Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 5

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3 o
Buggies, Carriages and
Wo Uv tlii Hpriiif? added t nur line uf vehicle tlio eelel. rated
I'l.AKK r.U;JllCS. Thewo buggies have iron corners, and arc made cs
pfcinlly for tlio THcific coast trado They nro htronger in every particular
tbuti thu ordinary lupj:y. We nk you to examine them. They are all riht.
Tho latent thing in the wlmol lin . (Jet a Kaycjelo and he in the lead
Our htock i eoinilete in the bieyclo linen. Wo can' furnish vou a wheel
from $10 up. , .
American Field Fence, the strongest wire fence on the market,
pon't huv a lijilit wire fence when you can get the heavy American at a less
price. We have already ihicd in two ear loads of this feme this spring.
It talks for itself . For sale by
R. M. WADE & GG.
Foil rlli of July Committee.
Subscription J. M. Stark, W.
V. Percival, I. L. Smith, J. It.
Coopor; program me-fr. A. Hur
ley, M. Aferwin and Clarence It.
Wagoner; music Mrs. May Bow
den Babbitt. IJ. M. Atkins, W. II.
Walker; decoration 1. 51. Kirk-
.laud, Mr. S. E. Own. C. W. Ir
vine, Mis Bessie Butlur; 'refresh-
rucnt stands J. H Kirkland. E.
j L. Ketchum, V. A. Messner; sports
' V. R. Allin. Geo. Conkev. I'earl
Hedges; floats J. U. Craven. Mrs
er, Mrs. W. II. Walker.
Hubbard, Mrs. E. T
! I .-nk le; liberty car Mrs. Tuck,
Mr. 15. L. Ketchum, Miss Ivy
Bui ton; order of the day A. J.
Goodman, A. S. Locke, K. C. El
dridge: advertisement Arthur E.
Moore, W. W. Percival, Clarence
It. Wagoner; 6remen E. S. Hill
iard, Frank SL nner, U. L. Krazer.
Hedges; Hot
A J. 3. Cooper
Mrs. J. E.
J. A.
Quick Arrest.
Uulledge, of Verbena, Ala.,
Mimical JtrcUiil.
Edna J(wmi.
tno Mo, "flaying Tag," Margesleiu
Ueiievieve Cooprr.
Ulio 8lo "Over the Waved'
IlUl Joie.
i'ltuo (Mo "The fanning Hand"
Jobuuy Ktark.
(JmtarKolo "Home Sweet Home"
V. Sliafer
Mia Adah Ketchum.
Vocal Nolo. ."Mamma, Don't be Crot
With Me" Kill
Iner. Htark.
Viol i n Holo . " Love' Dream " . Czl balka
J. Hhelby Cooper.
riano Holo. . ."Caprice" KroKiiiunn
Mb Vent Kelt-bum.
Vwal Holo "Cuban Love 8ona"
M. Welling
MIm Iva Cooper.
Piano Holo "Moroean de Baton"
PupllKif Mm. Itabbltt ami M!m How
iuwHk'v wcUal at the 0cra
,u4 Monday evening, May lit li. An
lnillon f. or 10 wnia will w
i,rgl. No extra eharire for rvwrid
lho puet "Continental Wuarda
Munb" Chandler
In ami Johnny Ktark.
kino Holo. ."March of the Urownlea
Edith Half.
Local 8olo 'IJetltlme a JSear"! Johannlng
Iean Uoodman.
Piano Solo "Etude de Concert"
E. Ketterer
Mr. Julien Hurley.
Vocal Holo "Twilight la Falling"
. " Mrs. E. K. Paddock.
Piano Holo "Gavotte" Dupont "le ho8Ptal aw
... vere cane of piles causing 24 tumors.
,. . ,, . .... x-i i . i .'it. tj- After doctors and all remedies failed,
ocal f?olo"My MgbUugale" DeKoven ,, , . , , ... '
Mis Myra Klmberlin. (Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly arj
Vocal Solo... ..''My Beloved Queen" inflammation and cured
.... .. . him. It conquers acbes and kills
rablauIUwe ...
paia. ic at nirsmnu urug h.
Mr. Pearl Hedges.
Piano Kolo "N'arciHHis" Neoin '
Miss Edith Burcu.
IU-ading Selected '
Miss Edith Owen. '
Vocal Solo. .-'A May Morning". . Deu.a
Mrs. Geo. Cnukey.
Piano 8olo "Valse de Coocert"Ketterei I
Mrs. Campbell. !
Instrumental Trio, Louis Josse, Shelby 1
Coopor and Dean Goodman. '
In the writoup of the teachers' ;
association on another page, our
correspondent inadvertently omit-!
tod a vocal duet by the Misses Ott
and Gorsline.
The Independence Improyr men 6
League is working to improve the
road lending to the Ankeny mill ut,
Sydney. This will briig an eiioi
niotis lot of business into our
midst that has heretofore gone I
other p"ints. Residents theie are
very anxious to see Independence
work up the road, as thev would
much rather do their marketing
here than at surrounding points.
Dr. W. R. Allin wa in Salem
We want a representative in
every city and town in this state
to present our business. Our prop
osition is an exceptional oi.e ana
oilers to a good, reliable, honest
party, with references, not less
than 100 per month. No can
vassing or appointing of ag"r.ts a
bona fide, legitimate business. Ad
dress with stamp, C. G Pulsifer it
Co., Lumber Exchange, Seattle.
Wanted Several permum of char
acter and good reputation in each te
(one in this county required) torcn;e-
sent aod advertise old established
wealthy business house of solid finan
cial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable
in cash direct each Wednesday from
bead offices. Horse and carriage fur
nished when necessary. References.
Enclose self-addresced envelope. Colo
nial Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago.
Thos. Fennell,
Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing,
I have secured the services of one of the best
horsethoers in the Dorthwest, and myite you
to give hitn a trial. All work done quickly,
neatly and reasonably. . . . .
Near Athletic Club Building Independent
Our closing out sale commenced in earnest May 4th and
it's going along at a rapid rate every day. For lack of time
we can't get up any kind of a price list for publication: Our
prices are sure to move the stock out in a hurry, and , if you
want anything you had better buy it now.
All Our IMew Spring ...Goods
Have been slaughtered with the rest.
F. A. DOUTf.