Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 6

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Euinrl Ht Inilern1fnr, Or,, oa(offln M
aPOOUH-OllaKa mailer.
Subscription Price, pcrVr.
(Strictly In ariTanro)
Per yw l
Mix moulln... 76
ttmtle cony t
Local uotioe re 5it ntii per lln utrHlglit
Abaolutply no reduction for any renitou
Ratmi on display advertUing made known
en applloatlou.
We endeavor to make every page
of the Enterprise a "local"- page,
preferring to give our space to the
1 news happening in Polk county,
rather than enter the field of state
and national, so much better cov
ered by other publications than
any county journal can ever hope
to attain. As a medium of infor
mation about Polk county and
Polk county people we believe we
have the be9t columns in the
county. We desire your further
co-operation to make it still better.
Any item of public interest about
which you may know is earnestly
desired by us. There are several
parties in town who never miss a
week in furnishing us with several
interesting items. ' We appreciate
their efforts. "Go thou and do
The Enterprise this week is
publishing from the pen of several
of our live correspondents a list of
property which has changed hands
it their hands during the last few
months. The articles make inter
esting reading and show that Polk
county real estate is gradually ad
vancing in price and that Eastern
ers are looking this way. New
blood means much to any com
munity. Where no real estate
transfers are made and properties
of all kinds remain unchanged,
nine times out of ten that place
displays general stagnation .in the
commercial sense ot the word. The
man best for the community is the
one wEo reaches out and draws
business into our midst, and from
the revenue derived from those
transactions reinvests and makes
more business. That's the kind of
J. O. Stunts was transacting
himinaos in Independence last
Alva Wnnier, a prominent
farmer of lYdee, was in town last
Saturday. ' .
L. L. Cook, of Dallas has been
employed as sawyer by the Pedee
Lumber Co.
Mrs. Hugh Ilanna h?s gone to
Berry, where her husband is en
gaged in logging.
A. 0. Miller, of 'Kings Valley,
who has business interests here,
was a caller last week.
The Charter Oak Mill Co. last
welc nhinned another larce lot of
r i '
lumber to Los Angeles, ChI.
A family from North Dakota ar
rived here last week and went out
to Kings Valley in Bearch of land
Mrs. L. L. Ilannum, of McTim-
monds Valley, came down last
week and purchased a good lot of
Ed Patras is having a set of low
trucks made with which to move
his stave mill from place to place
in the timber.
Rev. Thomas Yost, a former
resident of Pedee, has sold out his
property there and has permanent
ly located at Florence.
Mrs. Chas. Irwin, of Coryallis,
catmi up last Saturday and went
out to the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Womer, at
Walter Black is taking a layoff
from stave making on account of
a painful injury to his left hand,
caused by coming in contact with
a saw.
Pearl Rose made a trip to Cor-
val'isonhis wheel last week, but
thinks he tried wheeling a little
. . . . s
previous as tne roads were sun
Dogs killed quite a number of
fine sheep belonging to Sam Hast
ings, in consequence of which two
caDines of suspicions character
were shot. '
men we need more of here.
The assertion that Binger Her
mann's defeat is desired by the ad
ministration is getting to be an
old chestnut, and will act as a
boomerang to the instigators of
such an accusation. It would be a
poor partisan administration that
would desire to see one of the op
posite faith go to the halls of con
gress because of petty differences.
One fact which demonstrates the
accusations a myth is that Con
gressman McCreary, of Minnesota,
a rock-ribbed party man, is in our
midst to urge the election of Mr.
Hermann. No man of Mr. Mc
Creary's standing could afford to
antagonize hs j party's desires by
yoluntarily coming across the con
tinent to urge the election of one
out of favor with the organization
he himself must look to for special
favors. Isn't this the logical view
to take of the matter?
