Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 21, 1903, Image 4

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Entered at Imlepemlt-no, Ore,, iMMlofllo) a
aecoua-ciasa matter.
Subscription Price, $ per Vr.
(Strtotly In advance)
Per year M 8(1
Rix month 75
Mini'le eoov , 05
Loral notices are Jceuta ptrtina straight
absolutely no reduoliou for any rawon
Rates on display advertising made known
ou applloatlou.
Social and Personal.
r hrairaTTaiTft -s-ar ir air rY " " " "
I. Dickey was over Sunday trom
M. A. Baker was in Portland
last week.
O. Nelson was a north-bound
passenger Monday.
Miss Patience Cooper is visiting
relatives in Stayton.
Who's Dougherty? He is Fen
nell's expert horseshoer.
Julien Hurley visited Friday
and Saturday in Salem.
The home of Mrs. Nellie Graves
has lately been repainted.
Mrs. T. D. Campbell and young
sou visited in Corvallis over Satur
day. .
Mrs. S. E. Owen and daughter,
Nola, were visitors at Salem last
Miss Ella Robinson is again at
her old place as local telephone
Mrs. B. W, Taylor, of Philomath,
visited Mrs. A. J. .Goodman during
the week.
Mies Bertha Reese, of Monmouth,
visited over Sunday with Miss
Edith Owen. ,
The annual teachers' picnic is to
be held , at Rickreall this year on
Saturday, May 23.
You will be satisfied with the
work of Dougherty, the horseshoer,
with Thos. Fennell.
For the accommodation of the
public on Sunday and of evenings
w now keep a supply of pontage
stamps on alo. Wagoner.
Call mid see the new line of
ladies' oxfords and rtrnp sandaln,
also Misses' and children's slippers
in red and black at Mensner's.'
Notice to K. of P. Initiatory
work conferred at the. regular
meeting Wednesday evening. All
members requested to be present
Clement Jones and family, of
Indiana, arrived this week and will
probably make their home here.
Mrs. Jones iu n daughter ofM. A
There will boa meeting of the
Independence fire department on
Friday, May 22, at 8 P. M., for the
purpose of making arrangements
far uniforms.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman went to
Portland Monday to be in attend
ance at the state Kebekah assembly
and the meeting of the Lewis and
Clark club to be held there.
Andrew Morgan, who formerly
lived here, but later of Salem, died
at Eureka, Cal., last week, of gen
eral decline. He was a veteran of
the Mexican war. A wile, son and
daughter survive him at Salem.
"Maccabee Bill" Taylor, of Cor
vallis, was in town the latter part
of last week. He holds the honors
of his order the world oyer for se
curing more members than any
other representative of the order.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones announces
the engagement of her daughter,
Hattie, to Corwin A. Townsend, of
Portland. The wedding will take
place at the home of the bride's
parent, at Independence, on ed-
nesday, June 17.
Hon. J. H. Townsend, of Dallas,
one of the best known attorneys in
Polk county, and a politician of
state reputation, has been seriously
afflicted with ammital trouble, and
lately it has been much worse than
formerly. As a consequence he
has been taken to an institution
for treatment. His sad aflhction
is a source of regret to his host of
friends in Independence.
When in SatenrTislFnstrong'B
Restaurant. It is headquarters for
Independence people.
Mrs. I. L. Smith and son, Wal
ter, saw Norris & Rowe's big show
at Corvallis Saturday.
Travis McDevitt is now located
in Medford. He was formerly as
eistant at the depot here.
Bring us your butter, eggs and
chickens. We pay top prices for
all kinds of produce. Messner.
J. L. Elkins moved this week to
Falls City. He has employment
in the Bryan-Lucas sawmill there.
A number of Polk county home
steaders were at their claims on
the other Bide of Falls City last
Miss Adona Cochrane left Tues
day for Baker City, where she will
epend the summer as a guest of
her sister. .
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Herpicide are the world's greatest
scalp cleansers and hair invigor
ators. Both are for sale at J. S.
Moore's barber shop. Call and
have Mr. Moore give an applica-
" Where the camel's head goes his
body follows," flays an Oriental proverb.
It'B the seme way with disease. A small
WW give n u" V
when disease once nas a piace in me
body a large number of ills may touow u.
