adjoining counties, unite in wishing her a Happy future In ber hew home, bhe was ac corupanied by Miss Mattlo Lee, who will also remain iu the metropolis. . , ICxcuraioii Sieiuiier T. I'otter in'K Into Mervlcc June 27. J. Iriven to Desperation. Those who arc planning their vacation this year will lm iiitcr- .'Hted in kiiow.sng that tho pop ular excursion steamer, the T.J. Potto r queen of river bouts coos into Horvico June J.niid Livincat an out of the way place remote ironi civiii.bihhi, u niiiiuy m , .,, , ,,i. i,... !.. ' biio win leave i oruanu. unrinc OI LUIi Ull'flJ V' uiriinuiiuu lit vunv tt i 1.1 1 fti accident, resulting ii burns, cutH, tlio season, every oay irom i uch- I.. ..1 T .... I.. I.. 1 .Ml . 1 ... wouuuk, uitcrn, no. "jr " ""I'l"? (nV "HUH rMUUlNlUV IIICIUHIVO of Bucklen'a best on earth Arnica Salve. It's the , 2.'ic at A. S. Locke's. Old-Time Fiddlers, Itcsin Your Hows. UP To see the lieauties of the pict uresque and mighty Columhin from tho decks of the Potter is a treat never to he forgotten. For Kimed and crneo nolliintriu T f TlirrrrR r.f niftHPOW Kv . rivfir fr InL-ft u.ri'IoA In .... V. .... (3 O " " " --J'JIA.IW. ... .IV.I.W 111 tIIU UII" president of the Old Time Fiddlers' tire West enuuls this fiid.'-u hw.l. Association, has issued this chal- boautv. .Fivo hours from lenge to the oia-time Haulers 01 In diana: "Having challenged and beaten the old-time fiddlers of Tennessee in a great contest at Nashville, September 21, 1902, the old-time fiddlers of Kentucky will measure bows with the old-timers of any istate in the Union, and do hereby challenge the old-time fiddlers of the ereat State of Indiana for a excellent hotel and't-j liotist'8 provide good lntimm At nricw rif- t . II . - 4. I1.I...A II one fimjajiui-io114 llllV. i Tlie round trip ratefr land to Astoria I'iSO; Ih-acli points fl.00; f:! October 15th. On & during July and Aug trip tickets are !d points at If2.n0, goodfc leaving tho beach tin f Sunday evening- The Oregon Kuilroad igation Company haM: anew Piinunerbook.fm which tells all delightful resorts of ttj of tho Columbia WW" bo obtained from wH thoOrccoii Knilrow tiou Company or by 1 L. Craig, (Joncrai Agent, Portland, 0S THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL CAPITAL STOCK, S5O.O00A II HIRSHBEKU, President. ABKAM C. W. IRVINE, Caahier. DIRECTOKS.-1I. lhrnchlwg, D. W. hcan, I). F. HinUbT W' A. Nelson. A general banking afld exchange buainesn transacted. jraeti dineounUd. Commercial credita granted, Deposits recelo" 'Object to check. ' J-