Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 3

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County Correspondence
J L Cnron lost a valuable Colt
Thorns ('" al'1 Jl A M0"
C.nnb'ive fiirh sown .!0 acres to
.loV-Tthin spring.
t itneW-v. wifo daughter,
Stt-IU, of Maple Urove, were visit
n(5 in tli'e jmrt l"t Sunday.
K. William" mm A. l.n
. i . . i,, uiml nn mninu'
,re inn v " i "
rrt-diiig. They w'H fi"iH'' 1,11,1
Miu Lvilia Aehi arrived home
iih reltttive and irimtus ji i ori-
Simmon it Johnson have just
,ived two mil'' of wire fencing
be used on their large stock
frm here. t
Kmmett Slaats is the proud
fther of 10-pound daughter and
hit walk now resembles that of the
'inkU Hind borne.
Miti llattie Herreu U spending
tveral day with relatives at I'e-
J. L. Fiahback and F. C. Hayncs
hive each sowed two acres of
Adrian Chamberlain has gone to
work this summer at Indejeu-
G. L. Zumwalt is carpentering
on the new hotel at Independence
lor Mr. Stark.
Suutrinlendent C. L Starr vie
iled the Sunny Slope school, east
if here, last week.
C. C. Fishback and August
Ohms made a business trip to the
capital city Saturday.
A.J. Shipley. and daughter, at
tended the funeral of h'w mother at
Junction City Ust week.
J. B. Mump, our muT .
w WMi!!!-
pFire lows to bis drove of lioga.
Mabel Wheelock, who is teach
ing at Parker, spent Saturday and
funday with her parents here.
A number of the young folks
from here attended the May day
picuicon Cupid's Knoll Saturday.
Grandma Ilerren returned to
W home at this place Friday after
two months' stay at Kings Val
Mr. Dunton. of Kansas, and Mr.
Nh, of Washincton. are this
Wl visiting C. E. Wheelock and
A. J. Ilanbv. a former
preacher of this place, is now
Principal of the high school at
Antral Point, SouUern Oregon,
ltld hie wife is also a teacher there.
i. R. Dtbrbas; D. D. $.
rep p- O. Monmouth.
Junii's Lw. of llriigort. i Kejit
busy llittHo (I.ivh hauling potatoes
und grocerii from Indt'iitndeiice
to Falls City.
Lust Vfi-k lay liiitlca hoI.1 a
pony to Will 1 l-rr u fur !.", r.nd
this wonk llurren oI it to .James
Heluihk for 20
Mrs. A. U OlmiH its having (tome
wiro fencing constructed and she
will alm re-roof hrr bonne and
have it treated ion coat of paint. '
A Hiiro Thing.
1 1 In hmII tliMt uottilug Id sure ex
cept d "it Hi and luxe, but that la not
altogether true. Dr. Klnii'a New Iia
oovery for ConaUinptloti ! a mire cure
for all lutif and throat troubles.
Thousand can Uwtlfy to that. Mrs.
C. 11. Van Metre, of riurperduiwn, W".
Vs., says: "I bad a severe cane of
brouchlilii and for a year tried every
thing I heard of, but got no relief.
One bottle of I)r. King New IHhcov
ery then cured me alolu(ely," It's
Infallible for cioup, whooplug cough,
grip, pneumonia and coimumptiou.
Trv It. it's iriiaranUwd by Klrkland
I Drug Co. Trial bottle free, Regular
alxea 60c, $1.00.
Win, Lucas came in from Beaver
Hev. Cook, of Pallas, preached
here Sunday.
W. K. Clark and wife went to
Dallas Monday.
A. Hoennaman. of Streater, 111.,
arrived here Sunday.
Mrs. II. C. Fox and daughter,
Katie, went to Dallas Monday.
Mrs. U. F. Lucas went to Salem
Thursday to visit her mother, who
is ill.
John Vernon, Sr., is very ill and
bis children have all come home to
be at his bedside.
J. V. Kirkland and wife, of In
dependence, visited J. F. Vaughn
and family Sunday
uarcuuv ouiu D(ui a '
is slowly improving.
A Mr. HenBLsw -gave a prohibi
tion lecture here Monday evening
to a small audience.
Miss J. H. Springer, of Portland,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T, h.
Canfield, for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodell and Mrs.
A. F. Stoner went to Dallas Sun
day evening to attend church.
L. C. Koser is putting up a wind
mill and will have water all
through the house and in the yard.
Mr. and Mrs. McKee,of Perry
dale, visited Mrs. McKee's parents,
L. C Koser and wife, over Sunday.
Frank Gibson is confined to the
house with something like rheuma
tism and is no better at this writ
ing. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ti,n Ihafer died Friday and was
hnrfed Saturday in the cemetery
three miles north of here.
Wm. Peacock was a Sunday vis
itor at Independence,
George Poller is suffering from
an attack of la grippe
Green Gentry, of Independence
01. 6. Sbannan,
Ih prepared to show
you a complete line
of Mtylish nam pies
for spring suits. Call
and look thorn over
and ascertain prices.
Bank Building,
ix i) Kpjjxniiycu, oi:jj.
visited with friend at Parker Sui.
day. p. Max Bradley, of Corvallip,
was nhuking hamlx with frk-nds at
Paiker Sunday.
Mr. LenoraConn, of A'.rlie, vis
ited Monday with her sister, Mrs,
P. T. Peterson, of this place. .
Mrs. A. P. Lacey and family and
Mrs. A. S. Kerr were business vis
itors at Independence Monday.
