INDKPKNDEN'CK OTKUNUSK, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON prices siaiptma. t Vo Iiavo ft fi'W famplo win-da loft nml will cIchu out thu entiro Htock at llio & following priccH: J L ('no tUl.(H) Uaeycl.', "Pace Maker". .M!.7. One 2.").K) Latonn, Kaoyelo make. . . .21.2. ZJ Odd MOO Crescent Bicyulo '.'70 One .".(MM) Knell Bicycle, ladies model 21.76 Vi One .'!.'.(K) Hni-ll Hicyt-le 'J7.7. One .'57.60 Snell Bicycle MM) J ( ()iio 40 (Mj Hnidl Bicycle, with coaster .T2.7ri One 60.00 Cleveland, cushion frame. . 38.25 1 i R. tt WADE & GO.' 5 Our Block in rrilucotl to tin oltovo HwnploH only, and when UiCho aro gone no more can l hint at thcsi? jnccH. Thoso aro all liigh-grado bicycles. lUc have a few bargains left in second-band Ulbeels. A. J: GOODMAN, Manager. i l ..A TII..I. fommenccmem uk. (Carried over from page I) . . cnU. An exciting inuooor game lirtball played i the gym . . .. .i . -i i ....I k.iuui between uie '"'""' !,ool team won by the latter cf g naru ngiu. mo i d adjourned to the base ball Lnotid to witness a game Iwlwcen ulioul team and a visiting club, ifrsiueof which your reporter i!td to secure. Literary Society rrotrmm. The program lor 8 1. M. Tues- kv, ii given below, wan well con- Vfd ami t-arned nut. The various oibersof the Vespertine. Nor- Ll aud lnviueibles did them- m proud. The iaio duet and its' (pianette revealed what ex lent musical talent has ben fraught out by tho tuition ofMiHS ggins. The piano nolo by Mm. ibbitt wn superbly rendered, all fa difficulties of tho "Beinicke illn.lft" vanishing before the ianiste's admirable technique. rs. Bauer completely captured r audience with her artistic I'DN. I)eu a's "May Day" and the mmq Love Song. Director 'jiWclub swincinii was much njoyed. Instrumental duet. "The Witches b; Opening addresH, W. H. Kuth- Srford : Vocal solo. "My Dream of ou," Miss Sadie Craven; Oration, raves Crowlev: Ladies' quartette, Joy Shall E'er lie Th ne " Misses raven. 11. Reese Bontley, J. who; Our Literary Societies Ycsterduv." Mips Jensen; "To- lay," W. A. Tupper; "Tomorrow," m Hampton; l'iano solo, Mrs. ay Htnvdon-Babbitt; Club swing S, Mr, Forbes: Vocal solo, Mrs. ose-Rlnch-niuinr: "Aux Italians" 'm Gertrude Vernon;. Brass quar- Mte. Commencement Day. Promptly ut 10:00 A. M. Wed esday, the Lucas orchestra start- i the strains of n. lively march M the commencement j rocession of I'JIKI fiUl into tlio chapel. President Ussier, with Mr. Buck- ham led, followed by the faculty. Thu graduates came next. On the platform were seated the class o. '(K5, the faculty, executive commit tee of the board of regents, class speaker, chorus of oO and the Lucas orchestra. The program was ren tiered as follows: March, orchestra; invocation, Mr. IWickbam; overture, orchestra; Salutatory and oration, "Follow the Gleam," Martha NYhealdon; Song, Normal chorus; Oration, Did the End Justify the Means?' Beatrice Anderson; Vocal solo, Mrs. lloee Bloch-Bauer; Oration, 'The Key to Victory" Clara Carpenter; Oration, "Sacajawea, an Unknown Heroine." Annie Overholtzer; Vocal solo, Mrs. Rose Bloch-Buuer; Ora tion and valedictory, "Commercial ism and Education," Hamuel Even den; Music, orchestra; Address to class, Itabbi Stephen S. Wide; Presentation of diplomas, President E. D. Bessler; Music, orchestra. Tiieclaiw rrprwieuUtivea all acquit ted themselves wllb credit. MIhs Wheahlou welcomed the audience In a uraelous salutatory and addressed lilting remarks in turn to regents, fuoulty, fellow student" aud class mates. Her oration was well con ceived, expressed in choice Kmlish a-ul forcibly delivered. Her theme called for Idealbtlo treatmeiutandin TwmnnttninieT-1 blither leadings. le appealed to toe bust In man's nature. Mlm Beatrice Audursm. preseuted a aketvb of the life of Charlotte Uordray, with a critical study of her character Hud the motives prompting her mur . . t M,.rt ll..r coiiolusiou was nor in ....... that though her act was unjustillable her lofty patriotism was highly praie- worthy. The speaker delivered her oration In a very liupretmlve manner. Mink Clara Carpenter began her In troduction w ith a quolutlou from tbe Duke of Wellington in which be Is re Mrted to have said referring to Oxford University, "There Is where the battle of Waterloo was won." The speaker made a strong argument for thorough Preparation for life's work. Her clear - aud logical