Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 8

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County Court New.
Estate of John Wolyerton, de
omihimI first semi-annual account
Batata of Thomas Churchill, d
VmkmI 1 N Hart ennointed ad
ministrator; bond fixed at $'2."0,
EMate of David J Whiteaker, do
r.oBap.i alo of real estate con-
Estate of John Joldness, deceased
deceased inventory andj ap
praisement filed and approved.
Estate ofAverv I), H-ibcock
final account approved.
(i V Hod sera et ux to J H Erik-
Ron. 100 acres, t 7 s. r 7 w, $l-"0.
Joseph IJaumgartner et nx to
B Erikaon, H3 acres, t 7. s. r 7 i
S A Meuardi to J B Erikson,
1G0.04 acres, t 7 8, r 7 w, $ 1080.
C, S Smith to W C McClure. UiO
acres, t 8 s. r S w, $2030.
0 A Dolph etal to. Agnes D
Nixon et al, tract in t 7 e, r 5 w,
Amanda Nelson ' snd hd to J D
Nelson, lot 1, block 27, Thorp's In
dependence, $20.
United States to C S Smith, 1G0
acres, t 8 s, r 8 w, patent.
United States to Chaa. Hubbard,
144.19 acres, t 7 s. r 7 w, patent
United States to Percy V Hib-
bard,1 159.S0 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w,
United States to A D Burnett,
165.24 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, patent.
G A Sperling et ux to C E Her
ren, 67.28 acres, t 9 s, r 4 w. $1800.
J W Crideret al to A J Crow
ther, lot 6, block 9, Gon key's 1st
add to Dallas, $1000.
Elizabeth Shipley et al to Robert
E . Smith, 1G0 acres, t 6 s, r 4 w,
J W Downer to D G Doye,
138.80 acres, t 7 s. r 4 w, $1.
C S Wilson et ux to F D Riker,
40 acres, t 10 s, r 7 w, $200.
Susan C Bryant to T D Hollo
well, lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, block
K, Falls City, $75.
Peter Hartwig et ux to F Show
erman, 15 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $1700.
S and J McCulloch to A M Til-
lery, 5.48 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w, $165.
H Hirschberg to Maggie E Wil
son, lot 4, block 15, Hill's Inde
pendence, $1.
fFall into line
P and order your new spring suit
A from the great Oak-Esel ct N
has gon? to live with her daughter,
Mrs. lUy Hart.
Circuit Court lockt.
Strauss Brothers 8
Good Tailor for 26 Year. j
From start to finish good jual-
ity is the predominating feut-
ure of ill clothes n.ade to order fc
by this well known tailoring
U house. No detail is too Finall S
4rj to be given careful attention; rj
h your perfect comfort is S
J their ole aim. Call at our
y store and look over the spleri- N
p did assortment of 500 latest w
d and nobbiest patterns. We will
Yj. quote you prices that will inter. ?
Jf est you. You' satisfaction, as Nj
g always, aL... it.Iy guaranteed. $
P. M. Kirklaud
C D Calbrenth, same 15 W
Mrs M A Tetherow, same. . 7 00
F Freunduner, same 7 00
Western Clay Mfg Co, sup
plies 56 55
Johnson Lumber Co, lun
ber 10 33
T J Fryer, stock inspector. 12 M
II A Brown, pauper acct. . 10 Uo
Dr L N Woods, ex insane. . 5 00
R M Wade & Co, indse 3 75
H M Braley, road acct. .. 20 00
Rowell Bros, same 34 00
T B Huntley, same 448 00
Hillard & Ply male, same. . 10 00
A Simpkins, same 28 00
R E Moores, supplies. . . . 96
CG Coad, same 10 60
15 35
4 25
E-mr-id-EsTeTToMiggTe E
Wilson, lot 3, block 15, Hill's In
dependence, $300.
D A Isaac et ux to N A Emmett,
160 acres, t 9 s, r 8 w, $1250.
W S Matthews et ux to A J Mc
Gowan, 160 acres, t 6 s, r 3 w,
commissioners' court.
