INDRrRWrHMfOR BUTl!KrPISR INDKPBVDBKCK, OREtJON On the th of July wo are going to give away a fine $$o Parry Buggy I HOW WE BO THIS. 9 k UnnArml number! are Hold. Mriirinff from No. fiOto No. 160 P JMM-' W " On the 4th of July one number in dnwn ont, the lucky one 5 ! taking the buggy.' Isn't this a priie worth work log for? Rule j 0f numbers commences June 15th. J ""GLENN GOODMAN, With R. M. Wad A Co. Independence, Ore. County Correspondence. ANTIOCH. UnJafor hsvinr are scare in lyicinity this year. )!r. Johnson end family have H ini Mrs. Alice WbltcornVi liltoce. ifZumwaltand Will Shinn are . Al II A Wing Mre. unmi nouse 10 ih coat of paint. b new roof on Mre. A. B, . t 1 i A iL. nor house auua greauy w uie U'srance of her home. here is no paper ia tbe county tM than the Entkhphisk. Why ,'tjou subscribe for it? ire or moro persons left hers it week for the coaet to rusticate. Ir are thinking of going. A Urge orowd went from here to umouth Sunday to hear Iter. E AVigmore'i larewell sermon. luiuit Ohms has done some VJwl repairs on the roads be- ha this place and Monmouth. (.. Wheelock intends build t new barn on his larm this timer and will haul the material in lonco's mill. C. Fishback attended1 the Sun rhool picnic at KieVreali Sat- y given by the Christian Sun icbool workers of Monmouth Virtha Addison and son. Robert, fcear Dayton, after a week's visit h tbe former's sister, Mrs. J. L hb&ck, returned Sunday to their pie Men a chart agent comes along Ml be best to bave nothing to with him, for the experience all 'this county hns shown that ltof them are sharpers. firs. Henry Hampton, who for ty resided at this place, and 0 left a few years aeo for East- Oregon in the hones of benefit' I her health, died there Friday. f wag the mother of David ppton, the hotel proprietor, of "mourn. LKWISV1LLK. rt week's items. and Ada Alexander are vis 8 relatives here. K Frank Turner is home from 'Jlor s logging camp. ! W Lewis has about recovered B atuck of the mumps." k McKinnev ia haalina? lum 1 i J George Bronson was in our midst Sunday. A friend of Mrs. T. P. Haynes is viaiting with her. Lawrence Grant wag doing busi ness in your city Monday. AI It LI It. W. K. Williams loH a valuable borne by his falling into a ditch. Win Critchelow made a flying business trip to Cottage Grove last week. Hugh Williams bought fine span of draft horses near Eugene last week. Orville Buchanan and family at tended the carnival in Corvallis last week. Five teams have been hauling poles this week for the farmers' telephone line. Mr. Guyer, who recently sustain ed a fracture of the riirht lee. i mending slowly. Claude Bevens has come in from Southern Oregon to visit a few days with his parents nr. ana Mrs. . w. Ktory were passengers on tbe motor Tuesday tor Independence. Mr. Wentz, from this eide of Albany, was peddling strawberries through here Tuesday. A cougar visited tbe premises of Freeman Bevens recently and earn pled a couple of fat sheep. Junius Ward and family, of Kings Valley, were transacting bus iness in Airlie Wednesday. W. E. Williams attended the Edward bimpson, ol Philomath, Held meet between the faculty and has been visiting in the community Ed McLane, of Buyer, visited at tbe home of II. 8. Smith over Sun day. Henry Williams, cf Dallas, at' tended carop-meeting at Maple Nary adjunct to any farm. n o 1. I vtroro duiiu7. Mart Stafford war nn our streets 1 ' J. J. Leveck is hauling lumber Thursday, driving his 2.10 trotter, for some extra buildings at the Silver Drop, which promises to students of tbe 0. A. C. last Satur day. I. M. Simpson and A. C. Staats are each building a commodious goat shed, which is a very neces home of B. F. Smith. I). 0. Bronson and son, Hubert, are hojie from Arizona. Old Polk looks good to them again. 1 Mono Grange will meet at the ball next Saturday at 1 o'clock. I Ice cream and cake will be served. op, eclipse all pant turf records The school meeting Monday ie suited in the election of W. B. Williams and A. It. Lewis, direct ore, and w. ii. vv imams cieric. Mrs, Lola Taylor Nichols, of Monmouth, was an incoming paBs. 1 . U . 1.. V.M.M Mr. Wheelock closed a successful eD8w uu l" . . " Urm f .rhl l..t Frid.iv and his ning.enrouie w rcueo , vis. rw m wv - - - J l , sisters from Monmouth came up ativeB. and assisted in tbe exercises at the Miss Maud Newbill, who was re cloeing. cently married at callston, is well The telephone poles are being nd fatorab y known here and her line and nnany ineuua w mu uviiiic '" 7 T . r I : the line will soon be completed. "W- Our resident, Tracy Staats, seems D. N. Turner came near being to be the right man in the right seriously injured last Wednesday J onrl ia in trifinir the work hv beincr struck witn tne arm 01 iwa erM D a I J " his most careful attention. tbe denriCK used in mung neavy The camn-meeting in Maple timbers. Grove still continues with interest. The present rain storm has dis ... , i r tit. kun nn dtne ffioom mat UUUK over Kev. WOOQ, oi W)rm, r - ... ,. . a..j,. the iarmer in ium ucnuuuiuuuu, doing the preaching since Sunday. J1 hasten thegrowth Key. rneips, who wan w 0f late sown grain here, has been detained in I otv land attendant on an invalid sister, but will probably be .here the last of the week. Elmer Burrows met with a se which was stickirig nd atrikine him on the arm, cut a ..Mm pash. which had to be TO. J . ud. He was aione ai, rha aroident and nearly fainted before he' could reach the house. The HaDDner disaster has caused a decree 01 sauneno iu uicu uuo, as many of her residents who met Aath in the awful llood were known to a number of our peop.e. T. O. Davidson, a former school it I.. v.. iVi.a flftmmnnirv. hilt. in a wmi'"i -V si".1 