Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 28, 1903, Image 3

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0 CD TD'n) TDT) O
i Buggies, Carriages and
1 W havo 1 1 1 i b Hprinj adhl to our lint of vehicle tlio celclirated Jv
' (M.AKK ItU(i(iIKS. TIh-ho lufrgie have iron corners, arwl aro made es- M
iiecially for tho Pacific count trade They are stronger in every particular 3
I than tho ordinary lmpny. We ask you toYxuinim; them. They are all right. Jv
l I A All! ll I .11' J t t .1 1 1 .
i 1 no lau'Ki inuiR in mo wncei line, tici a ruiye)cio aim uo in tlio lead j
Our htock in oinjlete in the liieydo Him.'h. Wo can furnish you a wheel
from $10 ui.
American Field Fence, tho Htrongcht who fonco on the market. Jv
( Don't huv a light wire fence when you can get the heavy American at a leas
V price Vu havo already HhipK-(l in tw( car loai'.s of this fence this spring. &
It tulkrt for itnelf For nalo hy JV
R. IA. WADE 5i GO. J
Next Tuesday the delegation of
German agriculturists will be in
Independence to spend a half hour.
Thin will be the only stop of the
special train made between Cor
vallis am Portland. In this party
will be many . eminent Germane
As a dispatch- from San Francisco
puts it: "It is safe to Bay that
never at ono time hag fan Fran
ciwco been visited by so many titled
foreigners." In the partv will be
a member of the German embassy
at Washington, also I. II. Shulte,
liHHintant agriculturist of tho experi
ment station of the U. S. depart
ment of agriculture. A prominent
member of the delegation is Ilerr
Erich von Fluegge, of Spec, Pom
erania, owner of 12,000 acres, and
soii-jn-law of Commissioner A.
Schluton, president of the Vulcan
Shipbuilding Company, of Stelliri.
Suitable entertainment ia being
prepared for their stay here.
Notice to Wool Growers.
Scott Jacobs, of Portland, is in
!,e city today.
K, Wid and wife, of Stiver,
av moved to Independence
T. H. t'levenner was conllned to
h hue thro day this week
ilh la grippe.
David Calbreatli baa bad trout
of his own and was unable to
-ooli part of the week.
J. F Wright, of Hauling, Ne
wsies, arrived Tuesday to visit
iuUter, Mrs. A. VV Stansbury.
Memorial Sunday was fittingly
l!mtl here lust Sunday. Kev.
I'.. Kt'lley. of tho Evangelical
church, preached the sermon. The
services assumed a union nnture,
all the conuregations meeting to
make it a succeHS.
Kev E. 0. Wigtnore, of Mon
mouth, was a passenger on the
north-bound train Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Todd and
daughter, Miss Fay, visited at the
home of Mrs. P. K. Burnett Wed
nesday. Mrs. W. (. Crescy was in Cor
yalli Tuesday to close a deal
whereby she sold SO acres there
for 12500.
X. Dornsife, who has been visit
ing his brother. Jerome, returned
this week to his home in Crook
Mrs. Hattie Wells has returned
to her home in San Francisco after
a several weeks' visit with ber
parents. Mr. anil Mrs. I. Claggett.
A baby girl arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Wilcox, at
Pendleton, this week. They are
former residents of Independence.
Hilliard fc Plymale are the old
reliable sUndbys in the blacksmith
line m Independence. They do
the lxjst work in the county.
North end of Main street.
Wm. Riddell, of Monmouth,
4 shipped a pair of registered goats
to Lake Valley, New Mexico, Tues
day. Hardly a week passes with
out a shipment being made of Polk
county goats, the equal of any in
the world.
I will be at Airlie on next Mon
; day to receive wool, As we were
1 unable to get the warehouse at
; Airlie I have made arrangements
) to Veigh into a car and bring it
!down to our Dallas warehouse
without any expense to growers.
Those who have not sheared yet
and will not be ready by next Mon
day will be taken care of later on.
You can deliver at 1. M. KimpHon's
at any time, Very truly,
H. L. Fknton.
Seo'y. Polk Co. Ass'n.
C. Ji. McLane and family visited
at the home of E. E. DeArmond
Saturday and Sunday.
llilf y Cooper, ot Independence, .
was in this vicinity this week look
ing after his hop yard.
Mrs. Annie Brown and daugh
ter, Mabel, of Airlie, visited at the
home of Hop Maxfield Sunday.
Several from here are going on
the excursion Sunday which leaves
Monmouth for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Allen made
a business trip to Independence
Anna Torgeson, of Buena Vista,
is working for Mrs. Emil Gobat.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie James
made a business trip to Albany on
John and J3en Bidders attended
the picnic at Dixie Saturday.
Thos. Fennell,
BI aeksmithing, Horseshoeing,
I have secured the services of one of the best
horsetfhoers in the northwest, and invite you
to give him a trial. All work done quickly,
s neatly and reasonably. . .
Near Athletic Club Building, Independenr
M .
From May 18th to June 1st.
'I During this time we close out all job lots and odd lines at
'l ruinous prices. For particulars see our
special ciruuinrs.