Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 2

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rv rrr .
i . J -
Absolutely Pure
! Social and Personal.
Head Messnei 8 ad.
Ice cream soda at Wagoner's.
Stock pasture. C. W. Leonard
Ice cream, any amount, at Wag
oner's. A new line of ladies' sun bonnets
at Messners.
Chas. Brant was over from Sa
lem Sunday. '
Miss Goldie Irvine is working in
the telephone office.
Kape seed, 6 J cents per pound at
R. M. Wade & Co.'a.
Mrs. Gwinn spent a few days in
Corvallis the past week.
Dougherty, the horseshoer, with
Fennell, the blacksmith.
Ice creaui noda at Wugoner's.
For summer drees goods go to
.Who's Dougherty? H Fen
nell's expert horseshoer.
J. Kirkland was out Monday
after a Mg of rheumatism.
Miss Geneva Wilcox was b pas
eenger to Portland Tuesday.
l'rof. L. A; Robinson, of Mon
mouth, visited Salem Saturday.
Wanted A second-hand wagon,
light, 3-inch. Apply at this oii.ce.
Good milch cow for sale. Kn
quire of I. Council, lndepeudepce.
Frank Fisher, of Monmouth,
was a passenger to Portland Tues
day. call at Mess tier's
f.,.ii,nt.w mi miner dress Roods
IUI ......
soiesette. 1
Lay ton Smith is putting in quite
a nice cigar store m tuo noin w
his saloon.
U M. Wade fe Co. is selling
wire fence cheaper than any one in
Polk county.
A sort of porch is being built
.w. the Independence flouring
mill, structure.
You will be satisfied with the
work of Doueherty, the horseshoer,
with Thos. Fennell.
When in 8ilem visit Strong's
Restaurant. It is headquarters for
Independence people.
Miss Eva Kirkpatrick. after a
visit in Independence of some two
weeks' duration, returned Sunday
afternoon to her Portland home.
If you can use am of these
instruments, we will make
you special prices for a few
days. If you want a good in
strument for little money buy
now. .
Kramer $
Ice Cream
Ice Cream Soda
Beginning with the first of May we have had ice cream and ice
cream soda on sale at all time. Ice cream furnished in any amounts
for social and private parties.
Impure Ice and Syrups.
Chicago Chronicle: Another danger that lurks in the soda
fountain is due to impure ice. In the fountain is located not only,
the syrup containers, but the coil of pipe through which the water is
conveyed to be cooled. The ice is piled lonely on the coil and against
the containers, and as It is always common bog ice it is filled with
dangerous pathogenic germs. That it should not impart these germs
to the syrup in the open containers it would be folly to expect.
There is now, however, a strong tendency to sanitary reform
xu. ..,ti nf water annlfances. A new style of fountain-
is made which abolishes the stationary and invisible syrup container
is made which abolishes the stationary and invisible syrup container J - .nnnmmodation of the
and restores the syrup to the old-fashioned Jl'- evening9
ana restores me syrup i-u iuc u-...-.'--j; - -
-which arsTstooThhTTrockets along the fro n t of the fountain and from y
which the syrup is pourea in run view m iue uubl.uc. ...v., . e
So far as soda water syi ups are concerned they are almost uni-
ii.. i Tr. .n l.nt. the best daces they contain no fruic J
yerBHiijr imp"'"' " J ,. i uu u -
juices, but are mere imitations, lneaoua waier u -
ments do a large business in imitatioD essences, composed entirely of
different ethers and other drugs. There is no shame or secrecy about
this traffic, but on the other hand respectable druggists insist that
these ether combinations are more healthful than real fruit syrups
Even such eminent chemists as Professor Walter S. Haines admit
that the ethers are no more harmful when artificial tnan when
found in the fruits.
A greater danger grows out of the use of preservatives in soda
water syrups. These syrups are almost universally made by the
dealer out of concentrated syrups of all flavors, made and sold by the
wholesale, by the supplies establishments. All that is needed to
make them ready for use is to mix them with the requisite quantity
of simple syrup. This plan obviates to a great extent the danger of
fermentation, and still it is admitted by the most experienced soda
water men that there is no soda water syrup that does not contai i a
Wagoner's fountain is the new kind. All syrups kept la bottles
so there is no danger of any but pure syrups. Remember, we use
only pure fruit syrups of the very best makes. You can't be too
eareful in drinking soda.
Claret Phosphate New DrinK.
Harry E. Wagoner,
Main Street,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kirkland
n.i Mia Marv Clodfelter were
Sunday visitors in Coryallis.
Bring us your butter, eggs and
chickens. We pay top prices for
all kinds of produce. Messner.
Mrs. Chas. Allen, of Salem, lie
hv Miss Homier, were
vviu t -'j - - i
over-Sunday visitors in Indepen
Ex-Sheriff J. G. Van Orsdel was
in the city Tuesday. He is in the
uoi oiit-ita business nt Dallas at
n -a n,l Chancellor. Malonev. of
the K. of P. lodge, is to meet with
the local order Wednesday evening,
May 27.
