INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE AND WEST SIDE. STII YKAK. INDEPENDENCE, I'OLK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 18, 1903. NUMBER 29 ommencement Week. enty-First Annual Commencement Exercises Were Held At Monmouth This Week. abbi $. Wise, of Portland, Delivered tbe Address. Lerciscs Were Exceedingly Interesting and of a High Order of Merit. HucTNPriil Y'r. . t B ti II 1 1 U I finilla cfoirnt of the Oregon htate O.l. ...... I Uu mM lnl.l Ma. Tb "majority" year ia i lucci'nnful one in many The student body ha Wn . - . i 1 1 tat, industrious ana loyai. Uwti littlo mcknes. but one br of thu faculty lowing any ttnJan uniiHUnlly umali tium ,.f the to.l-iitK. No epidemic UK fever or contagi ju !- ban occurred, and tho imlu it climate of I'olk county re I an important asset of tho in ;llun. ith r-Kr! to tho work anil lard of tho Normal Bchool at mouth, it may bo said to its ttbat it does not cater to the of student attracted eluding Wallowa, Union, Baker and Umatilla in the extreme north eastern part of tho Htate, and liar nry, Lake and Klamath in tho Southern part. Of the present graduation clans, four are residents of I'olk county, three ol Lane, two of Washington, two of Yamhill and one each of Wasco, Gilliam, Union, Marion, Umatilla, Benton, Tillamook, Linn, Lincoln and Multnomah. Twelve of the 22 graduate are teachers of some ex perience and hold either state or fimt grade county certificates. The majority of tho class have already accepted appointments for next year. The propped for next year is ex ceedingly bright. Tho mail has already brought notice ofanura- next year, by the: her of new students for i 4 jr,Mwr' I T7- i j if ise of short courses and easy ViinationH. There is no effort e to draw student except such intend to become teathers or a thorough scholastic train the academic studies in H ill a Leaehnr' certificate. Monaiouth school still remains Inly state normal that confines to the preparation ol teachers ! exclusion of business courses, furuental music, college pre- lnry courses and the like. No 1 this is the reason for its fS hold upon the state at large ?ti high standing with tho edu- r of the stato. total enrollment for the i't year is 214, (5!) boys and I'fls, none of whom were enter- the Training nnnrtment. o l tal would be nearly doubled enrollment of the Training "iment. about 200. were in while an unusually large number of old students have signified their intention of returning. The new catalogues are being distributed this week and other preparations are well under way looking to an active summer's work for this mi 1. 11 lorTina Kpn- BChOOl. 1H8 mil l"i"J '"b" ' tern ber 22. The District Attorney." A a fitting nrelude to com tnencement, the Normal Dramatio (Muh nut on the boards at the b intensely interesting drama, "The District Attorney." The play illustrates in a dramatic way the public and priyate work ing of the political ring in New York City, and its plot compols at throughout. The stage setting, beautiful drop curtain and setting, "i- - nf electric footlights were worthy of the play, and completely the chapel to a theatre. The sale ... uuuUfc iWj "f""" 0f reserveu seats --- k. aa .1 .i, , .1 i,0f olmost every per- 1. .o u jiio 1,11 Buiui) nuici iceill'lllnl. ou i - - 5l'U l. im . - . . I . ooz-ni-mi one. ine t- ine catalogue for this, son present u YT fu' wnwh io ... i j:..ju...j rnanei who wh"" " io nj UD uto tl 1 iru YTU . v r "eek, shows that tho Mon h chol is not n. local institu five other punties being represented, in- full and there were many ' i Some idea of the and 'ence can be had by the financial result which reached 125. W. II. Rutherford, ss the district attorney, made a decided hit. He acted and looked the part of the honest lawyer to perfection and shone particularly in hia fierce con flict between love, friendship and the promptings of a kind heart on one side against stern duty on the other. E. S. Evenden, as Mathew P.rain erd, a prominent millionaire mem ber of "tho rine." was all that could be desired. The exposition of tho passions of hate and avarice and ot fear and exultation left little to be desired. He was a fine old villain. J. B. V. Butler, as Gen. Ruggles, editor and reformer, sustained tie high reputation which he has. earned In former plays. The char acter seemed to have been cast es pecially for him and he delighted everybody. Comparisons are odious, especial ly among such players as appeared in this play, but we may be in dulged in saying that Wm. Metz ger, as Wellington Gridley, would have done credit to the best pro fessional troupe. A. C. Hampton, as Pierson, the convict; H. H. Belt, as Daniel Mc- Grath, the boodler; G. N. Mur dock, in the double cast of Holt, tho athlete, and Corrigan, and in fact, all deserve much credit. As to the ladies, Miss Boatman, ait Grace Brainerd, was charming. She has an enviable reputation in matters of this kind which she fully sustained on this occasion Miss Edith Owen, as Madge Brain erd, sister of Grace, was charming, and could not well have been im proved upon. She and Gridley were the lovers and "all the world loves a lover." This audience was no exception. Miss Vernon, as Helen Knight portrayed a high order of dramatic talent. It was impossible not to believe that she was terribly in earnest. Miss Paldanius, as Elise, made a charming maid. Baccalaureate Services. The audience which greeted Rey. D. V. Toling, of The Dalles, Sun day morning taxed the capacity of the chapel. The sermon was elo quent, eane and practical. Self stud, self realization and self com munion were the key words. The musio under the direction of Miss Hit-inns was especially good, in cluding the voluntary and prelude by Mrs. Babbitt, who also played the accompaniments. Anthem and response by quartette com posed of