1 TIJE OLD RELIABLE Oji) FOOTER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTI TUTC rSocial and Personal. 2 C. W. Leonard Falls Citv next Stock pasture. Excursion to Sunday. Chas. Collins went to Portland Sunday. Louie Wiprut Bpent Sunday in Albany. Chas. O'Brien, of Salem, was in town Monday. Dr. Woods, of Dallas, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Owen were in Portland Snndiy. Fresh salted peanuts and al monds at Wagoner's. t Deputy Sheriff Hayter was on our streets Tuesday. F. A. Douty was a passenser to Portland Tuesday. Oliver Smith was in Portland the first of the week. Who's Dougherty? He is Fen- nell's expert horseshoer. T. G. Fisher spent Sunday with his family in Portland. Dougherty, the horseshoer, with Fennell, the blacksmith. T. J. Newell, of this city, was in Portland during the week. The motor will run an excursion to Falls City next Sunday. Mi"8 Lulu Robertson was a pas senger to Portland Saturday. I. Dickinson is putting an ddition to the front of his barn .,,WnL'MnrjMW OU1WON INDKrKXDI'NGK ENTWVTKlbt;, hum i ...,l nrker in town b t Hdli.rdA Tilt Hehaaa full ana w'r" " . ttre Salem soap. Give it a thorough trial. Stock pastured. Esquire of U. G. Heffley, Monmouth, Oregon. J. H. Hawley. of Monmouth, was a Portland visitor this week. Some sixty tickets were sold for the excursion Sunday to Portland. "The motor was crowded on its trips the first day of the carnival. Mrs. Clabe Richardson returned Saturday from a visit in Portland. Hilliard & Plymale are the old reliable sts ndbysin the blacksmith Miss Lettie Masterson returned this morning from a visit in Al bany. Mrs. Julia Douty passed through town Tuesday on her way to Port land. Norval Atkins, station agent at Forest Grove, was in town this week. Asa Robinson is visiting his folks here. He is now stationed at Iloquiam, Wash., but has been to Eastern Oregon on business. Try.our fine tallies. Wagoner. Cleva Robinson returned Tues day evening from a abort visit in Portland. MUs Kmuerjn, of Sheridan, in visiting at the home of John Dickinson. Miss IWtha Gwinn returned on Wednesday afternoon from Mt. Angel college. President E. P. Ucssler. of Mon mouth, was a passenger to Port land Tuesday. The Rebekah lodge cleared the neat sum of 40 on their dance Friday evening. Mr. JaeobBon, former assistant at the depot here, is now stationed at Cottage Grove. Miss Vanche Dickinson left Tuesday for Seattle, where she will spend the summer. Several ice cream dishers for sale at Wagoner's for 25 cents each. Good for home use. You, will be satisfied with the work of Doucherty. the horseshoer, with Thos. Fennell. When in Sdetu vis't Strong's Restauraut. It is headquarters for Independence people. Clare Irvine was among those who took advantage of the Sunday excursion to Portland. Mrs. U. G. Ilellley and her brother-in-law, Joe Douglas, were Salem visitors Wednesday. Curt Hawley, of McCoy, was in town Sunday on his way to Mon mouth to visit his parents. A new firm is to open a saloon in the Palace hotel building. The room is being put in shape. Chester Stumberg was up from Portland to spend Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riddle, of! Monmouth, were incoming passen gers on the boit this incoming. A number of lanjo peanut sacks for sale at 5 cents each at Wag oner s. f ine tor cnittim oai'K. Mr. Babcock returned to his home in McMinnville Monday after a short visit with I. Dickinson and family, The Independence and Mon. mout'i motor is making round trips from McMinnville to Dallas during Mlsa Iva Burton was a passen ger to Cjrvallie Saturday, return ing home Monday. Mr. II. W. Murphy, of thi city, was registered at the Perkins hotel in Portland Sunday. Horseshoeing laour specialty and we will take a back seat to no man living in thi line. Milliard A Plymale, Independence. Mrs. J. F.O'Donnell and little