1). B. Taylor is keeping apace
with the times by making improve
mtnts tj the south side of his
A. N. Halleck's Peerless Hair
Tonic will be sold by A. S. Locke,
Independence, or A. N. Haileck, of
Cleve Robinson is ill,, and during
his absence from C. D. Calbreath's
store Carl Percival is driving the
delivery wago.
A baseball game Saturday at
Monmouth bet ween Dallas and ihe
Normal team resulted in a victory
for the Normalites.
Services are held every Sunday
at 3 P. M. at the Christian church
in this city. Preaching by Rev. E
C. Wigmore, of Monmouth.
Campbell -I
KirotlKers. I
Another laruo shipment of wall paper has ar-
rived consisting of the latest lcRign and colorings. ;
Hoiwo cleaning in near at hand and now is the
time to select your 5
: While wo liavo a complete t&. Wo l.uvo just ro-
'mm . . . . . ....... o,wl fdl!ltiini? Iat-
ceived a largo shipment, r- "
terns. You are cordially invited to call in and ex- ;
annuo our stock. For bedtooms there nothing .
nicer than new' clean matting in this line. We
have a largo stock from which you can select. :
r.nm-nhftll Brothers. ;
tine ot Dtlggies mm ;
They have some beauties.
of P. Initiatory
at the regular
' Davidsor? & Hges- Props.
t-oH unci Coiitbt'tioiiery.
Class Soda Fountain
Will Speak
v .Ironed in at U. M. Wade V. WPG&GlQ.
Co.'8 and were mi rprised to seethe , ....
Notice to K.
i. r....,..,l
wora VtlllUM I -a
meeting Wednesday evening, an
members requested to be present.
Mrs. II. II. Wagoner received" a
telegram Monday morning an
nouncing the death of her father,
Robert Parks, at Centerville, Iowa,
early the same day.
J. K. P. Graves left Tuesday for
McMinnville, in which vicinity he
will employ a crew to gather chit
teni bark. He has already con
tracted a large amount at a good
The report appearing in the Dal
las Itemizer that F. A. Doutv had
disposed of his interest in the saw
mill to the Simpson boys is a
r.-.iVi Kn Hiiflh a transaction has
been made, so Mr. Douty informs
Mrs. Lancaster died at Condon,
Ore. Mav 3rd. of bronchial pneu-
. r
She was the mother of
Mrs. Thos. Price and was very well
t,nnu.n in Independence The
Riiwnw 1
Prices now reside at Condon.
public on Sunday and of evenings
we now keep a supply of postage
stamps on sale. Wagoner.
Call and see the new line of
ladies' oxfords and strap sandals,
also Misses' and children's slippers
in red and black at Messner s.
Scheman Bros., who have been
running a livery siaoie in iowui
are, we are told, to engage in the
brick-making industry at Dallas.
Ex-Governor T. T. Geer will de
liver the annual address ol tne
Polk County Pioneer Association,
to be held in Dallas on June 6th.
Wait and see the new Deering
binders, mowers and rakes before
placing your order. We have just
received a carload. R. M. Wade &
Co. f
The interstate oratorical contest
will be held in Corvallis on the
evening of the 22nd inst. A special
motor will leave Dallas at 4 f. M.
on that date and will leave here at
for Corvallis. Representatives
from Washington, Oregon and Cal
ifornia will compete.
The orchestra announces another
dance at the auditorium this com
ing Saturday evening. Motor will
return to Monmouth after dance.
All are welcome. Good music as-
W. H. Craven and Clinton E .
Moore are to open a confectionery
store in the room one door east of
the Little Palace hotel office when
that structure is completed. Their
business will embrace confectionery
and kindred lines.
Harry E. Wagoner is in Portland.
1 Independence will have an op
portunity to hoar Hon. -Dinger
Hermann on the issues involved
in the congressional campaign.
He will speak at the Auditorium
Wednesday evening, May-l'O, nt
7:30 o'clock. A special motor
will run from Monmouth. An
invitation is extended to all to
bo present.
Mr. Hermann will speak nt
Dallas at 2:00 P. M. the samo
day. '
The dining room of the Little
Palace hotel is completed, and it
will be thrown open to the public
at once. Sunday at 12:15 o'clock
the dining room doors will be
"thrown open , to one of the best
iprtads ever gotten up in town.
The price of the meal will be 50
cents and it will be well worth
twice the sum.
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Pal u lean Kxt ruction
a Specially.
Cooper DulldluK,
Independence, Ore.
fft No preparation on the market equals ,
x ormaiaeiiyuu
as a smut eradicator. It is a preparation used
and recommended by the Oregon Agricultural
College. Farmers will do well to give this
formula a thorough test.
Directions: One ounce to three gallons of
water. This 'solution is sprinkled on 10
bushels of wheat,'and then thoroughly mix in
order to moisten each grain .
A. S. Locke,
fe. The Independence Druggist. M