Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 18, 1903, Image 2

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Absolutely Pure
i Social and Personal. !
Stock pasture. C. W. Leonard.
See Messner's special .Saturday.
Children's utationery at Wagon
er's. Me8sner will buy your chittiui
J. M. Stark was in Portland tbis
A new line, if fine box stationery
at Wagoner's.
Miss Pearl Cooper returned Tues
day from Newport.
Come and get your new mail
boxes at Wagoner's.
Miss Fenton, of McMinville, is
visiting in Monmouth. .
Mrs. R. C, French came in from
Weston Friday morning.
A new and neat line of men's
dress shoes at Meesner's.
Harry Oodfelter. of Corvallis,
was in the city lat week.
Miss Pearl Cooper left Friday for
a short vacation at Newport.
W. A. Messner was a business
visitor to Portland this week
Mrs. Will Mattison returned to
her home in Astoria Saturday.
Harry E. Wagoner was a busi
ness visitor to Portland this week
Mrs. J, E. Kirkland was a pass
enrcer to Forest Grove Tuesday afternoon.
Miw. 3essie-Day, of Eugene, is
visiting at the home of G. W.
A nice line of men's and boys'
clothing at Messner's, and the
prices are right.
Do not fail to see that cushion
tired buggy at Frazer & iiiee's.
It is a beauty.
G. V. Kntch moved his barber
shop to his old stand in the hotel
building Friday.
No more mail is carried by the
stage between Monmouth, Indepen
dence and Salem,
Miss Pauline Nesmith, of Rick-
reall, is visiting in Monmouth
coming up Monday.
When in Salem visit Strong's
Restaurant. It is headquarters for
Independence people.
Dougherty, the horseshoer at
Fennell's has had thirty years
experience. Give him a call.
A youDg man desires board and
lodging in pr.ivate residence in this
city. Specify terms and location
of residence. Address A, Enter
prise office.
Saturday's, uneciai at Meaner'.
A new line iu 2"o tablets at
Iiring your butter, eggs, chicken
to Messner.
A. S. Locke returned Tuesday
evening from a several weeks' bus
iness visit to Southern Oregon.
I. C. Mosher, who used to super
intend the Independence race track,
is now living in Los Angeles, Cal.
Anyone wauling new mail boxes
can now purchase them at Wagon
er's stationery store, Independence,
A. M. Scott, who has Iteen visit
ing N" 0. Clodfelter and family, left
Monday afternoon for Ins home in
Pike Ilirschberg is no more.
nhv he was the victim of
poisoning. At any rate he died
last Friday.
Miss Daisy Freeman, after a
week's visit with her cousin, Miss
Lela Herren. returned to her Port
land home Sunday afternoon.
Neville Eldridge is one of the
fastest butter wrappers in the state
of Oregon. He makes things hum
when he is at this kind of work.
A. J. Richardson, of Buena Vista,
whs in Portland last week, where
he had the degrees of the Scottish
Rite Masons conferred upon him.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick, who has been
stopping at the home of Jerome
Dornsife for several months, re
turned to her home in Portland
Tho boys were out Saturday eve
ning with the hose cart, practicing
up for the Fourth. They made
good time in making hydrant con
nections. Mrs. Albert Jessup, of Salem,
is visiting in the city and inciden
tally attending. Monmouth com
mencement exercises. She ia a
graduate of the Normal. .
Walter Lyons, who held the po
sition of secretary to Governor Geer,
was in the city Sunday afternoon,
driving from here to Salem to catch
the overland into Portland.
The steamer Pomona grounded
on the bar at the mouth of the San
tiam river on its up-river trip Sat
urday evening, and remained on it
until Mondav morning. No dam
age was done.
On Saturday, June 20, I will
give a reduction of 20 per cent on
mv entire line of ladies', misses',
childrens', men's and boys' shoes.
This means a great saving on your
shoes. Messner.
Homer Watts, former Monmouth
student, has been elected to the
chair of mathematics in the Ash
land Normal. He is well known
here as a bright, energetic young
( Secretary of State Dunbar in
forms us, by letter, that the Union
Fire Insurance of Chicago, now
doing considerable business in Ore-
i i . .
gon, is a wuacai insurance com
pany, and warns all people against
insuring property in that company.
The Monmouth Woodmen team
is certainly the best drilled team
that organization has in the state.
It won first honors at Dallas, and
last Thursday repeated the perform
ance over all other teams assem
bled at Corvallis. Twice they have
demonstrated their prowess, and by
universal consent should now be
recognized as the best drilled initi
ation team of Woodcraft in Oregon, j
.. i & Kii'O have a necoiiu
hand bupgy for sale cheap. .
Violet Camp No. of If N. A.
will give an ice erf am and straw
berry social in the Suver hall on
the evening of June 20th. Every
body invited.
Claud Hubbard left Monday af
temoon for Portland, returning
Tuesday evening, He Intended
taking a steamer for San Francisco,
but has delayed hi trip until Sat
urday. For Bale 11 head of shouts, 0
pigs, two months old, 2 cows, II
head yearling calves, 1 calf four
months old. Enquire of Claude
Kurre, two miles south of Inde
pendence. The best horseshoer in the county
at Fennell's. Also a first-clus
tor nnil wnod worker will
be found in this shop at all timei
Prices the lowest. Horseshoein
SI AO fitr niiw shoes. We are not
in nn d will be in no combination
At the meeting of the legal voters
of School Hist. No. 2D, Monday ev
ning, A. S. Locke and C. W. Irvine
were re-elected director and clerk
respectively. It was further agreed
that next year's school year bhoul
consist of nine months.
The last dance given by the or
chestra this season will be held at
the Auditorium Saturday evenin
immediately after the band concert
An orchestra of five pieces will fur
nish niush. Motor will return to
Monmouth after the dance. Are
you going to be there?
