Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 6

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J Kyszfs ' -
j Monmouth Correspondents
Garden work is all tbe rage here
Wright Smith, of Lewisville, was
iu town one day last week.
Henry Smith, of Lewisville, was
in town on business1 one day last
Quite a delegation from here at
tended the Evangelical conference
at Salem on the 1st inst.
Mrs. Mollie Lacej and Mrs.
Pagett, of Pedee, were the guests of
Mrs. T. II. Halleck last week.
The protracted meeting at the
Baptist church closed Sunday
night with 27 additions to the
Rev. Siewert was placed on the,
Monmouth work again for another
year and the people are very well
The Lewisville mail carrier says
there is a mud hole this side of the
Barns mill that is almost impassi
ble. It should be fixed.
Hallefek & Pool began work on
Mr. Pettit's fine house south of
town last week. There is consider
able carpentering work now.
Charles Herren is at home now
from the logging camp and thinks
perhaps he will stay as he expects
to build this summer on the place
he purchased of Mr. Sperling.
Once more the poor old cows
have gained the sympathy ot our
city dads and are permitted to be
staked on the streets and crop the
luxuriant growth of grass that
grows there.
Mommoutb has a law suit on
hand again, that is the same one
they had the Adkins case brought
about by poor sidewalks. It pays
a town to keep their walks in good
condition. The disputed walk has
been repahed.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
piece of good cake, which was made
in honor of the twelfth wedding an
rivrsarv ot Mr. and Mrs. Clark
day. We wish them many more
If anrone thinks Monmouth is
not growing just let them take a
look over town. Nine new families
have moved here in the last year
and pur school is growing m inter
Tf Tt Olcrc not
For the disagreeable thin gs
in life it would be entirely
impossible for us to fully
appreciate the good, and'
it it were not for the qual
ity of ...
Razclwood Ice Cream
I would not continue to
be held as the leading ice
cream of the state and one
that can not be surpassed
by ice cream made by any
concern on the Pacific
coast. Served by the dish
or sold in quantity at
Simpson Bros.,
Leading Confectioners
est. The attendance this year at
the Normal is 'as large as it has
been for several years.
Horace Herren, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Herren, was helping
Robert Kelley lead their cows
home from grazing, and when near
the barn the cow Horace was lea
ing took fright and commenced to
run. He was thrown to the grouu
and became entangled in the rope
and was dragged quite a distance
The cow made a sudden tun and
he was released or he would have
hae,n Arnwpi to death. As it is he
only received slight injuries.
Little Marie Byers is quiie ill.
Clarence Allen is sick with the
Dr. Crowley went to Portland
Mrs. Susie Stanton visited in Sa
lem over Sunday.
Dr. Nehrbas now rides in a new
rubber tired buggy.
II. D. Staats, of Lewisville, visit
ed in town Sunday.
Hugh Esson, of Portland, is vis
iting old friends here.
Miss Robena Smith has quit
school ond returned home.
Colonel Day, organizer of the W.
of W., was here last week.
Rev. D. V. Poling will deliver
the baccalaureate sermon June 14.
J. A. Byers left Sunday for
Junction City to be gone several
Mr. Aldrich expects to move in
to Mrs. Sherman's house next
Rev. Dr. Thompson addressed
the students in chapel Tuesday
The case of Mrs. Laure Adkins
ys the city of Monmouth is causing
quite a stir.
Mrs. MatteBon, of Gaston, is vis
iting her daughter, who is attend
ing school here.
FrWdnrssleTofMiSB Hig-
gins left Tuesday for Eugene to be
gone a few days.
Mr. Chas. Brant, of Salem, for
merly of Independence, was visit
ing in town Sunday.
George Fisher expects to leave
Friday for Eugene, where he will
work this summer.
Preparations are being made for
.nmmenfiflmftnt exercises, wnicn
occur the second week in June.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rose were
called to Airlie on account of th gt on grain and gardens
serious illness ol Mr. nay s iamny
Monmouth Circle initiated
new members into the mysteries of
Woodcraft last Saturday evening
last Saturday afternoon resulted in
a score of 24 to 3 in favor of Mon
Miss Ruth Purdy, of Salem, re
turned home Tuesday after spend-
Tha Mnnmnnth Camn. W. of W.
has ordered uniforms for the team, Vista visitor Tuesday
preparatory to attending tne carni
val at Dallas.
mi -
' Our umlisputwl elainiH lor tho
Bartlctt Ball-Bearing Sewing machine
la that it sews faster with the same power than slow
stitch machines require, making four full stitches to
one revolution of tread lo wheel. while some others make
only three. It has a positive equalized feed, in no
way dependent on springs. It has an oil cup on needle
bar to prevent soiling fabrics. It lias not only a ball
bearing hub, but a ball-bearing pitman as well, per
fectly equipped for adjustment by owner, without re
quiring aHsistance of a mechanic, making the device
practical and perfect in every respect. Do not send
East, nor buy from an agent, when you can get better
values from your homo merchant.
rmm' Prices irom $zu 10 m m
Hardware Merchants,
s m
Independence, Ote.
