Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 7

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SfS)98999899 Qi
Since taking possession of this stock I have added several thousand dol-
and are' now
leasure to show
on. uiKiiijj possession oi tins stock 1 liuve added several t
lurs worth of new goods, making the line much more complete a
hi a position to supply all your wants. Call and see. It is a pleas
.illl It'll f l vi ...... I. i
goods whether you buy or not.
Ladies' Summer Underwear.
V Imvo u nice lino of Ladies Summer
(.'inlerttVur in sWvcloss, short ami lon sleeves,
in while, ticrut) and colors, in prices from 10c
Wo linve mi extra pretty Jin ol Indies
shirtwaists, in jui'vcs ranging from fOc to 2.f0.
Cull ami wo tliftii.
Men's Shirts.
We have the largest Block of Dress Shirts
in town. In price from fiOe to ILfiU.
Sumner Goods.-
We linve a very choice line of Summer
Dress floods, all new, in Picot Stripes, Dimi
ties, Mercerized Ginghams, Zephyr Cloths,
Batiste, Silk Tissue, India Linens, Fancy Per
cales, Sowetle, White Goods, etc.
We have some very choice waist patterns,
new and up-to-date. Cell early to see these as
the number is limited.
We carry a lull lineof Staple Groceries at bot
tom prices.
We have several very choice patterns of
plaids in mill remnants. These are regular
50c goods, but having purchased them in reiu
nants we are able to sell them for 25c.
Men's Underwear.
We have some exceptional values in 2oc and
50c grades'.
Bring in your Produce. We will pay top price for everything, Butter, Eggs, Lard
Chickens, Bucks, Geese, Turkeys, Meats.
Goods Delivered in the City
- W.A. Messner. 9
.A. Kramer mid M. C. Wil-
were Miiimlio!' with the reci
nf the capital city Monday
I Ilulleek's I 'eerless Hair
ic will he sold by A. S. Locke,
IK-iidi'iice, or A. N. Ilalleck, of
'! Knottier and wit, of Dal-
sniiyetl at the home of Mrs.
Iiinor'g parents. Mr. and Mrs.
V. Whiteakcr.
Miss Laurie Burnett wes a pass
enger Sunday to Corvallin, where
she thinks of spending the summer.
Pres. W. II. Lee, of Albany col
lege, filled the pulpit at the Pres
byterian church Sunday, both
A.S. Locke is to leave within morning and evening. His dis
the rext week or so for a several I co" reB Wftre of 8 olarly nature.
Williams and wife have
'1 ffoin the Presbyterian par-
pto their own dwelling in
ii Inuependen v.
E. K. Paddock entertained
friends Friday evening at
pn"K. A delightful time was
M by all present.
Elijah Johnson, who han
f visiting relatives here for eev-
weeks, returned to her horn
shinRton Wednesday.
tv-J. H. Lister, a former Chris-
church pastor of Independence,
m the city hint week. His
e w in Eugene at present.
fge Jargenscn, who lias been
fig at blaeksmithinjr durinn
ft few months for Thos. Fen-
Ml Sunday for DallaP, where
" P7 his trade.
hthr hrge crowd came from
pth Sunday afternoon, the
m oeing the same as the
'T before the observance of
Jnanoeof baptism at the In
M.ce Baptist, churcb.
we prohibit:
On IflAfrna nrufnri.
WW in Dallas last Friday
College, Pr0VeJ the victor-illmcetW.-k:
.i i
" ocoiiuuiuii gnu uai-
...j louves 80n at cor-
-yne winner of the Cor-
will meet represents-
4u'otner states on the plat-
Louis next year.
days' sojourn in Southern Oregon.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman, president of
the Ladies Lewis k Clark Clnb,
went to Portland Wednesday to at
tend a meeting with the committee
on womens' work tor the exposi
W. II. Wehrong, of Hillsboro,
and M. I). Wisdom, of Portland,
president and secretary, respective
ly, of the Oregon State Fair As
sociation, were in the city Wed
nesday arrancinir for an exhibit
from Polk county. They secured
the services of Mrs. Wolf, of Falls
City, which insures a splendid dis
play of our resources. They left
for Southern Oregon on the 11:00
A. M train.
gorre$potidenf$r (Contest
The first quarterly conference of ,
the United Evangelical church On April 1st, we commenced our Tenth Correspondents' Contest and oa
will occur next Saturday and Sun- Fridav. Ju!v 31, 1903, at 6 :00 P, M. we will cloBe it. We offer as premiums the
day. The order of services is as foI,0wln8 articef. selected by the Correspondents' themselves ; ..
cln;'; A handsome, well-upholstered, velvet Couch
NtCOiD .PRIZE.... - - - "a irti t A.
