Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 4

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- i j
EoWred at Independent. Ore., postoffli- a
MOlld-ClMM lllHltr.
Subscription Price, $i.sopcrVr,
(Strictly In lTnce)
per year
Six mouths
,. 50
.. 75
.. 05
Local notice are S cent per Una itralght
-absolutely no reduction for any rea
Rates on display advertising made known
on application.
Charles Allen was a Sunday vis
itor at Suver.
p T. Peterson made a business
trip to Independence Saturday.
Miss Mabel Wheelock spent Sun
day at her home near Monmouth
SbvpthI of our people attended
the E. N. Hall sale at Buena Vista
' Mr. Fuoua attended the Hast
ings sale near Airlie and brought
home a drove of hogs.
Parker echool will close Friday,
Mav22nd. An entertainment will
be given on the evening of the 20th
Mr. Peterson, who recently pur
chased the W. P. Bradley farm, is
making preparations for erecting a
new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Alexander,
ofHiehland. spent Sunday with
Mrs. Alexander's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Bolter, ot this place.
Mrs. P. J. Dickinson and Nettie
Cotton were Independence visitors
Wednesday, Miss Cotton expects
to leave shortly for her home in
Marion, South Dakota.
Foxes have recently been mak
ing nightly , pilgrimages to the
chicken roosts in this vicinity.
Several have been captured recent
ly. Donald Bolter s succeeded in
trapping one of these sly vests last
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Calbreath,
of near Monmouth, spent Saturday
Dd Sunday at Parker.- Until re
cently Mr. and Mrs. Calbreath
host of friends who welcomed them
back bespeak the high esteem in
which they are held here.
Mrs. P. A. Bradley, of Eugene,
writes, "we cannot get along with
out the Enterprise and tne roiK
county news it contains." This
means another new subscriber!
Still they come! Yet mere are
neened still. We are farther be
hind now than when we started
and the chances are we will be
still farther behind when the con
test closes. Come, hurry some
body! Only $1.50 for a whole
year's subscription.
By a Persistent Cough, but Per
manently Cured by Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy.
Mr H. P. Burbage, a student at
. ' ..oniiiu s C. had been
troubled for four or five years with a
continuous cougu wu-u
"ereatly alarmed me, causiug ui i
fear that I. was in the first stage of
consumption.: ,jr.. u
seen Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy
, 1.1 j nUiAoA tr t.rv it. Now
read what he says of it : "I soon felt a jtfenntTA nnn after Ufllllff
reuinruiiuio vue
two bottles ot the twenty-five cent size
mrmaneniiy cureu. "J
I . i
Miss Klma Williams visited
Monmouth relatives last week.
.Ta Rose, of Monmouth, attended
the Hastings sale last Saturday.
.T. W. Brown is pitting 210 rods
of wire fence on hi? home ranch in
MoTimmonds Valley.
Quite a number of Airlie young
AttA.-..4u,i a liuWtt. social HI
Lewisville Saturday night.
Mrs. Wm. Elkins, of Dallas, vis.
ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B
L. Hastings, of Pedee, last weeK.
II. L. Feuton. of Dallas, secre
tnrv of the rolK uoumy
Growers Union, was a caller last
j . .
Miss Urania Laoroy and Misses
Mary and Vena Mayfield, who are
attending echool at Monmouth, vis
ited at the home of G. W. Homer
last Sunday. i
While seated near a hot stove
one evening last week the clothing
nf a little son of J. W. 1 oet, of 1 e
dee, caught fire and serious results
were prevented by the prompt
action of . Mr. Yost in smothering
the flames. The little boy had
been training hops during the day
and as the work required him to
be on his knees most of the time he
had prepared a "pad" made from
the cloth used on the floor of the
hop nouse as a protection to his
knee, and as by use the ciotn naa
become so thoroughly impregnated
with sulphur that it was highly
susceptible ot combustion and
readily ignited from the heat of
the stove. The incident shows
the danger of leaving old kiln
cloth where it is likely to be ex
posed to any great degree of heat.
Good weather and roads improv
ing. Will Herren is plowing garden
in Monmouth.
W. H. Mack made a special trip
to American Bottom last week.
Forest Barnes is hauling posts
from his ranch here to Monmouth.
it n r
. II Uci Ill tr.TT ij;
Mrs. Fred,
Harbor, Midi.
"Alter my firs bby v-m born I did nt
Mem to nln my itrenglh .Ithough the
doctor v. me tonic which h w
trrd vtry tupor. but iU ol tttag
better I iw weaker every dy. My hui-
for a week nd wh.t It would do lor
ratcful to llnd my itrength ini hlth
& return.., f- two week. I w out
of bed ind In a month I wu .ble to Uk
up my uiu.1 dutle. I m very enthuel
attic In Its praUe."
Wine of Cardui reinforces the organa
of ireaeration for the ordeal of preg
nancy and childbirth. "PT'wi
carriage. No woman who take. V we
of Carani nel fear ix coming of hex
child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken
Wine of Cardui before her baby came
he would not have been weakened a.
she was. Her rapid recovery .hould
commend this great remedy toevery
,. mnthnr. Wine of lraul
regulatea the nuamtraal flow
a Woe fack. a Normal student,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents here.
s;ia Hurt has decided to quit
farming and will this fall locate in
Southern Oregon. (
been considerable in
quiry lately about stock, sheen and
goats in these parts.
Mr. Cnmmines killed a fine beef.
