Independence Enterprise. and:wcst.'sioc. PUBLISHED BTERY THU1WDAT. Bn tared at Independence, Or,, poatofte aa aaooud-elase waiter. $J5$criptiott Price, $i.$o per Vr. i Dir dec6 hit wr W8i.(. i pit jwpm oMwao outstanding accounts my work will be strictly cash from this date. T. B. Clkvimokr, Boot and shoe maker, Indepen dence, Oregon. MUltOEH IS FlltST DEQIUJE. Wru. Peacock Must liy Penalty For Ills Crime. TEUEPHONBH l' SUBHCRIPTION RATHH. (Strictly in advance) rer year .....St 80 tux monthe TS Stufte opy 06 Local notloee art t cents per Una atralght absolutely a reduction for any raaaon whatsoever. Bates on dlsplae-adveruWlm mad known en application. Miss Edith Owen fwads In (h Goddaii of Lib mrty Coatatt. The trial ofWm. reaoock forth murder of Alexander 8. Kerr was held at Dallas tbla week, consuming but two days. Tbe defense entered plea of tusanlty, contrary to general Impression, as it was supposed It would v self defense, Tbe state's! witnesses tea titled lu substance tbe re port recently published In this paper, while the defense Introduced eipert testimony to prove insanity of defend ant. The case was admirably bandied by both sides. Tbe jury was out but a few minutes when they agreed on a verdict of m u rder I n d rst degree. Pea cock took the verdict oooly, aod evi denced no Interest in the verdict or proceedings of tbe trial. ItiifdFORD THE GREAT Rhiqtmedichie Tfcedfard'a Diark-'TWrht has saved doctors' bills lor sm than sixty years. Tot the common fain ily aifmsnts, saoa as otMstipation, Indigestion, hard oolila, bowel com plainU, chills sod fever, bilious dm, keadaottas and oiher like eomplainta no other marUrane Is iteaeaaary. It-hmoraUe aod mg olates toe liver, assists digvation, tiaialates actios of the kidnmrs, portnss the blood, and pogss the bowels ef awel aceumuiaUuna, is H. H. Jaspew P Undertaker. .Enh..1 and Funeral Di Indepeiedcicc, n i The vote on Goddess of Liberty Xelejrram llecelvMl by M.yor of interesting again tins weea. was Miss Owen leads this week. Edith Owen 1218 May Kennedy 1138 Florence Burton 852 Ruby Kelso 558 Florence Burnett 324 Eva Mulkey (Monmouth) 273 Goldie Iryine, 134 Jessie Hartman 128 Mabel Wheelock (Monmouth) 85 Maude Iliflf 80 Carrol Huber (Monmouth) ... 77 Independence. THE KOSE FAIR. Flattering: Success, to Minntest Detail.: the Heppner, Ore., June 17. Mayor, Independence, Or: Situation appalling, no help needed at present excepting money, and that badly. Frank Gilliam, Mayor. Pursuant to the above telegram, and in order that Independence may do her share towards relieving the great suffering In our stricken Oregon city, I hereby call a mass meeting of our citizens to meet Thursday evening, June 18, at 8 o'clock In the opera house to take such action as they may deem necessary and proper. J. M. Stark, Mayor. Hver complaint indigwtitn. tour itotnacA, fluiinsaa, qiuus, rheumatle pais, rideaoha, baoav aahe, kidney troubles, coaati patina, diarrhasa. bilioasneas. piles, bard colds and headache. Smrr draff- Slet has Thedf ord's 01sck-lraag&t k 16 cent packages and in niamr moth lias Cor tl.00. Never accept a-aubstitvaa. Insist on having toe original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company, I Mavs TfcaoWl IJadUDresfM b the seat madfcsat ea sartX. Mis . fssej for any anal svarylKlns. I Save a fatally ef twelve sMMtm, sad ter Drasfht, A. X GREEN, lUewara, U , s HAND CONCEKT. Program to be Rendered on P. O. Corner Saturday Evening. Dr. 0. 1). Bailor was passenger to Portland Haturdny. M. I Tald win and wife, of Ba ... l . it . 