Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 07, 1903, Image 2

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    M-RNDKNCK KNTIillWUSK, 1 NJKr KN 1 KN( ,'K, UlH'X 0N
let- cream soda at Wagoner's.
Mis Herth Hohannon relurned j
Absolutely Puro
at Messner
summer ureas gooua i
Birth-Stone for May.
I Social ana rersonai.-j;
t 11
lee cream soda at U'tiironer's. i
Slock pasture. C. W. Leonard.
Kalph Davidson came in from '
Corvallie Friday. !
Ross Nelson was a passenger to
Portland Tuesday.
Rape seed, GJ cents per pound at
11. M. Wade & Co.'s.
Mrs. Dr. Jessup returned to Sa
lmi Tuesday morning.
SC. i
Otto Wilson, of Salem, was
last week in his automobile.
Frank Masterson has accepted a
position in Knox's grocery Btore.
W..r.n. A aannrnl. hand Wrttrnn.
light, 3-inch. Apply at this office.
Prof. Ressler, of Monmouth, was
a nortli-liound passenger Tuesday
Wait and see the new Deering
binders, mowers and rakes before
placing your order. We have just
received a carload. R. M. Wade &
. . . . . i, i, .(i...
Friday (rorna short visU ,n r-; wno
vallis. .in spnng. .w.
1 . ... of Miv.
Miss Pali-nee Cooper and Miss wtr an Emerald all her life
Bessie Puller were SImii tsnors . a Jove(j and happy wite,
When in town call
for the new
Rev. K. J Thompson, who was
so seriously ill last week, is almost
Dr. F. T. II tn is. brother of Mrs,
H. T. Hankie, has 1, .fated in Wal
lac, Idaho.
Mi Teresa Bun in part, of Al
bany, visited Miss Bessie Butler
over Sunday.
R. M. Wade & Co. is .',! in
wire fence cheaper than any one in
l'olk county.
Mi-. Albert Jtvip. "t aicm.
came over Thursday evinnjj IVr a
f-Mv days' viit here.
I)r MaVk, ll.iytcr. "f Dall-n. has
leen ciectud ;reii1en .f ihe State
Dental Asociution.
Mrs. M- Smith, of Lafayette,
visited her daughter, Mrs. A M.
Hurley, this week.t
Mr PeLashmutt. of Dallas. vU
itpil her dauehter. Mrs. W. W.
Percival, last week.
Several ice cream dishers and
ice cream freezers for sale at Wag
oner's at a bargain.
Wheu in Salem visit Strong's
Restaurant. It is headquarters for
Independence people.
Marsh Merwin has purchased
the Van Meer property, and is
moving into the same. ,
Mis. Babcock and Mrs. Black,
who liave been visiting at the home
of John DicKinson, returned Fri
day to their homes near McMinn-ville.
if CampJbeM
if Brothers, j
5 Another largo tdiipment of wall pnpor Iiah ar- 5;
-2 , ..t i tw. lfit.-xi tlt-sitrtiH and oolorinm. !
House cleaning is nonr at hand nn.i now
t i tnt ti select your
Wo leue !1 C'lillltllctl' ft1'
l Hill "t i"" I
: i .. i J.i-.mriit vX m w and
is the :
i;tvc just iv. :
1 i 1 iilt-
1 1!
liallv invitnl to call in ami ex-
, .,,..1,;....
I. .rim. Veil art' O'lMlil
I..L- l'nr l.t'(!lit..lll!4 tlll
1UII1MC IMU ....
than iH-w rh'itn loiiun m un.- um
. I ... ..
htl'-e stock In'iii WHICH vou ran M'ltri.
We also h ive a nice line 't
tlhased l!and Rinns, Plain Oval
Rings and S. t Rings of all kinds
Kramer $ go.,
; Campbell Brothers.
Moore's Hair Invisorat-r m..l
lleri.ieide are the world's go'iit.-t,
INDEPENDENCE, ORE L.u,, ,l,ansers and hair invigor-
art for sale at J. ;
She trpcade,
Dauidno & Hedges, Piopi.
Soda Waters
Typhoid Fever.
The "Soda Fountain" this month prints a readable article from
Lvman E. Cooley, on the recent discovery that lemon juice destroys
typhoid fevar ijeruis. Mr. Cooley is one of the best informal men in
the world on sanitary science. It was Mr. Cooley who conceivea ana
brought about the construction of the Chrcago drainage channel the
greatest sanitary work ever executed.
Mr. Cooley has been an observant student of the subject of germs
and germicides both in North and South America, and what he says
is of weight and value. The reader of this journal are fortunate in
having presented to thern articles from writers who are at tbe fountain
head of learning in the subjects discussed. .
The world is astounded by tie announcement that lemon juice
introduced into bacillus laden water at once kills the bacilli. This an
nouncement is surprising not alone from the fact that the lemon juice
acts as a germicide, but because the fact was not known before. An
article from a Chicago daily paper printed in this issue explains the
nature of the discovery.
The Soda Fountain learns that the Chicago Health Department
is now engaged in testing all the fruit acids that are in common use
especially those used at the soda fountains. Already many of these
have been found to be germicides of the most efficient cnaracter. For
example, it has been found that one per cent of common grape juice
will kill all the germs in a body of water. This proportion of grape
juice is not discoverable by sight, taste or smell when introduced in
ihe water.' Other native fruit acids are almost equally potent. There
will soon be announcement of these discoveries by the health depart
ment of Chicago. These discoveries will manifestly increase the pop
ularity of the fountain as a "health resort." While the existence ot
germs may continue in beer and other saloon beverages, most soda
fountain drinks can be accounted free from them.