Mrs. A. F. Campbell and Mrs. J. M. Powell ana juessrs. Ressler and Powell; a .beautiful solo by Miss Higgins. in which her voice was never heard to better ad vantage; and two familiar hymns in which the audience heartily joined. Prof. Buckham, Ber. Wig' more, Rev, Allen and Dr. Thomp son assisted in the services. The decorations in cut flowers and ferns were simple and elegant. The stago was occupied by the members of the faculty, the senioi class and visiting clergymen. Cloning Chapel Kxerclsefl. Monday morning at 9 o'clock the school assembled in the chapel for the last time this year as a body. The students assembled and march ed in by classes, the seniors lead ing. It was very gratifying to see what a large number had remained to enjoy the commencement festivi ties, probably 125 being present on this occasion. A few visitors and townspeople were also present. The program was carried out as follows: Hymn by school, "Lead Kindly Light;" scripture and prayer, rrolessor jsucitnam; song by school, "Come, Come Away." President Ressler then introduced his frieDd. Mr. Nash, of Portland, who delighted the students with a talk on "Classic Music." which he illustrated by playing on the piano selections by Schubert, Schumann and Chopin. His artistic playing was deeply appreciated by facu.ty and students. Mr. Ressler and Miss Higgins then sang a duet en titled "At Parting." The presi dent then gave a short resume of the year's work, commending many features and pointing out how im provements maybe made another year in certain matters. Ho then announced plans for the future growth of the school and wished all a pleasant and profitable vaca tion. The students then marched out to music and the faculty went into executiye session. Class Day. The following program was well rendered by the senior class Mon day afternoon: NORMAL CHAPEL. Overture, by orchestra; AddresB of welcome, Estella Robbins; Ora tion." Heroes of Science," .Squire Whitman; Vocal solo, Miss Hig gins; Oration, "Col. John Laurens, Patriot," Orrin Byers; Oration, "Cecil Rhodes, the Man and His Work," Robena Smith; Vocal duet. Miss Higgins and Mr. Ressler; Oration, "The Homeric Age " Greg ory Ziegler; Class song, Crystol Laughlin; Presentation of class gift, Mary Wetherbee; Music by orchestra. NORMAL GROUNDS. 1, Daisy chain march; 2, plant ing of vine; 3, presentation of spade, by Mollio Petre; 4, flag song; o, "Kequiescai in x ace; o, farewoll song. The class gift is an engraved copy of the famed Sistine Madonna by Raphael, artistically framed and making a choice - addition to the growing number of beautiful pictures presented by former classes. Old Students Reunion. Rain prevented the carrying out of the promenade concert in the grove on the campus. However, the energetic committees of the Freshman and Junior classes quickly changed the plans and the exercises were held in the chapel. There was a short formal program as an introductory, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, an ddressof wjlcotns by Prof. Ress ler and responses by several former students. The remainder of the evening was ppent in renewing old acquaintances and exchanging ex periences since school days, inter spersed with marches, games, etc. The Lucas orchestra furnished ex cellent music. The Class Itreakfast. Perhaps the June commence ment will include no daintier fea ture than the breakfast given by President Ressler to the graduating class. In response to invitation! received several days beJore the seniors repaired to the pleasant home of Mrs. Cattron at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning, The dining room was charming in its decora tions of roses and sweet peas so charming that one almost forgot his physical wants in the gratifica tion of his aesthetic. However, the strawberries were so delicious, the salad so appetizing, the chicken so tender, the ice cream eo tempt ing and the laughter and jollity so contagious that for two hours the flowers were but an unconscious in fluence. At about 11 good morn ings were said, happy hearts passed through the gate and the benior breakfast was a delightful memory. The Begents Meeting. The president of the board of re gents. Judge Schofield, of Cornelius, called the board to order at 2 P. M. Tuesday, the following addi tional members being present: A. Noltner, Portland; Secretary Dun bar, Justice Wolverton and Dr. Calbreath, Salem; S. B. Eakin, Eugene; Judge Flynn, Albany; and J. B. V. Butler, Monmouth. The absent members were Gov. Cham berlain and Supt. Ackerman, Sa lem; 0. A. Paxton, Portland; Ben jamin Young, Astoria. Among other important business transacted was the election of fac ulty, all the present . members be ing chosen except Mrs. French, teacher of biology and chemistry,' and Miss Higgins, teacher of draw ing and masic, both of whom re signed. Mr, W. H. Mahoney, who has been a critic in the Training Department during the past year, was selected for the position va cated by Mrs. French. The suc cessor of Misa Higgin3 is Miss Dorothea Nash, formerly teacher of drawing and music in the Agri cultural College at Corvallis. and for the past three years a student in England and Germany. Before going abroad Miss Nash was recog nized as one of the most gifted pianists among the younger musi cians of Oregon, and with the study and prestige of foreign residence, she will at once take rank with the leading musicians in the state. The salary of the secretary and librarian was raised $200 and a number of appropriations allowed fnr lihrarv. aDDaratus and repairs and improvements. The old ofli- .f j ' i j Cer8 01 ine DOara wero re-eieuieu. ,.i-.v Field Sports. Tha ruin interfered somewhat '"X A with tVA order of exercises for. va'i&ol T,.oJii nflornnnn it hincr neCeS- .Iro sary to cut out the track and neld;, B9l a (Continued on page aj jflo eanq