Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 8

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    - . A' 1
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4,n..P.kini'MPK OliKdON'
iKDr.rKNDKNCK KNTKlvrKlDh, inuui
Tho col.ler UiVct can '
clmrnt-J tho bolter, and tl.o M
tor it will Htamt nftot- it 1i.is1k.uu
A goo. dairy row tthouhl nl-
wny lmvo her Kl,,,l qHAl'l1""
jtorpctmitod l.y niiMi'nl'fr l',ifVr
A tmitod heifer will never
make u hieederofthiiny, lick'
nuituring stock nixl will provo
commerce inuy I iu'I-hI, if n- fttiluro
Here is the rreit Oak
Easel now on display at
our store. It contains the
line of beautiful new spring
tailoring samples sent us by
Good Tailor for 26 Yr
The Oak-Easel is the
connecting link between the
tailor and the faultlessly fin
ished jarments which give
you so much pleasure to
wear. It's really a lesson
in good clothes buying t o
see this great collection
tailoring novelties.
Price low and atxtlifao
tlon .bsolutoly gtm.t-
Forward Or lUokwinl?
That individual whi posseascB
neither ambitiou nor ind who in
wilting to drift like a dead log on
the ocean of life and who makes no
effort 'to advance, had better farl
c.tll in an undertaker, say farewell
to kindred and declare hia exist
ence at an end. His going will
not only be a relief but a benefit aa
well for he who stands Kill in this
age. is certain to stand in some ones
And us it i with individual, so
it is with conmniniiies. towns and
Cities. The unprogn soivo village
or town soou Iihs an appearance ot
decay and desolation that 6 peaks
but too plainly of the luck of(
tiK1w unit it in 1 1 ia
is but a matter of time until the
place becomes the subject of jest
' from more wide awake people, its
citizens a a mass, become a laugh
ing stock and the town itself is
eventually considered an eye-sore
and a detriment to the grtut
The best is none too good, a high
staudard' should be aimed at even
though the accomplishment seem
dillicuU and long in coming. No
one should be t-iitUfielJ ti "let
well enough alone" when there is
opportunity for betterment. The
old rut of indifference ami indolence
often mires whole communities be
yond hope of rescun.
The proposition that confronts
Buena Vista is: shall the
town go backward or forward?
With its citizens lies the answer.
To retrograde eventually means de
struction. There is need of a new school
bouse in this place. During a re
cent hard wind the scholars were
dismissed because the building
was deemed unsafe. The school
house is shabby and dilapidated, in
distressing contrast to the newly
painted churches.
Why not unite the Buena Viata
and the "Dutch Swamp" districts
and erect a new and more com
modious school building in Buena?
Greater good could be accomplished
more thorough work done and
better advantages offered.
If the idea is new to you, think
it over carefully. It is a question
ot advancing or retrograding Bnai'j"-' the oeat in iue wni
hefuttrreofthelroungergenerationdent, who has had wide experience and boWelH. Purely vegetal.
.... . . , , ... i: ' n...,nmar.t.' afTuira. Mr. Cor- rw, flnlv 25o at Klrkh
win be anectea lor gooa or m Dy
your decision.
I M. KirkhiiMl
A great nfany parents have not
the means to afford their ci.ildren
a col leg education and many a
girl and boy who is today attend
ing the Buena school will go forth
into the world's battles equipped
only with the knowledge gained in
this modest village school. Why
not give them all the advantages
possible? A new and better build
ing. Who can forsee the end?
It Has lieon Created to Have
Charge of Commerce and
19 ascribed tbecrea ion or tna new olher single country,
government department of labor.
The department is made up ot
several bureaus from the state,
treasurj, interior and agricultural
in covernment anairs. iur. vur
- o
telvou's principal assistant
James It. Oarfl-M. of Ohio, a wa
of the law IWdunt A. '..ame ...
who baa been acting as civil ervioe
commissioner. Mr. (iarlleld will
be known as commissioner of cor
poration and his duties wilt be. to
Investigate tho organization and
conduct ot corporations doing bus -ness
in tho various stales and with
foreign nations and to furnish such
information to the president that
legislation for the regulation of the
awry, v
The internal camm-rce of tho
United States is now reckoned at
iounmnoiUMiO. whieh'is ennui to
!,.. f,r,.iini intinmi-rC? of III I thoj
nations of the earth combined.