daughter, of Portland, visited in Independence and Monmouth last week, returning home Sunday. New magazines for June now on sale at Wagoner's Ladies' Home Journal, Frank Leslies, Munsey, Argosy, Strand and Cosmopolitan. Invitations are out for the wed ding of Miss Haltie Jones, of this city, and Mr. Corwin A. Towusend, of Portland, on Wednesday, June 17. The Woodman Circle of th's city, is to unveil the monument at the grave of the late Mrs. Petor Kurre, Sunday, June' 14, at the I. 0. O. F. cemetery. Miss Maude Brant is working in the telephone oflice in Portland. Recently Mrs. Brant returned from Alaska. They are former residents of Independence. Dr. W. R. Aliin's left optic collided with a tennis ball last Thursday evening and he had to carry the injured member in a "sling" several days. Howard Gwinn left this week for Hecketaltead light house, which is located over on the coast. H has work on a new wagon road that is being put in there. ' Harmless sheep marking liquid stays in with the weather, ' washes out in the scouring; will increase the selling value of every fleece. Now on sale at Frazer & Rice's. Hilliard & Plymale invite a comparison of their work with the best turned out of tiny blacksmith shop. Then ihey aik you to ascer tain prices. Work best, prices lowest. Miss Nellie Burke left Monday for Portland. F rom there she will go to The Dalles to visit until the first of August, after which she will go to Long Beach for the summer. of wood for M rriaj. "W! ..-.-1 i.bi imr. Workmanship unexcelled. See him. Dr. K. J. Milltr !' if,' of "f,r Chicago, arrived hero Saturday to Visit with the family of l)il k,u ion. They have been visiting on the Sound and will go from hereto Los Angeles, California. Fnuer A Rice have received thia week a new lot of buggies, some styles that have never been carried in stock in town Mot. They would be pleased to have you look at them whether you buy or not. Polk County Pomona Grange will meet with Highland Grange on Wednesday, June 10, at 10 A. M. Business of importance ia to be transacted and a full attendance is urged. Marion Smith, master. Mrs. J. E. Hale, of Baker City, and her brother, Milford Thorp, of Thorp, Wash., are visiting friend in Monmouth and Independence. Both are former residents of this place. Miss Patience Cooper left Satur day for Portland ai.d Hood River. Friday of this week she expect to leave Seattle for Alaska to spend the summer with Miss Ann Maun. They will return home together. . A test was made Tuesday even ing of the new water mains on Main street. The stream of water was forced !0 feel high. The gov ernment test of this water funis it to be ."SO jHr cent purer than any in the slate. Moore's Hair Invigorator ami llerpioido are the world's greatest scalp cleansers and hair invigor- :itors. I nth are lor sa e at J. w. Moore's barber have Mr. Moore PROFESSIONAL CARDS, W. R.ALJLIN.D.D.S. ...Dentist... l-lllllraa KltntelloB S'lIIJf. Cm, im to. . IlllltltM... . A rather aenaatioiial evmt J :i i.. i it.i .. . I'urrru m mn u una morning ' I tercutlona between A, V, 8ui bury and II. U Sselsy led al discharge of a gun In Stanton', hands, accidentally, o iha party ayi. We understand (j matter ia to he brought bfur tb, proper authorities and ai, , not exactly famaliar with tbcii cuuistancea we refrain from nmi. tioning contradictory uVuili otl2 ... . i sucn unto as mey are prnjw;,j brought to light. List A Hinull Line Australia Shopiiid dotf eix innutlii old Last hccn mar Burin XI;! m liiiicrui reward lor return of same to hvtiu hvnns, Parker On ('apt. Ogdeii, novcriueiit es- t! nicer, wns in the city TuwJm reports the work on the rH input a progica eing nkelr A crew of some 25 wen at the present time. About -0 young men fnnula Corvallis Agricultural Colltgf, k coinpanieil by three of the prof aors, came down this morning ot the freight and proceeded to tb Johnnie Stump farm to faniiiurin themselves with his fine V. They returned here and had lunck alter which they took lheana train o North Vninbill to tisttl. linn stock fiirm owned by the LJ! of Portland. 