C. 13. Cochran, of Sidr.ey, was i
town Monday, endeavoring to se
cure co-operation for a rural free
delivery to Sidney from here. I he
road to this point will be construct
ed in the near future. It is hardly
necessary to add that he met with
every encouragement from our cit
The motor engine refuned
properly perform its work Satur
day evening, and as a result th
other engine had to go out to Airlie
and bring back the train. This
occasioned a delay of a couple
of hours in the Dallas trip. Few
small engines do the daily work
that the motor engine performs
Miss Kathryne Ketchura, of Mt,
Ice Cream
All Amounts.
Owing to tho extreme hot weather last week, we
unable to supply the demand lor I.e. Cream In hulk.
re now ready for all calls iu in.t any amounts. .
Harry E. Wagoner,
Confectioner, Independence, Ore.
the few in the state upon whom
has been conferred a diploma for
penmanship from Prof. A. N
Palmer, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Prof. Palmer praised Miss Ketch um
highly for her easy, rapid and firm
movement. Mies Ketchum is the
eldest daughter of Dr. E. L. Ketch
um, of Independence.
The light draft ideal Deering
mower is the only mower hav
ing both roller and ball bearing,
Is heavier built and has wider
frame than any other mower on
the market. Sold by K. M
Wade & Co., agents for Deering
Have You Seen the Sea Serpent?
Watcli for the unique and catchy
pamphlet just issued by the gen
eral passenger department of the
Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Co., which tells a little sum
mer tale about the summer girls
sea serpents and sunsets at Seaside.
The story is short but well told
and handsomely illustrated. Place
your order early and avoid the
July run. Copies mailed free up
on application to J. C. Mayo,
G. F. and P. A., Astoria, Ore.
M Vena Coir Mine la today '""
tireat Full", Montana.
Mr. J. P. Irvine visited relative In
Pallas the flrst of the week.
Travis Mclh'vltt, now stationed at
Medford, U visltluK In the e"y-
The iiIkIiI telephone service started
hud evening. Ml- Hl'e rv""
JU-v, H. J. Kelley attended a meet
lugof the board of trustee of Pallti
college Tuesday.
J. II. Hawley, of Monmouth, le
turtied this week from a tri Into the
Alberta country.
Mrt. J. K. Hale returned to her
home In llsaer City today utter a visit
with relatives and friends In Mon
mouth and Iudeoiideiiee.
W. R. ALLIN, D. dTsT
Ihiluteu KUrni'llou
' Hulldim,
Imli'iwtiddMii, it,
In the awful lleppiier cauutmpbt
th live uf a few relative of ludtpct.
deuce hm)iI were (net, ( scrim (w
imu that Mr. Ilodglti, for year i n
Idetilof tin place, was caught la Un
flood. Kli I among (tie iuMn. A
Mr. Jours and family, relatives of lb
Jones here, were drowned, and V, A.
Gray left Monday viiintc I"' Mpp
lier In reHnw to a telegram iuitjot
clng death of an uncle and hail!;.
In a moment ot such awful sufhriD,
public sentiment iitilokly rmpooifc
I have (mtu red tho agency for th I and It I earueatly solicited that tf4
Warner rust proof corset, the wt
and moat serviceable corset made.
Having Just received a khljinent I am
now able to show the best and most
popular style. Call and examine
them. W. A. Messner.
J. A. Hyers, commencing this morn
ing, starts a stage line between Moo
mouth, Independence and Sulrm. II
Is an old hand at the business, and
will no doubt meet with success. His
hours of leaving Bt present will lie 8
A. M. for Mem and returning leave
Salem at 1 P. M.
Commencement exercise were held
at Dallas college this week, l'rof.
U. Kantner, musicul director of the
college, banded in his resignation last
Tuesday. Prof. Kantner desire to
spend his time for awhile In composi
tion work and self Improvement.
Mrs. May Bowden-Habbltt has been
tendered the chair of music at th
Dallus college, and Mis Florence How-
den as assistant. Neither of the lml It's
have decided to acsept the position.
We should regret to aeeelMerl.eav.fl..
ndependence, and sincerely trust
conditions may shape themselves to
have them remain lu our midst.
An exceedingly pleasant surprise
was tendered W. A. Messner Tuesday
evening, the occasion being the anni
versary of hi natal day. A number
of friends were Invited In and pro
gressive whist was the order until a
late hour. Mr. 0. I). Hutler carried
away first prize, while George L, Hur
ton captured the booby. Delicious re
freshments were served at an appro
priate hour.
attendance of cltlxen b prem-tit at U
tua met-ting this evening, of abiei
announcement appear In snot liar e J-uiun.
She ts y?pcade,
Davidtor? & Hdqs. Prop.
CiirnrH, Oiirif.t tti.Tobm
coH ami Conlin'tionery.
Fihst Class Hon Fouxtaw a
Raqc you Decided
To come and celebrate
With us on the 4th?
Thin is the day we want yoa to
take advantage of our bargain!
on watche. l.ook at the)
prices: A (Sent1 GojdJ!!ej
VateiT for 8o7ToToO, 12.00,
13.00, 14.00, 1.00 and tip.
Ladies' Gold Filled Walchel
7.M, 8.25, 8.75, 11.25, 12.00,
13.00, and np to 80.00. If you
will look these watche over yoa
will find that they are bargaini
Ht these price. Let ui l
them to you.
Yours For Watches,
Kramer $ o.
J Package of Prevention
la worth a barrel of cure. Trj a package of
Security Stock Food
and bo convinced.
A full lino of Security Stock Rembedies for
sale by '
A. S. Locke,
tel. The Prescription Druggist.