Tne opening; r uioca
is often found in a R weak"
stomach. When the
stomach is "weak" the
body also becomes weak
ened by lacic oi
nutrition, and
disease attacks
the heart, liver,
lungs, kidneys
and other organs.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discov
ery makes the weak
stomach strong. It cures
diseases of the stomach
and other organs of di
gestion and nutrition,
and so enables the body
to resist or throw off other diseases.
Men and women who are sick are in
vited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free,
and so obtain without charge the opinion
of a specialist on their ailments. All cor
respondence strictly confidential. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Por th past two years I have been a vrrr
tick woman," writes Mrs. Chealey, of 108 Wood
land Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. "I tried medicines
from doctors and to no avail. At last I decided
to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
When I stsrted I was all run down and had a
very unpleasant taste In my mouth. Was
choked up, and at times H wss very hard for tne
to breathe. I had severe headaches and cutting
paina in my knee joint. Was so weak I could
not attend to my work nor walk up or down
stairs without the assistance of my brother or
some friend. I am now taking; the fourth bottle,
and am happy to say I feel Tike myself again.
I can go up and down stairs and perform my
duties as well as any one. Everything seems to
b brighter, and I can assure you that life is)
worth living.1
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery.'' There is nothing just
aa good for dyspepsia or debility.
Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr.
Fierce' Pleasant Pellet.
I hsva had ovcatlon to u VH"'I
(ffBUck-DraueJ-t Stock and Poultry Mtdl- ft
I hv had occasion
ick. Draught Stock and
cum and am pleated to sat
used tnythlntttoritoi k thstgava hall ai
good satisfaction. I heartily racom.
mend It to all owners of stock,
J. B. BEISMER. St. Louis, Mo.
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should exict to le
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry are sick jrivtt them rued
Ihm't stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
and stir UP the torpid liver and th
animal will tie cured, if it be noimi
bU to cure it. lllack-PrniiL'htStock
and Poultry Medicine utiloails me
!uunli and atira no the tornid liver.
U cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a SB-cw.t can
of ltlaok-Dratipht Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
time over. Horses work better. Cows
give more milk. Hogs train flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. It solves the
problem of making aa much blood,
flesh and energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
Mrs. 15. T. Henkle and daughter,
Emma, were passengers to Port
land Monday, where Mrs. Henkle
will attend the grand Kebekah a
Beuibly, after which they will go to
Vancouver, Wash., for a several
days' visit.
Mrs. Joe Loach returned Satur
day to New Whatcom, Wash.,
after a visit with her siHier, Mrs
George Con key, rf this city, and
with relatives at Dallas. Her littlo
daughter, Ruth, went to Portland
with her for a few days' visit.
The valler is over-run with
toughs, and the papers are full of
hold-ups, house-breaking and potty
thievery. Independence has thus
far escaped, but it is well for people
to take a little precautionary
The night telephone service will
probably begin with the first of the
month. More than the suUicient
number has been secured, and the
delay is caused by the inability t
secure a suflicient number of
phones to place in subscribers'
The Independence" orchestra has
charge of the dance at Kickreall
Saturday evening after the teach
ers' picnic iB over. Five pieces
will constitute the orchestra and
the organization extends an invita
tion to all to be present at the
W. W. Brooks, who at one time
held a position on the old West
Side as editor, died in Portland
last week, the immediate cause of
death being appendicitis. He was
also editor of the Pacific Baptist,
at Portland.
Miss Bessie Shepard, a former
teacher in the Salem public Bchools, 1
but who has been attending school
at Berkeley for the past year, ar
rived in the city Sunday niht
and will spend the summer vaca
tion with her parents near Zena.
Salem Statesman.
Mrs. Snyder, wife of the M. E.
pastor, has been ailing for several
months and her condition became
o serious last week as to necessi
Undertaker. Entau
and Funeral DirerU
Independence, ...
Asa f.reat umi.y u
in doubt vinit Portland m,
?ftHion oi i no president s
that city My liM, It U nmiriJ
Hint tl. railroad rniiipan ;;
unabh to provide facilities
illt tlm crowds nn one day j
cursion tickM will thersTu k
nulo from nil stations Into I'arJ
mi May HUh, LUth aixl'iU,,,,
in miucted that lh peo;!
wail until the hint day. ?