1 hen they sn- is vi-it MiniUr farms at Rendtiiit and Milwaukee, returning to Cot- vallis Sunday. -These young um Shop. Call and! "laKll.g a special eiuuy u. 1114 give an npp!i'a-j line ol industry, and Prof. Witht- tiou of either n ineIy and you will 1 comb is the teacher in chir never be without one or the other, Sammy D.iiimii, ol thi ciiy, ie ot , , , df the young men on the trip K. ('. hldndge returned home! ' Sunday from a ten days' trip upi iolic. the valley from Jfll'erson to Ku-! gene. Mr. Khlridge received nine head of line milk cows that he pur- H. M. Lines, who is living in "The carnival. Miss Grace Damon and Miss Leona Ryan, two of the capital city young ladiea. were in Independence over Friday night. Mrs. Fred Hooper was a passen ger to Dallas Tuesday evening. She is one of the maids of honor for the Dallas carnival. Grant Robertson, after a several months' stay witn his brother, Oris, in Eastern Oregon, returned home Tuesday evening. Portland, recently took charge of a crew on a railroad in Utah for the summer. The position is a good one. n is xamuy win remain in Portland. Prof. D. Simpson is teaching in the Training 'Department of the Normal at Monmouth, As soon as school is out he will go to Sa lem, where he will attend school this summer. Evangelistic meetings are being conducted by Rev. G. II. Phelps, of TTilluhnrrt at ATnrtltt (.rrivn I ,pw. One three-gallon ice cream freez- . ... '. ... , , " lsvilie, and will continue to June er in good shape for sale at Wag oner's for only $1.50. Also one two-gallon freezer for if 1.00. Call and eee the new line of ladies' oxfords and strap sandals, also Misses' and children's slippers in red and black at Messner's. Mrs. Oliver Locke returned to her home in Salem this morning after a eeveral days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Damon. George Linville and daughter, Miss Ada, returned to their home in Portland Monday after a visit with J. S. Bobannon and family. 17. All are welcome to attend these meetings. Notice to Masons: At the meet ing Saturday evening the M. M. de gree will be conferred. All visiting and brother Masons are solicited to be in attendance. Never has the appearance of our naturally beautiful city appeared to such advantage as at the present time. We pity indeed the person who can walk about our town and not admire the foliage and lovely appearance in general of our town. diaied while away in Linn county and has brought them down here to sell to his customers. He re ports his Jefferson creamery a big success. Mrs. S.E.Owen and Mr A. S Loc k e fmjerJjijjjeiltLjj membi'iM of' The iadies' reading club at the home of the lattei last Thursday evening. The house was beautifully decorat ed with a profusion of roses. The reading of "Lovey Mary" by Mi8 Burke, Miss Dickinson, Mrs. Geo. Burton and Miss Edith Owen was the amusement of the eycuing, after which dainty refreshments were served. The evening proved a very enjoyoblo one for thr largo membership present. The steam baler will lie int! held and ready to bale on loon w the hay crop is ready. G. L. IU:D. Notice. Owing to ttouble in collecting outstanding accounts mvworknill ii&Tiricliy cash irom this date. T. B. Cr.KViNi.Kii, Boot anil shoe maker, lmlepM- deuce, Oregon. She ts pcade, Dovidso? & Hedge, Propi- "' " " OiBsux, Citr.-u-ctt o. Tobac co and Confectionery. Fiiist Class Soda Focntais h Connection. IV in in IN IN IN IN IN IN AN Itiiiii&i''iiJii-N-N-N-vx-vx.x-N'N SQUIRRELS Have you ot Vm? Don't you -want 'em? If not use Boss Squirrel Poison Each and every can guaranteed. A. S. Locke, The Prescription Druggist. Mi P . - r--.-... ",uyy0ll