INPKPnNDENC'E ENTETimiSE, INDHrENMMCB, OREGON o CD cs n rj)n) rsTD tstdDDt) o jf Buggies, Carriages and $ t SP.KINCS WA.OON8. J Wo liuvu tint npriiiH addfil to our lino of vcIi'ioIob tho coIoIjihUmI ('LAKK IUJ(i(JIIOS. Tlit-ho l)UgioM have iron tornviH, and aro madu us- jurially for tho l'm-ilie coast tnuht Tlioy aro htronp'r in every particular w tthan tho ordinary bupjry. Wo ask you to examino them. They ure all rifiht. Tho latest tiling in tho who4 lino, (i. t u KaycHo and ho in tho lead Jv Our Ktot k is complete in thu hit-vclo linos. We can furnish you a wheel Jj from. H up. American Field Fence, tho h! rollout wire fence on the market Jv ( pon't htiy a li'ht wire feiu-u vluu you can pot the heavy American at a less V price. Ve have already shipped in two ear loads of thin fence thin spring. IttalkH for itself For sale hy J R-. M. WADE & GO. i 1GER HERMANN SPEAKS jldlreie mi KitlliuwIrtntWs Audi- nii'K Ht tlt Auditorium. ANSWERS ATTACKS OF ASSAILANTS llr lltmiiinii In an Aide, Afltible (ciillt'iiiiiii Ml lie Doubt of III i:i tlou. Ilm, Ringer Hermann, republi- .11 candidate for congress from diftrk-t. spoke at th auditor- iro Inn evening tun large audi .... . . . i . i Im. Hie .Monmoinn nana nnu been secured previously, and that organization of musicians dis coursed immo excellent mimic. Mr. llirmnim sjstke nt consider alilu length, discussing national and state politics, and answering in honor of the president. They tho criticisms of hi accusers. Ho! are old friend, and when Mr. contend that he was not dismissed I Roosevelt ran for governor of New Salem to accept the president's in vitation to 1)6 a member of his party during his stay in Oregon. Tonight he in a speaker at the ban quet at ths Hotel Portland, given tho work, believes in physical cul ture as a means to an end and that end is physical culture. The idea that the student of gymnastics should become a circus performer or acrobat is no lunger credited and people now realign that a thorough knowlcngo of physical culture is essential to perfect man hood and womanhood. All friends of the Normal aru es pecially welcome. Invitations will be furnished at tho door to those who have not already received same. The program will be us follows: Grand march. .. . .Training .School Address P. 0. Powell Calisthenics. .4th, 5th, Oth grades Motion song 2nd grade Hoop drill, .girls of Training school Parallel bar work men's class, Normal Dumb bell drill ladies' class, Normal Idle hour work Roy Graves, Win. Weist Indian club race Training School teams Four-legged race. . . . Normal teams The winning team in the Indian club race will receive from Simp son Bros, and Uedwell & Craven six imitation leather pocket note books. The winners of the four- legged race will receive th choice of the two best ties that S. M. Daniel carries in stock. Council i'rocefdliig. At the session of the city council Tuesday evening thesuloon Loud of J. It. Cooper w ere approved. K. L. linker was granted the hume allowance for street sprink ling as was appropriated for the sumo purpose last year. City marshal was instructed tt) i.otil certain property owners to lepair sidewalks. Also to have Mrs. L. L. Whiteaker to move tlj Taylor livery barn and feme buck, they being out in the street. A fence ldonging to. II. H. Jasperson was also ordered removed from tie street. FALLS CITY. The demand for houses t- rent is constant. . John Van Orsdel, of Dallas, is working at the Teal mill. On Tuesday the B. L. Lucas mill started the plainer and in a few days their dry kiln will be ready to receive lumber. Their mountain mill is putting out over 50,000 feet per day, tnis Dein double last year's' cut. from the general land olliee: but he resigned because of differences in policy with his superior officer. He upholds his poliey of administering the land office, and would carry out the same plans as in the first if ho still retained the office. He has the support of the president, of western senators, of his successor in the office, etc. , Mr. Hermann is a pleaxant, easy speaker and knows how to'drive an argument home. He left at (1:00 this morning for York he and Ringer frequently spoko from the same platform. Gymnastic inhibition. On Friday evening of this week i will occur the annual gymnastic s exhibition of the State Normal. ' The program will be made up en-; tirely from work done during the year, all the different gymnasium classes taking part. Mr. Forbes, who has charge of Thos. FenneU, Blaeksmithiiig. Horseshoeing, WAGON MAKING, ETC. I have secured the services of one of the best horset-hot-r in 'be i.orthwest, and invito you to give hiui a tiial. All work done quickly, neatlv and reaoi-allv. I Near Athletic Club Building, Independenr DOUTY'S FAREWELL PROB4IG& AND PGtibTrW J t , SALE. ' 1 I From May 18th to June 1st. j) 11 inh lots and odd lines at (i5 1 During this time we close out all job lots and odd lines ruinous prices. Jbor paruuumrs uui special circulars. IK F. A. DOUTY. INDEPENDENCE, OEEGON.