liue of thought was mark ed by clone reasoning and Intelligent application. Mixs Annie Overholtzer gave a de lightful sketch ol tbe Indian prince aud interpreter of the Lewis & Clark exposition, Sacajawee, with a plea for her recognition in history and Utera tore and a suuxestiou that such a life merits a noble monument commemor ating thin great achievement. The last speaker from the class, Mr. Samuel Evenden, pointed out the iufluenco of commercialism on education. He deplored the ten dency to eliminate the "culture" studies from the curriculum, with all their liberalizing and 1 refining eflect, nd argued that our twenti eth century education should not only fit a student to "do things", but to be a man or woman in the fullest sense, able to participate in the enjoyments of life as well as in the strenuous action. Hie conciua 1 1 1 I A- ;ni wmirm were aauresseu ...6 lriends, regents, faculty, students and classmates. The able and el oqueut effort justified the selection rfi- TTupmlen as valedictorian. qHie-TTOweTftrf'MaTess of Rabbi alumni. It Is a long time since so Uiunyofthe former gruduale4of the O. H. N. K. met the Incoming cla. At the chapel the exercise were as follows: 1 The I, liens orchestra Is always par excellence, tinil on tills occasion was charming as usual. J. O. JtuHsell, of the class of 'US, delivered the address ot welcome. The response by Mls Estclla Bobbins, 'U.'l, was gracefully and tlttlngly given. Mrs. Leila Van Winkle, '1)7, rendered a solo In her usual happy manner. The oration by M. V. Hanville. 'U7, was well received. Frauk Lucas delighted his audience with his cornet selection. The an nual addrecsby A. F. Campbell, Christ Ian College, '71, wis well received and a solo by Prof. P. O. Powell closed this most pleasing program. The aluiriu! banquet was a brilliant afl'ilr. Following is a list of the toast given and of the persons who respond- I to each : "What I Have Learned," A. F. Campbell. "To the Class of '08," Miss Klva WhealdoH. "Itesnonse." Miss Kstella Itohbins. "Teaching Keml- nloenees," Hugh Kison. "The U. of O," M. I. Hanville. "The Profession,'' Miss Millie Doughty. "To the Ladles," John C. McCue. A Happy Occasion. fi. R. nebrbavD.D.S- Monmouth Dentist Over P. 0. Monmouth. T T,. RMITPI, Wholesale Beer and Cigar Dealer. pving taken out wholesale license, I can now sell all Beer and Cigars a wholesale rai. ... BEST B11ANDS MINES WJHSKEIS. P Street, - . Independence, uyw... Bueua Vista Special. The pretty country home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Beveus in the "bottom' huliiw Huena Vista, was the scene Sunday of a very happy gathering. Relatives to the number of thirty con gregated early In the day aud mirth and irood cheer abounded, 'the guegt of honor were P. L. Kennedy aud rtiiiiphter. of Woodburn: Mrs. Wells Pantons. of Heastle. and Mrs. Alex Collins, of Dallas. A dinner, consisting of all the dell cacles of the prosperous farmhouse table, was served and a group picture of the happy party was taken Dy CliaH. lirowul The event was one of universal good cheer and will be treasured for many a lnv in the memory of those who were present. s Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. Is everywhere rrcognized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that Is pleasant to take. It ia Wet!tallv valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and Is undoubt edly the means of saving the lives of a at niRiiv children each year. For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. Improve the Negro's Condition' By ex-President G'rover Clove- and. It is foolish for us to blind ojr eyes to tbe fact that more should be done to improve the con dition of our neg-o population. It should be entirely plain to all of us that the sooner this is undertaken the sooner will" a seriou duty be discharged and more surely will we gaurd ourselves agaiust .future trouble and danger. If we are to be just and fair toward our colored fellow citizens, and if they are to be more completely made self res pecting, useful and 6afe members of our body politic, they must bo taught to do something more than to hew wood and draw water. The way must be opened for them to engage in eomething better than menial service, and the!r interests must be aroused to rewards of in telligent occupation and careful thrift. T relieve that, the exiirencv can only be