1... mmr SllluliiV VlllUr HI " I ivi'M "vaw - city. Two pair of young draught horses for sale, huquirt oi i. i . Hembree, Monmouth. Alt mail boxes for the new rural delivery 'oule are now at agon- I . . , i er a store, inut penusmr. Mine Myrtle Ie returded fiatur- day to her home in Portland after a visit with friends here. Mr. Parker, who has driven the Salem stage for several months, has taken his team off tbe run, and commencing this morning J. Dyers will run a team regularly to the Capital city. Moore s Hair Invigorator ana Herpicide ars the world's greatest scalp cleansers and hair invigor atura. Both are lor sale at J Moore's bartar ehon. Call and have Mr. Moore give an applies tion of either remedy and you wil never be without one or the other, Sunday's Oregonian contained portrait and sketch of KugeneCatt ron. thrice elected mayor of that live Eastern Oregon town, Wasco, Mr. Cattron was a Monmouth res ident up to three or four years ago. Pres. . D. Ressler worked the entire The month of June unfailingly night Wednesday in order to leave this brings a pleasant event to tbe peo- morning for Phillipsburg, Psnn., to be pie of Independence the annual at 'he bedside of his mother, who is 1 1a - V6lT 111 rose fair given by the ladies of tbe - vvuuieu oeverai persons or cnar rresoytenan cnurcn. mis Bea- acter and ..oo,, reDUUtion in ea,.h son's rose display-surpassed any (one in this county required) torepre- rnrmani ftfUm yiA .... i,ij ent ad advertise old established former event of the kind ever held wealthy business house of solid finan- S ?r wlaa ii f tv A MAHM itiAiia nlol (ilonrlmn diilnm. SOT nn nrizeawere- Mrs A NeUon Mra with expenses additional, all payable The concert Will begin at 8:15, prizes were. Mrs. A. kelson, Mrs. ,B ca8h direct each Wednesday from and as the Monmouth band is one v. v. cuiier, axrs. a. d. JjOCKC. neaa unices, xiorse ana carriage rur-1 . . . . . Mr V T HenkU Mr, V A Pf h'8hed wneB necessary. Refewnoes. of tho in tb8 sUto a g0 jars. ii. i. nenne, mrs. j. a. I at- ninaif:rfHrM t i u .i. March "Hiawatha" Medley Overture.... "Blaee Away" Hi is now representative at Wasco r.: w.i.- wii.w- of the Pacific Coast Elevator Com- 1VA4I icru v mtmttuo UltVIIWl g I n--s npiwiWi irAiaa;a Pany vui tig dviu . vuiuiuuin nu vtaoiaa Frank Lucas. Cornet and trombone duet. . . . "Mierere" from "II Trovatore" Messrs. Clodfelter and Powell. Baritone solo "Crown Jewell' Edwin C. Lorence, Scandalous Doins" Carlton Enclose self-addressed envelope, Colo- out should erect them. U1A4 UUTt AVCSIt UUI U Ot. UlCOigO, REPORT OF THE or tmc CONDITION INDEPENDENCE terson, Mrs. F. M. Skinner, Mrs. W. H. Walker and Mrs. 0. A, Kramer. Table after . table was laden down with choicest selections of the far-famed Oregon roses. iugjiwjiu nu uv ices a buu- tliTIAtlAI r- A a m cess than the exhibit. Everv NATIONAL BANK. number conjtained-meVineTrrt in every instance the rendition being Ron, at the close of business, bo vociferously annlanded that An JDne s la03 -rr enchore had to be rendered. Sdbcc , J, - . , Loans and discounts - will hardly permit of individual ov.iWft. mred and u.,ured . mention, but special recognition D-8-Bond" ,0 Mcare "reuition - , .jixir- tt . stock ascurltlea, etc. ... Should DO paid tO MlSS HlgginS, Of Banklng-liousa, turnlture andSxtures A special motor will return to Monmouth at 10 o'clock. However, those who wish to remain over for the dance will be accommodated by motor I after the dance is over. 1ALS. the Normal School., who rendered ,b" Re"ieL"nd J Due from Wat'l Banks (no Roy Irvine left Monday for Port land. IU1.IW M W. A. Wann. of Einrn. vu In S,8M7S l , . I i2.x)oo the city Sunday, going north by .r.3? rail. - - 1J.600 00 Xrra T,; r 1C ,US. 1- tWO VOCal . SOlOa in a manner to Doe from Htate Banks and banker . MM S) for Portland Ttar fiilnm MsilanM I I - v a V IUOIUVUVV evoke the plaudits of the large as- 7. . eemblage, and the efforts of Mias Note80fotherNtlOD1Bnka r raciionai paper currency, nicKeu and cents 103 12 Lawful Money Rkmkrvb xjt Baku-, z Hpecie - - - - f 16,481 15, Legal-tender notes - fiO 00 No Hair? "My bslr wis falling out very fsst and I wss creitly slsrmetf, I then tried Ayer's Hsir Vigor snd my bslr stopped falling