THIRD PRIZE;.. ..777 :.T77 l'&neilTl?T
FOURTH PRT7IT . ' " .A fine Students' Lamp
FIFTH ?RI?F A good set of Ping Pong.
..T....lZE ' Ladies Home Journal
...iNDKPKNDBNca Entbbpkisk to any address for one year
lollows: Business meeting at the
church in Independence Saturday
-preaching- at 8" P. M.
Saturday and 11 A. M. Sunday.
Services at Buena Vista at 7:30 P.
M. Sunday. Rev. C C. Poling
will preach at all these services.
At the May day ball the W. R.
C. netted over $30, which sum
when applied on the indebtedness
reduces it to $30. At the next en
tertainment they expect to wipe
out the debt and then steps will be
taken loWard fixing the building
in tip top shape.
Mrs. A. J. Goodman's portrait
appeared in Saturday's Oregonian
as nresident of the new Lewis k
Clark Club here. The new organ
ization starts in with a great deal
of energy in the endeavor to pro
mote the best interests of the 1905
Several wagon loads of Gypsies
passed through town last week.
i'i ....;n, fh reputation of i
their tribe by being filthy, thieving
and willing to graft anything on
which they could lay hands. They
drove southward.
Paul Hunter, of this place, who
has been working in a confection
ery store in Eastern Washington,
has returned home for the summer.
W. O. McKown, who recently
left here for Nebraska, has returned
and expects to spend the summer
in the valley.
Rev. T. IL Simms, of this place,
will soon leave for Betheny, where
he has a charge, and Rev. O. N.
Blair will fill the pulpit whidh he
Hugh Black, book-keeper for the
Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co., has gone
to Dallas to assist in the closing
out of the R. E. Bryan & Son store
at that place. Miss Maud Graham
will take charge of the books until
his return. ,
At the la t meeting of the city
council the new officers were duly
installed and we feel sure of the
continuance of the good rule and
management of affairs as tn the
v rpirrnt that a ''pie" at the
lasjt moment prevent us from pub
lishing the rest of the excellent
Falls City items, but they will ap
pear next week. Ed.
fl'e want all the news that happens in Polk county and we want the Enter
prise to visit every family in the county. We want to help you and we want you
to help us. Our interests are mutual. We will give points as follows:
One point for eyery item of news worthy of publication. 25 nnint fnr
article worthy of a seperate head. If an article be specially meritormna nr ,t.Pt.
unn in toe signt oi tne manager of tins department an extra 15 points will be
given. For every new yearly subscription 85 points. For every yearly renewal
75 points. For a subscription three months 25 points ; six months and less than
a year 35 points. For every dollar's worth Advertisement or Job Work we give 50
points, and we will gladly furnish you prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are
going to make a campaign for some new correspondents, and we will announce
at times the places in this column. Watch for them, as we will make it to your
interest to secure representatives in the sections we want represented. Other
features will be announced along. ,
Each week we will announce in this column your points. No article in
credited until after it appears in the paper, although subscriptions and points
secured mother ways will be announced nn the ..nm ,n v .rw..
everything fair and straight and If you think an error has occurred in your poin w
write us within the week following and we will make thorough investigation.
iuen& 1Mb, H.. ........ ........... in
Airiie, p m
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Lewisville iu
Highlands, D
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D.IU 01
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Sunny Slope " .,
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A 4.119 VlfcJ "..........,....,
For Airlie's splendid account of the Blake accident last wk. nrl W hi.
efforts in getting it here before we went to press, we allow him 15 extra points.
t. c ucueve ii c8iiy comes nnaer tne nead of "special meritorious."