Mrs. Emma Hughey, of Wells
dale, came down Friday to attend
the Rebekah lodge at Buena Vista.
George Fisher, who has been
helping Mr. Bolter with his farm
work, hag returned to his home at
' Mail Carrier H. II. Winn is
kept busy delivering freight and ex
press packages to the patrons along
the route.
The prospects for wild strawber
ries in this vicinity are very flat
tering. We enjoyed the first ripe
ones of the season on ihe first day
of May.
The next meeting of the Parker
chess club will be held Saturday.
May 3, commencing at 2 o'clock
P. M. Duration of session not
limited. We wish you both suc
cess. Velena Fuqua and Francis
Lacey, two of our bonnie lassies,
impersonated the May queen and
gladdened our, hearts with their
baskets of flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. James Helinick
went to Albany Sunday to visit
their dauahter, Mary, whoi
IjTTTlliaTpkcerMrs. Helmick
will remain with her daughter n
til she recuperates..
The merits of the Enterprise
under its present management are
having the desired effect on the ap
preciative minds of the people of
. ni.J.. f Allan
this community, vnmi v.
is the next to come lorwara to oner
his subscription.
When you want a pleasant physic
,,, rhnihpr a in 'a Stomaco auu wvn
Tablets. They are ea8y to take and
pleasant in enew. rr
land Drug Co.
N. E. Hall, of Buena Vista, was
in Suver Sunday.
0. M. Allen is plowing garden
in town this week;
Eston Sevens and wife, of Buena
Vista, were Suver visitors Sunday.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
. i a .miir livpr is nut Of
IS Daw, juui -
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dy s
pepsia, make your liver right.
.Easy to take, easy to operate.
. 25c. All dfPWt-
""WM! Tur mourtwh or M.rd bwtilul
j C. E. McLano attended tha Arti
san lodge at WeliH Saturday even
ing. Mr and Mrs. C W. Forest were
visiting in Turner the first of the
The boys of Suver and Wells arej
trying to organize a baseball club
at Suver.
Born, to tho wife of A. E Harper,
of Suritiiifield. on April 28, a
John Hontetter hat) commenced
baling hay for the farmers in this
Mm. J. B. Stump and daughter,
.Ten.-ie, are at their old home for a
few days.
A couple ot men were here Sat
urday posting bills for the Norris &
Howe show.
Ear! Brown and Will Bobinson,
of Airlie, were visiting at H, Max
field's Sunday.
BiUy McAdams, of Airlie, passed
through Suver Saturday night as
happy as a bird. v
Eva Allen nd Daisy Miller, ot
Kings Valley, have been yisiting at
the home of 0, M. Allen.
Pet Hecker, of Benton county,
has gone to Biggs to help her
brother, who has a hotel at that
place. A- ,
Albert Bobbins, of Wells, has re
turned home from Portland, where
he has been attending school for
several months.
Miss Maude McDaniel has gone
to California to stay with ber sis
ter, Mrs. Bell, whose husband is
not expected to live.
O. E. McLane has returned
home, but intends going back soon
and continue his work as fireman
on the train on the California &
Oregon line.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLane and
family have returned home from
Portland, where they have been
for eeveraj weeks. Mrs. McLane
has improved much in health.
By Persistent Cougb, but Per
manently Cured by Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy.
Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at
taw, vin Greenville, S. C, had been
troubled for four or five years with a
continuous cough which he says,
"greatly alarmed me, causing me to
fear that I was m the first stage of
consumption." Mr. Burbage, having
seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
advertised, concluded to try it. Now
read what he says of It : "I soon felt a
remarkable change and after using
two bottles ot the twenty-five cent size
was permanently cured." Sold by
Kirkland Drug Co.
G L Hawkins
Marble and
Monuments and Head
stones Cemetery
work etc.
Hall's Ferry
Is now ready to cross the traveling
, public in first-class order., The
' newest and best road to Salem.
Tired Out
" I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. 1 w
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Acer's Sarsaparilla, and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well." Mrs. N. S. Swin
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
I bed, tired when you get
up, tirea an trie iime.
Why? Your blood is im
pure, that's the reason.
You are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured.
All JrafftaM.
A .It yonr doctor what h Oilnk. ot Ayer';
Srapnll. Ha know! all bouttht grand
old furnllT nHHllclna. foUow bU adTic and
w will bo aatlafleri. ,,
J. O. ArB CO.. Lowoll. Mmaa.
STAATS. On Sunday, May 3,
1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
Staats, of Airlie. a daughter.
Too Great a Risk.
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of colic or
cholera morbus, often before medicine
could be procured or a physician sum
moned. A reliable remedy .for these
diseases should be kept at hand. The
risk Is too great for anyone to take.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy has undoubtedly
saved the lives of more people and re
lieved more pain and suffering than
any other medicine in use. It, can al
ways be depended upon. For sale by
Kirkland Drug Co.
Barber Shop.
Tonsoriai Artist
Only first-class workmen em
ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop'
situated on North side of C Street,
Ask the Agent for Tickets.
Fast Time
Day Coaches
Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars,
For rates, folders and full informa
tion regarding tickets, routes, etc., call
on or address H. DICKSON, City
Ticket Agent J. W. P.HAL0N, Trav.
Pass. Agt., Portland. '
612 First Ave., Seattle ,;Wash.