stooce." Mrs. G.A. McVsy, Aleisndris.O. The trouble Is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, AyerVHaif Vigori will restore color every time. II.HaMil. AllaranUta. U your druovlst tend ua one dollar and wa will exiraaa you a bottle. Da aura and give the nama el jour neamteitirms office, addraaa. J. C. A VKU CO., Lowell, Meat. Frank Fisher and if inoulh, catne up from J Tllstailav nxirntim . f ,, Ills lst Hop. ifo,,, (Krum thaaeBilneo,, In the first Hmalneuf QiJ settlers In l8,(he sxlllorof waa atnuDi the many sNkert ft tune who made tbe bit raw day In April. Durlni hh ts about and aflerwsnla bit on nls claim, be enoouatil bad water, which, tngittM, , sever beat, gave hlttie smJ diarrhoea wblob It saeruid t1 Haibis 10 enerk aud aloo.i.i1 tbe emm became so bad die. One day one ofby brought lilm ene small bott!tfn berlaln'sUolto, Cholera u4 rO lUmedy a a last hops. lQ was given bint while bssaai about on tbe ground lo fmi' and In a few ntlnutre tbe dtw pratanl. Tbe good n'ret oflW cine was sontt ttollced tadaW hour tie (jaUentwM tailin g isiuud sleep for a fortnight, Tt) Utile tiottle worked a eanphtj and be cannot help tut fetl m at hand suggeatt this Itm fJ by Kirk laud Drug Co. li). 6. Share: la prepared to ibor you a complete lint of stylish pamplei for spring suits. Call and look them over and uncertain price. Bank Building, ixn isriixvvxcE, or ...THE Itlotintouib U II. I. WIIITMAN.Profc Should have your AVashlcg onlliid fnr W H llvered. ' Washing called foron Ts day and delivered on & day CUork 6uaraBtl Monmouth, Oregon M2S n M7S 09 n oo Myrtle Lee, of Portland, who was present and rendered two solos, the latter , an enchore. The foun dation of Miss Lee's musical edu cation was attained in Indepen dence, and her many friends here are ever ready to applaud the buc- of music. The excellent program is herewith appended.' Piano duet, Johnny and Inez Stark; recitation, Gould Creasy; cal solo. Mrs. E. E- Paddock; reading, Miss e of Oregon, M BOlo, MlSB HlgginS, Of the Normal; I, C W. imne. 'ceahler of the abovamed ia Obltt and MlSS I bauk' do ole"r awear that tbe above atatement la true to tbe best or my knowledge and belief. O. W. IRVINE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this lata da of June, WOS. J. W. KIRKLAND. CoaaacT Attest: Notary Public emit Tt. w.' a. uiaaoHBsaa v Dlrectore a.HaLaoir. ) u,m u Redemption fund with v. B. Treasurer, (5 percent of circulation) . 2S 00 ToUl - 227,07S 90 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In - 1 60,000 00 Surplus fund - - - . 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid S,37i K National bank notee outstanding 12,200 00 Due to otber National Banks Dividends unpaid - - - - 75 00 Individual deposits subject to check 140,806 81 Demand certificates of deposit s,32l S3 Total ..... 2I7,07 piano duet, Mrs. fowden; pyramids, boys. Notice. Owing to trouble in, collecting will be 386 Sixth Street. Mr. and Mrs. Burch, of Rickreall, are guests of Miss Burch. a sister, in this city. Eugene Regint9r. Miss Dora Cooper, who has been teaching in Centralia, Wash,, the past winter, returned home Tues bay. Miss Bertha Osborne returned home Tuesday. A few weeks ago she went to Eastern Oregon for her health, which is some improved. Mrs. C. Q. Copeland and daugh ter, Miss Ester, of- Siletz, were guests of W. G. Cressy and wife last week. They returned home Saturday.1 Sherman Hays and wife have moved from Pendleton to Portland. For several weeks ' Mr. Hays has been unable to walk; as a result of a severe attack of rheumatism.' f ) m G Our new Cocaiion i 269 LIBERTY ST. New building next door to Jos. Meyers 4 Sons. Call and rjet fine Furniture Polish . free. Do not miss seeing our superior lino of Car petings, Mattings and Linoleums. o The House Furnishing Co. Wextdoor to Joseph Meyers & Sona, SALEM, 0R& mi- Storw at Salem and Albany. ocooooooocooooocooooooc