Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 5

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County Correspondence, j
N. A. Knmtett and wife have re
turned homo.
T. A. Hipu. ot Pallas,' was a
business caller Tuesday.
Willis Ftink bun been down with
the grip for several days.
A dance was given at the Wsg
ner hull Saturday evening.
Mrs. Klsie Parry is about again
after Beverul weeks' l'lness.
F. C. Raymond mado a Winem
trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
Just listen at all the whistles
blow. How good they sound.
Mr. Uhodabarger is having bis
house re-papered and painted.
Sunt. C. L. Starr and Floyd
Paly were pleasant callers Monday.
E. J. and Oscar Hryan, of Pallas,
were iu our city Monday and Tues
day. Mrs. J. B. Teal has been for
gome time troubled with rheuma
tism, j
II. S. Montgomery is slowly re
covering from his protracted ill
ness. ,
Mrs. Electa Richardson is hav
ing the old Frost house papered
and painted.
The misses Wylie, sisters of Mrs.
B. A. Bristol, are visitors at the M.
K. pa sonage.
Mrs. T. A. Farley and Mrs. M.
L. Thompson made the county seat
a call Tuesday.
Valorus Pennis and Wm. Ellis
are "doing time" on their home
steads this week.
Work has commenced on the
turntable here. It is southwest of
the Christian church.
Mr. Shope, of DalltB, is in town.
He has the contract to raise r
move several buildings.
Mrs. Payton Bond, of Shaniko,
Eastern Oregon, made us a short
visit the first of the week.
Messrs. Dent and Hall, of Michi-
... ..riti. nu .uuin mid are in
gall, mo n." v" o
terested in buying timber.
W n. Oraham. of Salem, was in
our city visiting relatives and
friends the first of the week,
You should 'just see the fine
strings tt trout caught from the
creek by our local fishermen.
Warren and Henry Wright and
Ben Beezley were in Portland on
business the first of the week.
ome young people from here ex
pect to go to Salem to see the presi
dent as Le passes through there.
Arthur Starr will handle your
laundry, delivering it at C. J.
Pugh's confectionery for the same
as it will cost you in Salem.
Over P. O. Monmoutru
(Jeo. Hale, who is running the
Dr. Perry prune orchard near Sa
lem, is to be seen again on our
Miss Sears, of Ballston is visit
ing with her brother, Mark, who is
working for the Bryan-Lucas Lum
ber Co.
Miss Abbio Wiekel, of this place.
has a pohition as stenographer for
the A. W. Page Belting Uo., 01
The Pedee Lumber Co. have a
Falls City crew at their mill.
They know where to go to find
good men.
C. P. Wells and son, of Buena
Vista, passed through town Mon
day en route to the former's home
stead in the mountains.
Two more cases nt measles, Paul
Hunter and Marie Graham being
the ones to have it, while many
others have been exposed.
Mrs. Jewel Courter, of Salt Lake
Citv. but formerly of this place, ar
rived Tuesday and will make her
many friends an extended visit.
Mrs. C. J. Pugh and sister, Miss
Waters, are keeping Mr. Pugh's
inwelrv and confectionery store
j j - -
while he is away, on his mountain
The Coast Range mills are cut
ting out flume lumber and in a
short while they will be able to
flume to the planing mills here id
Miss Bertha Frink came home
from Pallas Monday, she being
compelled to leave her work on ac
count of a felon on one of her
C. J. Pugh wishes to announce
that he will serve ice cream at his
stand next Saturday evening. He
handles a Portland cream and it is
Letters remaining uncalled lor in
the FallB City postoffice for the
month ending April dU: Mr. A. w.
McMarron, Rev, R. W. Castor, Mr.
F. K. Hubbard, Manuel Ward,
E. Brown and J, Kinney made a
cruise through the timber in Tula
mook county, Messrs. Brown and
Kinney finding timber claims.
Falls City , needs a system of
waterworks and it is to be hoped
the council will demonstrate to the
DeoDle the great need of one and
also the ease with which we might
have it.
Warren Wright passed through
town Tuesday on his way to Pal
las. He ' was taking the Elk
caught in the Siletz country to be
shipped to Portland, where some
parties had purchased it.
Within the last week two fires
have visited our town. The C. P.
Darling house caught fire 'and was
saved only by a great effort, and as
it was considerable damage was
done. - Dave Courter'B house caught
fire on Tuesday, but slight damage
was done. Both fires originated
from defective flues,
11 Ed Van Pelt has returned to his
home here. After a two weeks
stay in Idaho, -where he found the
smallpox making things too warm,
UJ. & Sbarman
Ih prepared to show
you a completo lino
of Htylirih samples
for spring euits. Call
and look them over
and ascertain prices.
Bank Building,
he tried Pueet Sound, but soon
concluded that Falls City was good
enough for him.
Who will say now that there is
any place else besides Oregon. Is
not this lovely weatherr Uh, no,
its no exception, it's the kind we
ueonle leave
Oregon but they will come back.
Geo. Gerlinger says the railroad
is getting along nicaly, and we
know by that he means the road
will be here before many suns.
Roval & Son have tneir crew with
pile driver down the line a few
miles and will assist in completing
the several tressels between here
anrl where the road is now com-
nleted. Mr. Royal has the con
tract to build the turn-table at this
place anc" will commence on it in a
nounle of weeks. A Dallas con
tractor has the building of the de
pot here and will begin work soon.