The census figures for 1000 place
thu total value of manufactures at
$i;t,0O0,Q00,(K)O. of agriculture at
nearly $1 000,000 000 and of
minerals at al.out $1,000,000.01)0
According U these the ptodiict of
tho fisheries, the total value of the
great indu-uries in l'.HKI would he
over $1S,000,000,000 and the rapid
growth in all line of iuduotry
seems to justify a present estimate
of $20,0( fO,(K HUM), From 1WU the
internal commerce of the United
States doubled and it was ten
as large in 1902 as in 1S'.0.
During the same period, from
18.r0 to 1002, ihe population has
increased from 23,000,000,000 to
79.000,009 and is therefore only
three and one half times as great
as in 18')0, while tho internal com
merce is ten times as great as at
that time. Meantime the foreign
commerce has made rapid increase
though not at a rate of speed pro
portionate to ih'stot internal com
merce. The Imports of 18,0 were
$173,509,52(5, those of 1902 M4,-
375,72(5, in 1902 $1,381,710,401.
The manufactures of the United
States are now about double those
of the United Kingdom and nearly
. , equal to those of France, Germany
To the ranid and uninterrupted
t T . ..swt.ltf rwwl Ultiltt lift
- gnu nilhum v;wiijmiv. ......w
.1 ..l Tr:...1t!.itAaars1 . . i
growinoi me uimeu owa. valueoftr,e agricultural products
the development of her industries United States far exceeds
Tho churn should m-vcr no
filled more than half fH. nnl
then if the temperature is right
the butter will mine.
vJ,... .... ...un. Oil llOllilllH It IB
better ilia n wooden one-. fr f -j
tin the milk cans in bemuse:
they are easily kept clean. ;
When cows have 1 o -n long in
milk, clitiniiii!: is dillicult. be.
cutise the milk has b-roine U'Ut-;
inous anl tho fat globule (
not adhere.
A With' feed will ofb'ii
good deal of time in niilkif,
restless cow.
The Krt" of lieifrf i,
IlllU'll ueimcivu iroin i
should go to inun produoimt
dairy cow is to have theimli
hulnt firmly t-stuhlishej,
Duiry furmhiR, if rigliUy fc
ngml, limy be tho umh
grenllv improving the l.mi
It is Useless to i Xpect a;
(low of iii ilk from n nut tl.jf
only enough feed to Ikh;.
The f (i t l hat a nut ;.,
large iui,?s of milk in- l u
tcrf'To with her biingiii
Made Young Again. nr. Klnir's New Life Pills
tira-ui, .vim. . y . .
departments and the new depart- each night for tw o wee ks has pu t me
. .. it iii mv 'teens' again, wrlUs it. n.
ment secretary Hon. George Cor- mpLytown. Pa. They're
fplvon. late secretary to the presi- . . . ,,, ,-ij f. nwr. utoinuch
, - lue in iuc ,
j . ..u.. tns Tiwrin('e . . ,.. u...ui voiriainhin. Nvr
i. ' 1 'i t ' ill M
II ' ,V .. V ii i TJ
AND Union Pacific
' 1 Ml 1 I
i'I. ....,! I'mIImhiii iiiitihliinl mtil tour-
I... I,,.. ..'um .luilv 111 (llliallll ("III"
imi,. r,..k .... - - .
caRi, HiKikiino ; tuurmt cU'epliiK-fiir ny
to Kansas i;uy ; mrounn i iohiibu !
it Mlrepnm earn (iwrwumlly eoiiclueteil)
wM-kly to t'liii'Sifi), Ksiii-bh City, St,
Lmiis and Muitiliis; reelininn cliair
curs (wats Irw) to the Hunt dally.
dki'aht TIMKSCHKDl'LK ahkivs
Chleaito Halt ljtlte, Denver,
Portland Kt Worth, (liiiahn,
SKcial KatiHiw t'lty, Kt. 4 ,:10 ) in
IhOa m vialxmlH.ChieintoHiHl
Hunting- Kunt.