Couian, (!. V- A., Southern h
tato her eutnu.iltm.'.it to the
honi.ilal for Hie insane, ller many
IrlomU regret her a.l UliftUHi d
trust her recovery may bo "rv
and permanent.
A luuidrfomo improvement baa
recently b-en made in th Odd
Fellows' cemetery south of this
city on llm family burial l"t 'f
1. Irvine, and con
sist of nn all pi.lii.hed Burr Ver
mont granite monument 't
miirouhane style, and bt-armU the
l,,u,.riiliona nf the tli'OeaHcd- and two , toL-ether with the family Mb UttU,,, .fc.
name In larg.. lino letters and tho ! been going to Hrhool hers Hi,,
Odd Fellow' emblem. .f hid. I tr, rHurne.l Saturday to htr
r,l.,r Mr Irvine was all honored! ill UfnyrtNs
and prominent member. Tim lot
is enclosed by a neat stone wall
niude of the Pioneer Md stone,
havinj: posts on each corner and
on each side of the entrance which
connists of three cteps between two
artistically carved buttresses. The
work was contracted for with the
well known monument dealer, Wm.
Staigor, of Salem, Oregon, and the
tine workmanship and HubsUnlial
manner in which it is placed is but
a repetition of the superior char
acter of the work constructed by
this reputed old-tiute dealer. The
cutting and setting of stone work
was done by Mr. Drew K. Khmer,
recently from New York, where he
ranks high among the butter class
of artists, and by whom Mr. Staiger
has been re-inforced. This im
provement is by odds the mot
artistic and substantial in this
cemetery ami will repav any one
interested to make a visit and see j lvertlwl. concluded to trrli h
. , , ; read wlmt lie hay of It: ''limV
it lor inemsuiyes.
J. P. KobinBon was called to
Ilillsboro Sunday by the serious
illness of a brother.
A MtnrtlliiK Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. C. Merrltt, of
No. Melioopany, Pu.,1na.le a startling
teut resulting In a wonderful cure. He
writes: "A patient was attuckod with
violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera
tion of the stomach. 1 had often
found Kloctrlc Hitter excellent for
acuta stomach mid liver- trouble no J
prescribed them. The patient Kn'ned
from the first and has uot had an at
tack In 14 mouths," Eluctrlo Bitters
are positively guaranteed for dyMpep.
tda, Indigestion, constipation and kid
ney troubles. Try them. Only 60o at
Kirkland Drug Co.'s.
I .at my Notice.
Strayed nixtmi goaU. i!
half the band marked "ilk J
cop on? right car, ulit in Itft,
with crop oil both rare, cote
back part of left, and Wo r
crop off right wallow, fork i&;
Mixed band. Any knonhxlfe'si
lug to recovery of sam
suitably rewarded.
Ai.i.i n Towns. Monmottl
Ity is I'crslateiit I'ougli, bat H
inane ittly Cured by (Jliamtw.
Iitiu'ft C'oiikIi Itelllelt.
Mr II. I'. liurlwiie, 4 Kus:
law, in (ireenville, K, C, had m
troubled for four or llv yers t
foi.tlnuoua eousth which it m
"greatly alarmed tne, caulu;
f.-ar that I wan III th first slap
ei.i.siiiiii.iloti." Mr. HurUt, htr-
H-n I'liamtierUlira Oouiib KH
reiuarl:atle change and after 61
two totllrt)l the twenty-nvs (mi
was Mrinanetitly cured." boa
Kirkland Drug Co.
s. 4.
menmoutb Duitdn
4 Should have your Work
Wasblna called for and
WasliliiK called for on Tt
4 day and delivered ou fW
4 day
4 Work euarantccd.
! Monmouth. Oregon.
siJ df ii w
Vj- Xij S aV ""sa" --
Our Hew Cocaiion
New .building next door to Jos. Meyers 4 Sons.
Call and get fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not misa seeing our superior lino of Car
petings, Mattings and Linoleums.
I The House Furnishing Co.,
Next door to Joseph Meyen & Sons, SALEM, ORE
1 Store at Salem and Albany.