adequately met through the inst'umentality of well equipp ed manual training ana inuusiriai aphonia, conducted either indepen dently or in connection with ordin ary educational institutions, x am convinced that good citizenship, an orderly, contented life and a proper coiicepiiuu ui tiviu iiivu" u obligations are almost certain to grow out of a fair chance to earn an honest, hopelul livennooa ana a satisfied sense of secure protection and considerate treatment. The children's service announced to occur at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath evening, is postponed for tbe present Usual services at this churcn both morning and evening. Birthday Party. Wise made a profound impression upon the class and audience and met the high expectations ot an who knew of his great reputation. With burning eloquence and in poetical pictures he pressed upon the graduates the necessity of be ing men and women of "vision" and "character". Music was furnished by the Lucas Orchestra, Normal Ladies' Chorus, and by the soloist, Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. While all were well received,' the superb singing of Madam Bauer was a great treat, for which the good people ot Mon mouth and vicinity must thank the enterprising Music Committee of the Class of 03. Dlp'omss were presented t(7""fhT"22 graduates whose names and addresses are printed elsewhere in this paper. The class of 3903 has certainly sus tained the high standard set by former graduating classes and passes into the history of the Btate Normal School marked by high scholarship, leyal ad herence to its Alma Mater, enterprise and originality. Annual Alumni Reunion. The last function of commencement week was the annual reunion of the Special from Suver. The mnnv friends of Alda Frnm and Minnie Maxfleld. met at the home of Mr. andJJj--4L-ran--tftnicraynn nTof their birthday. Ice cream mid eake were served. Those nresent were Mr. and Mrs. flhamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc Lane and sou, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. rnilins. Mrs. Maxfleld. Mr. and Mrs. vv. J. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. For est, Anna Hecker, Carl DeArmond, Jake Glger, Ralph Collins, Ross Cham berlain, Otto and Marie Steele, Roy and Jessie Frum and Mabel McLane. Tu minimi camDtueeting of the United Evangelical church, which wn4 to have been held at Dallas June 19-20, has been indefinitely postponed on account of the gospel meetings now being held in Dallas. At a called meeting of Holly Hive, si. L. O. T. M.. that order passed feeling resolutions commendatory of nr. Thompson's Sunday Maccabee iHPmorlal service. We regret that space will not permit of pbblication of the resolutions. Several otner aeserv inff Hems are omitted this week for similar reasons. Chamberlain's Stomach "and Liver Tablets are iust what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a baa taste in your mouth. They will improve vmir annetite. eleanse and Invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. ODFttON m Shout Jiifl AND Union Pacific 3 TRAINS FROM PORTLAND DAILY trh Pullman standard and tour- : o,. ra rlailv tn Omaha Chi ton OICCJJIJIJ vu.a . J j V, cago, Spokane ; tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas City ; through Pullman tour ist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to unicago, Kansas v,ny, ou Louis and Memphis; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. dkpart TIME SCHEDULE ABErva D FKOM- Chicago Salt Lake, Denver, Portland it wortn, umana, Gnomal TCansmn Cilv. St. 4 .30 D m 9 -.20 a m via Louis, Chicago and Hunting- H.ast. .. ton. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Vvn.Aca Ff .Omfillft. 8 : 15 p in via Kansas City, St 10:30 a m Hunting- Louis, Chicago ton. ana .ast. St Paul Walla Walla.Lewis Fa8tMail ton.Spokane.Wal 6am via lace, Pullman, Spokane.- Minneapolis, St Paul, Duluth.Mil waukee, Chicago and East. 7:35 am 70 hours. Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Tickets East via all rail or via boat and rail via Portland. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FBOM PORTLAND. 8pm All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco 4pm Sail everv 5 days. Daily except Sunday. 8pm Saturday 10 pm v COLUMBIA BIVCB To Astoria and way 4pm landings. Ex. Sun. AL HERREH, Ag., Independence. t 1 t , r i - if;,