Impressing It on H
With Emphasis
In what our fine laundry writ J
to Urn man wu i iokiiii m
ii.inu m iiiiulii. In isilur unit Unit!
i.u iii,..n t' aim iii make pgr J
dry work pwrTs In beauty wUl
IKtrh-ct WMtauioit in wiih-u wx
liotiie. Send u mpl
we will kurpris you. p l.-fl ml Kuti'h'll ImrlwTik
llm Ktlvm lK will rlvff
Salem Steam Eatiii
t'olotiel J. Olmsted. Prop. U
I). Olmsteil. Mgr. Plains H. K
IjiHrty Htreet.
is Co.'s.
ie. never
Klrkland Drug
r J
In order to more thoroughly introduce our stock we are. going to .
offer for a short time only ,
Bard mood Gilt Picture frames
Complete with glass, 18 by 24, and larger, for the following ridiculous prices :
' Ml ' $4.00 Frames.......... $2.50 Ml $3.50 Frames...... $2.15
Ml $3.00 Frames .....$1.75 Ml $2. 75 Frames $1 .50
We have only a limited number, which will not last long at these prices.
When you have finished house cleaning you will need new matting, rugs
and carpets. Do not fail to look at our stock and see our prices before buy
ing. We are here for business and must have your patronage. Call and
see our prices. .
mojstmotjth:, ore.
Allan tin Salt Ijike, Penver,
Kxprens Ft Worth, Dinahs.
8 : 15 p m via Kansas tlity, St 10u10 a iu
Hunting- Louis, Chieauo
ton. snd Kast.
St Paul Walla Walls, Iwis-
Fast Mail ton,SK)kane,V'al.
0 am via luce, l'ullmsn, ":Xi a tn
Spokane. Minneapolis, St
j am, immui,. Mil
waukee, ('hieago
and Fast.
70 hours. Portland to t'hleaito. No
cnantce m cam, iickcih r.usi via all
rail or via boat and rail via Portland.
All nailliiK datea
subject to chauicn.
8pm For San Francisco
Sail everv 5 days.
4 p m
8 p m To Astoria and way 4 p m
Saturday landings. F.x. Sun.
10 p in
AL IIERREN, Agt., IndepuBdeneo.
fiflavea Indipn- l.cnv Alrlln fur
(tvnee fur Mon- Mnnnioiiili hii1
rauutli and Alrllu IndciH-'inkniw.
7:S0 a, m. 9:(K a. m,
8:W p. in. fciiij p. ni,
lAinvtm inaepn Monmoulh and
ilnw for Mnn- lnUoDaiiilun
moiilnand Pallaii "'eP"
11:00 a. m. run
6:15 p. m.
.'v Monmouth
L'tn Monmouth for IndeiwiKlBuoe
forAlrlle. :(, m.
7V). m. i:2!p-..m-
MP-- 1 u
L'vm Monmouth '
for DallM. ixTr. lnd,,o-
lian m. denue for Mod
p. I 104 p. m
f & n
visit DR. JORDAN'S
(u,i. mukwi
The turf -t AuAtouicil Mr
In tliB Wm.ii. I
( nllmrllm f f Of t
i um ul..l Rim. I...Ii.iIW"i
i i'uul k..uL.uirM;''t I
' no inoniiy-OoiVlTf DlSUliJ in hik-u r'w"IS;
ynn. Nerv m'1 phvii '"' "
...wrr. mmkmlll
i-iloiii Mrwi,lrrhp-, Z ZZl
rhirt, (loKwrkn, Ulrri, ";.
r i riHKiiaa, . My
rmnlii, oi r. t curll l"'"'.'"'
linw xrmniiMl hi- liniment ll '""'
only ir..,a TiiniiMllit r-H-. hut
tun. Tlw l).-U d.. ltl clulto r"l
mlrrlm, but M wli known
iu,ir I'liy.Hun Mud HMniwviJ'r"0!
Iu hi .rwM'Inll y 1 I of .M!
nvpiiii.iw ihiimwiiir I
til nyum iiliout tlw mml "J
Trm niii rr an m r' zrzjni
Dr. .lurtUn n upwlal """"l.1
vwk-uv . w .l,iiiitinwUlnoi"
H' wilt UnnrmtM a fuaHI1" ,
I'tinwillallMii KIIKK nH ''C'W'i
Truni.nt pvniiHiallv "r '"'
Vrli f..r H.-ik. im-,"".lani
Hk tur IU..U.) 1-mior .. I
Polk County Bank,
J. II. llAWLItY, P. I- C'",',a
President. Vir
Ira C. Powim Canhier.
?AIO CrITt, o,ooo.
Dikkctokk: J. H.HH'!
Campbell, I. M. Simpwn.
Butler, John B. Stump, J
Withrow, F. B. PowelK
Transact a General B"'"
and Eichanife BieM