A Sure Thing.
TUald that nothing is uureex
oept death and taxes, but that Is not
altogether true. Dr. King's New Dla-
covery for Consumption is a Bure euro
fnr all lune and tbroat irouoies.
testify to that. Mrs.
n. R. Van Metre, of Bheperdtown, w
. - .
Va., says: "I had a severe ease oi
i.rr.nhitiB and for a vear tried every
thing I heard of. but got no relief.
One bottle of Dr. Kings New Discov-
erythen cured me absolutely." its
tfuiiiiiiB fnr p.ioud. whooping cough,
grip, pneumonia and consumption.
Try it. It's giiaranteea oy jummuu
Drug Co. Trial bottles tree, iwgumr
sizes 50c, tl.OO.
Everybody in Suver is making
garden this week.
Al Thurston, of Wells, is haul
ing hav to Suyen.
Several from here attended the
sale at Airlie Saturday.
C. E. McLane has shipped sev.
eral car loads of hay last week.
Llovd Flickeneer is very ill and
Pr. Butler was called to see him
John Hostetter finished baling
hay Saturday, having baled about
60 tons.
Rob Wilson and family attended
the sale in Buena Yista the last of
the week,
Several were at the depot Sua
day to see the excursion train pass
through here.
Then your liver isn't acting
well. Vou suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard 1 Family Pill.
Small doses cure. AAafStii-
Than IM
S DYE hi.T. r.
1 Brown ux
Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Wood at
tended, church at Buena Vista Sun
day evening.
Ilcnrv Cummings and wife, of
Corvallis, are visiting at the home
of K. E PeArraond.
Mrs. II. Frum and daughter,
Alda, attended lodge at iiuena-
Vista Friday night.
T A. Moehinke is not to be out
done by his neighbors and bought
a new buggy Saturday.
Mrs. J. R. Hubbard returned to
her home Friday after a week e
visit in Marion county.
Mr. James says his hops are not
11 il ,.nnswt ft
coming up wen una eaou, ..v
more than half a stand. McLane and grand
daughter, Mabel, visited at the
home of C. V. Carpenter hunaay.
J. J. Thurston is hauling wheat
to Bidders mill, having sold sev
eral hundred bushels to them.
t r Sooner, of Independence,
lookine after his hop yard in
this vicinity tnc first of hut wee.
m TT. Frum and fainilf and
Mrs. H. Maxfield and daughter,
Minnie, made a business trip to
Albany Tuesday.
The mail carrier met with quite
an accident Thursday of last week.
no nf his horses became Irignten
ed and unmanageable and broke
nfhis rie. It took last
driving to get in on time after re
pairing his rig. '
When you want a pleasant physic
trv Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are easy w
nleasant in eilect. if or bu
land Drug Co.
Joe Loundree has gone to Lewis-
ville to work.
Chris Peterson has put up a new
patent gate,
Myrtle Shafer and Henry Ha
mann are on the sick list.
Ella Hamann has returned home
after being absent for.several weeks.
Mrs. Conn, of Lewieville, was a
guest of Mrs. Chris Peterson last
week. r ! .
Henry Shafer has gone to Toledo,
Wash., to workinJhCopper
n,ir Sunday school has decided
to observe childrens' day with a
W. N. Alexander and family
have been attending the meetings
at Monmouth. '
Tir: WaftiA flotton expects to re-
turn to her home in South Pakota
GL Hawkins
Dallas, Ore.
Marble and
Monuments and Head
stones Cemetery
work etc.
Hall's -Ferry
Is now ready to cross .he traveling
public in first-class order. . The
newest and best joad to Salem.
Lost Hair
" My hair cme out by the hand
ful, and the gray hairs began to
creep in. I tried Ajrer's Hair Vigor,
and it stopped the hair from com
ing out and restored the color."
Mra.M. D.Cray, No. Salem.Mass.
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prepara
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
SI M a Mtl. All Jrntiitt.
If your drnnriat cannot anpply Ton
end o om dollar and we-will P"
oa a bottle. Be tore ndtfe the name
of tout nearest eipnwe office. AddreM,
" ' J.C.A YKB. CO., Lowell. Ma.
soon. She has oeen staying
Mrs. Percy Pickiuson for almost
a year and taught the fall term oi
the Parker school.
Too Great a Kisk.
in imnat. everv neiebUorhood scme-
oue has died from an attack of colic or
cholera morbus, often before medicine
could be procured or a physician sum
moned. A reliable remeay ior iu
diseases should be kept at baud. The
risk is too great for aDyone to lane.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera - and
Diarrhoea Remedy has undoubtedly
saved the lives of more people ana re
lieved more pain and guttering than
any other medicine in use. It can al-
ways oe aepenueu ujiuu, i-u. -
Kirkland Drug Co.
Barber Shop.
Independence, -
Tonsorial Artist
fnlv first-class workmen em-
in tr. "Wiewam." Shop
situated on North side of C Street.
Ask 4he Agent for Tickets
Fast Time
' Day Coaches
Palace and Tourist Sleepers
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars.
. . ;. (,..-., ' - -
DA. YJ-jllitil lltir innuuuu v.
For rates, folders and full informa
tion regarding tickets, routes, etc., call
on or address H. DICKSON, Citj ,
Ticket AKent. J. W. PHALON, Trav.
Pass. Agt., Portland. .L. .
612 First Ave., SeattleJWash.