Many people hereabouts are
looking forward to a jolly time
at the Kidder a grove picnic
May 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harmon, of
Bridgeport, were Buena Vista
visitors over Sunday.
From the proceeds of the
lunch and lemonade sold by
them at the Hall sale Saturday,
the Evangelical Aid Society
ladies realized the neat sum ot
John Harris and Lawrence
Hecker, of Wells, attended the
Woodman lodge here Saturday
Rev. C. C. Poling delivered
an excellent sermon at the
Evangelical church Sunday
evening. A large audience en
joyed the occasion.
Ed Wilson arrived in this
section of Oregon last Saturday
and was the guest this week of
Buena Vista friends.- Ed has
a fine timber claim near Eu
gene, which he has been "hold
ing down" for several months.
, A much needed rain the mid
dle of this week made farmers
smile. It will be of great bene-
a partial crop this year, although others present. The ' prices
. i. 1 f..nn- (tin tt !t')1 liar
no pests appear to bo present
as yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hall re
turned Saturday from a visit
with Corvallis relatives.
Her many friends in this lo
cality will bo pleased to learn
that Mrs. L. D. Baldwin, of
Albion, Wash., is to arrive next
month for an extended visit
There will be a meeting of the
Independence fire department on
Friday. May 22, at 8 r. M., tor tne
purpose of making arrangements
for uniforms.
Mr. and Mrs. Clabe Richardson
left today for Brooke. From there
Mrs. Richardson will go to Port
land to v"' with her daughter.
Miss Mattie Lee is visiting at
81X Wells.
B. F. Hall and wife, of Cros-
oronf. Snt.nrdftv and Sun-
- . .1 1 31 '
The game ot baseDaupiayea nere d with relatives here.
Robert Wilson and family, of
Wells, were visitors here Satur
S. H. Baldwin and wife were
Miss Effie.
Mr. Plymale, ot Portland, is vis
iting his brother, Wm. Plymale,
The Hall Sale.
Special from Buena Vista.
Elmer Hall, of Buena Vista,
is no longer a dairyman. His
sale of fine Jersey stock and
personal property took place on
Saturday, May 9th, as adver
tised in the Enterprise.
Everything sold at a good
figure, and those who have any
doubts as to the wisdom in rais
ing thorough-bred stock should
have been present on this oc-
TV.A nnnnlaritv of the Jerseys
was plainly evidenced by the
oa worn ass with which this herd
was bought up by dairymen and
ranced from $10 to $91 per
head for Jorsey cows and they
were beauties.
While tho crowd was not ex-
frfiinfilv hirrre it was composed
- j o
principally of buyers and not of
cunous-mincieu idicrs, so uio
bids came fast and the prices
were good.
Lunch was served on the
grounds by the Evangelical Aid
Society and tho kindness of Mr.
and Mrs. Becker in giving the
use of their house to the Aid
lndifis for the nurnose of prepar
ing coffee, etc., is deeply appre
ciated by the latter.
Mr. Hall's plans for the future
are not yet matured. He will
spend considerable time in
hunting up a new location.
lie Was Here.
Special from Buena Vista.
State Organizer Day, of the
VV. of .V., paid the Buena Vista
lodge of this order a fraternal
visit last Saturday evening.
The event was made memor
able in several ways and those
who were present declare that a
four-ring circus, with a calico
clown thrown in, is nothing in
comparison to this occasion, in
point of jollity and mirth.
The initiation of Messrs.
Rhodes and Kurre and an able
address by Organizer Day were
features of the evening, while
the presence of the Monmouth
degree team and visitors from
Independence, Corvallis and
Monmouth added greatly to the
pleasure of the event.
A sumptuous banquet con
cluded the affair.
ing several days with the Misses guests of relatives here Satur-
day ana eunaay.
Mrs. Julia Douty was a Buena
It is thought by many that
hops in this section will be only
H HIBSHBERG, President. ABBaM NELSON, Vice Presiden
C. W. IRVINE, Cashier.
DIRECTORS. H. Hirschberg, D. W. Sears, B. F. Smith, M. W. Stewart and
A. Nelson.
A general banking and exchange business transacted. Loans made. Bills
discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits receifed on current account
object to check.