Fridav and sold it to Mr. Johnson
the Monmouth butcher..
Afr finnch and family, of Dallas
were the guests of W, II. Mack
and family over Sunday.
W. If. Mack has lecently pur
chased a new cream separator from
Mr. Eldridge. of Independence.
rinhert. Basev. of Salem, has been
u.n,i. v.or snlieitine for the
blliuugis u
Daily Journal published at mat,
All having anv kino oi
n lonH t.o jn-4Bfan"-
quick work of it by letting the fact
be known through tne bntjski-ium.
Wo., firoan nHstor of the Chris
tian church of Dallas, preached to
a full house here last Sunday, ne
will be with us again on the second
Snnrlnv in June at 3 o'clock P. M.
All are invited to come and bring
someone else with you.
member the Enterprise is
nf thn nountv capers where
wuv ' -
fhc Qiibacrintiou" is conducted on
the cash plan. People need not be
afraid in nav this paper cash in ad
yance; its gaining new names all
the time. ,
TbrAA fine Aneora goats were re
ceived by J. - B. Stump from Cali
fornia Old Polk is rap'dly com-
ing to the front in the matter of
fine stock ot all kinds, in a lew
years a farmer of pride and . enter
prise will be ashamea 10 navo uuy
scrubs about his place.
Some parents should be ashamed
ftf tlioiv anna who loaf around the
churc'i doors during Bervice, and of
th daughters who sit in rear
eats and disturb the audience by
talking. Mor than one congrega-
tion is annoyfd by suah unman
nerlv conduct.
A Ktiirtlinir Ti't.
T,,av a. Ilfw. Dr. T. U. Merrllt, of
No. Melioopany, l'u., made a startling
ruuiililnir lii u wniulitl'Iill cure. Jie
write : "A pullt'iit was attacked with
Vlole it lieinoi rl)Hg, canned by ulcera
tion of tle atotuneh. I had oflun
found Electric ltll(r exoelletit for
acute BtoniBch and liver trouble so I
pret.crit)el them. The patient gained
from the first and has not had au at
tack lu 14 moutlm," Elect rlo Jtltters
are ponltively guaranteed for dyspep
sia, indlgetlon, coiiHtlpatlon and kid
ney troubles. Try them. Only 60o at
Kirkland Drug Co.'s.
Peter Cook droye to Salem Mon-
Hill McDaniel lost a valuable
cow this week.
Frank Gibson is somewhat better
at this writing.
The cherry crop around seemB
somewhat blighted.
John Vernon Sr. is very low and
his recovery is doubtful.
Hon. S. T. Burcli is sufl'ering
from a large carbunckle on his
Thos. Canfield went to Salem
Monday on business, returning
W. E. Clark and attended the
Bowman-Berry wedding at Balls-
ton Wednesday.
Mrs. Burnett, grandmother of
Mrs. B. F. Lucas, came riday to
visit a few days.
Mr. McRevnolds, a cousin of W.
E. Clark, was visiting here a few
davs last week.
Kred Ferueson. who worked for
John Holmes, moved to Seattle,
Wash., Wednesday.
M rs. C. S. Baskett was called to
Gaston Monday, by the death of
his youngest sister.
Mr. Wilson, of Illinois. iB visit
ing his cousins, Mrs. W. E. Good
Rev. A. A. Winers, of Dallas,
held services here Sunday, and a
good attendance was present
Mr. and Mrs. S. Orr went to
;na TTn'diiv to visit James
Gibson and family, returning oun
Our Hew
New building next door
Call and get fine
Do not miss seeing our superior line of Car
petings, Mattings and Linoleums.
1 The House Furnishing Co.,
Next door to Joeph. Mcyen & Som, SALEM, ORE. J
itorc at oaiem no rummy
H. H. Jasperson,
Undertaker. Enbalmer,
and Funeral Director.
indcpettdcttcc, -i Oreaoi
Sevoral of the young people from
here attended the dance at Inde
pendence Saturday and reported
fine time.
W. K. Gooilull, our road super
visor, has several teams hauling.
gravel, and the roads will he in fine
shape soon.
A bureball niiio is being organ-
ized here and grounds are being:
made. A match game is expected
to be had at the teachers' picnic.
Mrs. White, of Salem, daughter
of Mrs. J. Southwick, had the mis
fortune to sprain her ankle, and i
stopping with her mother for a lew
A Mr. Garfield, from Salem,
comes twice a week with a beef
wagon, and during the busy season
ill make the trip three times'
How's This?
We oiler On,e Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any cane of catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, u.
We. the uudersliiued, havo known
U". J. Chenev for the last 15 years, andf
believe him perfectly honorable In all
hiiHlneia transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations mnde
by their rlrm.
WestATkiiax, Wholesale Dru(tglHtsP
Toledo, Ohio. Wai.dinu, Kinnan At
Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo
Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price, 75o per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Mrs. V. T. Bohannon, afters-
short, visit with J. S. Bohannon
and family, was a passenger to Cor-,. T
monmoutb Eaundry I
4 .
hould have your Work.
A . ,
Washing caTlea for ana ue- .
4 livered.
VToul.i.irr nnllfid fnr on Te8-
. . (! 1 1 1 .1 .
day and delivered on Satur- t
j ' 4-
Work guaranteed. i
J Monmouth, Oregon, f
to Jos. Meyers ft Sons.
Furniture Polish free.
Kirkland Drug Co.