Bond of A N Robinson as justice
of peace within, limits of Falls City
Supervisor of road district No. 2
ordered to remove fence belonging
to Ellis estate from county road at
. Sheriff given credit on 1901 tax
roll as per report filed.
Privote change in county road as
prayed for by John Taylor and J
L Atwater to be declared public
highway as soon as proof is pre
sented to court that such change is
made, that new road is in as good
condition as the old, and that all
expenses haye been paid by peti
F A Douty, pauper acct. . .$ 36 00
B Wilson, justice court. . .
Belt & Cherrington, mdse
Dr B H McCallon, pauper
acct 12 00
FS Wilson, same ;. 6 00
D G Meador, same 8 00
C E Huntley, same 9 50
F E Myor, salary 78 00
W B Daeart. same Go 00
A Huston, same 50 00
A W Fink, same 62 50
JLHayter, gamft-rr-rrTTT: 50TJ0
E V Dalton, fame 62 50
J E Sibley, same 66 65
W F Nichols, same 65 CO
M D Ellis, electric lights. . 17 CO
Observer, printing 26 85
Enterprise, same.: 80
J T Ford, salary and ex
pense 166 63
U S Loughary, same 149 95
Milo Woods, same 40 50
C L Starr, salary 83 33
M M Ellis, fcr Mrs Wolfe. . 50 00
Wm Faull, mdse 60 79
J H Robertson, courthouse
acct 6 12
Circuit Court for l'olk County,
Department No. t, George 11. Bur
nett, Judge, will convene next Mon
day. Eleven canes have been
docketed to date, as follow:
1 E C Keyt vs Ed Uiddla et al.
action at law; Towimend Hart
for plff.
2 II L Fenton vilIU Stanley,
action for mon-y; Hutler A Coad
tor pur. '
3 O E Leet vs Fulls City Cured
Fruit Co, action at law; J N Hrt
for pill".
4 MucDonald & Colin vs S E
Owen, action at law; Oscar Mayter
for pur.
5 W S Mott vh S II Ynnnj:,
-ti,ii for inonev: Frank Holmes
for pi nr.
6 Citv of Dallas vs II P Heine
,,i ,.ti,m I'liiulfiiniatioii :
ill. ...". - - ,
T Muir for pill'. .
7 O J Hagley vs Southern I'a
fv iii'iioti at law: Butler tfc
Coad for pill'.
Pitv nf Dullas vs Mary K
Hallock et al, action for condenina
tion; W T Muir for pill".
1J Hirschberg vs J O Smith,
confirmation; Oscar llayterfor pill'
10 I W Boyer vs Thus E
Lyons, action at law; J C Adams
and J N Hart for pill.
11 Laura Adkins vs City of
Monmouth, suit fo' damages;
Holmes it Holmes for pi IT.
Mr. Joseph Poiulnvllle, of Htill-
water, Miun., after having spent over
$2,000 with the heat doctor for stom
ach trouble, without relief, was ad
vised by his dniKSjIat, Mr. Alex Rich
ard, to try a box of I'uamueriain a
Stomach and Liver Tablets. He dltl
no mid la a well man today. If
troubled with Indlgeatlon, bad laate In
the mouth, lack of appetite or consti
pation, give these tablet a trial and
you are certain to be more than pleased
with the reault. For sale at 2.ic per
box by Kirklaud Drug Co.
YEATER, On Tuesday, May 12,
1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Yeater, of Luckiamute, a girl.
All tmiling dates
si! Meet to elianirn.
8pm For.San Francinco 4pm
hail everv ft dava.
except coi.iMiiiA kivkb
8 p in ' To Astoria and way 4pm
Saturday lundinnH. Ex. Sun.
AL I1ERREN, Agt., Indepndeiie.
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Okcqon.
. Hawlby, P. L. Campbkll,
President. Vice Pres.
Ira C. Powill, Cashier.
Paid Capital, 30,ooo.
Dibkctohs: J. H. Hawley, P. L.
Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
Butler, John B. Stump, J. A.
Wlthrow, F. S. Powell.
Transact a General Baakiaf
and Exchange BasiaeM
Lloyd Smith now rides a new
Gus Lindeman and Claud Lewis
i..n,,riin" ihi wppIc 70 hours. Portland to (liicnuo. No
6 chanice of cam. l icketH Kant via nil
L-J"cKinnexsgfiil AND R,VKR K(:uKI)UtK
has come to live wiin mm.
Clyde McKinney is helping W.
Smith with his spring work.
Mrs. Martha Smith is staying in
this neighborhood this week.
John Lewis recovers very slowly
from his recent attack of la grippe.
The work on our telephone line
is being pushed as fast as possible.
Miss Joyce Arrant is visiting
with Miss Ethel McLeod this week.
1 Miss Leota Lewis is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dick Mattison, in Dal
Wm. Mulkey, of Monmouth, has
purchased a fine fresh heifer of A.
A. Lindeman.
Ona McLane, of Huver, visited
his cousin. Lloyd Smith, a few
days last week.
Misses Maggie and Laverne
Burn" have been visiting at the
home of B. F. Smith.
Mr. Wilson, of your city, was
putting in wire fence for J. J.
Leveck last Tuesday.
Mrs. Harmon, who has been
keeping house for II. D. Staats,
Our teacher. M. K. WI.eelock,
has been employed to t-oh an
other month of school.
Rev. T.I'. Hay"" U attending
the state Sunday school convention
in Portland this week.
Duma Turner had a horse fevere
y injured by a liotf thruKtinii hi
tusk into the horse's jaw.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Whiteaker
visit1 Sunday with Mr. Whit
euker's uncle, H. I Slants.
Miss Winnie Kelh'V.of Indepen
dence, attended tlx' Iwskel social
mid visited with old frieiuN here.
Our basket social wai a sm ns
in every particular and netted the
society the mat stun "f 4 ''ii.' .
which ho u-ed to help build a
kitchen on the M. E. South parson-
Shout Line
amd union Pacific
3Ti;.unsh;om pouti.axu daily
Through Pullman standard and I'mr
int ileepinu ears daily to Omaha, t'lii
catfo, KtMikauo ; tourist uleeplnu-rar dully
to KittiHHH City; through I'ulluiaii tour
int sleeping rum (wrwually rotnrit'ted,i
weekly to Cliieatto, Kaiman City, fct.
Ijuia and Moinplim; reclining chair
cars (Heats free) to the Kant daily.
oki-akt TIMKCHKDtM.K ahiuvi
ChlraKO Suit Ijike, Denver,
Portland ft Worth, Ouialin,
Special KaiiKas t;ily, Ht. -I ..'10 i tu
9 :'.') a in via hmU, t'liieKo and
Hunting- hant.
Atlantic Salt Like, Denver,
Ksnrens Kt Worth.Oiiiaha,
H : 15 p m via KaiixUH (,'itv, Ht lOiO a in
inuuuiK" i.onin, vinculo
toll. and Kant.
St Paul Walla Walla, Iwi-
Fast Mail ton,Sokane,Val-
II a in via lace, r u 1 1 m a n.
Spokane. M inuon (KjHh, St
ram, uulutli,. Mil
waukee, ChicH(0
and Kant.
7: lift a in
I.avf. ndi'Wn
(lmice fcir Mod.
muutli and Alrlle
7:sn a. m.
8:30 p. in.
Iave Indepen'
done for Mon
moutn and Oullaa
11:110 a. m.
6:15 p. ui.
Ij'vm Monmouth
for Alrlle.
7ti a. m.
S:.V) p, in.
I've Monmouth
rur Lialla.
113 , m.
k p. m.
Irf avxH Alrlln fur
Monmoiitli and
9M a. in.
t:Ui p. in.
I,'p Imllaa for
Monmouth mid
I:'m p. m,
lve Monmouth
for Jndupeudunuft
:)a, Bi,
!: p. m.