Mrs. Clyde Turner is visiting
Pallas relatives. ,
rof. Bump finished the winter
term of our school on Friday of
last week and has taken up his
ation i nothing mtn
nation or tlcatu it not reueveu
than a rlofc'liliff of the
nn J iiolhiimlcmf than vital Miitf-
1J avwv coittittatel mitlerer
conhl n-aliw that he it allowing
poiaonous filth to remain in his
aystem, he would aoon Ret relief.
Coimtipatiun invite all kind of
contagion. Headache, biliou
nesi, cohl and many other ail
niont diwmvar when count i
pated bowels are relieved. Thed
forda Black -Draught UioroiiKhly
clean out the bowuli in an ay
and natural manner without the
fmrginaof calomel or other vio
ent calWtio. , ,
He wire that you got the origi
nal Thedford' Hlftck-Draiiglit,
made by The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co. Bold by all druggint In
25 cent and 91.00 package.
orwaa. Ark., Bh ti. 1ROI.
I M4 taad Tkrd for (' Mark
Draaaat loo alchlr. I kww II 1 mj aoaaa
all Uu Um aa aara mQ It fur laa laa
ta a 'am. I lUfM mt calldraa
tar stkar laxatlra. I Ifelak I Mal4
aarar aa al work wltanat II
oa arooaat of aalaj Iraki wlia
roewtlpaUoa. laar aaMieia Hi
all thai aaapa aw aa. i
Crystal Itiuffhllii Chosen
Queen of the .May.
Undertaker Enbalr.
er. Funeral IDirectc1
I.fti.jthlin. paslUroUl Haley ami llower K"l, knight 8,s
Virgil Me.uloi, ilocr girl Milore.l paid hoiiiaK to the ,,,),
Jamieson. Alene, Winifritl The royal pn.da,,,.,
I'arriah. Mildred Force. Mabel noticing the or.ler of (h. 4
Juhnaoii and Doris llei ron; Il"al ; ciudiiig eMrix, co.unt. J
contiiiiiina nmidx of honor Mi-w j lunrh, eto., was read by thf J
Kdith Owen. Hon ha Kew. ravtm. j eer.nry, atier which tl, .
Shofuer. Vernon and .lohn.on; Urdere.l the "winding
earriago with ladies of the faculty, 1 pole." There were thr J
seniors, juniors mid fredunen j one for aeli .l time!!!
decked in school and eliino Htreimiers in pluaa color.
with Hush and llouers; carriage oi A promena.lo concert it
Monmouth Special.
The custom of celebrating Mav
Day at the State Normal School
inaugurated last year, bids iui' to
become one of the fixed events of
the school calendai, if the lively
interest manifested this year is
1.1 1 l. A
any criterion. Aiinoueu woraeu
up within a week's time students
and friends feel that the fetes of
last Saturday were highly success
The general committee on ar
rangements, composed of five mem
bers from each class, deserve great
credit for the satisfactory manner
in which the celebration passed off.
This committee was divided into
near Kings Valley.
Reports from the hop growers in
this vicinity and in the Pedee and
Kings Valley districts indicate the
most favorable condition of the
hop vines with every prospect of a
full crop. Primary training is
finished in most of the yards and
necsssary cultivation is well up
with the season.
Council Proceedings.
At the session of the city council
Tuesday evening, the bonds of A. J.
Tupper, as marshal, were approved,
and F. Russell was elected deputy
marshal for third ward without sal
ary. Mr. Calbreath was granted privi
lege of taking up crosswalks when
necessary to lay water mains.
The matter of permanently locat
ing street lights was referred to fire
and water committee.
The following bills were allowed
without reference to finance committee:
Light & Water Co $71.50
Hillard & Plymale 3.35
A.J. Tupper 16.75
W G Sharman 7.80
Chas. Hubbard 75
Clinton Moore waa a passenger -
to Portland Sunday.
coronation ceremonies, music, pro
gram and queen's household. The
brunt of the work fell upon this
last committee, and a large share
of the day's success is due to the
chairman, Miss Stella Hampton,
and her able assistants, Miss Jessie
Reese and Miss Naomi Craven.