I now a real estate ageu m t ui uu, came in on tbe motor Sunday to view the scenes of his earlier man bood. The thunder storm last Sunday evening caused intense darkness to prevail at the camp meeting grounds and several collisions of vehicles with trees and fences re suited. A team belonging to a Corvallis livery-man, while conveying drummer from Kings valley to Airlie, became frightened, ran away, upsetting the rig but caused no damage except a broken dou ble tree. . Startling Evidence. Freah testimony lu great quantity Is ooostantly corning In, declaring Dr. King's New DUcovery for Consump tion, Cougha and Colds to be un equalled. A recent expression, from T. J. McFarland, Bentorvillt, Va. serves aa example. He writes! "1 had bronchitis for three years and doc tored all the time without being bene fitted. Then I began taking Dr. Klng'a New Discovery, and a few bot tles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective In curing all lung and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia and grip, uuaranteed by A. S. Iiocke. Trial bottles free, regular sizes, SOo and $1.00. PEDEE. Frank Gilliam is grazing a large band of Bheep ' on Bald mountain Most of our citizens attended campmeeiing at Maple Grove last Sunday. J. W. Wilson, the S. P. agent at Airlie, visited Pedee relatives last Saturday. Mrs. Frank Turner, of Lowell, is visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer. Mrs. John Nichols, of Mon mouth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Taylor. Rev. Guy PhelpB, of Hillsboro, held religious services at our school house last Sunday. Lafo Edwards, our strawberry grower, has contracted all of this year's crop at top prices.' ' Lewis Edwards, Frank' Gilliam and John Ritner are doing jury duty at Dallas this week.' Mr. and Mrs. James Price, pio neer settlers on the Upper Luckia mute, have movftd-ttM"" r a movement toward tbe "'benevo lent assimilation" of the Servians. "I bave been troubled for some time with Indigestion and sour stomach," aye Mm. fiarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Ma., "and have been taking Cham- .ber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet which bave belned me very much so that now lean eat many things that before I could not." If you bave any trouble with your stomach why not take these tablets and get well? For sale by Klrkland Drug Co. Excursion Itateato Yaquinallay. On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co. will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. This resort is becoming more popular every year and hotel ac commodations are better than ever before, and at reasonable rates. Season tickets from Independence, to Newport, $4.20; to Yaquina, $3.70. Saturday-to-Monday tickets to Newport, $2.55; to Yaquina, $2.15. Mrs. Fannie Mulkey, of Balem, Is visiting in the city. MAKKIJEO. TOWN8END JONES On Wednesday, June 17, 1903, at the home of the bride's mother, near Independence, Miss Hattie Jones to Corwin A. Townsend, of Portland, Rev. E. J. Thompson officiating. The parlors were very tastefully deco rated and an np-to-date delicious wed ding dinner served. The happy couple took the train from galem to Portland, thence to California on their wedding trip. They are to reside in Portland. E. T. HENKLE, Barber Shop.' MAIM STREET, NDEPENDENCE, J. S. MOORE, Tonsorial'Artisi Only1 nrst-clasB workmen em- nloved in the "Wiewam.", Shop situated on North Bide of C Street. G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver, is out or nrder. Aver's Pills will clean - - j your tongue, cure your uys- All drfflt. That Throbbing Headache would quickly leave you if you used mak.e your liver right. irin'a New Liire niis. cv n tat. essvio oncraic wi n..Ir match- ,w -.'""'." r of sunerers m , . zsc las. merit for sick and nervous in... m.k nure blood ana "r- r::,;h' oni, ascents, buna up you M h. I KUCRMinAM d Ul twhlakere monev Uck If not cur. I 1 ZZZ"Z ...... hv, md I Wat rxir momurjx or b.ri bMnUfal " I taiwiorrtrtibtackt Tb.iit. .(, by BUCKINGHAM'S DTE WTO J. W. Miller, of Newberg, is the guest at the home of his son, W W. Miller, a prominent hop grower of this place. J. W. YoBt, who owns the larg est hop yard in this section, reports every condition of his crop as fav orable to a full yield. A generous rainfall occurred here the fore part of the week, which was of great benefit to growing croDS. pastures and fruit, and full crops are now well assurred. W. L. Vale was elected a director at our school meeting last Monday and J. W. YoBt was re-elected dis trict clerk. The school board now consists of the following members: Alva Womer, Lewis Ritner and W. L. Vale, Mr. Vale having succeeded Jacob Kinsey, whose term of ser yice had expired. It seems incredible that in this age of Christian ' enlightenment conditions should exist any , where on tbe face of the globe that would justify the nations of tbe world in condoning the recent brutal butch ery' at Belgrade." Surely some Christian nation should inaugurate Granite -Moiiuuieiiisaiid Head-' stones- Cemetery work 1 etc. Ask' the Agent for Tickets TO SPOKANC St PAUL, DCLUTH, MINSEAPOLKHICAGO AND ALL POINT CAST. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 Fast Time' NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT Day Coaches . Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Bullet Smoking Library Cars, DAYLIGHT. TRIP THROUGH CAB- CADE AND ROCKY MTU 8. Tm nifa. inldera and fall Informa tion regarding tickets, routes, iete., call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent- J. W.. PHALOK, Txav. Pass. Agt,; Portland . - A. B. U. DifiNNIS IVK, U. wr. ju 612 First Ave., 8atte,aWab, Preparatory to building. A. & Locke.