.m "
fr - -
L-a lndfin
deuue for Mua,
2:0ft p. la
The Misses Starr and
Messrs. Starr, Weal, Uoy tnjl
of Dallas, attended tbs' 1
social. I
Andy Turner has gointt!,t'
in the Oak sawmill t,n Un J
place. He purchased him i1
wheel and board at home.
(leoro Uroitson, wlmhiu
for some time working iaj
burg, came home a short liuinj,,,!
and i now working it(, ij
brothers-in-law, Mbley and Eiit
However, ho was In t ii ia tici.;,
last Sunday,
An excursion, in two trttj-.,,
puss dlhriiu h town SumUjr nn
iii)2. It nil no Up "ii tl(. Kt-ti
to Albany, crosseil over to Coin
lis nnd went Into rortlant) b) ,
of Independence.
Hcrt Lucas, of I ortlnml,
in town Monday, i a route
I'alliis, wlicrc lie was a iitJ
iu tlic lSiiirlt-y-S. T. unit, T
cast wun decided iij;rtiiiit !
llaj-lty, who was m'mg fur L:,
tij;fi4 to cover loss on animal 1
.on tended was ,kilUd U t
Mailt' Vountr Agalu.
One i.l Dr. Khm'a Ne I.ih f
earh nlKht for two wmk ImpnJ
In my 'teena' attain," wntwll. i.
Turner, of Ifinn.vtown, !. TjJ
the lx-t In tli world for liver,
and bowaU, l'urly veaeubl, M
kiikj, Ouly "Jio at kirklaud fri
( o, .
Impressing It on I
With Emphasis
In what our flue laundry wort
U) tin) man who la loosing- forma
thing exqulaile In color and flowi1
iiih mien, we aim w uiaao n
dry work peerlwi in tauijrsoflJ
(wrfect onudltlon lu which
home. Seud ua a sain pie mouk
we will aurprlae you.
anil iihw iirlura. t
ru(rie7tat Kuteh'a l.rbrDT
the Halem ntaie will reoulvpWi
attention. I
Salem Steam iwm
Colonel J. OhiiHted. I'rop. M
D. Olmtd, Mg. Phone .
Llnerty street. t
visit DR. JORDAN'S o
Th liirf t AnalomW """"I
Inn Wunil. .
llrntUH nilmrttm inliuWI
UHnoUrflU lur '"""' (-.
Wf.k . or nfl,"r. I
1 ,1 1 wm , Ml 1 1 1 t "'JSj,
tlm uljet Hii.lll "ii a J
t .Mi l j..l, M VMV I
- .nd pi"1'
rruuiMia or t -"'
' rwir NorviHuund nhmliiii m.wiW1';
. Hii.nfj, oat irawnw..OT i,.--tl9t f
I I'kiIiimiii twrmwrrlii, rr""L!
r I rluKiina. rt. Iiy cl W!SL
r.'nii.ili, or a'''l purwtiva jhi rr. -,
liitM)itrriiiKl Ml. Iri"lini'"t U'n
cum. Th lioiitiir doM mil clultn "t":
inlmrlm, but la w(.l known to B'" "1 j
l qiu,ni l'iy,rln Knd Hlllf
lu hll.prluy-I,.. r ,jm
xi rilll.ia ihorontthir I
th vliu II lino t Hie- lini-ol "r'"VMl
I Kir f,.r Ituplnr. A '! k LhT
r. .lommr npiK lul iwlriim
KVKKY ilAW apiilylnln"
111 111
f d 11
1 Ur. Jnriluir. apnrlul lnli """''iflLi.1
T Fimr m . w .n.,i.intnm"lur"
our npl.u.m nl Ilia !' J 't eVtl'
WtuiiU liunrmlm a ItUiirH I w j
"Hm . wulrnnk. . , ., -rift,
TmstinKut prtrauiially or lir b-u'. 4, af
Writ. fr Hook, rMIW,or."Jll
bHikurni.ii. Callorwiita -.1
OH JORDAN a CO., I0BI mrtaty