Try tHe pure fruit Juice syrups at our fountain.
Harry E. Wagoner,
Main Street,
Ice cream, any amount, at Wag
oner's. Work on replacing the old water
mains with new ones on Main
street commenced Monday.
Regular preaching services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday morn
ing and evening. All invited,
W. T. Bohannon returned to his
home at Seaside Friday, after a
short visit with his brother, J. S.
Van Dornsife returned last
Thursday from Ban Francisco and
other Southern California towns.
There is a chance for a bright
young wan or girl to learn print
ing if they will apply at this office
at once. Wages from start. Good
printers nowadays ccmuiand good
Once more we would call atten
tion to the musical and literary
treat awaiting all who go to the
opera house this evening. Miss
Carter, of Salem, is one of the best
elocutionists in the northwest, and
Mr, Gesner is one of Oregon's fav
orite violinists. It is hardly nec
bitt's musical abilities here in our
own town. Suffice to say no more
skillful pianist is to be found in the
state than she.
II. L. Fenton, of Dallas, was in
the city Wednesday atternoon. fie
is secretary of the new Polk County
Wool Growers Association, of
which J. II. Hawley, of Monmouth,
is president, an.l which is being
conducted along lines Bimilar to
that of the Polk County Mohair
Association. Mr. Fenton predictB
that the new association will be
able to raise a pool of 150,000
pounds, and they expect to sell
this great amount at a figure con
siderable in advance of the price
paid for smaller lots. He is very
desirous for all growers in this
vicinity to get together . and pool
their wool so it can be delivered
here at Independence. He further
more extends an urgent invitation
for all wool growers to attend the
meeting to be held in Dallas, Sat
urday, May ICth. Several erron
eous impressions are out in regard
to the intent of the organization
and and it is desired to have the
organization placed in its proper
utiTs. ltoth
Moore's barber shop. Call audi
have Mr. Moore give an applica- j
tio ot either remedy and )'"'" i Fikst Ci.a Sain Iur.vrMX I
never be without one or the other. ' CoNXKriinN.
On Monday evenimr, May 11th,' . , , .
., i ihe Independence orchestrion
the mini R ot Mrs. May Howdeii f . .
C itri i rts O itr: r i U s, ToW '
.- and t ..?oii li vt ioiiery.
t 1 I .. .... 1 t ... 1.1. ........ TtMl'.tll 1
iinooui ami .uii iim-iM , ,,,, ;,,
... I ITUll V CVVIIIIIK. umwuirrai
on ra ' . i , '
local 1 M ,m"'''',u 40 "v" l"et , "Y l"M"
kliUon of a clarinet, fpwial molt
lately from
He will binlJ an fl
are to give a recital at the
house. Such will known
vocaiiKin uh .um. vi-. v",i-, , ,i,...
, i it i .. i i M' .umuui'iim unci
K, K. Paddock. Pearl lldg'ii audi
other of their studer.ts will assist! 1
l.ii mule ft tho nroi?ram an excellent! Thomas Fentiell has serum! tU
... ... i n
one. More comulete notice will lv services of a first-cin
found in another column. ! James )oi,gherly,
in v II..II ,.r n vi..,. Minneso
,,' , , , , , . i dition to I. is shop and riupmr i
recently soul his farm, will hold , ' , . ' , .
... ... i i good wagon-maker, see In l w
an auction sale there Saturday,;
May 9th. There will he offered ; '"' lKf'ne'
one of the bef herds if not the! Miss Kva Kirkpatrick. of Port-best-of
Jersey cows in the county. hnfl- who ha!4 vi"lll"K Jr
Also farming implement, house-j 'oll,,'r 1,ore. "P"1'1"-
hold utensils, etc. Lunch will be! day8 Bt Iwisviile, the guest ol t
served ou the ground. Here isa!A' """)''
chance for some of our dairymen to ; The Misses Mary Cladfelter, Ernie
increase their herds with registered ' Simpson, Leora Shank,
animals. j Taylor, Lcla Herren", Hertha B
L. ISottman, lonnerly of Buena hannon, hlyu Taylor and Jioliw
Vidi und lutr.r nf luibio ,i;,i I Johnson were a nu1
... i. . rr-. rjrvll II IC ladivn WHO UIUVO u
nuiitauxjt t 6Tin PbiriHS lit Oftll
Francisco the 19th ult of apoplexy.
The Independence high school
graduating exercises will be held
in the auditoriu m on the evening
of Friday, May 15. The class this
year has but three members, Ruby
Kelso, Frances Cooper and Ethel
Walker, who enter upon the active
duties of life with every promise of
a useful future. We will publish
the program in our next issue.
We dropped in at U. M. Wade &
Co.'s and were surprised to see the
elegant line of buggies and car
riages. They have some beauties.
(IiiIh U'pilm.Kihiv ovnninir to eilioyi
. - .... - o -
crab supper at the home of lien''
Clodfelter. They took alor.g with
them a lot of horns, just to Id
people know they were coming.
Notice to K. of P. Initiatory
work conferred at the regular
meeting Wednesday evening. All
members requested to be present.
I'nlult-Mi Kxtruolliiu
Ooor Hulldlnii.
I ndeixmdeni, W
Nfi nronnrnfiri nn I,.. ...!. ..a. i .. "
No preparation on tho market equals
as a smut eradicator. It is a preparation used
and recommended by tho Oregon Agricultural
College, larmers will do well to give this
formula a thorough test.
Directions: One ounce to three gallons of
water This solution is sprinkled on 10
bushels of wheat, and then thoroughly mix in
order to moisten each grain.
A. S. Locke,
fe. The Independence Drugaist.