Much credit must also be given
the other chairman, Miss Martha
Whealdon, Miss Wetherbee, Messrs.
Powell and Willis Butler, with
their willing assistants. Many
others not on either of these com
miltees should also come in for
honorable mention, chief among
which is ' Mr. Griffa, familiarly
known as Vice-President The re
maining members of the general
committee, not mentioned above,
are Misses Robena Smith, Yoder,
Bowerman, Cox and Shofner, and
Messrs. Ziegler, Byers and Ruther
ford. About 3 o'clock Saturday after
noon the royal procession formed
in front of the Normal building
and marched to Cupid's Knoll in
the following order: Grand Mar
shal G. A. Forbes; Normal Cadet
Band, under the direction of Prof.
Frank Lucas; carriage containing
Lord High Chancellor F. T. Angell
and Archbishop W. R. Rutherford;
royal float with Queen Crystal I
citizens. Th quern guarU,
mounted on fiery ilmrgors ami
prettily costumed, was eoinjM!Hd of
Sir Knights Dean Butler, Crowley.
Murdock, Pophatn, Smith and
An elaborate throne with canopy
and decorated with bunting and a
profusion of green boughs, blos
soms and flowers waa situated
south of the grove on the knoll,!
the tries forming a most eflective
The coronation ceremonies were
as follows: After a flourish of
trumpets by the royal herald-, the
grand marshal and queen's guards
took position forming a broad
avenue leading from the lloats to
the throne; another trumpet flour
ish and th flower girls marched
down the avenue strewing Mowers
and singing a beautiful May song;
grand llourish of trumpets and the
roval procession started to the
dignified march by the Royal
Guards Band, the Archbishop lead
ing, follownl by Queen Crystal
leaning on the arm of the Lord
High Chancellor, the pages bear
ing the train, the maids of honor
bringing up the rear. The Arch
bishop ascended the dias in front
of the throne, the Chancellor pre
sented the queen, while guards,
flower girls and maids of honor
grouped themselves in picturesque
attitudes. With the words, "I
crown the),-Crystal, queen of the
May, in the name of the august
faculty and thy loyal subjects, the
students of the State Normal
School," Archbishop Rutherford in
a most impressive manner placed
the crown of rones on the oueen's
bead and handed her to the throne.
After another flourish of trumpets,
the band played "God Save the
Queen," while the maids of honor,
grovtby the ornul
at S P. M. closed the ilaj'ij
A number of high cIhki
interspersed with mtrcb 1
popular airs were rendered u J
excellent style.
A HUrtllng Ti,
Tove a life, Dr. T. (i.Ur-!
No. Mehuopany, IV, tiiadav:
tent reautlhiK In a wonderful a&
write: "A patient KtidiJ
viol it hemorrhage, cauml bj J
(Ion of the Ntomaoh, 1 hid i
found Kleelrlc Hitter nortfcj
acute itomch and liver ImulwJ
prmcritMHl t hem. The patltnttf
from the tlrat and tia not had J
tack In U months." EktiteK
ar poalllvely gaarauteed for W
la. Indention, omiHtlpalwo tail
ny troublr. Try thm. Only s
Klrklnm! Drug Co.'.
Card ot Tliauki.
We desire to thank tliew
of Independence and
tlio kindness extended tuaitl
funeral of our brother. Ts
minister and choir we ire
grateful, also to those wbo m
his grave with flowers. A.M
John W. Sot
Mks. N.J. ted
- V 4. 4k
Should have your Wott,
Washing called for tai
Washing called for on T
day and delivered on 1
Work Guaraniccd
Monmouth, Oregon
V' -ias W vaar- W W
Our new Cocation
New building next door to Jos. Meyers 4 Sons.'
Call and set fine Furniture Polish free.
Do not miss seeing our superior lino of Car
petings, Mattings and Linoleums.
g The House Furnishing Co.
' ocpn Meyers & 5oni, 5ALtJvl
Storcs at Salem and Albany.