INDKPKNDKKOK KNTKIU'KfSK, INPHPKNDKNCK, OHK GON ,89999989898898988 8 8998889999998898988 eO SUCCESSOR TO J. TV. MILLS. We are constantly adding now linos to our stock and giving prices that suit. (Jive us a trial and you need go' no farther to buy, as we can please you. ) Neckwear. ) When it conies to Hum's neckweur we t'.rc ) it- ) Straw Goods. We have tlto tet lino of men's and boys' Straw und Canvas Hats ver shown liere. Clothing. We have just received a new addition to our stock of Clothing and can now show some of the best patterns,and values in town. ' f W an u'lilfhiiu' overv train. expectinc a i new line o! men's droit hocs, something new j We have a new line of the latest shapes in Hats. Come and see and up-to-date, never shown in Independence. HATS. itest sh them. Groceries and Produce. V - '' Driiicr us your Produce. We will pay you top price in trade. 0 -.9 ItL'I'.S A VIST A Charles I'.rown U-ft Mommy WuMport. !rs. K'l Prather visited in In- ndenco Monday. Miss M.'J. !-' wns nn Imle- ulence visitor Mondiiy. Mrs. Oliver I lull, of Wells, wns uena visitor Friday nnd Sat-ay. William Hall urrived hist week fin Olex Oregon," for a visit ill relatives in this section. SMr.and Mrs. flu 8 Pagcnkolf 'tided a lecture nt tho Artisan I'lnember tho bit exercises at com tnence the Buena Mr. Sperling, the Indepen dence butcher, was in Buena Wednesday seeking buy fat cattle for the block. A. K. Murphy and family of Crawfordsville, were guests from Friday until Sunday of Prof. B. L. Murphy- The gentlemen are brothers. V'ill Adams, Buena's rustling carpenter nnd paper-hanger, left this week to begin the erection of u nice dwelling house for Edward Pngot, near Albany. James Prather and family wero Poriuidjjsitorshist week. Mr. and Mrs. Prather were dele gates to the Odd Fellows and Pvebekah Grand Lodgo, respect- la school house, this, Friday, j jvely mng. larenco Kays returnod to na Vista this week from the mbecker logging camp, near rvallis. ptrs. Surah Baldwin, one of "iia's most respected pioneers, nt Wednesday with relatives I'entoa county. ' l.F.lIull, a former resident of na Vista but now of Oregon y, arrived last week for a so rn with relatives. Franinnir xi o ....Paper We carry fourteen vari eties nnd ten weights of wrapping paper. We lwayg have what you ant. (Jet our prices. fo. F.Rodgers& Co- Whoiesaie Paper Dealers Salem, Oregon. It mnv be of interest to Polk countv. dairymen to learn that a sale of 80 head of dairy cows is to take place Juno 1st, on the Aldrich ranch, about one and a half miles southwest of Co rvalhs. The milk wagon that has for years been run between Buena Vista and Independence has dis continued its daily service and will hereafter make but three trips per week, to take in separat ed cream. J Richardson returned from Portland Friday. He states that the president's' appearance in the metropolis was made he occasion of a magnificent display and that the sight was one to be remembered. Among the Buena contingent who viewed, real H present at Salem Thursday, were Elmer Hall and family, Mrs. J. H. Knighton and son, Prof. B. L. Murphy and family, Newt Prather and family and others. Three hundred and sixty five dozen eggs and 120 pounds of butter shipped in one day from a village liko Buena Vista is surely an exceptionally good showing. It happened one day last week and Earnest Cole, of the cash store, was the shipper. Grading on the road between Buena and the Luckiamute bridge was completed Tuesday, and graveling the grade began Widiiesday, A4-exeHtnTt jxrl has been done on this strip of! highway and the traveling pub lic will doubtless feel sincerely grateful to Supervisor E. N. Hall and his able assistants. There is to be another effort nut forth to clean up the local cemetry and Memorial Day has been chosen for the work. While to us it would seem much more desirable and fitting that another than Memorial Day be devoted to this job, it is probably better than allowing the grounds to remain uncared for, and every one is requested to come early. Bring lunch baskets and imple ments with which to work for there is work for all hands. TENTH Correspondents' Contest On April 1st, we commenced our Tenth Correspondents' Contest and on Friday, July 81, 1003, at 6:00 P. M. we will close it. We offer as premiums the following articles, selected by the Correspondents' themselves; FIRST PRIZE .A handsome, well-upholstered, velvet Couch SECOND PRIZE '. A lovely Pictare THIRD PRIZE A fine Students' Lamp FOURTH PRIZE A good set of Ping Pong. FIFTH PRIZE.. A Copyrighted Book SIXTH PRIZE Ladies Home Journal SEVENTH PRIZE Isdepkndknub Entbkpbisb to any address for one year CONDITIONS. Wa n ted Several persofts of char aeter and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to repre aent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid finan cial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable In cash direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage fur nished when necessary. Referencea Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colo nial Co.. 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. We want all the news that happens in Polk County and we want the Exteb- fkisk to visit every family in the county. We want to help you and we want yon to help us. Our interests are mutual. We will give points as follows: One point for every item of news worthy of publication. 25 points for every article worthy of a eeperate head. If an article be specially meritorious or start ling in the sight of the manager of this department an extra 15 points will be given. For every new yearly subscription so points. or every yearly renewal 75 points. For a subscription three months 2o points; six months and less man a year 35 points. For every dollar's worth Advertisement or Job Work we give 50 points, and we will gladly furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are going to make a campaign for some new correspondents, and we will announce at times the places in this column. Watch for them, as we will make it to your interest to secure representatives in the sections we want represented. Other features will be announced along. HOW YOU STAND. Each week we will announce in this column your points. No article is credited until after it appears in the paper, although subscriptions and points secured in other ways will be announced as they come in. We want to keep everything fair and straight and if you think an error has occurred in your points write us within the week following and we will make thorough investigation. Buena Vista, H 75 Airlie,P ' 751 Monmouth, II . - 829 Parker ....815 Sliver 381 Antioch 216 Monmouth, B 6 Lewisville 1- Rickreall, C Highlands, D 92 f ) i ; 1 "2 1' nno v'n; -------- - Monmouth, A w Sunny Slope Ballston;... 49 39